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Flags and Flagfiles
Nova uses a configuration file containing flags located in /etc/nova/nova.conf. You can get the most recent listing of avaialble flags by running nova-(servicename) --help, for example, nova-api --help.
Here's a list of available flags and their default settings.
- --ajax_console_proxy_port: port that ajax_console_proxy binds
(default: '8000')
- --ajax_console_proxy_topic: the topic ajax proxy nodes listen on
(default: 'ajax_proxy')
- --ajax_console_proxy_url: location of ajax console proxy, in the form
"" (default: '')
- --auth_token_ttl: Seconds for auth tokens to linger
(default: '3600') (an integer)
- --aws_access_key_id: AWS Access ID
(default: 'admin')
- --aws_secret_access_key: AWS Access Key
(default: 'admin')
- --compute_manager: Manager for compute
(default: 'nova.compute.manager.ComputeManager')
- --compute_topic: the topic compute nodes listen on
(default: 'compute')
- --connection_type: libvirt, xenapi or fake
(default: 'libvirt')
- --console_manager: Manager for console proxy
(default: 'nova.console.manager.ConsoleProxyManager')
- --console_topic: the topic console proxy nodes listen on
(default: 'console')
- --control_exchange: the main exchange to connect to
(default: 'nova')
- --db_backend: The backend to use for db
(default: 'sqlalchemy')
- --default_image: default image to use, testing only
(default: 'ami-11111')
- --default_instance_type: default instance type to use, testing only
(default: 'm1.small')
- --default_log_levels: list of logger=LEVEL pairs
(default: 'amqplib=WARN,sqlalchemy=WARN,eventlet.wsgi.server=WARN') (a comma separated list)
- --default_project: default project for openstack
(default: 'openstack')
- --ec2_dmz_host: internal ip of api server
(default: '$my_ip')
- --ec2_host: ip of api server
(default: '$my_ip')
- --ec2_path: suffix for ec2
(default: '/services/Cloud')
- --ec2_port: cloud controller port
(default: '8773') (an integer)
- --ec2_scheme: prefix for ec2
(default: 'http')
- --[no]enable_new_services: Services to be added to the available pool on
create (default: 'true')
- --[no]fake_network: should we use fake network devices and addresses
(default: 'false')
- --[no]fake_rabbit: use a fake rabbit
(default: 'false')
- --glance_host: glance host
(default: '$my_ip')
- --glance_port: glance port
(default: '9292') (an integer)
-?,--[no]help: show this help --[no]helpshort: show usage only for this module --[no]helpxml: like --help, but generates XML output --host: name of this node (default: 'osdemo03') --image_service: The service to use for retrieving and searching for images. (default: 'nova.image.s3.S3ImageService') --instance_name_template: Template string to be used to generate instance names (default: 'instance-%08x') --logfile: output to named file --logging_context_format_string: format string to use for log messages with context (default: '%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(name)s [%(request_id)s %(user)s %(project)s] %(message)s') --logging_debug_format_suffix: data to append to log format when level is DEBUG (default: 'from %(processName)s (pid=%(process)d) %(funcName)s %(pathname)s:%(lineno)d') --logging_default_format_string: format string to use for log messages without context (default: '%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(name)s [-] %(message)s') --logging_exception_prefix: prefix each line of exception output with this format (default: '(%(name)s): TRACE: ') --my_ip: host ip address (default: '') --network_manager: Manager for network (default: 'nova.network.manager.VlanManager') --network_topic: the topic network nodes listen on (default: 'network') --node_availability_zone: availability zone of this node (default: 'nova') --null_kernel: kernel image that indicates not to use a kernel, but to use a raw disk image instead (default: 'nokernel') --osapi_host: ip of api server (default: '$my_ip') --osapi_path: suffix for openstack (default: '/v1.0/') --osapi_port: OpenStack API port (default: '8774') (an integer) --osapi_scheme: prefix for openstack (default: 'http') --periodic_interval: seconds between running periodic tasks (default: '60') (a positive integer) --pidfile: pidfile to use for this service --rabbit_host: rabbit host (default: 'localhost') --rabbit_max_retries: rabbit connection attempts (default: '12') (an integer) --rabbit_password: rabbit password (default: 'guest') --rabbit_port: rabbit port (default: '5672') (an integer) --rabbit_retry_interval: rabbit connection retry interval (default: '10') (an integer) --rabbit_userid: rabbit userid (default: 'guest') --rabbit_virtual_host: rabbit virtual host (default: '/') --region_list: list of region=fqdn pairs separated by commas (default: '') (a comma separated list) --report_interval: seconds between nodes reporting state to datastore (default: '10') (a positive integer) --s3_dmz: s3 dmz ip (for instances) (default: '$my_ip') --s3_host: s3 host (for infrastructure) (default: '$my_ip') --s3_port: s3 port (default: '3333') (an integer) --scheduler_manager: Manager for scheduler (default: 'nova.scheduler.manager.SchedulerManager') --scheduler_topic: the topic scheduler nodes listen on (default: 'scheduler') --sql_connection: connection string for sql database (default: 'sqlite:///$state_path/nova.sqlite') --sql_idle_timeout: timeout for idle sql database connections (default: '3600') --sql_max_retries: sql connection attempts (default: '12') (an integer) --sql_retry_interval: sql connection retry interval (default: '10') (an integer) --state_path: Top-level directory for maintaining nova's state (default: '/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/nova/../') --[no]use_syslog: output to syslog (default: 'false') --[no]verbose: show debug output (default: 'false') --volume_manager: Manager for volume (default: 'nova.volume.manager.VolumeManager') --volume_name_template: Template string to be used to generate instance names (default: 'volume-%08x') --volume_topic: the topic volume nodes listen on (default: 'volume') --vpn_image_id: AMI for cloudpipe vpn server (default: 'ami-cloudpipe') --vpn_key_suffix: Suffix to add to project name for vpn key and secgroups (default: '-vpn')