Georgina Shippey beebf1196e Add memcached caching
Piggybacking on to the memcached containers that keystone uses for
its token caching we are able to share state between the apache_mod_openidc
instances so that authentications succeed in cases where auth requests
are being routed to more than one keystone container.

Change-Id: Ia978b46f6a6dfc5da8f8ebecb1a3c9fe44948add
2020-04-29 21:52:58 +01:00

114 lines
4.4 KiB

# {{ ansible_managed }}
Listen {{ keystone_service_port }}
<VirtualHost {{ keystone_web_server_bind_address }}:{{ keystone_service_port }}>
<IfVersion >= 2.4>
ErrorLogFormat "%{cu}t %M"
LogLevel {{ keystone_apache_log_level }}
# NOTE(Cloudnull): Log files can changed to use "mod_journal" when Apache 2.5 is released
ErrorLog {{ keystone_apache_default_log_folder }}/keystone-apache-error.log
CustomLog {{ keystone_apache_default_log_folder }}/ssl_access.log {{ keystone_apache_custom_log_format }}
Options +FollowSymLinks
Header set X-Content-Type-Options "nosniff"
Header set X-XSS-Protection "1; mode=block"
Header set Content-Security-Policy "default-src 'self' https: wss:;"
{% if keystone_sp != {} -%}
Header set Content-Security-Policy "script-src 'sha256-oBahlBFQem+nMs1JwgcBB03Hy8nRh5e8qEGTOcxmAuM=';"
{% endif -%}
Header set X-Frame-Options "{{ keystone_x_frame_options | default ('DENY') }}"
{% if keystone_ssl | bool and keystone_service_internaluri_proto == "https" -%}
SSLEngine on
SSLCertificateFile {{ keystone_ssl_cert }}
SSLCertificateKeyFile {{ keystone_ssl_key }}
{% if keystone_user_ssl_ca_cert is defined -%}
SSLCACertificateFile {{ keystone_ssl_ca_cert }}
{% endif -%}
SSLCompression Off
SSLProtocol {{ keystone_ssl_protocol }}
SSLHonorCipherOrder On
SSLCipherSuite {{ keystone_ssl_cipher_suite }}
SSLOptions +StdEnvVars +ExportCertData
{% endif -%}
{% if keystone_sp_apache_mod_auth_openidc -%}
OIDCClaimPrefix "{{ keystone_sp.trusted_idp_list.0.oidc_claim_prefix | default('OIDC-') }}"
OIDCResponseType "{{ keystone_sp.trusted_idp_list.0.oidc_resp_type | default('id_token') }}"
OIDCScope "{{ keystone_sp.trusted_idp_list.0.idc_scope | default('openid email profile') }}"
OIDCProviderMetadataURL {{ keystone_sp.trusted_idp_list.0.oidc_provider_metadata_url }}
OIDCClientID {{ keystone_sp.trusted_idp_list.0.oidc_client_id }}
OIDCClientSecret {{ keystone_sp.trusted_idp_list.0.oidc_client_secret }}
OIDCCryptoPassphrase {{ keystone_sp.trusted_idp_list.0.oidc_crypto_passphrase }}
OIDCRedirectURI {{ keystone_sp.trusted_idp_list.0.oidc_redirect_uri }}
{% if keystone_sp.trusted_idp_list.0.oidc_auth_verify_jwks_uri is defined -%}
OIDCOAuthVerifyJwksUri {{ keystone_sp.trusted_idp_list.0.oidc_auth_verify_jwks_uri }}
{% endif -%}
{% if keystone_sp.trusted_idp_list.0.oidc_outgoing_proxy is defined -%}
OIDCOutgoingProxy {{ keystone_sp.trusted_idp_list.0.oidc_outgoing_proxy }}
{% endif -%}
{% if keystone_cache_servers | length > 0 -%}
OIDCCacheType memcache
OIDCMemCacheServers "{{ keystone_cache_servers | join(' ') }}"
{% endif %}
<Location /v3/OS-FEDERATION/identity_providers/{{ }}/protocols/openid/auth>
Require valid-user
AuthType auth-openidc
<Location /v3/auth/OS-FEDERATION/websso/openid>
Require valid-user
AuthType openid-connect
<Location /v3/auth/OS-FEDERATION/identity_providers/{{ }}/protocols/openid/websso>
Require valid-user
AuthType openid-connect
{% endif %}
{%- if keystone_sp_apache_mod_shib -%}
ShibURLScheme {{ keystone_service_publicuri_proto }}
<Location /Shibboleth.sso>
SetHandler shib
<Location /v3/auth/OS-FEDERATION/websso/saml2>
AuthType shibboleth
ShibRequestSetting requireSession 1
ShibRequestSetting exportAssertion 1
ShibRequireSession On
ShibExportAssertion On
Require valid-user
<LocationMatch /v3/OS-FEDERATION/identity_providers/.*?/protocols/saml2/auth>
ShibRequestSetting requireSession 1
AuthType shibboleth
ShibExportAssertion Off
Require valid-user
{% endif %}
{% if keystone_sp != {} -%}
<Directory /var/www/cgi-bin/keystone>
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
AllowOverride All
Order allow,deny
allow from all
{% endif %}
{% if keystone_sp_apache_mod_shib -%}
ProxyPass /Shibboleth.sso !
{% endif -%}
ProxyPass / uwsgi://{{ keystone_uwsgi_ports['keystone-wsgi-public']['socket'] }}/
ProxyPass /identity uwsgi://{{ keystone_uwsgi_ports['keystone-wsgi-public']['socket'] }}/