Add forgotten templates

This commit is contained in:
Ian Cordasco 2016-03-02 11:28:02 -06:00
parent a8418a9f97
commit 7107ff7878
5 changed files with 572 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
# default target endpoint type
# should match the endpoint type defined in service catalog
target_endpoint_type = key-manager
# map urls ending with specific text to a unique action
# Don't need custom mapping for other resource operations
# Note: action should match action names defined in CADF taxonomy
acl/get = read
# path of api requests for CADF target typeURI
# Just need to include top resource path to identify class of resources
# map endpoint type defined in service catalog to CADF typeURI
key-manager = service/security/keymanager

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
use = egg:Paste#urlmap
/: barbican_version
/v1: barbican_api
# Use this pipeline for Barbican API - versions no authentication
pipeline = cors versionapp
# Use this pipeline for Barbican API - DEFAULT no authentication
pipeline = cors unauthenticated-context apiapp
#Use this pipeline to activate a repoze.profile middleware and HTTP port,
# to provide profiling information for the REST API processing.
pipeline = cors unauthenticated-context egg:Paste#cgitb egg:Paste#httpexceptions profile apiapp
#Use this pipeline for keystone auth
pipeline = cors keystone_authtoken context apiapp
#Use this pipeline for keystone auth with audit feature
pipeline = keystone_authtoken context audit apiapp
paste.app_factory =
paste.app_factory =
paste.filter_factory = barbican.api.middleware.simple:SimpleFilter.factory
paste.filter_factory = barbican.api.middleware.context:UnauthenticatedContextMiddleware.factory
paste.filter_factory = barbican.api.middleware.context:ContextMiddleware.factory
paste.filter_factory = keystonemiddleware.audit:filter_factory
audit_map_file = /etc/barbican/api_audit_map.conf
paste.filter_factory = keystonemiddleware.auth_token:filter_factory
#need ability to re-auth a token, thus admin url
identity_uri = http://localhost:35357
admin_tenant_name = service
admin_user = barbican
admin_password = orange
auth_version = v3.0
#delay failing perhaps to log the unauthorized request in barbican ..
#delay_auth_decision = true
# signing_dir is configurable, but the default behavior of the authtoken
# middleware should be sufficient. It will create a temporary directory
# for the user the barbican process is running as.
#signing_dir = /var/barbican/keystone-signing
use = egg:repoze.profile
log_filename = myapp.profile
cachegrind_filename = cachegrind.out.myapp
discard_first_request = true
path = /__profile__
flush_at_shutdown = true
unwind = false
paste.filter_factory = oslo_middleware.cors:filter_factory
oslo_config_project = barbican
latent_allow_headers = X-Auth-Token, X-Openstack-Request-Id, X-Project-Id, X-Identity-Status, X-User-Id, X-Storage-Token, X-Domain-Id, X-User-Domain-Id, X-Project-Domain-Id, X-Roles
latent_expose_headers = X-Auth-Token, X-Openstack-Request-Id, X-Project-Id, X-Identity-Status, X-User-Id, X-Storage-Token, X-Domain-Id, X-User-Domain-Id, X-Project-Domain-Id, X-Roles
latent_allow_methods = GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, PATCH

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
socket = :9311
protocol = http
processes = 1
lazy = true
vacuum = true
no-default-app = true
memory-report = true
plugins = python
paste = config:/etc/barbican/barbican-api-paste.ini
add-header = Connection: close

templates/barbican.conf.j2 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
# Show more verbose log output (sets INFO log level output)
verbose = True
# Show debugging output in logs (sets DEBUG log level output)
#debug = True
# Address to bind the API server
bind_host =
# Port to bind the API server to
bind_port = 9311
# Host name, for use in HATEOAS-style references
# Note: Typically this would be the load balanced endpoint that clients would use
# communicate back with this service.
host_href = http://localhost:9311
# Log to this file. Make sure you do not set the same log
# file for both the API and registry servers!
#log_file = /var/log/barbican/api.log
# Backlog requests when creating socket
backlog = 4096
# TCP_KEEPIDLE value in seconds when creating socket.
# Not supported on OS X.
#tcp_keepidle = 600
# Maximum allowed http request size against the barbican-api
max_allowed_secret_in_bytes = 10000
max_allowed_request_size_in_bytes = 1000000
# SQLAlchemy connection string for the reference implementation
# registry server. Any valid SQLAlchemy connection string is fine.
# See:
# Uncomment this for local dev, putting db in project directory:
#sql_connection = sqlite:///barbican.sqlite
# Note: For absolute addresses, use '////' slashes after 'sqlite:'
# Uncomment for a more global development environment
sql_connection = sqlite:////var/lib/barbican/barbican.sqlite
# Period in seconds after which SQLAlchemy should reestablish its connection
# to the database.
# MySQL uses a default `wait_timeout` of 8 hours, after which it will drop
# idle connections. This can result in 'MySQL Gone Away' exceptions. If you
# notice this, you can lower this value to ensure that SQLAlchemy reconnects
# before MySQL can drop the connection.
sql_idle_timeout = 3600
# Accepts a class imported from the sqlalchemy.pool module, and handles the
# details of building the pool for you. If commented out, SQLAlchemy
# will select based on the database dialect. Other options are QueuePool
# (for SQLAlchemy-managed connections) and NullPool (to disabled SQLAlchemy
# management of connections).
# See for more details.
#sql_pool_class = QueuePool
# Show SQLAlchemy pool-related debugging output in logs (sets DEBUG log level
# output) if specified.
#sql_pool_logging = True
# Size of pool used by SQLAlchemy. This is the largest number of connections
# that will be kept persistently in the pool. Can be set to 0 to indicate no
# size limit. To disable pooling, use a NullPool with sql_pool_class instead.
# Comment out to allow SQLAlchemy to select the default.
#sql_pool_size = 5
# The maximum overflow size of the pool used by SQLAlchemy. When the number of
# checked-out connections reaches the size set in sql_pool_size, additional
# connections will be returned up to this limit. It follows then that the
# total number of simultaneous connections the pool will allow is
# sql_pool_size + sql_pool_max_overflow. Can be set to -1 to indicate no
# overflow limit, so no limit will be placed on the total number of concurrent
# connections. Comment out to allow SQLAlchemy to select the default.
#sql_pool_max_overflow = 10
# Default page size for the 'limit' paging URL parameter.
default_limit_paging = 10
# Maximum page size for the 'limit' paging URL parameter.
max_limit_paging = 100
# Role used to identify an authenticated user as administrator
#admin_role = admin
# Allow unauthenticated users to access the API with read-only
# privileges. This only applies when using ContextMiddleware.
#allow_anonymous_access = False
# Allow access to version 1 of barbican api
#enable_v1_api = True
# Allow access to version 2 of barbican api
#enable_v2_api = True
# ================= SSL Options ===============================
# Certificate file to use when starting API server securely
#cert_file = /path/to/certfile
# Private key file to use when starting API server securely
#key_file = /path/to/keyfile
# CA certificate file to use to verify connecting clients
#ca_file = /path/to/cafile
# ================= Security Options ==========================
# AES key for encrypting store 'location' metadata, including
# -- if used -- Swift or S3 credentials
# Should be set to a random string of length 16, 24 or 32 bytes
#metadata_encryption_key = <16, 24 or 32 char registry metadata key>
# ================= Queue Options - oslo.messaging ==========================
# Rabbit and HA configuration:
ampq_durable_queues = True
rabbit_ha_queues = True
# For HA, specify queue nodes in cluster, comma delimited:
# For example: rabbit_hosts=,
# For HA, specify queue nodes in cluster as 'user@host:5672', comma delimited, ending with '/offset':
# For example: transport_url = rabbit://guest@,guest@
# DO NOT USE THIS, due to '# FIXME(markmc): support multiple hosts' in oslo/messaging/_drivers/
# transport_url = rabbit://guest@localhost:5672/
# oslo notification driver for sending audit events via audit middleware.
# Meaningful only when middleware is enabled in barbican paste ini file.
# This is oslo config MultiStrOpt so can be defined multiple times in case
# there is need to route audit event to messaging as well as log.
# notification_driver = messagingv2
# notification_driver = log
# ======== OpenStack policy - oslo_policy ===============
# ======== OpenStack policy integration
# JSON file representing policy (string value)
# Rule checked when requested rule is not found (string value)
# ================= Queue Options - Application ==========================
# Enable queuing asynchronous messaging.
# Set false to invoke worker tasks synchronously (i.e. no-queue standalone mode)
enable = False
# Namespace for the queue
namespace = 'barbican'
# Topic for the queue
topic = 'barbican.workers'
# Version for the task API
version = '1.1'
# Server name for RPC service
server_name = 'barbican.queue'
# Number of asynchronous worker processes.
# When greater than 1, then that many additional worker processes are
# created for asynchronous worker functionality.
asynchronous_workers = 1
# ================= Retry/Scheduler Options ==========================
# Seconds (float) to wait between starting retry scheduler
initial_delay_seconds = 10.0
# Seconds (float) to wait between starting retry scheduler
periodic_interval_max_seconds = 10.0
# ====================== Quota Options ===============================
# For each resource, the default maximum number that can be used for
# a project is set below. This value can be overridden for each
# project through the API. A negative value means no limit. A zero
# value effectively disables the resource.
# default number of secrets allowed per project
quota_secrets = -1
# default number of orders allowed per project
quota_orders = -1
# default number of containers allowed per project
quota_containers = -1
# default number of consumers allowed per project
quota_consumers = -1
# default number of CAs allowed per project
quota_cas = -1
# ================= Keystone Notification Options - Application ===============
# Keystone notification functionality uses transport related configuration
# from barbican common configuration as defined under
# 'Queue Options - oslo.messaging' comments.
# The HA related configuration is also shared with notification server.
# True enables keystone notification listener functionality.
enable = False
# The default exchange under which topics are scoped.
# May be overridden by an exchange name specified in the transport_url option.
control_exchange = 'openstack'
# Keystone notification queue topic name.
# This name needs to match one of values mentioned in Keystone deployment's
# 'notification_topics' configuration e.g.
# notification_topics=notifications, barbican_notifications
# Multiple servers may listen on a topic and messages will be dispatched to one
# of the servers in a round-robin fashion. That's why Barbican service should
# have its own dedicated notification queue so that it receives all of Keystone
# notifications.
topic = 'notifications'
# True enables requeue feature in case of notification processing error.
# Enable this only when underlying transport supports this feature.
allow_requeue = False
# Version of tasks invoked via notifications
version = '1.0'
# Define the number of max threads to be used for notification server
# processing functionality.
thread_pool_size = 10
# ================= Secret Store Plugin ===================
namespace = barbican.secretstore.plugin
enabled_secretstore_plugins = store_crypto
# ================= Crypto plugin ===================
namespace = barbican.crypto.plugin
enabled_crypto_plugins = simple_crypto
# the kek should be a 32-byte value which is base64 encoded
kek = 'YWJjZGVmZ2hpamtsbW5vcHFyc3R1dnd4eXoxMjM0NTY='
pem_path = '/etc/barbican/kra_admin_cert.pem'
dogtag_host = localhost
dogtag_port = 8443
nss_db_path = '/etc/barbican/alias'
nss_db_path_ca = '/etc/barbican/alias-ca'
nss_password = 'password123'
simple_cmc_profile = 'caOtherCert'
ca_expiration_time = 1
plugin_working_dir = '/etc/barbican/dogtag'
# Path to vendor PKCS11 library
library_path = '/usr/lib/'
# Password to login to PKCS11 session
login = 'mypassword'
# Label to identify master KEK in the HSM (must not be the same as HMAC label)
mkek_label = 'an_mkek'
# Length in bytes of master KEK
mkek_length = 32
# Label to identify HMAC key in the HSM (must not be the same as MKEK label)
hmac_label = 'my_hmac_label'
# HSM Slot id (Should correspond to a configured PKCS11 slot). Default: 1
# slot_id = 1
# Enable Read/Write session with the HSM?
# rw_session = True
# Length of Project KEKs to create
# pkek_length = 32
# How long to cache unwrapped Project KEKs
# pkek_cache_ttl = 900
# Max number of items in pkek cache
# pkek_cache_limit = 100
# ================== KMIP plugin =====================
username = 'admin'
password = 'password'
host = localhost
port = 5696
keyfile = '/path/to/certs/cert.key'
certfile = '/path/to/certs/cert.crt'
ca_certs = '/path/to/certs/LocalCA.crt'
# ================= Certificate plugin ===================
namespace = barbican.certificate.plugin
enabled_certificate_plugins = simple_certificate
enabled_certificate_plugins = snakeoil_ca
namespace = barbican.certificate.event.plugin
enabled_certificate_event_plugins = simple_certificate
ca_cert_path = /etc/barbican/snakeoil-ca.crt
ca_cert_key_path = /etc/barbican/snakeoil-ca.key
ca_cert_chain_path = /etc/barbican/snakeoil-ca.chain
ca_cert_pkcs7_path = /etc/barbican/snakeoil-ca.p7b
# From oslo.middleware.cors
# Indicate whether this resource may be shared with the domain
# received in the requests "origin" header. (list value)
#allowed_origin = <None>
# Indicate that the actual request can include user credentials
# (boolean value)
#allow_credentials = true
# Indicate which headers are safe to expose to the API. Defaults to
# HTTP Simple Headers. (list value)
#expose_headers = Content-Type,Cache-Control,Content-Language,Expires,Last-Modified,Pragma
# Maximum cache age of CORS preflight requests. (integer value)
#max_age = 3600
# Indicate which methods can be used during the actual request. (list
# value)
# Indicate which header field names may be used during the actual
# request. (list value)
#allow_headers = Content-Type,Cache-Control,Content-Language,Expires,Last-Modified,Pragma
# From oslo.middleware.cors
# Indicate whether this resource may be shared with the domain
# received in the requests "origin" header. (list value)
#allowed_origin = <None>
# Indicate that the actual request can include user credentials
# (boolean value)
#allow_credentials = true
# Indicate which headers are safe to expose to the API. Defaults to
# HTTP Simple Headers. (list value)
#expose_headers = Content-Type,Cache-Control,Content-Language,Expires,Last-Modified,Pragma
# Maximum cache age of CORS preflight requests. (integer value)
#max_age = 3600
# Indicate which methods can be used during the actual request. (list
# value)
# Indicate which header field names may be used during the actual
# request. (list value)
#allow_headers = Content-Type,Cache-Control,Content-Language,Expires,Last-Modified,Pragma

templates/policy.json.j2 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
"admin": "role:admin",
"observer": "role:observer",
"creator": "role:creator",
"audit": "role:audit",
"service_admin": "role:key-manager:service-admin",
"admin_or_user_does_not_work": "project_id:%(project_id)s",
"admin_or_user": "rule:admin or project_id:%(project_id)s",
"admin_or_creator": "rule:admin or rule:creator",
"all_but_audit": "rule:admin or rule:observer or rule:creator",
"all_users": "rule:admin or rule:observer or rule:creator or rule:audit or rule:service_admin",
"secret_project_match": "project:%(target.secret.project_id)s",
"secret_acl_read": "'read':%(",
"secret_private_read": "'False':%(target.secret.read_project_access)s",
"secret_creator_user": "user:%(target.secret.creator_id)s",
"container_project_match": "project:%(target.container.project_id)s",
"container_acl_read": "'read':%(",
"container_private_read": "'False':%(target.container.read_project_access)s",
"container_creator_user": "user:%(target.container.creator_id)s",
"secret_non_private_read": "rule:all_users and rule:secret_project_match and not rule:secret_private_read",
"secret_decrypt_non_private_read": "rule:all_but_audit and rule:secret_project_match and not rule:secret_private_read",
"container_non_private_read": "rule:all_users and rule:container_project_match and not rule:container_private_read",
"secret_project_admin": "rule:admin and rule:secret_project_match",
"secret_project_creator": "rule:creator and rule:secret_project_match and rule:secret_creator_user",
"container_project_admin": "rule:admin and rule:container_project_match",
"container_project_creator": "rule:creator and rule:container_project_match and rule:container_creator_user",
"version:get": "@",
"secret:decrypt": "rule:secret_decrypt_non_private_read or rule:secret_project_creator or rule:secret_project_admin or rule:secret_acl_read",
"secret:get": "rule:secret_non_private_read or rule:secret_project_creator or rule:secret_project_admin or rule:secret_acl_read",
"secret:put": "rule:admin_or_creator and rule:secret_project_match",
"secret:delete": "rule:admin and rule:secret_project_match",
"secrets:post": "rule:admin_or_creator",
"secrets:get": "rule:all_but_audit",
"orders:post": "rule:admin_or_creator",
"orders:get": "rule:all_but_audit",
"order:get": "rule:all_users",
"order:put": "rule:admin_or_creator",
"order:delete": "rule:admin",
"consumer:get": "rule:all_users",
"consumers:get": "rule:all_users",
"consumers:post": "rule:admin",
"consumers:delete": "rule:admin",
"containers:post": "rule:admin_or_creator",
"containers:get": "rule:all_but_audit",
"container:get": "rule:container_non_private_read or rule:container_project_creator or rule:container_project_admin or rule:container_acl_read",
"container:delete": "rule:admin",
"transport_key:get": "rule:all_users",
"transport_key:delete": "rule:admin",
"transport_keys:get": "rule:all_users",
"transport_keys:post": "rule:admin",
"certificate_authorities:get_limited": "rule:all_users",
"certificate_authorities:get_all": "rule:admin",
"certificate_authorities:post": "rule:admin",
"certificate_authorities:get_preferred_ca": "rule:all_users",
"certificate_authorities:get_global_preferred_ca": "rule:service_admin",
"certificate_authorities:unset_global_preferred": "rule:service_admin",
"certificate_authority:delete": "rule:admin",
"certificate_authority:get": "rule:all_users",
"certificate_authority:get_cacert": "rule:all_users",
"certificate_authority:get_ca_cert_chain": "rule:all_users",
"certificate_authority:get_projects": "rule:service_admin",
"certificate_authority:add_to_project": "rule:admin",
"certificate_authority:remove_from_project": "rule:admin",
"certificate_authority:set_preferred": "rule:admin",
"certificate_authority:set_global_preferred": "rule:service_admin",
"secret_acls:put_patch": "rule:secret_project_admin or rule:secret_project_creator",
"secret_acls:delete": "rule:secret_project_admin or rule:secret_project_creator",
"secret_acls:get": "rule:all_but_audit and rule:secret_project_match",
"container_acls:put_patch": "rule:container_project_admin or rule:container_project_creator",
"container_acls:delete": "rule:container_project_admin or rule:container_project_creator",
"container_acls:get": "rule:all_but_audit and rule:container_project_match",
"quotas:get": "rule:all_users",
"project_quotas:get": "rule:service_admin",
"project_quotas:put": "rule:service_admin",
"project_quotas:delete": "rule:service_admin"