Fixes some "its" and "it's" mistakes, and unifies the tense of some documentation. Change-Id: I9b83aba535b554e80b2cf1e048bb3a4e5cac0e5e
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Multi Tenancy Networking Protections in XenServer
The purpose of the vif_rules script is to allow multi-tenancy on a XenServer host. In a multi-tenant cloud environment a host machine needs to be able to enforce network isolation amongst guest instances, at both layer two and layer three. The rules prevent guests from taking and using unauthorized IP addresses, sniffing other guests traffic, and prevents ARP poisoning attacks. This current revision only supports IPv4, but will support IPv6 in the future.
Kernel Requirements
- physdev module
- arptables support
- ebtables support
- iptables support
If the kernel doesn't support these, you will need to obtain the Source RPMS for the proper version of XenServer to recompile the dom0 kernel.
XenServer Requirements (32-bit dom0)
- arptables 32-bit rpm
- ebtables 32-bit rpm
- python-simplejson
XenServer Environment Specific Notes
- XenServer 5.5 U1 based on the 2.6.18 kernel didn't include physdev module support. Support for this had to be recompiled into the kernel.
- XenServer 5.6 based on the 2.6.27 kernel didn't include physdev, ebtables, or arptables.
- XenServer 5.6 FP1 didn't include physdev, ebtables, or arptables but they do have a Cloud Supplemental pack available to partners which swaps out the kernels for kernels that support the networking rules.
How it works - tl;dr
iptables, ebtables, and arptables drop rules are applied to all forward chains on the host. These are applied at boot time with an init script. They ensure all forwarded packets are dropped by default. Allow rules are then applied to the instances to ensure they have permission to talk on the internet.
How it works - Long
Any time an underprivileged domain or domU is started or stopped, it gets a unique domain id (dom_id). This dom_id is utilized in a number of places, one of which is that it is assigned to the virtual interface (vif). The vifs are attached to the bridge that is attached to the physical network. For instance, if you had a public bridge attached to eth0 and your domain id was 5, your vif would be vif5.0.
The networking rules are applied to the VIF directly so they apply at the lowest level of the networking stack. Because the VIF changes along with the domain id on any start, stop, or reboot of the instance, the rules need to be removed and re-added any time that occurs.
Because the dom_id can change often, the vif_rules script is hooked into the /etc/xensource/scripts/vif script that gets called anytime an instance is started, or stopped, which includes pauses and resumes.
Examples of the rules ran for the host on boot:
iptables -P FORWARD DROP iptables -A FORWARD -m physdev --physdev-in eth0 -j ACCEPT ebtables -P FORWARD DROP ebtables -A FORWARD -o eth0 -j ACCEPT arptables -P FORWARD DROP arptables -A FORWARD --opcode Request --in-interface eth0 -j ACCEPT arptables -A FORWARD --opcode Reply --in-interface eth0 -j ACCEPT
Examples of the rules that are ran per instance state change:
iptables -A FORWARD -m physdev --physdev-in vif1.0 -s -j ACCEPT arptables -A FORWARD --opcode Request --in-interface "vif1.0" --source-ip -j ACCEPT arptables -A FORWARD --opcode Reply --in-interface "vif1.0" --source-ip --source-mac 9e:6e:cc:19:7f:fe -j ACCEPT ebtables -A FORWARD -p 0806 -o vif1.0 --arp-ip-dst -j ACCEPT ebtables -A FORWARD -p 0800 -o vif1.0 --ip-dst -j ACCEPT ebtables -I FORWARD 1 -s ! 9e:6e:cc:19:7f:fe -i vif1.0 -j DROP
Typically when you see a vif, it'll look like vif<domain id>.<network bridge>. vif2.1 for example would be domain 2 on the second interface.
The script needs to pull information about the IPs and MAC addresses assigned to the instance. The current implementation assumes that information is put into the VM Record into the xenstore-data key in a JSON string. The script reads out of the JSON string to determine the IPs, and MAC addresses to protect.
An example format is given below:
# xe vm-param-get uuid=<uuid> param-name=xenstore-data xenstore-data (MRW): vm-data/networking/4040fa7292e4: {"label": "public", "ips": [{"netmask":"", "enabled":"1", "ip":""}], "mac":"40:40:fa:72:92:e4", "gateway":"", "vm_id":"123456", "dns":["",""]};
vm-data/networking/40402321c9b8: {"label":"private", "ips":[{"netmask":"", "enabled":"1", "ip":""}], "routes":[{"route":"", "netmask":"", "gateway":""}, {"route":"", "netmask":"", "gateway":""}], "mac":"40:40:23:21:c9:b8"}
The key is used for two purposes. First, the script reads from it to apply the rules needed after parsing the JSON. Second, because it is put into the xenstore-data field, the xenstore is populated with this data on boot. This allows a guest agent the ability to read out data about the instance and apply configurations as needed.
- Copy host-rules into /etc/init.d/ and make sure to chmod +x host-rules.
- Run 'chkconfig host-rules on' to add the init script to start up.
- Copy into /etc/xensource/scripts
- Patch /etc/xensource/scripts/vif using the supplied patch file. It may vary for different versions of XenServer but it should be pretty self explanatory. It calls the script on domain creation and tear down.
- Run '/etc/init.d/host-rules start' to start up the host based rules.
- The instance rules will then fire on creation of the VM as long as the correct JSON is in place.
- You can check to see if the rules are in place with: iptables --list, arptables --list, or ebtables --list