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Implement deployment stages for optimised execution


2017-09-14 12:00


optimise, lifecycle

In order to improve ease of use, optimise execution and provide the ability to make use of pre-built artifacts in deployments this spec proposes the implementation of deployment stages.

Problem description

  • In production environments with many target hosts there are sometimes transient failures that happen. When they happen the deployer is forced to re-execute playbooks which may go through many tasks which are already complete and do not need to be executed again. While a knowledgable deployer will make use of tag skipping and host scoping to reduce the execution time, this is not a skill the novice deployer has. In order to improve ease-of-use it should be possible for the playbooks to simply skip over the stages which have already completed on each host.
  • In production environments it may be desired to make use of a fully artifacted deployment in order to ensures that multiple regions are deployed using exactly the same software. Currently there is no tooling included to facilitate the complete stack of artifacts (apt, git, python, container) that need to be built.
  • Deployments currently do a lot of outgoing internet interaction in order to fetch packages, keys and other artifacts. The outgoing access is often a problem for deployers with a high security environment as the hosts are not able to access the internet directly. This access is also slower than it would be if these artifacts were locally staged before deployment.
  • Deployments currently mix the build of artifacts with their installation and activation. This results in very long deployment times which often exceed maintenance periods available for operations. If the artifact build process could be executed and the artifacts could be staged without operationally impacting a production environment, then these could be executed prior to a maintenance slot and only the final step of implementing changes to use the new artifacts could be done in the maintenance slot.
  • Deployments currently do a lot of staging actions in serial due to the combined install/config tasks in each role. This takes a very long time and is not necessary. If the build and stage tasks are properly split from the configuration changes then the build/stage tasks could be executed in parallel and only the configuration changes executed in serial, significantly speeding up large deployments.

Proposed change

The stages proposed are as follows:

  1. Build: This stage prepares artifacts which are general purpose. This stage could be executed by a CI process in order to prepare the appropriate artifacts and stored on a server to be used across multiple regions. Alternatively it could be executed in-line for a single build (using 'developer_mode'. Artifact examples include distribution software packages, container rootfs tarballs, python venvs, etc. If not executed in-line, the build process should be executed on any designated host and produce artifacts which can be copied to a web server. There must be a well defined manifest detailing the artifacts produced which can easily be used for a staging process to understand which items to fetch.
  2. Stage: This stages all artifacts from the Build stage using the manifest produced. The stage is optional and will only be executed if the Build stage was executed to build all artifacts. The stage will most likely only be a playbook rather than something in the role, making it easy to allow deployers to implement alternative staging mechanisms if they choose to. This stage will be executed in parallel across all hosts/containers to ensure that it executes quickly.
  3. Install: This stage executes the code path which uses the staged or built artifacts and the prepared OSA configuration to create containers and install all services. This process should not restart containers or services or enact any changes to an existing environment which will disrupt it. This stage will be executed in parallel across all hosts/containers to ensure that it executes quickly.
  4. Configure: This stage executes the implementation of configuration changes to configuration files and starts/restarts the applicable services or containers. This stage will be executed serially to ensure that service disruption is minimised.

The tasks for each stage will be explicitly broken into task files, for example:

  • <service>_build.yml
  • <service>_install.yml
  • <service>_install_apt.yml
  • <service>_install_nginx.yml
  • <service>_configure.yml
  • <service>_configure_nginx.yml
  • <service>_configure_ssl.yml
  • <service>_configure_keys.yml

The general idea with breaking out the task files is to implement conditional and/or dynamic inclusions where appropriate to ensure that the tasks are not even evaluated unless a broad condition is met. This is different to having a bunch of tasks in a single file which all have conditions because Ansible will not have to evaluate each task in turn, but instead evaluate whether a block of tasks should be evaluated. This reduces execution time.

Some examples:

  1. If pre-built artifacts are available when the role executes, skip the build stage tasks.
  2. If there is no repo server in the environment, do not try to download any python venvs or other artifacts.
  3. If ansible_pkg_mgr == 'apt', do not evaluate any tasks related to yum.

As part of this solution, the build and install stages should drop local facts on to target hosts when the stage completes. The local fact will prevent that stage being executed again through a conditional include. This provides a checkpoint restart mechanism so that if a deployer executes 'setup-everything' the execution will be much faster because it will skip whole stages and continue from where it left off. This also means that if pre-built artifacts are used, these stages will be skipped and the deployment in an environment will be much, much quicker.

The facts dropped would be tag-specific - for example the fact dropped would indicate that the 'cinder' service has the '14.2.0' release installed on the host, meaning that the build and staging tasks do not need to be run if the proposed tag and the tag deployed are the same. This behaviour will be overridable via another variable which enables a forced rebuild or forced reinstall.


  1. Put up with long deployment times.
  2. Document in better detail how to reduce deployment times using package mirrors, proxies and such.

Playbook/Role impact

New playbooks will be implemented which allow the deployer to executed the more targeted build process and to prepare the artifacts. The existing playbooks will continue to work, but will be adjusted to make use of the appropriate facts to skip the previously executed build process if that has already been executed.

The roles will be where the greatest impact will be as many of the tasks will be re-organised to facilitate the staged process.

Upgrade impact

Being able to make use of pre-built artifacts for an environment will mean that an upgrade process should be able to more easily roll back to a previous state if need be.

Security impact

As this process will improve the ability to ensure a consistently built environment, this will likely improve the security posture of a deployment.

Performance impact

Hopefully the deployment and upgrade performance will be far better than it is now. The running deployment performance should be no different.

End user impact

There will be no difference to end-users of the deployed OpenStack environment.

Deployer impact

Deployers will continue to have the same entry points, but will gain the ability to pre-build artifacts for their environment in order to ensure that deployments and upgrades execute more quickly and reliably.

Developer impact

These changes should improve the developer experience by reducing the time taken to implement an AIO.





Primary assignee:

jesse-pretorius (odyssey4me)

Work items

Each of the roles implemented in the default AIO will be worked through in sequence to re-arrange and optimise based on this workflow. The work items are not being detailed here but will be reflected in gerrit through the blueprint's topic and will be visible in launchpad.


It may be possible for us to make use of pre-built artifacts for gate testing in order to reduce the time take for integrated tests. The option of publishing the last successful build's artifacts for each branch on OpenStack Infrastructure will be explored. These artifacts will be for development tests only and not useful for production environments.

Documentation impact

The staged deployment process will need to be documented and the details of how to opt-in to make use of an artifacted build will need to be included.

