It seems that keystoneauth1.identity.generic.token doesn't handle properly the application credential/trust tokens passed by the context of the requests. When using app credentials, Octavia failed to retrieve the certificates from barbican. Switching to keystoneauth1.token_endpoint fixes the issue, the auth tokens are correctly passed to the barbican client. Story: 2007619 Task: 39737 Change-Id: Id77ce36f59b71d309f153e5c1d44059f162ee440 (cherry picked from commit ce7f27e3b7ef6a94501ce975fb0e9dadcffb822b)
Team and repository tags
Octavia is an operator-grade open source scalable load balancer for use in large OpenStack deployments.
Octavia provides the load balancing API for OpenStack. It supports multiple "provider drivers" that implement load balancing, including the "amphora" reference driver included with Octavia.
Octavia is distributed under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0. The full terms and conditions of this license are detailed in the LICENSE file.
Project resources
Developer documentation for the Octavia project is available at https://docs.openstack.org/octavia/latest/
Release notes for the Octavia project are available at https://docs.openstack.org/releasenotes/octavia/
The project source code repository is located at https://opendev.org/openstack/octavia
Project status, bugs, and requests for feature enhancements are tracked on https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/project/openstack/octavia
For more information on project direction and guiding principles for contributors, please see the CONSTITUTION.rst file in this directory, or specifications in the specs/ sub-directory.
The project roadmap is available at https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Octavia/Roadmap
External Resources
- Octavia Wiki: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Octavia
- For help on usage and hacking of Octavia, please send an email to OpenStack-dev Mailing List <mailto:openstack-discuss@lists.openstack.org> with [Octavia] tag.