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Octavia Policies
The default policy is to not allow access unless the auth_strategy is 'noauth'.
Users must be a member of one of the following roles to have access to
the load-balancer API:
.. glossary::
User has access to load-balancer read-only APIs.
User has access to load-balancer read-only APIs including resources
owned by others.
User has access to load-balancer read and write APIs.
User is considered an admin for quota APIs only.
User is considered an admin for all load-balnacer APIs including
resources owned by others.
User is admin to all APIs.
.. note::
'is_admin:True' is a policy rule that takes into account the
auth_strategy == noauth configuration setting.
It is equivalent to 'rule:context_is_admin or {auth_strategy == noauth}'
if that would be valid syntax.
Legacy Admin or Owner Policy
An alternate policy file has been provided in octavia/etc/policy called
admin_or_owner-policy.yaml that removes the load-balancer RBAC role
requirement. Please see the README.rst in that directory for more information.
Sample File Generation
To generate a sample policy.yaml file from the Octavia defaults, run the
oslo policy generation script::
--config-file etc/policy/octavia-policy-generator.conf
--output-file policy.yaml.sample
Merged File Generation
This will output a policy file which includes all registered policy defaults
and all policies configured with a policy file. This file shows the effective
policy in use by the project::
--config-file etc/policy/octavia-policy-generator.conf
This tool uses the output_file path from the config-file.
List Redundant Configurations
This will output a list of matches for policy rules that are defined in a
configuration file where the rule does not differ from a registered default
rule. These are rules that can be removed from the policy file with no change
in effective policy::
--config-file etc/policy/octavia-policy-generator.conf
Default Octavia Policies
.. literalinclude:: _static/octavia.policy.yaml.sample