Changes in the neutron devstack plugin caused the Octavia IPv6 only tempest job to fail. This patch adapts the Octavia devstack plugin to function correctly with those changes. Change-Id: I0252bcc796e2c0eb93d8c3c24eb86dc5db600288
This directory contains the octavia devstack plugin. To configure octavia, in the local section you will need to enable the octavia devstack plugin and enable the octavia service by editing the local section of your local.conf file.
- Enable the plugin
To enable the octavia plugin, add a line of the form:
enable_plugin octavia <GITURL> [GITREF]
<GITURL> is the URL of an octavia repository
[GITREF] is an optional git ref (branch/ref/tag). The default is
For example
enable_plugin octavia https://opendev.org/openstack/octavia master
- Enable the Octavia services
For example
For more information, see the "Externally Hosted Plugins" section of https://docs.openstack.org/devstack/latest/plugins.html