As Octavia allows to use RedisTaskFlowDriver or ZookeeperTaskFlowDriver we should install python clients that allows to work with redis and zookeeper backends. Story: 2007892 Change-Id: I7312c8c1057618e909339aa7a4dfeb836f4b8f33
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Additional configuration steps to configure amphorav2 provider
The amphorav2 provider driver improves control plane resiliency. Should a control plane host go down during a load balancer provisioning operation, an alternate controller can resume the in-process provisioning and complete the request. This solves the issue with resources stuck in PENDING* states by writing info about task states in persistent backend and monitoring job claims via jobboard.
If you would like to use amphorav2 provider with jobboard-based controller for load-balancer service the following additional steps are required.
This provider driver can also run without jobboard and its dependencies (extra database, Redis/Zookeeper). This is the default setting while jobboard remains an experimental feature.
Amphorav2 provider requires creation of additional database
to store info about state of tasks and
progress of its execution. Also to monitor progress on taskflow jobs
amphorav2 provider uses jobboard. As jobboard backend could be used
Redis or Zookeeper key-value storages. Operator should chose the one
that is more preferable for specific cloud. The default is Redis.
Key-values storage clients should be install with extras [zookeeper] or
[redis] during installation of octavia packages.
- Create the database, complete these steps:
Use the database access client to connect to the database server as the
user:# mysql
Create the
database:CREATE DATABASE octavia_persistence;
Grant proper access to the
database:GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON octavia.* TO 'octavia_persistence'@'localhost' \ IDENTIFIED BY 'OCTAVIA_DBPASS'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON octavia.* TO 'octavia_persistence'@'%' \ IDENTIFIED BY 'OCTAVIA_DBPASS';
Replace OCTAVIA_DBPASS with a suitable password.
- Install desired key-value backend (Redis or Zookeper).
Additional configuration to octavia components
Edit the
section- Configure database access for persistence backend:
[task_flow] persistence_connection = mysql+pymysql://octavia:OCTAVIA_DBPASS@controller/octavia_persistence Replace OCTAVIA_DBPASS with the password you chose for the Octavia databases.
- Set desired jobboard backend and its configuration:
[task_flow] jobboard_enabled = True jobboard_backend_driver = 'redis_taskflow_driver' jobboard_backend_hosts = KEYVALUE_HOST_IPS jobboard_backend_port = KEYVALUE_PORT jobboard_backend_password = OCTAVIA_JOBBOARDPASS jobboard_backend_namespace = 'octavia_jobboard'
Replace OCTAVIA_JOBBOARDPASS with the password you chose for the Octavia key-value storage. Replace KEYVALUE_HOST_IPS and KEYVALUE_PORT with ip and port which chosen key-value storage is using.
Populate the octavia database:
# octavia-db-manage --config-file /etc/octavia/octavia.conf upgrade_persistence