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# Copyright (c) 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""The Server Group API Extension."""
import collections
from oslo_log import log as logging
import webob
from webob import exc
from nova.api.openstack import api_version_request
from nova.api.openstack import common
from nova.api.openstack.compute.schemas import server_groups as schema
from nova.api.openstack import wsgi
from nova.api import validation
import nova.conf
from nova import context as nova_context
import nova.exception
from nova.i18n import _
from nova import objects
from nova.objects import service
from nova.policies import server_groups as sg_policies
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
CONF = nova.conf.CONF
def _authorize_context(req, action):
context = req.environ['nova.context']
context.can(sg_policies.POLICY_ROOT % action)
return context
def _get_not_deleted(context, uuids):
mappings = objects.InstanceMappingList.get_by_instance_uuids(
context, uuids)
inst_by_cell = collections.defaultdict(list)
cell_mappings = {}
found_inst_uuids = []
# Get a master list of cell mappings, and a list of instance
# uuids organized by cell
for im in mappings:
if not im.cell_mapping:
# Not scheduled yet, so just throw it in the final list
# and move on
if im.cell_mapping.uuid not in cell_mappings:
cell_mappings[im.cell_mapping.uuid] = im.cell_mapping
# Query each cell for the instances that are inside, building
# a list of non-deleted instance uuids.
for cell_uuid, cell_mapping in cell_mappings.items():
inst_uuids = inst_by_cell[cell_uuid]
LOG.debug('Querying cell %(cell)s for %(num)i instances',
{'cell': cell_mapping.identity, 'num': len(uuids)})
filters = {'uuid': inst_uuids, 'deleted': False}
with nova_context.target_cell(context, cell_mapping) as ctx:
inst.uuid for inst in objects.InstanceList.get_by_filters(
ctx, filters=filters)])
return found_inst_uuids
def _should_enable_custom_max_server_rules(context, rules):
if rules and int(rules.get('max_server_per_host', 1)) > 1:
minver = service.get_minimum_version_all_cells(
context, ['nova-compute'])
if minver < 33:
return False
return True
class ServerGroupController(wsgi.Controller):
"""The Server group API controller for the OpenStack API."""
def _format_server_group(self, context, group, req):
# the id field has its value as the uuid of the server group
# There is no 'uuid' key in server_group seen by clients.
# In addition, clients see policies as a ["policy-name"] list;
# and they see members as a ["server-id"] list.
server_group = {}
server_group['id'] = group.uuid
server_group['name'] =
if api_version_request.is_supported(
server_group['policy'] = group.policy
server_group['rules'] = group.rules
server_group['policies'] = group.policies or []
# NOTE(yikun): Before v2.64, a empty metadata is exposed to the
# user, and it is removed since v2.64.
server_group['metadata'] = {}
members = []
if group.members:
# Display the instances that are not deleted.
members = _get_not_deleted(context, group.members)
server_group['members'] = members
# Add project id information to the response data for
# API version v2.13
if api_version_request.is_supported(req, min_version="2.13"):
server_group['project_id'] = group.project_id
server_group['user_id'] = group.user_id
return server_group
def show(self, req, id):
"""Return data about the given server group."""
context = _authorize_context(req, 'show')
sg = objects.InstanceGroup.get_by_uuid(context, id)
except nova.exception.InstanceGroupNotFound as e:
raise webob.exc.HTTPNotFound(explanation=e.format_message())
return {'server_group': self._format_server_group(context, sg, req)}
def delete(self, req, id):
"""Delete a server group."""
context = _authorize_context(req, 'delete')
sg = objects.InstanceGroup.get_by_uuid(context, id)
except nova.exception.InstanceGroupNotFound as e:
raise webob.exc.HTTPNotFound(explanation=e.format_message())
except nova.exception.InstanceGroupNotFound as e:
raise webob.exc.HTTPNotFound(explanation=e.format_message())
@validation.query_schema(schema.server_groups_query_param_275, '2.75')
@validation.query_schema(schema.server_groups_query_param, '2.0', '2.74')
def index(self, req):
"""Returns a list of server groups."""
context = _authorize_context(req, 'index')
project_id = context.project_id
if 'all_projects' in req.GET and context.is_admin:
sgs = objects.InstanceGroupList.get_all(context)
sgs = objects.InstanceGroupList.get_by_project_id(
context, project_id)
limited_list =, req)
result = [self._format_server_group(context, group, req)
for group in limited_list]
return {'server_groups': result}
@wsgi.expected_errors((400, 403, 409))
@validation.schema(schema.create, "2.0", "2.14")
@validation.schema(schema.create_v215, "2.15", "2.63")
@validation.schema(schema.create_v264, GROUP_POLICY_OBJ_MICROVERSION)
def create(self, req, body):
"""Creates a new server group."""
context = _authorize_context(req, 'create')
objects.Quotas.check_deltas(context, {'server_groups': 1},
context.project_id, context.user_id)
except nova.exception.OverQuota:
msg = _("Quota exceeded, too many server groups.")
raise exc.HTTPForbidden(explanation=msg)
vals = body['server_group']
if api_version_request.is_supported(
policy = vals['policy']
rules = vals.get('rules', {})
if policy != 'anti-affinity' and rules:
msg = _("Only anti-affinity policy supports rules.")
raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)
# NOTE(yikun): This should be removed in Stein version.
if not _should_enable_custom_max_server_rules(context, rules):
msg = _("Creating an anti-affinity group with rule "
"max_server_per_host > 1 is not yet supported.")
raise exc.HTTPConflict(explanation=msg)
sg = objects.InstanceGroup(context, policy=policy,
policies = vals.get('policies')
sg = objects.InstanceGroup(context, policy=policies[0])
try: = vals.get('name')
sg.project_id = context.project_id
sg.user_id = context.user_id
except ValueError as e:
raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=e)
# NOTE(melwitt): We recheck the quota after creating the object to
# prevent users from allocating more resources than their allowed quota
# in the event of a race. This is configurable because it can be
# expensive if strict quota limits are not required in a deployment.
if CONF.quota.recheck_quota:
objects.Quotas.check_deltas(context, {'server_groups': 0},
except nova.exception.OverQuota:
msg = _("Quota exceeded, too many server groups.")
raise exc.HTTPForbidden(explanation=msg)
return {'server_group': self._format_server_group(context, sg, req)}