Entrust nCipher Connect HSM Backend Example
This patch updates Barbican documentation to reflect a working nCipher Connect HSM backend configuration. Out of scope are the Security World software install and any changes to cknfastrc that might be required or necessary. Change-Id: I0c7ddb7dad74efc0bc932f9a8600661b775a952a
This commit is contained in:
@ -118,6 +118,119 @@ to manually generate hmac and mkek keys, that would be stored on HSM.
# ansible -m command -a "/openstack/venvs/barbican-{{ venv_tag }}/bin/barbican-manage hsm gen_hmac --library-path /opt/libs/64/libCryptoki2.so --passphrase {{ barbican_dpod_co_password }} --slot-id 3 --label thales_hmac_3" barbican_all[0]
# ansible -m command -a "/openstack/venvs/barbican-{{ venv_tag }}/bin/barbican-manage hsm gen_hmac --library-path /opt/libs/64/libCryptoki2.so --passphrase {{ barbican_dpod_co_password }} --slot-id 3 --label thales_hmac_3" barbican_all[0]
# ansible -m command -a "/openstack/venvs/barbican-{{ venv_tag }}/bin/barbican-manage hsm gen_mkek --library-path /opt/libs/64/libCryptoki2.so --passphrase {{ barbican_dpod_co_password }} --slot-id 3 --label thales_mkek_3" barbican_all[0]
# ansible -m command -a "/openstack/venvs/barbican-{{ venv_tag }}/bin/barbican-manage hsm gen_mkek --library-path /opt/libs/64/libCryptoki2.so --passphrase {{ barbican_dpod_co_password }} --slot-id 3 --label thales_mkek_3" barbican_all[0]
Configuring Barbican with Entrust nShield Connect HSM backend
The following example demonstrates a configuration supporting the Entrust
nShield Connect HSM. Barbican stores HMAC and MKEK keys in the HSM,
which are used to encrypt and decrypt keys that are stored in Barbican MySQL
MKEK stands for **Master Key Encryption Key**, which is used to encrypt KEKs
that are unique and created per project. All keys within a project are
encrypted with KEK.
Before proceeding, you must install the Security World software provided by
Entrust. The software will install libraries that will be referenced as
part of the configuration. In addition, the HSM may utilize one or more slots
that will also be required to complete the configuration. Please consult
the `nShield Connect User Guide for Linux <https://nshielddocs.entrust.com/docs/connect-ug/12.80/User_Guide_nShield_Connect_12.80_Linux.pdf>`_
and/or Entrust support for assistance.
Once the installation is complete, you should know or have:
#. Desired Slot ID
#. The ``libcknfast.so`` library file
The Slot ID can be determined using the ``pcks11-tool`` as shown here:
.. code::
# pkcs11-tool -L --module /opt/nfast/toolkits/pkcs11/libcknfast.so
Available slots:
Slot 0 (0x1d622495): 6606-XXXX-XXXX Rt2
token label : accelerator
token manufacturer : nCipher Corp. Ltd
token model :
token flags : rng, token initialized, other flags=0x200
hardware version : 0.12
firmware version : 12.50
serial num : 6606-XXXX-XXXX
pin min/max : 0/256
Slot 1 (0x1d622496): 6606-XXXX-XXXX Rt2 slot 0
(token not recognized)
Slot 2 (0x1d622497): 6606-XXXX-XXXX Rt2 slot 2
Slot 3 (0x1d622498): 6606-XXXX-XXXX Rt2 slot 3
The usable slot value is in HEX and must be converted to decimal:
.. code::
# echo $((0x1d622495))
Once the nShield-related setup is complete, we can define all required
variables that are needed for the Barbican deployment. For convenience,
copy the ``libcknfast.so`` library to ``/etc/openstack_deploy/barbican/``
on the deploy node. It will be distributed amongst the Barbican service
nodes accordingly.
Define the following in `user_variables.yml`:
.. code-block:: yaml
secret_store_plugin: store_crypto
crypto_plugin: p11_crypto
library_path: /opt/barbican/libs/libcknfast.so
token_serial_number: 12345678
login: mypassword123
slot_id: 492971157
mkek_label: thales_mkek_0
mkek_length: 32
hmac_label: thales_hmac_0
encryption_mechanism: CKM_AES_CBC
hmac_key_type: CKK_SHA256_HMAC
hmac_keygen_mechanism: CKK_SHA256_HMAC
- src: /etc/openstack_deploy/barbican/libcknfast.so
dest: /opt/barbican/libs/libcknfast.so
Override variables can be added or modified as needed.
To generate the HMAC key, perform the following command using the
approrpiate values:
.. code::
barbican-manage hsm gen_hmac \
--library-path /opt/nfast/toolkits/pkcs11/libcknfast.so \
--passphrase mypassword123 --slot-id 492971157 --label thales_hmac_0 \
--key-type CKK_SHA256_HMAC \
--mechanism CKM_NC_SHA256_HMAC_KEY_GEN
To generate the MKEK key, perform the following command using the
approrpiate values:
.. code::
barbican-manage hsm gen_mkek \
--library-path /opt/nfast/toolkits/pkcs11/libcknfast.so \
--passphrase mypassword123 --slot-id 492971157 --label thales_mkek_0
Lastly, restart the nCipher service(s) and Barbican API service:
.. code::
# /opt/nfast/sbin/init.d-ncipher restart
# systemctl restart barbican-api
Configuring Barbican with Vault backend
Configuring Barbican with Vault backend
Reference in New Issue
Block a user