Joe Gordon 86dc475bd6 pylint cleanup
Mostly remove unused imports

Change-Id: Icdb3ec77537b2568f4e85843bab89eb63cd17d8e
2012-05-07 15:08:58 -07:00

143 lines
3.7 KiB

# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright 2011 Cloudscaling, Inc.
# Author: Matthew Hooker <>
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import base64
import logging
import re
import socket
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def _get_path_validator_regex():
# rfc3986 path validator regex from
pchar = "([A-Za-z0-9\-._~!$&'()*+,;=:@]|%[0-9A-Fa-f]{2})"
path = "((/{pchar}*)*|"
path += "/({pchar}+(/{pchar}*)*)?|"
path += "{pchar}+(/{pchar}*)*|"
path += "{pchar}+(/{pchar}*)*|)"
path = path.format(pchar=pchar)
return re.compile(path)
VALIDATE_PATH_RE = _get_path_validator_regex()
def validate_str(max_length=None):
def _do(val):
if not isinstance(val, basestring):
return False
if max_length and len(val) > max_length:
return False
return True
return _do
def validate_int(max_value=None):
def _do(val):
if not isinstance(val, int):
return False
if max_value and val > max_value:
return False
return True
return _do
def validate_url_path(val):
"""True if val is matched by the path component grammar in rfc3986."""
if not validate_str()(val):
return False
return VALIDATE_PATH_RE.match(val).end() == len(val)
def validate_image_path(val):
if not validate_str()(val):
return False
bucket_name = val.split('/')[0]
manifest_path = val[len(bucket_name) + 1:]
if not len(bucket_name) or not len(manifest_path):
return False
if val[0] == '/':
return False
# make sure the image path if rfc3986 compliant
# prepend '/' to make input validate
if not validate_url_path('/' + val):
return False
return True
def validate_ipv4(addr):
except (socket.error, TypeError):
return False
return True
def validate_user_data(user_data):
"""Check if the user_data is encoded properly"""
user_data = base64.b64decode(user_data)
except TypeError:
return False
return True
def validate(args, validator):
"""Validate values of args against validators in validator.
:param args: Dict of values to be validated.
:param validator: A dict where the keys map to keys in args
and the values are validators.
Applies each validator to ``args[key]``
:returns: True if validation succeeds. Otherwise False.
A validator should be a callable which accepts 1 argument and which
returns True if the argument passes validation. False otherwise.
A validator should not raise an exception to indicate validity of the
Only validates keys which show up in both args and validator.
for key in validator:
if key not in args:
f = validator[key]
assert callable(f)
if not f(args[key]):
LOG.debug(_("%(key)s with value %(value)s failed"
" validator %(name)s"),
{'key': key, 'value': args[key], 'name': f.__name__})
return False
return True