Stephen Finucane 83e7763518 doc: Populate the 'reference' section
Per the spec [1]:

  reference/ – any reference information associated with a project that
  is not covered by one of the above categories. Library projects should
  place their automatically generated class documentation here.

There are a couple of documents that focus on nova internals, but won't
necessarily be applicable to user. These are moved here.


Change-Id: I94614c2383329e1fbed60d9c5aca3fab5170ef8f
2017-07-18 15:41:20 +01:00

5.1 KiB

Virtual Machine States and Transitions

The following diagrams and tables show the required virtual machine (VM) states and task states for various commands issued by the user.

Allowed State Transitions

digraph states {

graph [pad=".35", ranksep="0.65", nodesep="0.55", concentrate=true]; node [fontsize=10 fontname="Monospace"]; edge [arrowhead="normal", arrowsize="0.8"]; label="All states are allowed to transition to DELETED and ERROR."; forcelabels=true; labelloc=bottom; labeljust=left;

/* states */ building [label="BUILDING"] active [label="ACTIVE"] paused [label="PAUSED"] suspended [label="SUSPENDED"] stopped [label="STOPPED"] rescued [label="RESCUED"] resized [label="RESIZED"] soft_deleted [label="SOFT_DELETED"] shelved [label="SHELVED"] shelved_offloaded [label="SHELVED_OFFLOADED"] deleted [label="DELETED", color="red"] error [label="ERROR", color="red"]

/* transitions [action] */ building -> active

active -> active [headport=nw, tailport=ne] // manual layout active -> soft_deleted [tailport=e] // prevent arrowhead overlap active -> suspended active -> paused [tailport=w] // prevent arrowhead overlap active -> stopped active -> shelved active -> shelved_offloaded active -> rescued active -> resized

soft_deleted -> active [headport=e] // prevent arrowhead overlap

suspended -> active suspended -> shelved suspended -> shelved_offloaded

paused -> active paused -> shelved paused -> shelved_offloaded

stopped -> active stopped -> stopped [headport=nw, tailport=ne] // manual layout stopped -> resized stopped -> rescued stopped -> shelved stopped -> shelved_offloaded

resized -> active

rescued -> active

shelved -> shelved_offloaded shelved -> active

shelved_offloaded -> active


Requirements for Commands

Command Req'd VM States Req'd Task States Target State


Active, Shutoff, Rescued

Resize Verify, unset


unpause Paused N/A Active
suspend Active, Shutoff N/A Suspended
resume Suspended N/A Active
rescue Active, Shutoff Resize Verify, unset Rescued
unrescue Rescued N/A Active
set admin password Active N/A Active
rebuild Active, Shutoff Resize Verify, unset Active
force delete Soft Deleted N/A Deleted
restore Soft Deleted N/A Active

soft delete

Active, Shutoff, Error


Soft Deleted


Active, Shutoff, Building, Rescued, Error



backup Active, Shutoff N/A Active, Shutoff
snapshot Active, Shutoff N/A Active, Shutoff
start Shutoff, Stopped N/A Active


Active, Shutoff, Rescued

Resize Verify, unset



Active, Shutoff, Rescued

Resize Verify, unset


resize Active, Shutoff Resize Verify, unset Resized
revert resize Active, Shutoff Resize Verify, unset Active
confirm resize Active, Shutoff Resize Verify, unset Active

VM states and Possible Commands

VM State Commands
Paused unpause
Suspended resume


set admin password, suspend, pause, rescue, rebuild, soft delete, delete, backup, snapshot, stop, reboot, resize, revert resize, confirm resize


suspend, pause, rescue, rebuild, soft delete, delete, backup, start, snapshot, stop, reboot, resize, revert resize, confirm resize

Rescued unrescue, pause
Stopped rescue, delete, start
Soft Deleted force delete, restore
Error soft delete, delete
Building delete
Rescued delete, stop, reboot

Create Instance States

The following diagram shows the sequence of VM states, task states, and power states when a new VM instance is created.

Sequence of VM states, task states, and power states when a new
VM instance is created.