Update config reference to use auto generate
This patch updates Octavia docs to use the oslo_config.sphinxext integration to generate the configuration reference. This patch also links in the "guru meditation report" document. This document has been present, but was not linked. I also reorganized the specs to reflect the correct release versions. Change-Id: Icaf710c1c61277f3ca51efac45a3a80a0d3cce8f
This commit is contained in:
@ -40,7 +40,8 @@ extensions = ['sphinx.ext.autodoc',
todo_include_todos = True
@ -1,338 +0,0 @@
Octavia configuration options
Use the following options in the /etc/octavia/octavia.conf file.
.. _octavia-config-table:
.. list-table:: Description of Octavia configuration options
:header-rows: 1
:class: config-ref-table
* - Configuration option = Default value
- Description
* - **[DEFAULT]**
* - ``api_handler`` = ``queue_producer``
- (StrOpt) The handler that the API communicates with
* - ``bind_host`` = ````
- (IPOpt) The host IP to bind to
* - ``bind_port`` = ``9876``
- (PortOpt) The port to bind to
* - ``debug`` = ``False``
- (BoolOpt) If set to true, the logging level will be set to DEBUG instead of the default INFO level.
* - ``host`` = ``localhost``
- (StrOpt) The hostname Octavia is running on
* - ``octavia_plugins`` = ``hot_plug_plugin``
- (StrOpt) Name of the controller plugin to use
* - ``verbose`` = ``True``
- (BoolOpt) If set to false, the logging level will be set to WARNING instead of the default INFO level.
* - **[amphora_agent]**
* - ``agent_server_ca`` = ``/etc/octavia/certs/client_ca.pem``
- (StrOpt) The ca which signed the client certificates
* - ``agent_server_cert`` = ``/etc/octavia/certs/server.pem``
- (StrOpt) The server certificate for the agent.py server to use
* - ``agent_server_network_dir`` = ``/etc/network/interfaces.d/``
- (StrOpt) The directory where new network interfaces are located
* - ``agent_server_network_file`` = ``None``
- (StrOpt) The file where the network interfaces are located. Specifying this will override any value set for agent_server_network_dir.
* - ``amphora_id`` = ``None``
- (StrOpt) The amphora ID.
* - **[anchor]**
* - ``password`` = ``simplepassword``
- (StrOpt) Anchor password
* - ``url`` = ``http://localhost:9999/v1/sign/default``
- (StrOpt) Anchor URL
* - ``username`` = ``myusername``
- (StrOpt) Anchor username
* - **[certificates]**
* - ``barbican_auth`` = ``barbican_acl_auth``
- (StrOpt) Name of the Barbican authentication method to use
* - ``ca_certificate`` = ``/etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem``
- (StrOpt) Absolute path to the CA Certificate for signing. Defaults to env[OS_OCTAVIA_TLS_CA_CERT].
* - ``ca_private_key`` = ``/etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key``
- (StrOpt) Absolute path to the Private Key for signing. Defaults to env[OS_OCTAVIA_TLS_CA_KEY].
* - ``ca_private_key_passphrase`` = ``None``
- (StrOpt) Passphrase for the Private Key. Defaults to env[OS_OCTAVIA_CA_KEY_PASS] or None.
* - ``cert_generator`` = ``local_cert_generator``
- (StrOpt) Name of the cert generator to use
* - ``cert_manager`` = ``barbican_cert_manager``
- (StrOpt) Name of the cert manager to use
* - ``endpoint_type`` = ``publicURL``
- (StrOpt) The endpoint_type to be used for barbican service.
* - ``region_name`` = ``None``
- (StrOpt) Region in Identity service catalog to use for communication with the barbican service.
* - ``signing_digest`` = ``sha256``
- (StrOpt) Certificate signing digest. Defaults to env[OS_OCTAVIA_CA_SIGNING_DIGEST] or "sha256".
* - ``storage_path`` = ``/var/lib/octavia/certificates/``
- (StrOpt) Absolute path to the certificate storage directory. Defaults to env[OS_OCTAVIA_TLS_STORAGE].
* - **[controller_worker]**
* - ``amp_active_retries`` = ``10``
- (IntOpt) Retry attempts to wait for Amphora to become active
* - ``amp_active_wait_sec`` = ``10``
- (IntOpt) Seconds to wait between checks on whether an Amphora has become active
* - ``amp_flavor_id`` =
- (StrOpt) Nova instance flavor id for the Amphora
* - ``amp_image_id`` =
- (StrOpt) Glance image id for the Amphora image to boot
* - ``amp_image_tag`` =
- (StrOpt) Glance image tag for the Amphora image to boot. Use this option to be able to update the image without reconfiguring Octavia. Ignored if amp_image_id is defined.
* - ``amp_network`` =
- (StrOpt) Network to attach to the Amphora
* - ``amp_secgroup_list`` =
- (ListOpt) List of security groups to attach to the Amphora
* - ``amp_ssh_access_allowed`` = ``True``
- (BoolOpt) Determines whether or not to allow access to the Amphorae
* - ``amp_ssh_key_name`` =
- (StrOpt) SSH key name used to boot the Amphora
* - ``amphora_driver`` = ``amphora_noop_driver``
- (StrOpt) Name of the amphora driver to use
* - ``cert_generator`` = ``local_cert_generator``
- (StrOpt) Name of the cert generator to use
* - ``client_ca`` = ``/etc/octavia/certs/ca_01.pem``
- (StrOpt) Client CA for the amphora agent to use
* - ``compute_driver`` = ``compute_noop_driver``
- (StrOpt) Name of the compute driver to use
* - ``loadbalancer_topology`` = ``SINGLE``
- (StrOpt) Load balancer topology configuration. SINGLE - One amphora per load balancer. ACTIVE_STANDBY - Two amphora per load balancer.
* - ``network_driver`` = ``network_noop_driver``
- (StrOpt) Name of the network driver to use
* - ``user_data_config_drive`` = ``False``
- (BoolOpt) If True, build cloud-init user-data that is passed to the config drive on Amphora boot instead of personality files. If False, utilize personality files.
* - **[database]**
* - ``backend`` = ``sqlalchemy``
- (StrOpt) The back end to use for the database.
* - ``connection`` = ``None``
- (StrOpt) The SQLAlchemy connection string to use to connect to the database.
* - ``connection_debug`` = ``0``
- (IntOpt) Verbosity of SQL debugging information: 0=None, 100=Everything.
* - ``connection_trace`` = ``False``
- (BoolOpt) Add Python stack traces to SQL as comment strings.
* - ``db_inc_retry_interval`` = ``True``
- (BoolOpt) If True, increases the interval between retries of a database operation up to db_max_retry_interval.
* - ``db_max_retries`` = ``20``
- (IntOpt) Maximum retries in case of connection error or deadlock error before error is raised. Set to -1 to specify an infinite retry count.
* - ``db_max_retry_interval`` = ``10``
- (IntOpt) If db_inc_retry_interval is set, the maximum seconds between retries of a database operation.
* - ``db_retry_interval`` = ``1``
- (IntOpt) Seconds between retries of a database transaction.
* - ``idle_timeout`` = ``3600``
- (IntOpt) Timeout before idle SQL connections are reaped.
* - ``max_overflow`` = ``50``
- (IntOpt) If set, use this value for max_overflow with SQLAlchemy.
* - ``max_pool_size`` = ``None``
- (IntOpt) Maximum number of SQL connections to keep open in a pool.
* - ``max_retries`` = ``10``
- (IntOpt) Maximum number of database connection retries during startup. Set to -1 to specify an infinite retry count.
* - ``min_pool_size`` = ``1``
- (IntOpt) Minimum number of SQL connections to keep open in a pool.
* - ``mysql_sql_mode`` = ``TRADITIONAL``
- (StrOpt) The SQL mode to be used for MySQL sessions. This option, including the default, overrides any server-set SQL mode. To use whatever SQL mode is set by the server configuration, set this to no value. Example: mysql_sql_mode=
* - ``pool_timeout`` = ``None``
- (IntOpt) If set, use this value for pool_timeout with SQLAlchemy.
* - ``retry_interval`` = ``10``
- (IntOpt) Interval between retries of opening a SQL connection.
* - ``slave_connection`` = ``None``
- (StrOpt) The SQLAlchemy connection string to use to connect to the slave database.
* - ``use_db_reconnect`` = ``False``
- (BoolOpt) Enable the experimental use of database reconnect on connection lost.
* - **[glance]**
* - ``ca_certificates_file`` = ``None``
- (StrOpt) CA certificates file path
* - ``endpoint`` = ``None``
- (StrOpt) A new endpoint to override the endpoint in the keystone catalog.
* - ``endpoint_type`` = ``publicURL``
- (StrOpt) Endpoint interface in identity service to use
* - ``insecure`` = ``False``
- (BoolOpt) Disable certificate validation on SSL connections
* - ``region_name`` = ``None``
- (StrOpt) Region in Identity service catalog to use for communication with the OpenStack services.
* - ``service_name`` = ``None``
- (StrOpt) The name of the glance service in the keystone catalog
* - **[haproxy_amphora]**
* - ``base_cert_dir`` = ``/var/lib/octavia/certs``
- (StrOpt) Base directory for cert storage.
* - ``base_path`` = ``/var/lib/octavia``
- (StrOpt) Base directory for amphora files.
* - ``bind_host`` = ````
- (IPOpt) The host IP to bind to
* - ``bind_port`` = ``9443``
- (PortOpt) The port to bind to
* - ``client_cert`` = ``/etc/octavia/certs/client.pem``
- (StrOpt) The client certificate to talk to the agent
* - ``connection_max_retries`` = ``300``
- (IntOpt) Retry threshold for connecting to amphorae.
* - ``connection_retry_interval`` = ``5``
- (IntOpt) Retry timeout between connection attempts in seconds.
* - ``haproxy_cmd`` = ``/usr/sbin/haproxy``
- (StrOpt) The full path to haproxy
* - ``haproxy_stick_size`` = ``10k``
- (StrOpt) Size of the HAProxy stick table. Accepts k, m, g suffixes. Example: 10k
* - ``haproxy_template`` = ``None``
- (StrOpt) Custom haproxy template.
* - ``respawn_count`` = ``2``
- (IntOpt) The respawn count for haproxy's upstart script
* - ``respawn_interval`` = ``2``
- (IntOpt) The respawn interval for haproxy's upstart script
* - ``rest_request_conn_timeout`` = ``10``
- (FloatOpt) The time in seconds to wait for a REST API to connect.
* - ``rest_request_read_timeout`` = ``60``
- (FloatOpt) The time in seconds to wait for a REST API response.
* - ``server_ca`` = ``/etc/octavia/certs/server_ca.pem``
- (StrOpt) The ca which signed the server certificates
* - ``use_upstart`` = ``True``
- (BoolOpt) If False, use sysvinit.
* - **[health_manager]**
* - ``bind_ip`` = ````
- (IPOpt) IP address the controller will listen on for heart beats
* - ``bind_port`` = ``5555``
- (PortOpt) Port number the controller will listen onfor heart beats
* - ``controller_ip_port_list`` =
- (ListOpt) List of controller ip and port pairs for the heartbeat receivers. Example,
* - ``event_streamer_driver`` = ``noop_event_streamer``
- (StrOpt) Specifies which driver to use for the event_streamer for syncing the octavia and neutron_lbaas dbs. If you don't need to sync the database or are running octavia in stand alone mode use the noop_event_streamer
* - ``failover_threads`` = ``10``
- (IntOpt) Number of threads performing amphora failovers.
* - ``health_check_interval`` = ``3``
- (IntOpt) Sleep time between health checks in seconds.
* - ``heartbeat_interval`` = ``10``
- (IntOpt) Sleep time between sending hearthbeats.
* - ``heartbeat_key`` = ``None``
- (StrOpt) key used to validate amphora sendingthe message
* - ``heartbeat_timeout`` = ``60``
- (IntOpt) Interval, in seconds, to wait before failing over an amphora.
* - ``sock_rlimit`` = ``0``
- (IntOpt) sets the value of the heartbeat recv buffer
* - ``status_update_threads`` = ``50``
- (IntOpt) Number of threads performing amphora status update.
* - **[house_keeping]**
* - ``amphora_expiry_age`` = ``604800``
- (IntOpt) Amphora expiry age in seconds
* - ``load_balancer_expiry_age`` = ``604800``
- (IntOpt) Load balancer expiry age in seconds
* - ``cert_expiry_buffer`` = ``1209600``
- (IntOpt) Seconds until certificate expiration
* - ``cert_interval`` = ``3600``
- (IntOpt) Certificate check interval in seconds
* - ``cert_rotate_threads`` = ``10``
- (IntOpt) Number of threads performing amphora certificate rotation
* - ``cleanup_interval`` = ``30``
- (IntOpt) DB cleanup interval in seconds
* - ``spare_amphora_pool_size`` = ``0``
- (IntOpt) Number of spare amphorae
* - ``spare_check_interval`` = ``30``
- (IntOpt) Spare check interval in seconds
* - **[keepalived_vrrp]**
* - ``vrrp_advert_int`` = ``1``
- (IntOpt) Amphora role and priority advertisement interval in seconds.
* - ``vrrp_check_interval`` = ``5``
- (IntOpt) VRRP health check script run interval in seconds.
* - ``vrrp_fail_count`` = ``2``
- (IntOpt) Number of successive failures before transition to a fail state.
* - ``vrrp_garp_refresh_count`` = ``2``
- (IntOpt) Number of gratuitous ARP announcements to make on each refresh interval.
* - ``vrrp_garp_refresh_interval`` = ``5``
- (IntOpt) Time in seconds between gratuitous ARP announcements from the MASTER.
* - ``vrrp_success_count`` = ``2``
- (IntOpt) Number of consecutive successes before transition to a success state.
* - **[keystone_authtoken]**
* - ``admin_password`` = ``None``
- (StrOpt) Service user password.
* - ``admin_tenant_name`` = ``admin``
- (StrOpt) Service tenant name.
* - ``admin_user`` = ``None``
- (StrOpt) Service username.
* - ``auth_uri`` = ``None``
- (StrOpt) Complete public Identity API endpoint.
* - ``cafile`` = ``None``
- (StrOpt) A PEM encoded Certificate Authority to use when verifying HTTPs connections. Defaults to system CAs.
* - ``certfile`` = ``None``
- (StrOpt) Required if identity server requires client certificate
* - ``insecure`` = ``False``
- (BoolOpt) Verify HTTPS connections.
* - ``keyfile`` = ``None``
- (StrOpt) Required if identity server requires client certificate
* - ``region_name`` = ``None``
- (StrOpt) The region in which the identity server can be found.
* - **[keystone_authtoken_v3]**
* - ``admin_project_domain`` = ``default``
- (StrOpt) Admin project keystone authentication domain
* - ``admin_user_domain`` = ``default``
- (StrOpt) Admin user keystone authentication domain
* - **[networking]**
* - ``lb_network_name`` = ``None``
- (StrOpt) Name of amphora internal network
* - ``max_retries`` = ``15``
- (IntOpt) The maximum attempts to retry an action with the networking service.
* - ``retry_interval`` = ``1``
- (IntOpt) Seconds to wait before retrying an action with the networking service.
* - ``port_detach_timeout`` = ``300``
- (IntOpt) Seconds to wait for a port to detach from an amphora.
* - **[neutron]**
* - ``ca_certificates_file`` = ``None``
- (StrOpt) CA certificates file path
* - ``endpoint`` = ``None``
- (StrOpt) A new endpoint to override the endpoint in the keystone catalog.
* - ``endpoint_type`` = ``publicURL``
- (StrOpt) Endpoint interface in identity service to use
* - ``insecure`` = ``False``
- (BoolOpt) Disable certificate validation on SSL connections
* - ``region_name`` = ``None``
- (StrOpt) Region in Identity service catalog to use for communication with the OpenStack services.
* - ``service_name`` = ``None``
- (StrOpt) The name of the neutron service in the keystone catalog
* - **[nova]**
* - ``ca_certificates_file`` = ``None``
- (StrOpt) CA certificates file path
* - ``enable_anti_affinity`` = ``False``
- (BoolOpt) Flag to indicate if nova anti-affinity feature is turned on.
* - ``endpoint`` = ``None``
- (StrOpt) A new endpoint to override the endpoint in the keystone catalog.
* - ``endpoint_type`` = ``publicURL``
- (StrOpt) Endpoint interface in identity service to use
* - ``insecure`` = ``False``
- (BoolOpt) Disable certificate validation on SSL connections
* - ``region_name`` = ``None``
- (StrOpt) Region in Identity service catalog to use for communication with the OpenStack services.
* - ``service_name`` = ``None``
- (StrOpt) The name of the nova service in the keystone catalog
* - **[oslo_messaging]**
* - ``event_stream_topic`` = ``neutron_lbaas_event``
- (StrOpt) topic name for communicating events through a queue
* - ``topic`` = ``None``
- (StrOpt) No help text available for this option.
* - **[oslo_messaging_rabbit]**
* - ``rabbit_hosts`` = ``$rabbit_host:$rabbit_port``
- (ListOpt) RabbitMQ HA cluster host:port pairs.
* - ``rabbit_password`` = ``guest``
- (StrOpt) The RabbitMQ password.
* - ``rabbit_port`` = ``5672``
- (PortOpt) The RabbitMQ broker port where a single node is used.
* - ``rabbit_userid`` = ``guest``
- (StrOpt) The RabbitMQ userid.
* - ``rpc_conn_pool_size`` = ``30``
- (IntOpt) Size of RPC connection pool.
* - **[task_flow]**
* - ``engine`` = ``serial``
- (StrOpt) TaskFlow engine to use
* - ``max_workers`` = ``5``
- (IntOpt) The maximum number of workers
@ -12,14 +12,6 @@ Getting started
Configuration reference
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
For developers
@ -29,6 +21,15 @@ For developers
For operators
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
@ -44,8 +45,8 @@ APIs
Design Documentation
Version 0.5
Version 0.5 (liberty)
.. toctree::
@ -57,8 +58,8 @@ Version 0.5
Project Specifications
Version 0.5
Version 0.5 (liberty)
.. toctree::
@ -66,14 +67,23 @@ Version 0.5
Version 1
Version 0.8 (mitaka)
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
Version 0.9 (newton)
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
Indices and tables
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
Copyright (c) 2016 Rackspace
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
Octavia Configuration Options
.. contents:: Table of Contents
:depth: 2
.. show-options::
specs/version1/active-active-topology.rst → specs/version0.9/active-active-topology.rst
Executable file → Normal file
specs/version1/active-active-topology.rst → specs/version0.9/active-active-topology.rst
Executable file → Normal file
Reference in New Issue
Block a user