This is a follow-up patch for https://review.opendev.org/676730. In the TOC of the current PDF file [1], most contents related to user and admin guides are located under "For Contributors" section. This is weird. It happens because the latex builder constructs the document tree based on "toctree" directives even though they are marked as "hidden". This commit reorganizes "toctree" per section. The "toctree" directives must be placed at the end of individual sections. Otherwise, content of a last section and content just after "toctree" directive are concatenated into a same section in the rendered LaTeX document. This commit also improves the following as well: * Specify "openany" as "extraclassoptions" to skip blank pages along with "oneside" to use same page style for odd and even pages. * Set "tocdepth" and "secnumdepth" to 3 respectively. "tocdepth" controls the depth of TOC and "secnumdepth" controls the level of numbered sections in TOC. Note that this commit does not reorganize file structure under doc/source. I believe this should be done separately. [1] https://docs.openstack.org/nova/latest/doc-nova.pdf Change-Id: Ie9685e6a4798357d4979aa6b4ff8a03663a9c71c Story: 2006100 Task: 35140
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Technical Reference Deep Dives
The nova project is large, and there are lots of complicated parts in it where it helps to have an overview to understand how the internals of a particular part work.
The following is a dive into some of the internals in nova.
: How nova uses AMQP as an RPC transport/reference/scheduling
: The workflow through the scheduling process/reference/scheduler-hints-vs-flavor-extra-specs
: The similarities and differences between flavor extra specs and scheduler hints./reference/live-migration
: The live migration flow/reference/services
: Module descriptions for some of the key modules used in starting / running services/reference/vm-states
: Cheat sheet for understanding the life cycle of compute instances/reference/threading
: The concurrency model used in nova, which is based on eventlet, and may not be familiar to everyone./reference/notifications
: How the notifications subsystem works in nova, and considerations when adding notifications./reference/update-provider-tree
: A detailed explanation of theComputeDriver.update_provider_tree
: A guide to writing automated upgrade checks./reference/conductor
Need something about versioned objects and how they fit in with conductor as an object backporter during upgrades.
: Describes how the placement filter works in nova to isolate groups of hosts.
rpc scheduling scheduler-hints-vs-flavor-extra-specs live-migration services vm-states threading notifications update-provider-tree upgrade-checks conductor isolate-aggregates api-microversion-history
: Inspired by Amiga, a way to trigger a very comprehensive dump of a running service for deep debugging.
Forward Looking Plans
The following section includes documents that describe the overall plan behind groups of nova-specs. Most of these cover items relating to the evolution of various parts of nova's architecture. Once the work is complete, these documents will move into the "Internals" section.
If you want to get involved in shaping the future of nova's architecture, these are a great place to start reading up on the current plans.
: How cells v2 is evolving/reference/policy-enforcement
: How we want policy checks on API actions to work in the future/reference/stable-api
: What stable api means to nova/reference/scheduler-evolution
: Motivation behind the scheduler / placement evolution
/user/cells policy-enforcement stable-api scheduler-evolution
Additional Information
: A quick reference guide to some of the terms you might encounter working on or using nova.