zhangyanxian ccac894bc5 Delete the unnecessary word in build-facts-archive.rst

Change-Id: I1f46582d8d6f59965e7cf165a1884a68891350cc
2017-01-23 06:16:21 +00:00

4.3 KiB

Build Facts Archive




archive, deployment, information

Create a script to archive all valuable information about a deployment. This information includes but is not limited to the following: kernel version of all physical host, version of OSAD that is currently installed, all installed packages and their versions, all running containers and their installed packages, latest tempest test run, all relevant OSAD configuration files (openstack_user_config, etc), host networking configuration, host disk configuration.

Problem description

Currently there is no simple way to get information about a deployment. The current process requires a log into the deployment host and then knowledge of ansible and the openstack_inventory.json file and its groups to correctly structure a ansible query to gather information.

It is also challenging to create a tool outside of OSAD to do some automation around aggregation of deployment information as you need to parse the inventory file or know exactly which host or container you need to access to get information.

Proposed change

A simple script that the user can run to gather all predetermined important information to give a solid top down view of a deployed cluster.


This script could live in the rpc-extras repository instead of OSAD. This would not be ideal as it would only help the users who are using rpc-extras. If it resides in OSAD then all users get a simple way of getting a quick top down view of what their current cluster has.

Playbook impact

There will need to most likely be a playbook added to accomplish the task of gathering valuable information from each host / container based on their role / group. This playbook will not be deployment impacting.

Upgrade impact


Security impact

This could potentially touch all containers to gather secure information such as: configuration files which may contain passwords, information about keystone users (names, roles, etc). This is a minimal risk as the user would have to export the output off the host. If someone is running this script they already have access to this information as they are logged onto the deployment host.

Performance impact


End user impact


Deployer impact

This change will give the deployer an easy way to gather current information about their cloud. This could help troubleshoot config problems as well as allow them a quick insight into their latest test results. This will even allow them to see package discrepencies and help them prepare for an upgrade.

Developer impact






Open to all

Primary assignee:


Other contributors:


Work items

Create a script to:
  • create the archive directory
  • gather all relevant deployment information
  • tarball archive directory
  • move tarball to well known location
  • remove archive directory

It would be up to the end user / deployer what they do with the tarball, but it should be placed in a resonable spot on the deployment host that would be easy to find / access for the deployer.


This should add a task to gating/commit/nightly to run this script and return the captured archive tarball as a jenkins artifact. Tempest results could also be sent to jenkins so that the results.xml can be displayed. This should help developers / qe see testing trends and allow the users of jenkins to more accurately find bugs in a more timely manner.

Documentation impact

A simple reference to this script in the user guide would be all that is needed if it is determined that it warrents it.


If you look at the current scripts located in the scripts directory

a lot of this information is already gathered about the host that the script is run on. This proposal should use the information that is gathered as a blueprint to some of the information that should be gathered about all hosts.