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Additional Role for Designate Deployment


2015-12-08 12:00


designate, openstack-ansible

The purpose of this spec is to add support for the OpenStack Designate program to OpenStack-Ansible. This would allow the deployment of Designate along with the core OpenStack components using OpenStack-Ansible.

Blueprint - Designate deployment on OpenStack-Ansible:

Problem description

Presently, while deploying OpenStack using OpenStack-Ansible only the core OpenStack components get deployed. The deployment of other components (eg: Designate, Trove) on playbooks is not supported yet and to use other component's services, they need to be deployed manually.

Proposed change

The Designate program encompasses a number of projects, but this spec and this proposed series of changes covers the initial implementation of support for Designate. This will involve adding support for the Designate server[1] and Designate client[2].

The proposed changes include:

  • Creation of an openstack-ansible-designate repository and Ansible role to support the deployment of Designate.
  • Tests to verify the new Ansible role.



Playbook/Role impact

Test playbooks will be placed in the openstack-ansible-designate repository for functional testing purposes, with no initially proposed changes to OpenStack-Ansible playbooks.

In the future, once the Designate role is found to be useful and acceptable, a future spec will address the integration of the Designate role with the main OpenStack-Ansible repository.

Upgrade impact


Security impact


Performance impact


End user impact

Deployers will be able to deploy Designate and use DNSaaS through OpenStack-Ansible.

Deployer impact

When support for the new Designate role is added to the parent repository, new Designate specific configuration options will be made available. This will provide an optional role for use in the OpenStack-Ansible toolbox for the deployers.

Developer impact

As this change is self-contained initially, no impact on other developers is expected.





Primary assignee:

Swati Sharma ( IRC: Swati)

Other contributors:


Work items

  1. Ask for the new repository, openstack-ansible-designate, to be created
  2. Create the role for Designate support
    • Add support for running designate-api, designate-central, designate-pool_manager, designate-sink, designate-mdns
    • Add support for including python-designateclient, which is the operator tool for supporting Designate.


The usual gate checks can be used for these changes. Also, each individual commit can be functionally tested individually.

Documentation impact

Adding support to the user guide on how to enable Designate support will be required.
