This is a follow up to [1] to make the API behave consistently by always asynchronously casting to conductor during resize and cold migration regardless of same-cell or cross-cell migration. From the end user point of view, not much changes besides the possibility of some exceptions occurring during scheduling which would have resulted in a 400 BadRequest error. The user still gets a 202 response, must poll the server status until the server goes to VERIFY_RESIZE status or times out, and can check the instance actions if the resize/migrate fails. The specific errors that can occur are not really an API contract and as such end user applications should not be building logic around, for example, getting a NoValidHost error. It should be noted, however, that by default non-admin users cannot see the instance action event traceback that would contain the error, e.g. NoValidHost. The only exception types removed from handling in the API are (1) AllocationMoveFailed which can be raised when the conductor MigrationTask runs replace_allocation_with_migration and (2) NoValidHost when the scheduler is called to select destinations. Because of this, quite a few functional negative tests have to be adjusted since the API no longer returns a 400 for NoValidHost and other errors that can happen during scheduling. Finally, the do_cast kwarg is left on the conductor API method since the compute service calls it during same-cell reschedule as a synchronous RPC call and has error handling if rescheduling in conductor fails. [1] I098f91d8c498e5a85266e193ad37c08aca4792b2 Change-Id: I711e56bcb4b72605253fa63be230a68e03e45b84
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OpenStack Nova
OpenStack Nova provides a cloud computing fabric controller, supporting a wide variety of compute technologies, including: libvirt (KVM, Xen, LXC and more), Hyper-V, VMware, XenServer, OpenStack Ironic and PowerVM.
Use the following resources to learn more.
To learn how to use Nova's API, consult the documentation available online at:
For more information on OpenStack APIs, SDKs and CLIs in general, refer to:
To learn how to deploy and configure OpenStack Nova, consult the documentation available online at:
In the unfortunate event that bugs are discovered, they should be reported to the appropriate bug tracker. If you obtained the software from a 3rd party operating system vendor, it is often wise to use their own bug tracker for reporting problems. In all other cases use the master OpenStack bug tracker, available at:
For information on how to contribute to Nova, please see the contents of the CONTRIBUTING.rst.
Any new code must follow the development guidelines detailed in the HACKING.rst file, and pass all unit tests.
Further developer focused documentation is available at:
Other Information
During each Summit and Project Team Gathering, we agree on what the whole community wants to focus on for the upcoming release. The plans for nova can be found at: