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Compute API

The nova project has a ReSTful HTTP service called the OpenStack Compute API. Through this API, the service provides massively scalable, on demand, self-service access to compute resources. Depending on the deployment those compute resources might be Virtual Machines, Physical Machines or Containers.

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Intended audience

This guide assists software developers who want to develop applications using the OpenStack Compute API. To use this information, you should have access to an account from an OpenStack Compute provider, or have access to your own deployment, and you should also be familiar with the following concepts:

  • OpenStack Compute service
  • ReSTful web services
  • HTTP/1.1
  • JSON data serialization formats

Versions and Extensions

Following the Liberty release, every Nova deployment should have the following endpoints:

  • / - list of available versions
  • /v2.0 - the first version of the Compute API, uses extensions
  • /v1.1 - an alias for v2.0 for backwards compatibility
  • /v2.1 - same API, except uses microversions

For more information on how to make use the API, how to get the endpoint from the keystone service catalog and pick what version of the API to use, please read:

versions extensions microversions

Key API concepts

The following documents go into more details about the key concepts of the OpenStack Compute API:

general_info server_concepts authentication faults limits links_and_references paginated_collections polling_changes-since_parameter request_and_response_formats

Full reference

For a full reference listing for the OpenStack Compute API, please see: