Al Miller aa33ffe2b2 Remove VM management calls
Per the discussion in the 12-Nov-2014 openstack octavia meeting, remove
the definition of start(), stop(), suspend(), resume(), and backup().

Change-Id: Iefc9c295ec5188b871681ff1804b563ac4feff32
2014-11-12 13:35:17 -08:00

5.3 KiB
Executable File

Compute Driver Interface


This blueprint describes how a driver will interface with Nova to manage the creation and deletion of amphora instances. It will describe the base class and other classes required to create, delete, manage the execution state, and query the status of amphorae.

Problem description

The controller needs to be able to create, delete, and monitor the status of amphora instances. The amphorae may be virtual machines, containers, bare-metal servers, or dedicated hardware load balancers. This interface should hide the implementation details of the amphorae from the caller to the maximum extent possible.

This interface will provide means to specify:
  • type (VM, Container, bare metal)
  • flavor (provides means to specify memory and storage capacity)
  • what else?

Proposed change

Establish an abstract base class to model the desired functionality:

class AmphoraComputeDriver(object):

    def get_logger(self):

        """ return the logger to use - this is a way to inject a
        custom logger for testing, etc

        :returns: the logger
         raise NotImplementedError

    def build(self, amphora_type = VM, amphora_flavor = None,
              image_id = None, keys = None, sec_groups = None,
              network_ids = None ):

        """ build a new amphora.

        :param amphora_type: The type of amphora to create.  For
        version 0.5, only VM is supported.  In the future this
        may support Container, BareMetal, and HWLoadBalancer.
        :param amphora_flavor: Optionally specify a flavor.  The
        interpretation of this parameter will depend upon the
        amphora type and may not be applicable to all types.
        :param image_id: ID of the base image for a VM amphora
        :param keys: Optionally specify a list of ssh public keys
        :param sec_groups: Optionally specify list of security
        :param network_ids: A list of network_ids to attach to
        the amphora

        :returns: The id of the new instance.


        raise NotImplementedError

    def delete(self, amphora_id):
        """  delete the specified amphora

        raise NotImplementedError

    def status(self, amphora_id):

        """ Check whether the specified amphora is up

        :param amphora_id: the ID of the desired amphora
        :returns: the nova response from the amphora
        raise NotImplementedError

    def get_amphora(self, amphora_name = None, amphora_id = None):
        """ Try to find a amphora given its name or id

        :param amphora_name: the name of the desired amphora
        :param amphora_id: the id of the desired amphora
        :returns: the amphora object
        raise NotImplementedError

Exception Model

The driver is expected to raise the following well defined exceptions:

  • NotImplementedError - this functionality is not implemented/not supported
  • AmphoraComputeError - a super class for all other exceptions and the catch

    all if no specific exception can be found

    • AmphoraBuildError - An amphora of the specified type could not be built
    • DeleteFailed - this amphora couldn't be deleted
  • InstanceNotFoundError - an instance matching the desired criteria could not be found
  • NotSuspendedError - resume() attempted on an instance that was not suspended

Things a good driver should do:

  • Non blocking operations - If an operation will take a long time to execute, perform it asynchronously. The definition of "a long time" is open to interpretation, but a common UX guideline is 200 ms
  • We might employ a circuit breaker to insulate driver problems from controller problems [1]
  • Use appropriate logging
  • Use the preferred threading model

This will be demonstrated in the Noop-driver code.


Data model impact


REST API impact


Security impact


Notifications impact

None - since initial version

Other end user impact


Performance Impact


Other deployer impact

Deployers need to make sure to bundle the compatible versions of amphora, driver, controller --

Developer impact

Need to write towards this clean interface.



Al Miller

Work Items

  • Write abstract interface
  • Write Noop driver
  • Write tests




  • Unit tests with tox and Noop-Driver
  • tempest tests with Noop-Driver

Documentation Impact

None - this is an internal interface and need not be externally documented.


[1] http://martinfowler.com/bliki/CircuitBreaker.html