[DOCS] Moving the draft install guide to the install-guide folder

This patch removes the old install guide. It is still accessible
in the Mitaka section.

Change-Id: I47ce62523edd14a1bb20deba3f40e1e0b2df223c
Implements: blueprint osa-install-guide-overhaul
This commit is contained in:
Alexandra 2016-08-31 12:31:43 +01:00
parent fa9c114e51
commit 46b662dacb
86 changed files with 305 additions and 3743 deletions

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Appendix A: Configuration files
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Appendix C: Customizing host and service layouts
Understanding the default layout
The default layout of containers and services in OpenStack-Ansible is driven
by the ``/etc/openstack_deploy/openstack_user_config.yml`` file and the
contents of both the ``/etc/openstack_deploy/conf.d/`` and
``/etc/openstack_deploy/env.d/`` directories. Use these sources to define the
group mappings used by the playbooks to target hosts and containers for roles
used in the deploy.
Conceptually, these can be thought of as mapping from two directions. You
define host groups, which gather the target hosts into inventory groups,
through the ``/etc/openstack_deploy/openstack_user_config.yml`` file and the
contents of the ``/etc/openstack_deploy/conf.d/`` directory. You define
container groups, which can map from the service components to be deployed up
to host groups, through files in the ``/etc/openstack_deploy/env.d/``
To customize the layout of components for your deployment, modify the
host groups and container groups appropriately to represent the layout you
desire before running the installation playbooks.
Understanding host groups
As part of initial configuration, each target host appears in either the
``/etc/openstack_deploy/openstack_user_config.yml`` file or in files within
the ``/etc/openstack_deploy/conf.d/`` directory. We use a format for files in
``conf.d/`` which is identical to the syntax used in the
``openstack_user_config.yml`` file. These hosts are listed under one or more
headings, such as ``shared-infra_hosts`` or ``storage_hosts``, which serve as
Ansible group mappings. We treat these groupings as mappings to the physical
The example file ``haproxy.yml.example`` in the ``conf.d/`` directory provides
a simple example of defining a host group (``haproxy_hosts``) with two hosts
(``infra1`` and ``infra2``).
A more complex example file is ``swift.yml.example``. Here, we
specify host variables for a target host using the ``container_vars`` key.
OpenStack-Ansible applies all entries under this key as host-specific
variables to any component containers on the specific host.
.. note::
We recommend new inventory groups, particularly for new
services, to be defined using a new file in the ``conf.d/`` directory in
order to manage file size.
Understanding container groups
Additional group mappings can be found within files in the
``/etc/openstack_deploy/env.d/`` directory. These groupings are treated as
virtual mappings from the host groups (described above) onto the container
groups which define where each service deploys. By reviewing files within the
``env.d/`` directory, you can begin to see the nesting of groups represented
in the default layout.
We begin our review with ``shared-infra.yml``. In this file we define a
new container group (``shared-infra_containers``) as a subset of the
``all_containers`` group. This new container group is mapped to a new
(``shared-infra_hosts``) host group. This means you deploy all service
components under the new (``shared-infra_containers``) container group to each
target host in the host group (``shared-infra_hosts``).
Within a ``physical_skel`` segment, the OpenStack-Ansible dynamic inventory
expects to find a pair of keys. The first key maps to items in the
``container_skel`` and the second key maps to the target host groups
(described above) which are responsible for hosting the service component.
Next, we review ``memcache.yml``. Here, we define the new group
``memcache_container``. In this case we identify the new group as a
subset of the ``shared-infra_containers`` group, which is itself a subset of
the ``all_containers`` inventory group.
.. note::
The ``all_containers`` group is automatically defined by OpenStack-Ansible.
Any service component managed by OpenStack-Ansible maps to a subset of the
``all_containers`` inventory group, whether directly or indirectly through
another intermediate container group.
The default layout does not rely exclusively on groups being subsets of other
groups. The ``memcache`` component group is part of the ``memcache_container``
group, as well as the ``memcache_all`` group and also contains a ``memcached``
component group. If you review the ``playbooks/memcached-install.yml``
playbook, you see that the playbook applies to hosts in the ``memcached``
group. Other services may have more complex deployment needs. They define and
consume inventory container groups differently. Mapping components to several
groups in this way allows flexible targeting of roles and tasks.
Customizing existing components
Deploying directly on hosts
To deploy a component directly on the host instead of within a container, set
the ``is_metal`` property to ``true`` for the container group under the
``container_skel`` in the appropriate file.
The use of ``container_vars`` and mapping from container groups to host groups
is the same for a service deployed directly onto the host.
.. note::
The ``cinder-volume`` component is also deployed directly on the host by
default. See the ``env.d/cinder.yml`` file for this example.
Omit a service or component from the deployment
To omit a component from a deployment, several options exist:
- Remove the ``physical_skel`` link between the container group and
the host group. The simplest way to do this is to delete the related
file located in the ``env.d/`` directory.
- Do not run the playbook which installs the component.
Unless you specify the component to run directly on a host using
``is_metal``, a container creates for this component.
- Adjust the `affinity`_ to 0 for the host group. Unless you
specify the component to run directly on a host using ``is_metal``,
a container creates for this component.
.. _affinity: app-advanced-config-affinity.rst
Deploying existing components on dedicated hosts
To deploy a shared-infra component onto dedicated hosts, modify both the
files specifying the host groups and container groups for the component.
For example, to run Galera directly on dedicated hosts the ``container_skel``
segment of the ``env.d/galera.yml`` file might look like:
.. code-block:: yaml
- db_containers
- galera
log_directory: mysql_logs
service_name: galera
is_metal: true
.. note::
If you want to deploy within containers on these dedicated hosts, omit the
``is_metal: true`` property. We include it here as a recipe for the more
commonly requested layout.
Since we define the new container group (``db_containers`` above), we must
assign that container group to a host group. To assign the new container
group to a new host group, provide a ``physical_skel`` for the new host group
(in a new or existing file, such as ``env.d/galera.yml``). For example:
.. code-block:: yaml
- all_containers
- hosts
Lastly, define the host group (db_hosts above) in a ``conf.d/`` file (such as
.. code-block:: yaml
.. note::
Each of the custom group names in this example (``db_containers``
and ``db_hosts``) were arbitrary. You can choose your own group names
but be sure the references are consistent between all relevant files.

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@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
Appendix B: Additional resources
The following Ansible resources are useful to reference:
- `Ansible Documentation
- `Ansible Best Practices
- `Ansible Configuration
The following OpenStack resources are useful to reference:
- `OpenStack Documentation <http://docs.openstack.org>`_
- `OpenStack SDK, CLI and API Documentation
- `OpenStack API Guide
- `OpenStack Project Developer Documentation
.. include:: navigation.txt

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@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
Configuring service credentials
Configure credentials for each service in the
``/etc/openstack_deploy/*_secrets.yml`` files. Consider using `Ansible
Vault <http://docs.ansible.com/playbooks_vault.html>`_ to increase
security by encrypting any files containing credentials.
Adjust permissions on these files to restrict access by non-privileged
.. note::
The following options configure passwords for the web interfaces.
* ``keystone_auth_admin_password`` configures the ``admin`` tenant
password for both the OpenStack API and dashboard access.
.. note::
We recommend using the ``pw-token-gen.py`` script to generate random
values for the variables in each file that contains service credentials:
.. code-block:: shell-session
# cd /opt/openstack-ansible/scripts
# python pw-token-gen.py --file /etc/openstack_deploy/user_secrets.yml
To regenerate existing passwords, add the ``--regen`` flag.
.. warning::
The playbooks do not currently manage changing passwords in an existing
environment. Changing passwords and re-running the playbooks will fail
and may break your OpenStack environment.
.. include:: navigation.txt

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@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
Initial environment configuration
OpenStack-Ansible depends on various files that are used to build an inventory
for Ansible. Start by getting those files into the correct places:
#. Copy the contents of the
``/opt/openstack-ansible/etc/openstack_deploy`` directory to the
``/etc/openstack_deploy`` directory.
.. note::
As of Newton, the ``env.d`` directory has been moved from this source
directory to ``playbooks/inventory/``.
#. Change to the ``/etc/openstack_deploy`` directory.
#. Copy the ``openstack_user_config.yml.example`` file to
You can review the ``openstack_user_config.yml`` file and make changes
to the deployment of your OpenStack environment.
.. note::
The file is heavily commented with details about the various options.
Configuration in ``openstack_user_config.yml`` defines which hosts
will run the containers and services deployed by OpenStack-Ansible. For
example, hosts listed in the ``shared-infra_hosts`` run containers for many of
the shared services that your OpenStack environment requires. Some of these
services include databases, memcached, and RabbitMQ. There are several other
host types that contain other types of containers and all of these are listed
in ``openstack_user_config.yml``.
For details about how the inventory is generated from the environment
configuration, see :ref:`developer-inventory`.
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@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
Deployment configuration
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
.. figure:: figures/installation-workflow-configure-deployment.png
:width: 100%
Ansible references a handful of files containing mandatory and optional
configuration directives. Modify these files to define the
target environment before running the Ansible playbooks. Configuration
tasks include:
* Target host networking to define bridge interfaces and
* A list of target hosts on which to install the software.
* Virtual and physical network relationships for OpenStack
Networking (neutron).
* Passwords for all services.
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@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
Deployment host
.. figure:: figures/installation-workflow-deploymenthost.png
:width: 100%
When installing OpenStack in a production environment, we recommend using a
separate deployment host which contains Ansible and orchestrates the
OpenStack-Ansible installation on the target hosts. In a test environment, we
prescribe using one of the infrastructure target hosts as the deployment host.
To use a target host as a deployment host, follow the steps in `Chapter 3,
Target hosts <targethosts.html>`_ on the deployment host.
Installing the operating system
Install the `Ubuntu Server 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) LTS 64-bit
<http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04/>`_ operating system on the
deployment host. Configure at least one network interface to
access the internet or suitable local repositories.
Configuring the operating system
Install additional software packages and configure NTP.
#. Install additional software packages if not already installed
during operating system installation:
.. code-block:: shell-session
# apt-get install aptitude build-essential git ntp ntpdate \
openssh-server python-dev sudo
#. Configure NTP to synchronize with a suitable time source.
Configuring the network
Ansible deployments fail if the deployment server is unable to SSH to the
containers. Configure the deployment host to be on the same network designated
for container management. This configuration reduces the rate of failure due
to connectivity issues.
The following network information is used as an example:
Container management: (VLAN 10)
Select an IP from this range to assign to the deployment host.
Installing source and dependencies
Install the source and dependencies for the deployment host.
#. Clone the OSA repository into the ``/opt/openstack-ansible``
.. code-block:: shell-session
# git clone -b TAG https://github.com/openstack/openstack-ansible.git /opt/openstack-ansible
Replace ``TAG`` with the current stable release tag : |my_conf_val|
#. Change to the ``/opt/openstack-ansible`` directory, and run the
Ansible bootstrap script:
.. code-block:: shell-session
# scripts/bootstrap-ansible.sh
Configuring Secure Shell (SSH) keys
Ansible uses Secure Shell (SSH) with public key authentication for
connectivity between the deployment and target hosts. To reduce user
interaction during Ansible operations, do not include pass phrases with
key pairs. However, if a pass phrase is required, consider using the
``ssh-agent`` and ``ssh-add`` commands to temporarily store the
pass phrase before performing Ansible operations.
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OpenStack-Ansible Installation Guide - DRAFT
This is a draft revision of the install guide for Newton
and is currently under development.
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
Third-party trademarks and tradenames appearing in this document are the
property of their respective owners. Such third-party trademarks have
been printed in caps or initial caps and are used for referential
purposes only. We do not intend our use or display of other companies'
tradenames, trademarks, or service marks to imply a relationship with,
or endorsement or sponsorship of us by these other companies.

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@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
* `Documentation Home <../index.html>`_
* `Installation Guide <index.html>`_
* `Upgrade Guide <../upgrade-guide/index.html>`_
* `Developer Documentation <../developer-docs/index.html>`_

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@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
About OpenStack-Ansible
OpenStack-Ansible (OSA) uses the `Ansible IT <https://www.ansible.com/how-ansible-works>`_
automation engine to deploy an OpenStack environment on Ubuntu Linux.
For isolation and ease of maintenance, you can install OpenStack components
into Linux containers (LXC).
This documentation is intended for deployers, and walks through an
OpenStack-Ansible installation for a test and production environments.
Ansible provides an automation platform to simplify system and application
deployment. Ansible manages systems using Secure Shell (SSH)
instead of unique protocols that require remote daemons or agents.
Ansible uses playbooks written in the YAML language for orchestration.
For more information, see `Ansible - Intro to
Playbooks <http://docs.ansible.com/playbooks_intro.html>`_.
In this guide, we refer to two types of hosts:
* The host running Ansible playbooks is the `deployment host`.
* The hosts where Ansible installs OpenStack services and infrastructure
components are the `target host`.
Linux containers (LXC)
Containers provide operating-system level virtualization by enhancing
the concept of ``chroot`` environments. These isolate resources and file
systems for a particular group of processes without the overhead and
complexity of virtual machines. They access the same kernel, devices,
and file systems on the underlying host and provide a thin operational
layer built around a set of rules.
The LXC project implements operating system level
virtualization on Linux using kernel namespaces and includes the
following features:
* Resource isolation including CPU, memory, block I/O, and network
using ``cgroups``.
* Selective connectivity to physical and virtual network devices on the
underlying physical host.
* Support for a variety of backing stores including LVM.
* Built on a foundation of stable Linux technologies with an active
development and support community.
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Installation requirements
.. note::
These are the minimum requirements for OpenStack-Ansible. Larger
deployments require additional resources.
CPU requirements
* Compute hosts with multi-core processors that have `hardware-assisted
virtualization extensions`_ available. These extensions provide a
significant performance boost and improve security in virtualized
* Infrastructure hosts with multi-core processors for best
performance. Some services, such as MySQL, greatly benefit from additional
CPU cores and other technologies, such as `Hyper-threading`_.
.. _hardware-assisted virtualization extensions: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hardware-assisted_virtualization
.. _Hyper-threading: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyper-threading
Disk requirements
Different hosts have different disk space requirements based on the
services running on each host:
Deployment hosts
10GB of disk space is sufficient for holding the OpenStack-Ansible
repository content and additional required software.
Compute hosts
Disk space requirements vary depending on the total number of instances
running on each host and the amount of disk space allocated to each instance.
Compute hosts need to have at least 100GB of disk space available. Consider
disks that provide higher throughput with lower latency, such as SSD drives
in a RAID array.
Storage hosts
Hosts running the Block Storage (cinder) service often consume the most disk
space in OpenStack environments. As with compute hosts,
choose disks that provide the highest I/O throughput with the lowest latency
for storage hosts. Storage hosts need to have 1TB of disk space at a
Infrastructure hosts
The OpenStack control plane contains storage-intensive services, such as
the Image (glance) service as well as MariaDB. These control plane hosts
need to have 100GB of disk space available at a minimum.
Logging hosts
An OpenStack-Ansible deployment generates a significant amount of logging.
Logs come from a variety of sources, including services running in
containers, the containers themselves, and the physical hosts. Logging hosts
need sufficient disk space to hold live, and rotated (historical), log files.
In addition, the storage performance must be enough to keep pace with the
log traffic coming from various hosts and containers within the OpenStack
environment. Reserve a minimum of 50GB of disk space for storing
logs on the logging hosts.
Hosts that provide Block Storage volumes must have logical volume
manager (LVM) support. Ensure those hosts have a ``cinder-volume`` volume
group that OpenStack-Ansible can configure for use with cinder.
Each control plane host runs services inside LXC containers. The container
filesystems are deployed by default onto the root filesystem of each control
plane hosts. You have the option to deploy those container filesystems
into logical volumes by creating a volume group called ``lxc``.
OpenStack-Ansible creates a 5GB logical volume for the filesystem of each
container running on the host.
Network requirements
.. note::
You can deploy an OpenStack environment with only one physical
network interface. This works for small environments, but it can cause
problems when your environment grows.
For the best performance, reliability, and scalability in a production
environment, deployers should consider a network configuration that contains
the following features:
* Bonded network interfaces: Increases performance and/or reliability
(dependent on bonding architecture).
* VLAN offloading: Increases performance by adding and removing VLAN tags in
hardware, rather than in the server's main CPU.
* Gigabit or 10 Gigabit Ethernet: Supports higher network speeds, which can
also improve storage performance when using the Block Storage service.
* Jumbo frames: Increases network performance by allowing more data to be sent
in each packet.
Software requirements
Ensure all hosts within an OpenStack-Ansible environment meet the following
minimum requirements:
* Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr)
* OSA is tested regularly against the latest Ubuntu 14.04 LTS point
* Linux kernel version ``3.13.0-34-generic`` or later.
* For swift storage hosts, you must enable the ``trusty-backports``
repositories in ``/etc/apt/sources.list`` or ``/etc/apt/sources.list.d/``
See the `Ubuntu documentation
<https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports#Enabling_Backports_Manually>`_ for more detailed instructions.
* Secure Shell (SSH) client and server that supports public key
* Network Time Protocol (NTP) client for time synchronization (such as
``ntpd`` or ``chronyd``)
* Python 2.7 or later
* en_US.UTF-8 as locale
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Installation workflow
This diagram shows the general workflow associated with an
OpenStack-Ansible installation.
.. figure:: figures/installation-workflow-overview.png
:width: 100%
**Installation workflow**
#. :doc:`Prepare deployment host <deploymenthost>`
#. :doc:`Prepare target hosts <targethosts>`
#. :doc:`Configure deployment <configure>`
#. :doc:`Run playbooks <installation#run-playbooks>`
#. :doc:`Verify OpenStack operation <installation>`
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`Home <index.html>`_ OpenStack-Ansible Installation Guide
.. toctree::
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@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
Network configuration
Production environment
This example allows you to use your own parameters for the deployment.
If you followed the previously proposed design, the following table shows
bridges that are to be configured on hosts.
| Bridge name | Best configured on | With a static IP |
| br-mgmt | On every node | Always |
| | On every storage node | When component is deployed on metal |
+ br-storage +-----------------------+-------------------------------------+
| | On every compute node | Always |
| | On every network node | When component is deployed on metal |
+ br-vxlan +-----------------------+-------------------------------------+
| | On every compute node | Always |
| | On every network node | Never |
+ br-vlan +-----------------------+-------------------------------------+
| | On every compute node | Never |
Example for 3 controller nodes and 2 compute nodes
* VLANs:
* Host management: Untagged/Native
* Container management: 10
* Tunnels: 30
* Storage: 20
* Networks:
* Host management:
* Container management:
* Tunnel:
* Storage:
* Addresses for the controller nodes:
* Host management: -
* Host management gateway:
* DNS servers:
* Container management: -
* Tunnel: no IP (because IP exist in the containers, when the components
are not deployed directly on metal)
* Storage: no IP (because IP exist in the containers, when the components
are not deployed directly on metal)
* Addresses for the compute nodes:
* Host management: -
* Host management gateway:
* DNS servers:
* Container management: -
* Tunnel: -
* Storage: -
.. TODO Update this section. Should this information be moved to the overview
chapter / network architecture section?
Modifying the network interfaces file
After establishing initial host management network connectivity using
the ``bond0`` interface, modify the ``/etc/network/interfaces`` file.
An example is provided on this `Link to Production Environment`_ based
on the production environment described in `host layout for production
.. _host layout for production environment: overview-host-layout.html#production-environment
.. _Link to Production Environment: app-targethosts-networkexample.html#production-environment
Test environment
This example uses the following parameters to configure networking on a
single target host. See `Figure 3.2`_ for a visual representation of these
parameters in the architecture.
* VLANs:
* Host management: Untagged/Native
* Container management: 10
* Tunnels: 30
* Storage: 20
* Networks:
* Host management:
* Container management:
* Tunnel:
* Storage:
* Addresses:
* Host management:
* Host management gateway:
* DNS servers:
* Container management:
* Tunnel:
* Storage:
.. _Figure 3.2: targethosts-networkconfig.html#fig_hosts-target-network-containerexample
**Figure 3.2. Target host for infrastructure, networking, compute, and
storage services**
.. image:: figures/networkarch-container-external-example.png
Modifying the network interfaces file
After establishing initial host management network connectivity using
the ``bond0`` interface, modify the ``/etc/network/interfaces`` file.
An example is provided below on this `link to Test Environment`_ based
on the test environment described in `host layout for testing
.. _Link to Test Environment: app-targethosts-networkexample.html#test-environment
.. _host layout for testing environment: overview-host-layout.html#test-environment
.. include:: navigation.txt

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@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
Preparing the target hosts
The following section describes the installation and configuration of
operating systems for the target hosts.
Installing the operating system
Install the Ubuntu Server 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) LTS 64-bit operating
system on the target host. Configure at least one network interface
to access the internet or suitable local repositories.
We recommend adding the Secure Shell (SSH) server packages to the
installation on target hosts without local (console) access.
.. note::
We also recommend setting your locale to `en_US.UTF-8`. Other locales may
work, but they are not tested or supported.
Configuring the operating system
#. Upgrade system packages and kernel:
.. code-block:: shell-session
# apt-get dist-upgrade
#. Ensure the kernel version is ``3.13.0-34-generic`` or later.
#. Install additional software packages:
.. code-block:: shell-session
# apt-get install bridge-utils debootstrap ifenslave ifenslave-2.6 \
lsof lvm2 ntp ntpdate openssh-server sudo tcpdump vlan
#. Add the appropriate kernel modules to the ``/etc/modules`` file to
enable VLAN and bond interfaces:
.. code-block:: shell-session
# echo 'bonding' >> /etc/modules
# echo '8021q' >> /etc/modules
#. Configure NTP to synchronize with a suitable time source.
#. Reboot the host to activate the changes and use new kernel.
Deploying Secure Shell (SSH) keys
Ansible uses SSH for connectivity between the deployment and target hosts.
#. Copy the contents of the public key file on the deployment host to
the ``/root/.ssh/authorized_keys`` file on each target host.
#. Test public key authentication from the deployment host to each
target host. SSH provides a shell without asking for a
For more information on how to generate an SSH keypair as well as best
practices, refer to `GitHub's documentation on generating SSH keys`_.
.. _GitHub's documentation on generating SSH keys: https://help.github.com/articles/generating-ssh-keys/
.. warning::
OpenStack-Ansible deployments expect the presence of a
``/root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub`` file on the deployment host.
The contents of this file is inserted into an
``authorized_keys`` file for the containers, which is a
necessary step for the Ansible playbooks. You can
override this behavior by setting the
``lxc_container_ssh_key`` variable to the public key for
the container.
Configuring storage
`Logical Volume Manager (LVM)`_ allows a single device to be split into
multiple logical volumes which appear as a physical storage device to the
operating system. The Block Storage (cinder) service, as well as the LXC
containers that run the OpenStack infrastructure, can optionally use LVM for
their data storage.
.. note::
OpenStack-Ansible automatically configures LVM on the nodes, and
overrides any existing LVM configuration. If you had a customized LVM
configuration, edit the generated configuration file as needed.
#. To use the optional Block Storage (cinder) service, create an LVM
volume group named ``cinder-volume`` on the Block Storage host. A
metadata size of 2048 must be specified during physical volume
creation. For example:
.. code-block:: shell-session
# pvcreate --metadatasize 2048 physical_volume_device_path
# vgcreate cinder-volumes physical_volume_device_path
#. Optionally, create an LVM volume group named ``lxc`` for container file
systems. If the ``lxc`` volume group does not exist, containers are
automatically installed into the file system under ``/var/lib/lxc`` by
.. _Logical Volume Manager (LVM): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logical_Volume_Manager_(Linux)
.. include:: navigation.txt

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@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
Target hosts
.. figure:: figures/installation-workflow-targethosts.png
:width: 100%
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
On each target host, perform the following tasks:
* Name the target hosts
* Install the operating system
* Generate and set up security measures
* Update the operating system and install additional software packages
* Create LVM volume groups
* Configure networking devices
.. include:: navigation.txt

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@ -92,6 +92,3 @@ fine-tune certain security configurations.
.. _Configuration: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/openstack-ansible-security/configuration.html .. _Configuration: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/openstack-ansible-security/configuration.html
.. _Appendix H: ../install-guide/app-custom-layouts.html .. _Appendix H: ../install-guide/app-custom-layouts.html
.. include:: navigation.txt

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@ -9,7 +9,3 @@ Appendix E: Advanced configuration
app-advanced-config-security app-advanced-config-security
app-advanced-config-sslcertificates app-advanced-config-sslcertificates
app-advanced-config-affinity app-advanced-config-affinity
.. include:: navigation.txt

View File

@ -201,6 +201,3 @@ Tempest:
pip: pip:
* pip_global_conf_overrides * pip_global_conf_overrides
.. include:: navigation.txt

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@ -41,7 +41,3 @@ fine-tune certain security configurations.
.. _Security Technical Implementation Guide (STIG): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Security_Technical_Implementation_Guide .. _Security Technical Implementation Guide (STIG): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Security_Technical_Implementation_Guide
.. _Configuration: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/openstack-ansible-security/configuration.html .. _Configuration: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/openstack-ansible-security/configuration.html
.. _Appendix H: ../install-guide/app-custom-layouts.html .. _Appendix H: ../install-guide/app-custom-layouts.html
.. include:: navigation.txt

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@ -137,7 +137,3 @@ The process is identical to the other services. Replace
``rabbitmq`` in the configuration variables shown above with ``horizon``, ``rabbitmq`` in the configuration variables shown above with ``horizon``,
``haproxy``, or ``keystone`` to deploy user-provided certificates to those ``haproxy``, or ``keystone`` to deploy user-provided certificates to those
services. services.
.. include:: navigation.txt

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@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
`Home <index.html>`_ OpenStack-Ansible Installation Guide
================================= =================================
Appendix A: Configuration files Appendix A: Configuration files
================================= =================================
@ -19,6 +17,3 @@ Appendix A: Configuration files
`extra_container.yml `extra_container.yml
<https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openstack/openstack-ansible/master/etc/openstack_deploy/env.d/extra_container.yml.example>`_ <https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openstack/openstack-ansible/master/etc/openstack_deploy/env.d/extra_container.yml.example>`_
.. include:: navigation.txt

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@ -1,17 +1,16 @@
`Home <index.html>`_ OpenStack-Ansible Installation Guide ==================================================
Appendix C: Customizing host and service layouts
================================================ ==================================================
Appendix E: Customizing host and service layouts
Understanding the default layout Understanding the default layout
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The default layout of containers and services in OpenStack-Ansible is driven The default layout of containers and services in OpenStack-Ansible is driven
by the ``/etc/openstack_deploy/openstack_user_config.yml`` file and the by the ``/etc/openstack_deploy/openstack_user_config.yml`` file and the
contents of the ``/etc/openstack_deploy/conf.d/``, contents of both the ``/etc/openstack_deploy/conf.d/`` and
``playbooks/inventory/env.d/`` and ``/etc/openstack_deploy/env.d/`` ``/etc/openstack_deploy/env.d/`` directories. Use these sources to define the
directories. Use these sources to define the group mappings used by the group mappings used by the playbooks to target hosts and containers for roles
playbooks to target hosts and containers for roles used in the deploy. used in the deploy.
Conceptually, these can be thought of as mapping from two directions. You Conceptually, these can be thought of as mapping from two directions. You
define host groups, which gather the target hosts into inventory groups, define host groups, which gather the target hosts into inventory groups,
@ -27,12 +26,13 @@ desire before running the installation playbooks.
Understanding host groups Understanding host groups
------------------------- -------------------------
As part of initial configuration, each target host appears in either the As part of initial configuration, each target host appears in either the
``/etc/openstack_deploy/openstack_user_config.yml`` file or in files within ``/etc/openstack_deploy/openstack_user_config.yml`` file or in files within
the ``/etc/openstack_deploy/conf.d/`` directory. We use a format for files in the ``/etc/openstack_deploy/conf.d/`` directory. We use a format for files in
``conf.d/`` which is identical to the syntax used in the ``conf.d/`` which is identical to the syntax used in the
``openstack_user_config.yml`` file. These hosts are listed under one or more ``openstack_user_config.yml`` file. These hosts are listed under one or more
headings such as ``shared-infra_hosts`` or ``storage_hosts`` which serve as headings, such as ``shared-infra_hosts`` or ``storage_hosts``, which serve as
Ansible group mappings. We treat these groupings as mappings to the physical Ansible group mappings. We treat these groupings as mappings to the physical
hosts. hosts.
@ -40,21 +40,22 @@ The example file ``haproxy.yml.example`` in the ``conf.d/`` directory provides
a simple example of defining a host group (``haproxy_hosts``) with two hosts a simple example of defining a host group (``haproxy_hosts``) with two hosts
(``infra1`` and ``infra2``). (``infra1`` and ``infra2``).
A more complex example file is ``swift.yml.example``. Here, in addition, we A more complex example file is ``swift.yml.example``. Here, we
specify host variables for a target host using the ``container_vars`` key. specify host variables for a target host using the ``container_vars`` key.
OpenStack-Ansible applies all entries under this key as host-specific OpenStack-Ansible applies all entries under this key as host-specific
variables to any component containers on the specific host. variables to any component containers on the specific host.
.. note:: .. note::
Our current recommendation is for new inventory groups, particularly for new We recommend new inventory groups, particularly for new
services, to be defined using a new file in the ``conf.d/`` directory in services, to be defined using a new file in the ``conf.d/`` directory in
order to manage file size. order to manage file size.
Understanding container groups Understanding container groups
------------------------------ ------------------------------
Additional group mappings can be found within files in the Additional group mappings can be found within files in the
``playbooks/inventory/env.d/`` directory. These groupings are treated as ``/etc/openstack_deploy/env.d/`` directory. These groupings are treated as
virtual mappings from the host groups (described above) onto the container virtual mappings from the host groups (described above) onto the container
groups which define where each service deploys. By reviewing files within the groups which define where each service deploys. By reviewing files within the
``env.d/`` directory, you can begin to see the nesting of groups represented ``env.d/`` directory, you can begin to see the nesting of groups represented
@ -88,7 +89,7 @@ The default layout does not rely exclusively on groups being subsets of other
groups. The ``memcache`` component group is part of the ``memcache_container`` groups. The ``memcache`` component group is part of the ``memcache_container``
group, as well as the ``memcache_all`` group and also contains a ``memcached`` group, as well as the ``memcache_all`` group and also contains a ``memcached``
component group. If you review the ``playbooks/memcached-install.yml`` component group. If you review the ``playbooks/memcached-install.yml``
playbook you see that the playbook applies to hosts in the ``memcached`` playbook, you see that the playbook applies to hosts in the ``memcached``
group. Other services may have more complex deployment needs. They define and group. Other services may have more complex deployment needs. They define and
consume inventory container groups differently. Mapping components to several consume inventory container groups differently. Mapping components to several
groups in this way allows flexible targeting of roles and tasks. groups in this way allows flexible targeting of roles and tasks.
@ -96,62 +97,37 @@ groups in this way allows flexible targeting of roles and tasks.
Customizing existing components Customizing existing components
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Numerous customization scenarios are possible, but three popular ones are
presented here as starting points and also as common recipes.
Modifying the default environment
In order to avoid conflicts between deployer and project changes, the base
configuration for the OpenStack-Ansible components resides in the
``playbooks/inventory/env.d/`` directory.
The ``/etc/openstack_deploy/env.d`` directory is used to override and extend
the environment to the deployer's needs. To modify an existing configuration,
copy the relevant service file to the ``/etc/openstack_deploy/env.d``
directory. Then, modify the values under the relevant keys. Only the keys
and the modified value are required to be present; other information can
safely be omitted.
Deploying directly on hosts Deploying directly on hosts
--------------------------- ---------------------------
To deploy a component directly on the host instead of within a container, copy To deploy a component directly on the host instead of within a container, set
the relevant file to ``/etc/openstack_deploy/env.d/`` and set the ``is_metal`` the ``is_metal`` property to ``true`` for the container group under the
property to ``true`` for the container group under the ``container_skel``. ``container_skel`` in the appropriate file.
The use of ``container_vars`` and mapping from container groups to host groups The use of ``container_vars`` and mapping from container groups to host groups
is the same for a service deployed directly onto the host. is the same for a service deployed directly onto the host.
.. note:: .. note::
The ``cinder_volume`` component is also deployed directly on the host by The ``cinder-volume`` component is also deployed directly on the host by
default. See the ``playbooks/inventory/env.d/cinder.yml`` file for this example. default. See the ``env.d/cinder.yml`` file for this example.
Omit a service or component from the deployment Omit a service or component from the deployment
----------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------
To omit a component from a deployment, several options exist. To omit a component from a deployment, several options exist:
- You could remove the ``physical_skel`` link between the container group and - Remove the ``physical_skel`` link between the container group and
the host group. The simplest way to do this is to simply copy the relevant the host group. The simplest way to do this is to delete the related
file to the ``/etc/openstack_deploy/env.d/`` directory, and set the file located in the ``env.d/`` directory.
following information: - Do not run the playbook which installs the component.
Unless you specify the component to run directly on a host using
``is_metal``, a container creates for this component.
- Adjust the `affinity`_ to 0 for the host group. Unless you
specify the component to run directly on a host using ``is_metal``,
a container creates for this component.
.. code-block:: yaml .. _affinity: app-advanced-config-affinity.rst
physical_skel: {}
- You could choose to not run the playbook which installs the component.
Unless you specify the component to run directly on a host using is_metal, a
container creates for this component.
- You could adjust the ``affinity`` to 0 for the host group. Unless you
specify the component to run directly on a host using is_metal, a container
creates for this component. `Affinity`_ is discussed in the initial
environment configuration section of the install guide.
.. _Affinity: configure-initial.html#affinity
Deploying existing components on dedicated hosts Deploying existing components on dedicated hosts
------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------
@ -181,10 +157,10 @@ segment of the ``env.d/galera.yml`` file might look like:
``is_metal: true`` property. We include it here as a recipe for the more ``is_metal: true`` property. We include it here as a recipe for the more
commonly requested layout. commonly requested layout.
Since we define the new container group (``db_containers`` above) we must Since we define the new container group (``db_containers`` above), we must
assign that container group to a host group. To assign the new container assign that container group to a host group. To assign the new container
group to a new host group, provide a ``physical_skel`` for the new host group group to a new host group, provide a ``physical_skel`` for the new host group
(in a new or existing file, such as ``env.d/galera.yml``) like the following: (in a new or existing file, such as ``env.d/galera.yml``). For example:
.. code-block:: yaml .. code-block:: yaml
@ -197,7 +173,7 @@ group to a new host group, provide a ``physical_skel`` for the new host group
- hosts - hosts
Lastly, define the host group (db_hosts above) in a ``conf.d/`` file (such as Lastly, define the host group (db_hosts above) in a ``conf.d/`` file (such as
``galera.yml``). ``galera.yml``):
.. code-block:: yaml .. code-block:: yaml

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@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
`Home <index.html>`__ OpenStack-Ansible Installation Guide
Appendix D. Using Nuage Neutron Plugin
This document describes the steps required to deploy Nuage Networks VCS
with OpenStack-Ansible (OSA). These steps include:
- Install prerequisites.
- Configure Neutron to use the Nuage Networks Neutron plugin.
- Configure the Nuage Networks Neutron plugin.
- Download Nuage Networks VCS components and playbooks.
- Execute the playbooks.
#. The deployment environment has been configured according to OSA
best-practices. This includes cloning OSA software and bootstrapping
Ansible. See `OpenStack-Ansible Install Guide <index.html>`_
#. VCS stand-alone components, VSD and VSC, have been configured and
deployed. (See Nuage Networks VSD and VSC Install Guides.)
#. Nuage VRS playbooks have been cloned to the deployment host from
`https://github.com/nuagenetworks/nuage-openstack-ansible <https://github.com/nuagenetworks/nuage-openstack-ansible>`_.
This guide assumes a deployment host path of
Configure Nuage Neutron Plugin
Configuring the Neutron plugin requires creating/editing of parameters
in following two files:
- ``/etc/openstack_deploy/user_nuage_vars.yml``
- ``/etc/openstack_deploy/user_variables.yml``
On the deployment host, copy the Nuage user variables file from
``/opt/nuage-openstack-ansible/etc/user_nuage_vars.yml`` to
``/etc/openstack_deploy/`` folder.
.. code-block:: shell-session
# cp /opt/nuage-openstack-ansible/etc/user_nuage_vars.yml /etc/openstack_deploy/
Also modify the following parameters in this file as per your Nuage VCS
#. Replace *VSD Enterprise Name* parameter with user desired name of VSD
.. code-block:: yaml
nuage_net_partition_name: "<VSD Enterprise Name>"
#. Replace *VSD IP* and *VSD GUI Port* parameters as per your VSD
.. code-block:: yaml
nuage_vsd_ip: "<VSD IP>:<VSD GUI Port>"
#. Replace *VSD Username, VSD Password* and *VSD Organization Name* with
login credentials for VSD GUI as per your environment:
.. code-block:: yaml
nuage_vsd_username: "<VSD Username>"
nuage_vsd_password: "<VSD Password>"
nuage_vsd_organization: "<VSD Organization Name>"
#. Replace *Nuage VSP Version* with the Nuage VSP release you plan on
using for Integration; For eg: If you seem to use Nuage VSP release 3.2;
this value would be *v3\_2*
.. code-block:: yaml
nuage_base_uri_version: "<Nuage VSP Version>"
#. Replace *Nuage VSD CMS Id* with the CMS-Id generated by VSD to manage
your OpenStack cluster:
.. code-block:: yaml
nuage_cms_id: "<Nuage VSD CMS Id>"
#. Replace *Active VSC-IP* with the IP address of your active VSC node
and *Standby VSC-IP* with the IP address of your standby VSC node.
.. code-block:: yaml
active_controller: "<Active VSC-IP>"
standby_controller: "<Standby VSC-IP>"
#. Replace *Local Package Repository* with the link of your local
repository hosting the Nuage VRS packages, e.g. ````
.. code-block:: yaml
nuage_vrs_debs_repo: "deb <Local Package Repository>"
#. On the Deployment host, add the following lines to your
``/etc/openstack_deploy/user_variables.yml`` file, replacing the
*Local PyPi Mirror URL* with the link to the pypi server hosting your
Nuage OpenStack Python packages in “.whl” format.
.. code-block:: yaml
neutron_plugin_type: "nuage"
nova_network_type: "nuage"
- { name: "openstack_release", link: "{{ openstack_repo_url }}/os-releases/{{ openstack_release }}/" }
- { name: "nuage_repo", link: "<Local PyPi Mirror URL>" }
#. After multi-node OpenStack cluster is setup as detailed above; start
the OpenStack deployment as listed in the OpenStack-Ansible Install guide by
running all playbooks in sequence on the deployment host
#. After OpenStack deployment is complete; run the Nuage VRS playbooks
in ``/opt/nuage-openstack-ansible/nuage_playbook`` on
your deployment host to deploy Nuage VRS on all compute target hosts in
the OpenStack cluster:
.. code-block:: shell-session
# cd /opt/nuage-openstack-ansible/nuage_playbooks
# openstack-ansible nuage_all.yml
Note: For Nuage Networks VSP software packages, user documentation and licenses
please reach out with a query to info@nuagenetworks.net
.. include:: navigation.txt

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@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
`Home <index.html>`__ OpenStack-Ansible Installation Guide
Appendix D: Using PLUMgrid Neutron plugin
Installing source and host networking
#. Clone the PLUMgrid ansible repository under the ``/opt/`` directory:
.. code-block:: shell-session
# git clone -b TAG https://github.com/plumgrid/plumgrid-ansible.git /opt/plumgrid-ansible
Replace *``TAG``* with the current stable release tag.
#. PLUMgrid will take over networking for the entire cluster. The
bridges ``br-vxlan`` and ``br-vlan`` only need to be present to avoid
relevant containers from erroring out on infra hosts. They do not
need to be attached to any host interface or a valid network.
#. PLUMgrid requires two networks: a `Management` and a `Fabric` network.
Management is typically shared via the standard ``br-mgmt`` and Fabric
must be specified in the PLUMgrid configuration file described below.
The Fabric interface must be untagged and unbridged.
Neutron configurations
To setup the neutron configuration to install PLUMgrid as the
core neutron plugin, create a user space variable file
``/etc/openstack_deploy/user_pg_neutron.yml`` and insert the following
#. Set the ``neutron_plugin_type`` parameter to ``plumgrid``:
.. code-block:: yaml
# Neutron Plugins
neutron_plugin_type: plumgrid
#. In the same file, disable the installation of unnecessary ``neutron-agents``
in the ``neutron_services`` dictionary, by setting their ``service_en``
parameters to ``False``:
.. code-block:: yaml
neutron_metering: False
neutron_l3: False
neutron_lbaas: False
neutron_lbaasv2: False
neutron_vpnaas: False
PLUMgrid configurations
On the deployment host, create a PLUMgrid user variables file using the sample
in ``/opt/plumgrid-ansible/etc/user_pg_vars.yml.example`` and copy it to
``/etc/openstack_deploy/user_pg_vars.yml``. You must configure the
following parameters.
#. Replace ``PG_REPO_HOST`` with a valid repo URL hosting PLUMgrid
.. code-block:: yaml
plumgrid_repo: PG_REPO_HOST
#. Replace ``INFRA_IPs`` with comma separated Infrastructure Node IPs and
``PG_VIP`` with an unallocated IP on the management network. This will
be used to access the PLUMgrid UI:
.. code-block:: yaml
plumgrid_ip: INFRA_IPs
pg_vip: PG_VIP
#. Replace ``FABRIC_IFC`` with the name of the interface that will be used
for PLUMgrid Fabric.
.. note::
PLUMgrid Fabric must be an untagged unbridged raw interface such as ``eth0``.
.. code-block:: yaml
fabric_interface: FABRIC_IFC
#. Fill in the ``fabric_ifc_override`` and ``mgmt_override`` dicts with
node ``hostname: interface_name`` to override the default interface
#. Obtain a PLUMgrid License file, rename to ``pg_license`` and place it under
``/var/lib/plumgrid/pg_license`` on the deployment host.
Gateway Hosts
PLUMgrid-enabled OpenStack clusters contain one or more gateway nodes
that are used for providing connectivity with external resources, such as
external networks, bare-metal servers, or network service
appliances. In addition to the `Management` and `Fabric` networks required
by PLUMgrid nodes, gateways require dedicated external interfaces referred
to as ``gateway_devs`` in the configuration files.
#. Add a ``gateway_hosts`` section to
.. code-block:: yaml
Replace ``*_IP_ADDRESS`` with the IP address of the ``br-mgmt`` container
management bridge on each Gateway host.
#. Add a ``gateway_hosts`` section to the end of the PLUMgrid
``user_pg_vars.yml`` file:
.. note::
This must contain hostnames and ``gateway_dev`` names for each
gateway in the cluster.
.. code-block:: yaml
- hostname: gateway1
- eth3
- eth4
#. Run the PLUMgrid playbooks (do this before the ``openstack-setup.yml``
playbook is run):
.. code-block:: shell-session
# cd /opt/plumgrid-ansible/plumgrid_playbooks
# openstack-ansible plumgrid_all.yml
.. note::
Contact PLUMgrid for an Installation Pack: info@plumgrid.com
This includes a full trial commercial license, packages, deployment documentation,
and automation scripts for the entire workflow described above.
.. include:: navigation.txt

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@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
`Home <index.html>`_ OpenStack-Ansible Installation Guide
================================= =================================
Appendix B: Additional resources Appendix B: Additional resources
================================= =================================
@ -27,7 +25,3 @@ The following OpenStack resources are useful to reference:
- `OpenStack Project Developer Documentation - `OpenStack Project Developer Documentation
<http://docs.openstack.org/developer/>`_ <http://docs.openstack.org/developer/>`_
.. include:: navigation.txt

View File

@ -119,7 +119,3 @@ to the `API endpoint process isolation and policy`_ section from the
.. _API endpoint process isolation and policy: http://docs.openstack.org/security-guide/api-endpoints/api-endpoint-configuration-recommendations.html#network-policy .. _API endpoint process isolation and policy: http://docs.openstack.org/security-guide/api-endpoints/api-endpoint-configuration-recommendations.html#network-policy
.. _OpenStack Security Guide: http://docs.openstack.org/security-guide .. _OpenStack Security Guide: http://docs.openstack.org/security-guide
.. include:: navigation.txt

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@ -254,7 +254,3 @@ Contents of the ``/etc/network/interfaces`` file:
address address
netmask netmask
.. include:: navigation.txt

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@ -11,7 +11,3 @@ Appendices
app-security.rst app-security.rst
app-advanced-config-options.rst app-advanced-config-options.rst
app-targethosts-networkexample.rst app-targethosts-networkexample.rst
.. include:: navigation.txt

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@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
`Home <index.html>`_ OpenStack-Ansible Installation Guide
Checking the integrity of your configuration files
Execute the following steps before running any playbook:
#. Ensure all files edited in ``/etc/`` are Ansible
YAML compliant. Guidelines can be found here:
#. Check the integrity of your YAML files:
.. note:: Here is an online linter: `<http://www.yamllint.com/>`_
#. Run your command with ``syntax-check``:
.. code-block:: shell-session
# openstack-ansible setup-infrastructure.yml --syntax-check
#. Recheck that all indentation is correct.
.. note::
The syntax of the configuration files can be correct
while not being meaningful for OpenStack-Ansible.
.. include:: navigation.txt

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@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
`Home <index.html>`_ OpenStack-Ansible Installation Guide ===============================
Configuring service credentials Configuring service credentials
=============================== ===============================
@ -11,10 +10,11 @@ security by encrypting any files containing credentials.
Adjust permissions on these files to restrict access by non-privileged Adjust permissions on these files to restrict access by non-privileged
users. users.
Note that the following options configure passwords for the web .. note::
- ``keystone_auth_admin_password`` configures the ``admin`` tenant The following options configure passwords for the web interfaces.
* ``keystone_auth_admin_password`` configures the ``admin`` tenant
password for both the OpenStack API and dashboard access. password for both the OpenStack API and dashboard access.
.. note:: .. note::
@ -34,7 +34,3 @@ To regenerate existing passwords, add the ``--regen`` flag.
The playbooks do not currently manage changing passwords in an existing The playbooks do not currently manage changing passwords in an existing
environment. Changing passwords and re-running the playbooks will fail environment. Changing passwords and re-running the playbooks will fail
and may break your OpenStack environment. and may break your OpenStack environment.
.. include:: navigation.txt

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@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
`Home <index.html>`_ OpenStack-Ansible Installation Guide
Configuring target hosts
Modify the ``/etc/openstack_deploy/openstack_user_config.yml`` file to
configure the target hosts.
Do not assign the same IP address to different target hostnames.
Unexpected results may occur. Each IP address and hostname must be a
matching pair. To use the same host in multiple roles, for example
infrastructure and networking, specify the same hostname and IP in each
Use short hostnames rather than fully-qualified domain names (FQDN) to
prevent length limitation issues with LXC and SSH. For example, a
suitable short hostname for a compute host might be:
Unless otherwise stated, replace ``*_IP_ADDRESS`` with the IP address of
the ``br-mgmt`` container management bridge on each target host.
#. Configure a list containing at least three infrastructure target
hosts in the ``shared-infra_hosts`` section:
.. code-block:: yaml
infra04: ...
#. Configure a list containing at least two infrastructure target
hosts in the ``os-infra_hosts`` section (you can reuse
previous hosts as long as their name and ip is consistent):
.. code-block:: yaml
infra04: ...
#. Configure a list of at least one keystone target host in the
``identity_hosts`` section:
.. code-block:: yaml
infra2: ...
#. Configure a list containing at least one network target host in the
``network_hosts`` section:
.. code-block:: yaml
network02: ...
Providing more than one network host in the ``network_hosts`` block will
enable `L3HA support using VRRP`_ in the ``neutron-agent`` containers.
.. _L3HA support using VRRP: http://docs.openstack.org/liberty/networking-guide/scenario_l3ha_lb.html
#. Configure a list containing at least one compute target host in the
``compute_hosts`` section:
.. code-block:: yaml
compute002: ...
#. Configure a list containing at least one logging target host in the
``log_hosts`` section:
.. code-block:: yaml
logging02: ...
#. Configure a list containing at least one repository target host in the
``repo-infra_hosts`` section:
.. code-block:: yaml
repo04: ...
The repository typically resides on one or more infrastructure hosts.
#. Configure a list containing at least one optional storage host in the
``storage_hosts`` section:
.. code-block:: yaml
storage02: ...
Each storage host requires additional configuration to define the back end
The default configuration includes an optional storage host. To
install without storage hosts, comment out the stanza beginning with
the *storage_hosts:* line.
.. include:: navigation.txt

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@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
`Home <index.html>`_ OpenStack-Ansible Installation Guide =================================
Initial environment configuration Initial environment configuration
================================= =================================
@ -13,8 +12,7 @@ for Ansible. Start by getting those files into the correct places:
.. note:: .. note::
As of Newton, the ``env.d`` directory has been moved from this source As of Newton, the ``env.d`` directory has been moved from this source
directory to ``playbooks/inventory/``. See `Appendix H`_ for more directory to ``playbooks/inventory/``.
details on this change.
#. Change to the ``/etc/openstack_deploy`` directory. #. Change to the ``/etc/openstack_deploy`` directory.
@ -28,110 +26,14 @@ to the deployment of your OpenStack environment.
The file is heavily commented with details about the various options. The file is heavily commented with details about the various options.
There are various types of physical hardware that are able to use containers Configuration in ``openstack_user_config.yml`` defines which hosts
deployed by OpenStack-Ansible. For example, hosts listed in the will run the containers and services deployed by OpenStack-Ansible. For
`shared-infra_hosts` run containers for many of the shared services that example, hosts listed in the ``shared-infra_hosts`` run containers for many of
your OpenStack environments requires. Some of these services include databases, the shared services that your OpenStack environment requires. Some of these
memcached, and RabbitMQ. There are several other host types that contain services include databases, memcached, and RabbitMQ. There are several other
other types of containers and all of these are listed in host types that contain other types of containers and all of these are listed
``openstack_user_config.yml``. in ``openstack_user_config.yml``.
For details about how the inventory is generated from the environment For details about how the inventory is generated from the environment
configuration, see :ref:`developer-inventory`. configuration, see :ref:`developer-inventory`.
OpenStack-Ansible's dynamic inventory generation has a concept called
`affinity`. This determines how many containers of a similar type are deployed
onto a single physical host.
Using `shared-infra_hosts` as an example, consider this
.. code-block:: yaml
Three hosts are assigned to the `shared-infra_hosts` group,
OpenStack-Ansible ensures that each host runs a single database container,
a single memcached container, and a single RabbitMQ container. Each host has
an affinity of 1 by default, and that means each host will run one of each
container type.
You can skip the deployment of RabbitMQ altogether. This is
helpful when deploying a standalone swift environment. If you need
this configuration, your ``openstack_user_config.yml`` would look like this:
.. code-block:: yaml
rabbit_mq_container: 0
rabbit_mq_container: 0
rabbit_mq_container: 0
The configuration above deploys a memcached container and a database
container on each host, without the RabbitMQ containers.
.. _security_hardening:
Security hardening
OpenStack-Ansible automatically applies host security hardening configurations
using the `openstack-ansible-security`_ role. The role uses a version of the
`Security Technical Implementation Guide (STIG)`_ that has been adapted for
Ubuntu 14.04 and OpenStack.
The role is applicable to physical hosts within an OpenStack-Ansible deployment
that are operating as any type of node, infrastructure or compute. By
default, the role is enabled. You can disable it by changing a variable
within ``user_variables.yml``:
.. code-block:: yaml
apply_security_hardening: false
When the variable is set to ``true``, the ``setup-hosts.yml`` playbook applies
the role during deployments.
You can apply security configurations to an existing environment or audit
an environment using a playbook supplied with OpenStack-Ansible:
.. code-block:: bash
# Perform a quick audit using Ansible's check mode
openstack-ansible --check security-hardening.yml
# Apply security hardening configurations
openstack-ansible security-hardening.yml
For more details on the security configurations that will be applied, refer to
the `openstack-ansible-security`_ documentation. Review the `Configuration`_
section of the openstack-ansible-security documentation to find out how to
fine-tune certain security configurations.
.. _openstack-ansible-security: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/openstack-ansible-security/
.. _Security Technical Implementation Guide (STIG): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Security_Technical_Implementation_Guide
.. _Configuration: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/openstack-ansible-security/configuration.html
.. _Appendix H: ../install-guide/app-custom-layouts.html
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.. _network_configuration:
Configuring target host networking
Edit the ``/etc/openstack_deploy/openstack_user_config.yml`` file to
configure target host networking.
#. Configure the IP address ranges associated with each network in the
``cidr_networks`` section:
.. code-block:: yaml
# Management (same range as br-mgmt on the target hosts)
# Tunnel endpoints for VXLAN tenant networks
# (same range as br-vxlan on the target hosts)
# Storage (same range as br-storage on the target hosts)
Replace ``*_CIDR`` with the appropriate IP address range in CIDR
notation. For example,
Use the same IP address ranges as the underlying physical network
interfaces or bridges in `the section called "Configuring
the network" <targethosts-network.html>`_. For example, if the
container network uses, the ``CONTAINER_MGMT_CIDR``
also uses
The default configuration includes the optional storage and service
networks. To remove one or both of them, comment out the appropriate
network name.
#. Configure the existing IP addresses in the ``used_ips`` section:
.. code-block:: yaml
Replace ``EXISTING_IP_ADDRESSES`` with a list of existing IP
addresses in the ranges defined in the previous step. This list
should include all IP addresses manually configured on target hosts,
internal load balancers, service network bridge, deployment hosts and
any other devices to avoid conflicts during the automatic IP address
generation process.
Add individual IP addresses on separate lines. For example, to
prevent use of and 201:
.. code-block:: yaml
Add a range of IP addresses using a comma. For example, to prevent
use of
.. code-block:: yaml
- ","
#. Configure load balancing in the ``global_overrides`` section:
.. code-block:: yaml
# Internal load balancer VIP address
internal_lb_vip_address: INTERNAL_LB_VIP_ADDRESS
# External (DMZ) load balancer VIP address
external_lb_vip_address: EXTERNAL_LB_VIP_ADDRESS
# Container network bridge device
management_bridge: "MGMT_BRIDGE"
# Tunnel network bridge device
tunnel_bridge: "TUNNEL_BRIDGE"
Replace ``INTERNAL_LB_VIP_ADDRESS`` with the internal IP address of
the load balancer. Infrastructure and OpenStack services use this IP
address for internal communication.
Replace ``EXTERNAL_LB_VIP_ADDRESS`` with the external, public, or
DMZ IP address of the load balancer. Users primarily use this IP
address for external API and web interfaces access.
Replace ``MGMT_BRIDGE`` with the container bridge device name,
typically ``br-mgmt``.
Replace ``TUNNEL_BRIDGE`` with the tunnel/overlay bridge device
name, typically ``br-vxlan``.
.. note::
Only use ``global_overrides`` for networking overrides.
Edit all other variable overrides in ``user_variables.yml``.
``global_overrides`` are not removed from ``inventory.json``
and can conflict.
#. Configure the management network in the ``provider_networks`` subsection:
.. code-block:: yaml
- network:
- all_containers
- hosts
type: "raw"
container_bridge: "br-mgmt"
container_interface: "eth1"
container_type: "veth"
ip_from_q: "container"
is_container_address: true
is_ssh_address: true
#. Configure optional networks in the ``provider_networks`` subsection. For
example, a storage network:
.. code-block:: yaml
- network:
- glance_api
- cinder_api
- cinder_volume
- nova_compute
type: "raw"
container_bridge: "br-storage"
container_type: "veth"
container_interface: "eth2"
ip_from_q: "storage"
The default configuration includes the optional storage and service
networks. To remove one or both of them, comment out the entire
associated stanza beginning with the ``- network:`` line.
#. Configure OpenStack Networking VXLAN tunnel/overlay networks in the
``provider_networks`` subsection:
.. code-block:: yaml
- network:
- neutron_linuxbridge_agent
container_bridge: "br-vxlan"
container_type: "veth"
container_interface: "eth10"
ip_from_q: "tunnel"
type: "vxlan"
net_name: "vxlan"
Replace ``TUNNEL_ID_RANGE`` with the tunnel ID range. For example,
#. Configure OpenStack Networking flat (untagged) and VLAN (tagged) networks
in the ``provider_networks`` subsection:
.. code-block:: yaml
- network:
- neutron_linuxbridge_agent
container_bridge: "br-vlan"
container_type: "veth"
container_interface: "eth12"
host_bind_override: "PHYSICAL_NETWORK_INTERFACE"
type: "flat"
net_name: "flat"
- network:
- neutron_linuxbridge_agent
container_bridge: "br-vlan"
container_type: "veth"
container_interface: "eth11"
type: "vlan"
net_name: "vlan"
Replace ``VLAN_ID_RANGE`` with the VLAN ID range for each VLAN network.
For example, 1:1000. Supports more than one range of VLANs on a particular
network. For example, 1:1000,2001:3000. Create a similar stanza for each
additional network.
Replace ``PHYSICAL_NETWORK_INTERFACE`` with the network interface used for
flat networking. Ensure this is a physical interface on the same L2 network
being used with the ``br-vlan`` devices. If no additional network interface is
available, a veth pair plugged into the ``br-vlan`` bridge can provide the
necessary interface.
The following is an example of creating a ``veth-pair`` within an existing bridge:
.. code-block:: text
# Create veth pair, do not abort if already exists
pre-up ip link add br-vlan-veth type veth peer name PHYSICAL_NETWORK_INTERFACE || true
# Set both ends UP
pre-up ip link set br-vlan-veth up
pre-up ip link set PHYSICAL_NETWORK_INTERFACE up
# Delete veth pair on DOWN
post-down ip link del br-vlan-veth || true
bridge_ports br-vlan-veth
Adding static routes to network interfaces
Optionally, you can add one or more static routes to interfaces within
containers. Each route requires a destination network in CIDR notation
and a gateway. For example:
.. code-block:: yaml
- network:
- glance_api
- cinder_api
- cinder_volume
- nova_compute
type: "raw"
container_bridge: "br-storage"
container_interface: "eth2"
container_type: "veth"
ip_from_q: "storage"
- cidr:
This example adds the following content to the
``/etc/network/interfaces.d/eth2.cfg`` file in the appropriate
.. code-block:: shell-session
post-up ip route add via || true
The ``cidr`` and ``gateway`` values must *both* be specified, or the
inventory script will raise an error. Accuracy of the network information
is not checked within the inventory script, just that the keys and values
are present.
Setting an MTU on a network interface
Larger MTU's can be useful on certain networks, especially storage networks.
Add a ``container_mtu`` attribute within the ``provider_networks`` dictionary
to set a custom MTU on the container network interfaces that attach to a
particular network:
.. code-block:: yaml
- network:
- glance_api
- cinder_api
- cinder_volume
- nova_compute
type: "raw"
container_bridge: "br-storage"
container_interface: "eth2"
container_type: "veth"
container_mtu: "9000"
ip_from_q: "storage"
- cidr:
The example above enables `jumbo frames`_ by setting the MTU on the storage
network to 9000.
.. note:: If you are editing the MTU for your networks, you may also want
to adapt your neutron MTU settings (depending on your needs). Please
refer to the neutron documentation (`Neutron MTU considerations`_).
.. _jumbo frames: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jumbo_frame
.. _neutron MTU considerations: http://docs.openstack.org/mitaka/networking-guide/adv-config-mtu.html
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Overriding OpenStack configuration defaults
OpenStack has many configuration options available in configuration files
which are in the form of ``.conf`` files (in a standard ``INI`` file format),
policy files (in a standard ``JSON`` format) and also ``YAML`` files.
.. note::
``YAML`` files are only in the ceilometer project at this time.
OpenStack-Ansible provides the facility to include reference to any options in
the `OpenStack Configuration Reference`_ through the use of a simple set of
configuration entries in ``/etc/openstack_deploy/user_variables.yml``.
This section provides guidance for how to make use of this facility. Further
guidance is available in the developer documentation in the section titled
`Setting overrides in configuration files`_.
.. _OpenStack Configuration Reference: http://docs.openstack.org/draft/config-reference/
.. _Setting overrides in configuration files: ../developer-docs/extending.html#setting-overrides-in-configuration-files
Overriding .conf files
The most common use-case for implementing overrides are for the
``<service>.conf`` files (for example, ``nova.conf``). These files use a
standard ``INI`` file format.
For example, if you add the following parameters to ``nova.conf``:
.. code-block:: ini
remove_unused_original_minimum_age_seconds = 43200
cpu_mode = host-model
disk_cachemodes = file=directsync,block=none
idle_timeout = 300
max_pool_size = 10
This is accomplished through the use of the following configuration
entry in ``/etc/openstack_deploy/user_variables.yml``:
.. code-block:: yaml
remove_unused_original_minimum_age_seconds: 43200
cpu_mode: host-model
disk_cachemodes: file=directsync,block=none
idle_timeout: 300
max_pool_size: 10
Overrides may also be applied on a per host basis with the following
configuration in ``/etc/openstack_deploy/openstack_user_config.yml``:
.. code-block:: yaml
remove_unused_original_minimum_age_seconds: 43200
cpu_mode: host-model
disk_cachemodes: file=directsync,block=none
idle_timeout: 300
max_pool_size: 10
Use this method for any ``INI`` file format for all OpenStack projects
deployed in OpenStack-Ansible.
To assist you in finding the appropriate variable name to use for
overrides, the general format for the variable name is:
``<service>_<filename>_<file extension>_overrides``.
Overriding .json files
You can adjust the default policies applied by services in order
to implement access controls which are different to a standard OpenStack
environment. Policy files are in a ``JSON`` format.
For example, you can add the following policy in keystone's ``policy.json``:
.. code-block:: json
"identity:foo": "rule:admin_required",
"identity:bar": "rule:admin_required"
Accomplish this through the use of the following configuration
entry in ``/etc/openstack_deploy/user_variables.yml``:
.. code-block:: yaml
identity:foo: "rule:admin_required"
identity:bar: "rule:admin_required"
Use this method for any ``JSON`` file format for all OpenStack projects
deployed in OpenStack-Ansible.
To assist you in finding the appropriate variable name to use for
overrides, the general format for the variable name is
Currently available overrides
The following is a list of overrides available:
* galera_client_my_cnf_overrides
* galera_my_cnf_overrides
* galera_cluster_cnf_overrides
* galera_debian_cnf_overrides
* ceilometer_policy_overrides
* ceilometer_ceilometer_conf_overrides
* ceilometer_api_paste_ini_overrides
* ceilometer_event_definitions_yaml_overrides
* ceilometer_event_pipeline_yaml_overrides
* ceilometer_pipeline_yaml_overrides
* cinder_policy_overrides
* cinder_rootwrap_conf_overrides
* cinder_api_paste_ini_overrides
* cinder_cinder_conf_overrides
* glance_glance_api_paste_ini_overrides
* glance_glance_api_conf_overrides
* glance_glance_cache_conf_overrides
* glance_glance_manage_conf_overrides
* glance_glance_registry_paste_ini_overrides
* glance_glance_registry_conf_overrides
* glance_glance_scrubber_conf_overrides
* glance_glance_scheme_json_overrides
* glance_policy_overrides
* heat_heat_conf_overrides
* heat_api_paste_ini_overrides
* heat_default_yaml_overrides
* heat_aws_cloudwatch_alarm_yaml_overrides
* heat_aws_rds_dbinstance_yaml_overrides
* heat_policy_overrides
* keystone_keystone_conf_overrides
* keystone_keystone_default_conf_overrides
* keystone_keystone_paste_ini_overrides
* keystone_policy_overrides
* neutron_neutron_conf_overrides
* neutron_ml2_conf_ini_overrides
* neutron_dhcp_agent_ini_overrides
* neutron_api_paste_ini_overrides
* neutron_rootwrap_conf_overrides
* neutron_policy_overrides
* neutron_dnsmasq_neutron_conf_overrides
* neutron_l3_agent_ini_overrides
* neutron_metadata_agent_ini_overrides
* neutron_metering_agent_ini_overrides
* nova_nova_conf_overrides
* nova_rootwrap_conf_overrides
* nova_api_paste_ini_overrides
* nova_policy_overrides
* swift_swift_conf_overrides
* swift_swift_dispersion_conf_overrides
* swift_proxy_server_conf_overrides
* swift_account_server_conf_overrides
* swift_account_server_replicator_conf_overrides
* swift_container_server_conf_overrides
* swift_container_server_replicator_conf_overrides
* swift_object_server_conf_overrides
* swift_object_server_replicator_conf_overrides
* tempest_tempest_conf_overrides
* pip_global_conf_overrides
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`Home <index.html>`_ OpenStack-Ansible Installation Guide
Securing services with SSL certificates
The `OpenStack Security Guide`_ recommends providing secure communication
between various services in an OpenStack deployment.
.. _OpenStack Security Guide: http://docs.openstack.org/security-guide/secure-communication.html
The OpenStack-Ansible project currently offers the ability to configure SSL
certificates for secure communication with the following services:
* HAProxy
* Horizon
* Keystone
* RabbitMQ
For each service, you have the option to use self-signed certificates
generated during the deployment process or provide SSL certificates,
keys, and CA certificates from your own trusted certificate authority. Highly
secured environments use trusted, user-provided, certificates for as
many services as possible.
.. note::
Conduct all SSL certificate configuration in
``/etc/openstack_deploy/user_variables.yml`` and not in the playbook
roles themselves.
Self-signed certificates
Self-signed certificates ensure you are able to start quickly and you are able
to encrypt data in transit. However, they do not provide a high level of trust
for highly secure environments. The use of self-signed certificates is
currently the default in OpenStack-Ansible. When self-signed certificates are
being used, certificate verification must be disabled using the following
user variables depending on your configuration. Add these variables
in ``/etc/openstack_deploy/user_variables.yml``.
.. code-block:: yaml
keystone_service_adminuri_insecure: true
keystone_service_internaluri_insecure: true
Setting self-signed certificate subject data
Change the subject data of any self-signed certificate using
configuration variables. The configuration variable for each service is
``<servicename>_ssl_self_signed_subject``. To change the SSL certificate
subject data for HAProxy, adjust ``/etc/openstack_deploy/user_variables.yml``:
.. code-block:: yaml
haproxy_ssl_self_signed_subject: "/C=US/ST=Texas/L=San Antonio/O=IT/CN=haproxy.example.com"
For more information about the available fields in the certificate subject,
refer to OpenSSL's documentation on the `req subcommand`_.
.. _req subcommand: https://www.openssl.org/docs/manmaster/apps/req.html
Generating and regenerating self-signed certificates
Generate self-signed certificates for each service during the first run
of the playbook.
.. note::
Subsequent runs of the playbook do not generate new SSL
certificates unless you set ``<servicename>_ssl_self_signed_regen`` to
To force a self-signed certificate to regenerate, you can pass the variable to
``openstack-ansible`` on the command line:
.. code-block:: shell-session
# openstack-ansible -e "horizon_ssl_self_signed_regen=true" os-horizon-install.yml
To force a self-signed certificate to regenerate with every playbook run,
set the appropriate regeneration option to ``true``. For example, if
you have already run the ``os-horizon`` playbook, but you want to regenerate
the self-signed certificate, set the ``horizon_ssl_self_signed_regen`` variable
to ``true`` in ``/etc/openstack_deploy/user_variables.yml``:
.. code-block:: yaml
horizon_ssl_self_signed_regen: true
.. note::
Regenerating self-signed certificates replaces the existing
certificates whether they are self-signed or user-provided.
User-provided certificates
You can provide your own SSL certificates, keys, and CA certificates
for added trust in highly secure environments. Acquiring certificates from a
trusted certificate authority is outside the scope of this document, but the
`Certificate Management`_ section of the Linux Documentation Project explains
how to create your own certificate authority and sign certificates.
.. _Certificate Management: http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/SSL-Certificates-HOWTO/c118.html
Deploying user-provided SSL certificates is a three step process:
#. Copy your SSL certificate, key, and CA certificate to the deployment host.
#. Specify the path to your SSL certificate, key, and CA certificate in
#. Run the playbook for that service.
For example, to deploy user-provided certificates for RabbitMQ,
copy the certificates to the deployment host, edit
``/etc/openstack_deploy/user_variables.yml`` and set the following three
.. code-block:: yaml
rabbitmq_user_ssl_cert: /tmp/example.com.crt
rabbitmq_user_ssl_key: /tmp/example.com.key
rabbitmq_user_ssl_ca_cert: /tmp/ExampleCA.crt
Run the playbook to apply the certificates:
.. code-block:: shell-session
# openstack-ansible rabbitmq-install.yml
The playbook deploys your user-provided SSL certificate, key, and CA
certificate to each RabbitMQ container.
The process is identical to the other services. Replace
``rabbitmq`` in the configuration variables shown above with ``horizon``,
``haproxy``, or ``keystone`` to deploy user-provided certificates to those
.. include:: navigation.txt

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@ -16,6 +16,3 @@ Production environment
.. TODO include openstack_user_config.yml examples when done. .. TODO include openstack_user_config.yml examples when done.
.. include:: navigation.txt

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@ -1,47 +1,26 @@
`Home <index.html>`_ OpenStack-Ansible Installation Guide ========================
Deployment configuration
Chapter 4. Deployment configuration ========================
.. toctree:: .. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
configure-initial.rst configure-initial.rst
configure-networking.rst configure-user-config-examples.rst
configure-creds.rst configure-creds.rst
.. figure:: figures/installation-workflow-configure-deployment.png
**Figure 4.1. Installation work flow** :width: 100%
.. image:: figures/workflow-configdeployment.png
Ansible references a handful of files containing mandatory and optional Ansible references a handful of files containing mandatory and optional
configuration directives. These files must be modified to define the configuration directives. Modify these files to define the
target environment before running the Ansible playbooks. Perform the target environment before running the Ansible playbooks. Configuration
following tasks: tasks include:
- Configure Target host networking to define bridge interfaces and * Target host networking to define bridge interfaces and
networks networks.
* A list of target hosts on which to install the software.
* Virtual and physical network relationships for OpenStack
Networking (neutron).
* Passwords for all services.
- Configure a list of target hosts on which to install the software
- Configure virtual and physical network relationships for OpenStack
Networking (neutron)
- (Optional) Configure the hypervisor
- (Optional) Configure Block Storage (cinder) to use the NetApp back
- (Optional) Configure Block Storage (cinder) backups.
- (Optional) Configure Block Storage availability zones
- Configure passwords for all services
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`Home <index.html>`_ OpenStack-Ansible Installation Guide ===============
Deployment host
Chapter 2. Deployment host .. figure:: figures/installation-workflow-deploymenthost.png
========================== :width: 100%
**Figure 2.1. Installation work flow** When installing OpenStack in a production environment, we recommend using a
separate deployment host which contains Ansible and orchestrates the
OpenStack-Ansible installation on the target hosts. In a test environment, we
prescribe using one of the infrastructure target hosts as the deployment host.
.. image:: figures/workflow-deploymenthost.png To use a target host as a deployment host, follow the steps in `Chapter 3,
Target hosts <targethosts.html>`_ on the deployment host.
The OSA installation process recommends one deployment host. The
deployment host contains Ansible and orchestrates the OpenStack-Ansible
installation on the target hosts. We recommend using separate deployment and
target hosts. You could alternatively use one of the target hosts, preferably
one of the infrastructure variants, as the deployment host. To use a
deployment host as a target host, follow the steps in `Chapter 3, Target
hosts <targethosts.html>`_ on the deployment host.
Installing the operating system Installing the operating system
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@ -21,7 +19,7 @@ Installing the operating system
Install the `Ubuntu Server 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) LTS 64-bit Install the `Ubuntu Server 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) LTS 64-bit
<http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04/>`_ operating system on the <http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04/>`_ operating system on the
deployment host. Configure at least one network interface to deployment host. Configure at least one network interface to
access the Internet or suitable local repositories. access the internet or suitable local repositories.
Configuring the operating system Configuring the operating system
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@ -64,7 +62,7 @@ Install the source and dependencies for the deployment host.
# git clone -b TAG https://github.com/openstack/openstack-ansible.git /opt/openstack-ansible # git clone -b TAG https://github.com/openstack/openstack-ansible.git /opt/openstack-ansible
Replace ``TAG`` with the current stable release tag. Replace ``TAG`` with the current stable release tag : |my_conf_val|
#. Change to the ``/opt/openstack-ansible`` directory, and run the #. Change to the ``/opt/openstack-ansible`` directory, and run the
Ansible bootstrap script: Ansible bootstrap script:
@ -83,6 +81,3 @@ key pairs. However, if a pass phrase is required, consider using the
``ssh-agent`` and ``ssh-add`` commands to temporarily store the ``ssh-agent`` and ``ssh-add`` commands to temporarily store the
pass phrase before performing Ansible operations. pass phrase before performing Ansible operations.
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OpenStack-Ansible Installation Guide ==================
==================================== Installation Guide
`Home <index.html>`_ OpenStack-Ansible Installation Guide
.. toctree:: .. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
overview.rst overview.rst
Deployment host
.. toctree::
deploymenthost.rst deploymenthost.rst
Target hosts
.. toctree::
targethosts.rst targethosts.rst
.. toctree::
configure.rst configure.rst
Installation Third-party trademarks and tradenames appearing in this document are the
^^^^^^^^^^^^ property of their respective owners. Such third-party trademarks have
been printed in caps or initial caps and are used for referential
.. toctree:: purposes only. We do not intend our use or display of other companies'
tradenames, trademarks, or service marks to imply a relationship with,
install-foundation.rst or endorsement or sponsorship of us by these other companies.
.. toctree::

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`Home <index.html>`_ OpenStack-Ansible Installation Guide
Chapter 5. Foundation playbooks
**Figure 5.1. Installation work flow**
.. image:: figures/workflow-foundationplaybooks.png
The main Ansible foundation playbook prepares the target hosts for
infrastructure and OpenStack services and performs the following
- Performs deployment host initial setup
- Builds containers on target hosts
- Restarts containers on target hosts
- Installs common components into containers on target hosts
Running the foundation playbook
.. note::
Before continuing, validate the configuration files using the
guidance in `Checking the integrity of your configuration files`_.
.. _Checking the integrity of your configuration files: ../install-guide/configure-configurationintegrity.html
#. Change to the ``/opt/openstack-ansible/playbooks`` directory.
#. Run the host setup playbook:
.. code-block:: shell-session
# openstack-ansible setup-hosts.yml
Confirm satisfactory completion with zero items unreachable or
.. code-block:: shell-session
PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************
deployment_host : ok=18 changed=11 unreachable=0 failed=0
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@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
`Home <index.html>`_ OpenStack-Ansible Installation Guide
Chapter 6. Infrastructure playbooks
**Figure 6.1. Installation workflow**
.. image:: figures/workflow-infraplaybooks.png
The main Ansible infrastructure playbook installs infrastructure
services and performs the following operations:
- Installs Memcached
- Installs the repository server
- Installs Galera
- Installs RabbitMQ
- Installs Rsyslog
- Configures Rsyslog
Running the infrastructure playbook
.. note::
Before continuing, validate the configuration files using the
guidance in `Checking the integrity of your configuration files`_.
.. _Checking the integrity of your configuration files: ../install-guide/configure-configurationintegrity.html
#. Change to the ``/opt/openstack-ansible/playbooks`` directory.
#. Run the infrastructure setup playbook:
.. code-block:: shell-session
# openstack-ansible setup-infrastructure.yml
Confirm satisfactory completion with zero items unreachable or
.. code-block:: shell-session
PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************
deployment_host : ok=27 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0
Verify the database cluster
#. Change to the ``/opt/openstack-ansible/playbooks`` directory.
#. Execute the following command to show the current cluster state:
.. code-block:: shell-session
# ansible galera_container -m shell -a "mysql \
-h localhost -e 'show status like \"%wsrep_cluster_%\";'"
Example output:
.. code-block:: shell-session
node3_galera_container-3ea2cbd3 | success | rc=0 >>
Variable_name Value
wsrep_cluster_conf_id 17
wsrep_cluster_size 3
wsrep_cluster_state_uuid 338b06b0-2948-11e4-9d06-bef42f6c52f1
wsrep_cluster_status Primary
node2_galera_container-49a47d25 | success | rc=0 >>
Variable_name Value
wsrep_cluster_conf_id 17
wsrep_cluster_size 3
wsrep_cluster_state_uuid 338b06b0-2948-11e4-9d06-bef42f6c52f1
wsrep_cluster_status Primary
node4_galera_container-76275635 | success | rc=0 >>
Variable_name Value
wsrep_cluster_conf_id 17
wsrep_cluster_size 3
wsrep_cluster_state_uuid 338b06b0-2948-11e4-9d06-bef42f6c52f1
wsrep_cluster_status Primary
The ``wsrep_cluster_size`` field indicates the number of nodes
in the cluster and the ``wsrep_cluster_status`` field indicates
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@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
`Home <index.html>`_ OpenStack-Ansible Installation Guide
Chapter 7. OpenStack playbooks
**Figure 7.1. Installation work flow**
.. image:: figures/workflow-openstackplaybooks.png
The ``setup-openstack.yml`` playbook installs OpenStack services and
performs the following operations:
- Installs Identity (keystone)
- Installs the Image service (glance)
- Installs Block Storage (cinder)
- Installs Compute (nova)
- Installs Networking (neutron)
- Installs Orchestration (heat)
- Installs Dashboard (horizon)
- Installs Telemetry (ceilometer and aodh)
- Installs Object Storage (swift)
- Installs Ironic
Running the OpenStack playbook
#. Change to the ``/opt/openstack-ansible/playbooks`` directory.
#. Run the OpenStack setup playbook:
.. code-block:: shell-session
# openstack-ansible setup-openstack.yml
Confirm satisfactory completion with zero items unreachable or
Utility container
The utility container provides a space where miscellaneous tools and
software are installed. Tools and objects are placed in a
utility container if they do not require a dedicated container or if it
is impractical to create a new container for a single tool or object.
Utility containers are also used when tools cannot be installed
directly onto a host.
For example, the tempest playbooks are installed on the utility
container since tempest testing does not need a container of its own.
Verifying OpenStack operation
Verify basic operation of the OpenStack API and dashboard.
**Procedure 8.1. Verifying the API**
The utility container provides a CLI environment for additional
configuration and testing.
#. Determine the utility container name:
.. code-block:: shell-session
# lxc-ls | grep utility
#. Access the utility container:
.. code-block:: shell-session
# lxc-attach -n infra1_utility_container-161a4084
#. Source the ``admin`` tenant credentials:
.. code-block:: shell-session
# source /root/openrc
#. Run an OpenStack command that uses one or more APIs. For example:
.. code-block:: shell-session
# openstack user list
| ID | Name |
| 08fe5eeeae314d578bba0e47e7884f3a | alt_demo |
| 0aa10040555e47c09a30d2240e474467 | dispersion |
| 10d028f9e47b4d1c868410c977abc3df | glance |
| 249f9ad93c024f739a17ca30a96ff8ee | demo |
| 39c07b47ee8a47bc9f9214dca4435461 | swift |
| 3e88edbf46534173bc4fd8895fa4c364 | cinder |
| 41bef7daf95a4e72af0986ec0583c5f4 | neutron |
| 4f89276ee4304a3d825d07b5de0f4306 | admin |
| 943a97a249894e72887aae9976ca8a5e | nova |
| ab4f0be01dd04170965677e53833e3c3 | stack_domain_admin |
| ac74be67a0564722b847f54357c10b29 | heat |
| b6b1d5e76bc543cda645fa8e778dff01 | ceilometer |
| dc001a09283a404191ff48eb41f0ffc4 | aodh |
| e59e4379730b41209f036bbeac51b181 | keystone |
**Procedure 8.2. Verifying the dashboard**
#. With a web browser, access the dashboard using the external load
balancer IP address defined by the ``external_lb_vip_address`` option
in the ``/etc/openstack_deploy/openstack_user_config.yml`` file. The
dashboard uses HTTPS on port 443.
#. Authenticate using the username ``admin`` and password defined by the
``keystone_auth_admin_password`` option in the
``/etc/openstack_deploy/user_variables.yml`` file.
.. note::
Only users with administrator privileges can upload public images
using the dashboard or CLI.
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@ -212,6 +212,3 @@ Verifying the Dashboard (horizon)
.. TODO Add troubleshooting information to resolve common installation issues .. TODO Add troubleshooting information to resolve common installation issues
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@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
`Home <index.html>`_ OpenStack-Ansible Installation Guide
Host layout
We recommend a layout that contains a minimum of five hosts (or servers):
- Three control plane infrastructure hosts
- One logging infrastructure host
- One compute host
If using the optional Block Storage (cinder) service, we recommend
the use of a sixth host. Block Storage hosts require an LVM volume group named
``cinder-volumes``. See `the section called "Installation
requirements" <overview-requirements.html>`_ and `the section
called "Configuring LVM" <targethosts-prepare.html#configuring-lvm>`_
for more information.
If using the optional Object Storage (swift) service, we recommend the use of
three additional hosts (or some other odd number). See the section
:ref:`configure-swift` for more information.
The hosts are called target hosts because Ansible deploys the OSA
environment within these hosts. We recommend a
deployment host from which Ansible orchestrates the deployment
process. One of the target hosts can function as the deployment host.
Use at least one load balancer to manage the traffic among
the target hosts. You can use any type of load balancer such as a hardware
appliance or HAProxy. We recommend using physical load balancers for
production environments.
Infrastructure Control Plane target hosts contain the following
- Infrastructure:
- Galera
- RabbitMQ
- Memcached
- Logging
- Repository
- OpenStack:
- Identity (keystone)
- Image service (glance)
- Compute management (nova)
- Networking (neutron)
- Orchestration (heat)
- Dashboard (horizon)
- Object storage (swift)
Infrastructure Logging target hosts contain the following services:
- Rsyslog
Compute target hosts contain the following services:
- Compute virtualization
- Logging
(Optional) Storage target hosts contain the following services:
- Block Storage scheduler
- Block Storage volumes
**Figure 1.1. Host Layout Overview**
.. image:: figures/environment-overview.png
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@ -239,6 +239,3 @@ IP assignments
| log1 | | | | | log1 | | | |
+------------------+----------------+-------------------+----------------+ +------------------+----------------+-------------------+----------------+
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@ -1,30 +1,19 @@
`Home <index.html>`_ OpenStack-Ansible Installation Guide
======================= =======================
About OpenStack-Ansible About OpenStack-Ansible
======================= =======================
OpenStack-Ansible (OSA) uses the Ansible IT automation framework to OpenStack-Ansible (OSA) uses the `Ansible IT <https://www.ansible.com/how-ansible-works>`_
deploy an OpenStack environment on Ubuntu Linux. OpenStack components are automation engine to deploy an OpenStack environment on Ubuntu Linux.
installed into Linux Containers (LXC) for isolation and ease of For isolation and ease of maintenance, you can install OpenStack components
maintenance. into Linux containers (LXC).
This documentation is intended for deployers of the OpenStack-Ansible This documentation is intended for deployers, and walks through an
deployment system who are interested in installing an OpenStack environment. OpenStack-Ansible installation for a test and production environments.
Third-party trademarks and tradenames appearing in this document are the
property of their respective owners. Such third-party trademarks have
been printed in caps or initial caps and are used for referential
purposes only. We do not intend our use or display of other companies'
tradenames, trademarks, or service marks to imply a relationship with,
or endorsement or sponsorship of us by, these other companies.
Ansible Ansible
~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
OpenStack-Ansible Deployment uses a combination of Ansible and Ansible provides an automation platform to simplify system and application
Linux Containers (LXC) to install and manage OpenStack. Ansible
provides an automation platform to simplify system and application
deployment. Ansible manages systems using Secure Shell (SSH) deployment. Ansible manages systems using Secure Shell (SSH)
instead of unique protocols that require remote daemons or agents. instead of unique protocols that require remote daemons or agents.
@ -32,83 +21,30 @@ Ansible uses playbooks written in the YAML language for orchestration.
For more information, see `Ansible - Intro to For more information, see `Ansible - Intro to
Playbooks <http://docs.ansible.com/playbooks_intro.html>`_. Playbooks <http://docs.ansible.com/playbooks_intro.html>`_.
In this guide, we refer to the host running Ansible playbooks as In this guide, we refer to two types of hosts:
the deployment host and the hosts on which Ansible installs OSA as the
target hosts.
A recommended minimal layout for deployments involves five target * The host running Ansible playbooks is the `deployment host`.
hosts in total: three infrastructure hosts, one compute host, and one * The hosts where Ansible installs OpenStack services and infrastructure
logging host. All hosts will need at least one networking interface, but components are the `target host`.
we recommend multiple bonded interfaces. More information on setting up
target hosts can be found in `the section called "Host layout"`_.
For more information on physical, logical, and virtual network Linux containers (LXC)
interfaces within hosts see `the section called "Host
.. _the section called "Host layout": overview-hostlayout.html
.. _the section called "Host networking": overview-hostnetworking.html
Linux Containers (LXC)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Containers provide operating-system level virtualization by enhancing Containers provide operating-system level virtualization by enhancing
the concept of ``chroot`` environments, which isolate resources and file the concept of ``chroot`` environments. These isolate resources and file
systems for a particular group of processes without the overhead and systems for a particular group of processes without the overhead and
complexity of virtual machines. They access the same kernel, devices, complexity of virtual machines. They access the same kernel, devices,
and file systems on the underlying host and provide a thin operational and file systems on the underlying host and provide a thin operational
layer built around a set of rules. layer built around a set of rules.
The Linux Containers (LXC) project implements operating system level The LXC project implements operating system level
virtualization on Linux using kernel namespaces and includes the virtualization on Linux using kernel namespaces and includes the
following features: following features:
- Resource isolation including CPU, memory, block I/O, and network * Resource isolation including CPU, memory, block I/O, and network
using ``cgroups``. using ``cgroups``.
* Selective connectivity to physical and virtual network devices on the
- Selective connectivity to physical and virtual network devices on the
underlying physical host. underlying physical host.
* Support for a variety of backing stores including LVM.
- Support for a variety of backing stores including LVM. * Built on a foundation of stable Linux technologies with an active
- Built on a foundation of stable Linux technologies with an active
development and support community. development and support community.
Useful commands:
- List containers and summary information such as operational state and
network configuration:
.. code-block:: shell-session
# lxc-ls --fancy
- Show container details including operational state, resource
utilization, and ``veth`` pairs:
.. code-block:: shell-session
# lxc-info --name container_name
- Start a container:
.. code-block:: shell-session
# lxc-start --name container_name
- Attach to a container:
.. code-block:: shell-session
# lxc-attach --name container_name
- Stop a container:
.. code-block:: shell-session
# lxc-stop --name container_name
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@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
`Home <index.html>`_ OpenStack-Ansible Installation Guide
========================= =========================
Installation requirements Installation requirements
========================= =========================
@ -12,13 +10,14 @@ Installation requirements
CPU requirements CPU requirements
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Compute hosts have multi-core processors that have `hardware-assisted * Compute hosts with multi-core processors that have `hardware-assisted
virtualization extensions`_ available. These extensions provide a significant virtualization extensions`_ available. These extensions provide a
performance boost and improve security in virtualized environments. significant performance boost and improve security in virtualized
Infrastructure hosts have multi-core processors for best * Infrastructure hosts with multi-core processors for best
performance. Some services, such as MySQL, greatly benefit from additional CPU performance. Some services, such as MySQL, greatly benefit from additional
cores and other technologies, such as `Hyper-threading`_. CPU cores and other technologies, such as `Hyper-threading`_.
.. _hardware-assisted virtualization extensions: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hardware-assisted_virtualization .. _hardware-assisted virtualization extensions: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hardware-assisted_virtualization
.. _Hyper-threading: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyper-threading .. _Hyper-threading: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyper-threading
@ -36,35 +35,34 @@ Deployment hosts
Compute hosts Compute hosts
Disk space requirements vary depending on the total number of instances Disk space requirements vary depending on the total number of instances
running on each host and the amount of disk space allocated to each instance. running on each host and the amount of disk space allocated to each instance.
Compute hosts have at least 100GB of disk space available at an Compute hosts need to have at least 100GB of disk space available. Consider
absolute minimum. Consider disks that provide higher disks that provide higher throughput with lower latency, such as SSD drives
throughput with lower latency, such as SSD drives in a RAID array. in a RAID array.
Storage hosts Storage hosts
Hosts running the Block Storage (cinder) service often consume the most disk Hosts running the Block Storage (cinder) service often consume the most disk
space in OpenStack environments. As with compute hosts, space in OpenStack environments. As with compute hosts,
choose disks that provide the highest I/O throughput with the lowest latency choose disks that provide the highest I/O throughput with the lowest latency
for storage hosts. Storage hosts contain 1TB of disk space at a for storage hosts. Storage hosts need to have 1TB of disk space at a
minimum. minimum.
Infrastructure hosts Infrastructure hosts
The OpenStack control plane contains storage-intensive services, such as The OpenStack control plane contains storage-intensive services, such as
the Image (glance) service as well as MariaDB. These control plane hosts the Image (glance) service as well as MariaDB. These control plane hosts
have 100GB of disk space available at a minimum. need to have 100GB of disk space available at a minimum.
Logging hosts Logging hosts
An OpenStack-Ansible deployment generates a significant amount of logging. An OpenStack-Ansible deployment generates a significant amount of logging.
Logs come from a variety of sources, including services running in Logs come from a variety of sources, including services running in
containers, the containers themselves, and the physical hosts. Logging hosts containers, the containers themselves, and the physical hosts. Logging hosts
need additional disk space to hold live and rotated (historical) log files. need sufficient disk space to hold live, and rotated (historical), log files.
In addition, the storage performance must be enough to keep pace with the In addition, the storage performance must be enough to keep pace with the
log traffic coming from various hosts and containers within the OpenStack log traffic coming from various hosts and containers within the OpenStack
environment. Reserve a minimum of 50GB of disk space for storing environment. Reserve a minimum of 50GB of disk space for storing
logs on the logging hosts. logs on the logging hosts.
Hosts that provide Block Storage volumes must have logical volume
Hosts that provide Block Storage (cinder) volumes must have logical volume manager (LVM) support. Ensure those hosts have a ``cinder-volume`` volume
manager (LVM) support. Ensure those hosts have a ``cinder-volumes`` volume
group that OpenStack-Ansible can configure for use with cinder. group that OpenStack-Ansible can configure for use with cinder.
Each control plane host runs services inside LXC containers. The container Each control plane host runs services inside LXC containers. The container
@ -83,8 +81,9 @@ Network requirements
network interface. This works for small environments, but it can cause network interface. This works for small environments, but it can cause
problems when your environment grows. problems when your environment grows.
For the best performance, reliability and scalability, deployers should For the best performance, reliability, and scalability in a production
consider a network configuration that contains the following features: environment, deployers should consider a network configuration that contains
the following features:
* Bonded network interfaces: Increases performance and/or reliability * Bonded network interfaces: Increases performance and/or reliability
(dependent on bonding architecture). (dependent on bonding architecture).
@ -93,8 +92,7 @@ consider a network configuration that contains the following features:
hardware, rather than in the server's main CPU. hardware, rather than in the server's main CPU.
* Gigabit or 10 Gigabit Ethernet: Supports higher network speeds, which can * Gigabit or 10 Gigabit Ethernet: Supports higher network speeds, which can
also improve storage performance when using the Block Storage (cinder) also improve storage performance when using the Block Storage service.
* Jumbo frames: Increases network performance by allowing more data to be sent * Jumbo frames: Increases network performance by allowing more data to be sent
in each packet. in each packet.
@ -108,8 +106,8 @@ minimum requirements:
* Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) * Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr)
* OSA is tested regularly against the latest Ubuntu 14.04 LTS point * OSA is tested regularly against the latest Ubuntu 14.04 LTS point
releases releases.
* Linux kernel version ``3.13.0-34-generic`` or later * Linux kernel version ``3.13.0-34-generic`` or later.
* For swift storage hosts, you must enable the ``trusty-backports`` * For swift storage hosts, you must enable the ``trusty-backports``
repositories in ``/etc/apt/sources.list`` or ``/etc/apt/sources.list.d/`` repositories in ``/etc/apt/sources.list`` or ``/etc/apt/sources.list.d/``
See the `Ubuntu documentation See the `Ubuntu documentation
@ -124,7 +122,3 @@ minimum requirements:
* Python 2.7 or later * Python 2.7 or later
* en_US.UTF-8 as locale * en_US.UTF-8 as locale
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@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
`Home <index.html>`__ OpenStack-Ansible Installation Guide
The OpenStack-Ansible project provides several security features for
OpenStack deployments. This section of documentation covers those
features and how they can benefit deployers of various sizes.
Security requirements always differ between deployers. If you require
additional security measures, refer to the official
`OpenStack Security Guide`_ for additional resources.
The Linux kernel offers multiple `security modules`_ (LSMs) that that set
`mandatory access controls`_ (MAC) on Linux systems. The OpenStack-Ansible
project configures `AppArmor`_. AppArmor is a Linux security module that
provides additional security on LXC container hosts. AppArmor allows
administrators to set specific limits and policies around what resources a
particular application can access. Any activity outside the allowed policies
is denied at the kernel level.
AppArmor profiles that are applied in OpenStack-Ansible limit the actions
that each LXC container may take on a system. This is done within the
`lxc_hosts role`_.
.. _security modules: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_Security_Modules
.. _mandatory access controls: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandatory_access_control
.. _AppArmor: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AppArmor
.. _lxc_hosts role: https://github.com/openstack/openstack-ansible/blob/master/playbooks/roles/lxc_hosts/templates/lxc-openstack.apparmor.j2
Encrypted communication
While in transit, data is encrypted between some OpenStack services in
OpenStack-Ansible deployments. Not all communication between all services is
encrypted. For more details on what traffic is encrypted, and how
to configure SSL certificates, refer to the documentation section titled
`Securing services with SSL certificates`_.
.. _Securing services with SSL certificates: configure-sslcertificates.html
Host security hardening
Deployers can apply security hardening to OpenStack infrastructure and compute
hosts using the ``openstack-ansible-security`` role. The purpose of the role
is to apply as many security configurations as possible without disrupting the
operation of an OpenStack deployment.
Refer to the documentation on :ref:`security_hardening` for more information
on the role and how to enable it in OpenStack-Ansible.
Least privilege
The `principle of least privilege`_ is used throughout OpenStack-Ansible to
limit the damage that could be caused if an attacker gained access to a set of
OpenStack-Ansible configures unique username and password combinations for
each service that talks to RabbitMQ and Galera/MariaDB. Each service that
connects to RabbitMQ uses a separate virtual host for publishing and consuming
messages. The MariaDB users for each service are only granted access to the
database(s) that they need to query.
.. _principle of least privilege: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Principle_of_least_privilege
.. _least-access-openstack-services:
Securing network access to OpenStack services
OpenStack environments expose many service ports and API endpoints to the
.. note::
Deployers must limit access to these resources and expose them only
to trusted users and networks.
The resources within an OpenStack environment can be divided into two groups:
1. Services that users must access directly to consume the OpenStack cloud.
* Aodh
* Cinder
* Ceilometer
* Glance
* Heat
* Horizon
* Keystone *(excluding the admin API endpoint)*
* Neutron
* Nova
* Swift
2. Services that are only utilized internally by the OpenStack cloud.
* Keystone (admin API endpoint)
* MariaDB
* RabbitMQ
To manage instances, you are able to access certain public API endpoints, such
as the Nova or Neutron API. Configure firewalls to limit network access to
these services.
Other services, such as MariaDB and RabbitMQ, must be segmented away from
direct user access. You must configure a firewall to only allow
connectivity to these services within the OpenStack environment itself. This
reduces an attacker's ability to query or manipulate data in OpenStack's
critical database and queuing services, especially if one of these services has
a known vulnerability.
For more details on recommended network policies for OpenStack clouds, refer to
the `API endpoint process isolation and policy`_ section from the `OpenStack
Security Guide`_
.. _API endpoint process isolation and policy: http://docs.openstack.org/security-guide/api-endpoints/api-endpoint-configuration-recommendations.html#network-policy
.. _OpenStack Security Guide: http://docs.openstack.org/security-guide
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@ -128,8 +128,3 @@ Configure the ``glance-volume`` container to use the ``br-storage`` and
* ``br-storage`` bridge carries image traffic to compute host. * ``br-storage`` bridge carries image traffic to compute host.
* ``br-mgmt`` bridge carries Image Service API request traffic. * ``br-mgmt`` bridge carries Image Service API request traffic.
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@ -1,100 +1,18 @@
`Home <index.html>`_ OpenStack-Ansible Installation Guide
===================== =====================
Installation workflow Installation workflow
===================== =====================
This diagram shows the general workflow associated with an This diagram shows the general workflow associated with an
OpenStack-Ansible (OSA) installation. OpenStack-Ansible installation.
**Figure 1.7. Installation workflow** .. figure:: figures/installation-workflow-overview.png
:width: 100%
.. image:: figures/workflow-overview.png **Installation workflow**
#. :doc:`Prepare deployment hosts <deploymenthost>` #. :doc:`Prepare deployment host <deploymenthost>`
#. :doc:`Prepare target hosts <targethosts>` #. :doc:`Prepare target hosts <targethosts>`
#. :doc:`Configure deployment <configure>` #. :doc:`Configure deployment <configure>`
#. :doc:`Run foundation playbooks <install-foundation>` #. :doc:`Run playbooks <installation#run-playbooks>`
#. :doc:`Run infrastructure playbooks <install-infrastructure>` #. :doc:`Verify OpenStack operation <installation>`
#. :doc:`Run OpenStack playbooks <install-openstack>`
Network ranges
For consistency, the following IP addresses and hostnames are
referred to in this installation workflow.
| Network | IP Range |
| Management Network | |
| Tunnel (VXLAN) Network| |
| Storage Network | |
IP assignments
| Host name | Management IP | Tunnel (VxLAN) IP | Storage IP |
| infra1 | | | |
| infra2 | | | |
| infra3 | | | |
| | | | |
| net1 | | | |
| net2 | | | |
| net3 | | | |
| | | | |
| compute1 | | | |
| compute2 | | | |
| compute3 | | | |
| | | | |
| lvm-storage1 | | | |
| | | | |
| nfs-storage1 | | | |
| | | | |
| ceph-mon1 | | | |
| ceph-mon2 | | | |
| ceph-mon3 | | | |
| | | | |
| swift1 | | | |
| swift2 | | | |
| swift3 | | | |
| | | | |
| log1 | | | |
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`Home <index.html>`_ OpenStack-Ansible Installation Guide ========
===================== ========
Chapter 1. Overview
.. toctree:: .. toctree::
overview-osa.rst overview-osa.rst
overview-hostlayout.rst overview-host-layout
overview-requirements.rst overview-requirements.rst
overview-workflow.rst overview-workflow.rst
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@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
`Home <index.html>`_ OpenStack-Ansible Installation Guide
Designing the network
This section describes the recommended network architecture.
Some components are mandatory, such as the bridges described below. We
recommend other components such as a bonded network interface but this
is not a requirement.
.. important::
Follow the reference design as closely as possible for production deployments.
Although Ansible automates most deployment operations, networking on
target hosts requires manual configuration as it varies
dramatically per environment. For demonstration purposes, these
instructions use a reference architecture with example network interface
names, networks, and IP addresses. Modify these values as needed for your
particular environment.
Bonded network interfaces
The reference architecture includes bonded network interfaces, which
use multiple physical network interfaces for better redundancy and throughput.
Avoid using two ports on the same multi-port network card for the same bonded
interface since a network card failure affects both physical network
interfaces used by the bond.
The ``bond0`` interface carries traffic from the containers
running your OpenStack infrastructure. Configure a static IP address on the
``bond0`` interface from your management network.
The ``bond1`` interface carries traffic from your virtual machines.
Do not configure a static IP on this interface, since neutron uses this
bond to handle VLAN and VXLAN networks for virtual machines.
Additional bridge networks are required for OpenStack-Ansible. These bridges
connect the two bonded network interfaces.
Adding bridges
The combination of containers and flexible deployment options require
implementation of advanced Linux networking features, such as bridges and
Bridges provide layer 2 connectivity (similar to switches) among
physical, logical, and virtual network interfaces within a host. After
creating a bridge, the network interfaces are virtually plugged in to
OpenStack-Ansible uses bridges to connect physical and logical network
interfaces on the host to virtual network interfaces within containers.
Namespaces provide logically separate layer 3 environments (similar to
routers) within a host. Namespaces use virtual interfaces to connect
with other namespaces, including the host namespace. These interfaces,
often called ``veth`` pairs, are virtually plugged in between
namespaces similar to patch cables connecting physical devices such as
switches and routers.
Each container has a namespace that connects to the host namespace with
one or more ``veth`` pairs. Unless specified, the system generates
random names for ``veth`` pairs.
The following image demonstrates how the container network interfaces are
connected to the host's bridges and to the host's physical network interfaces:
.. image:: figures/networkcomponents.png
Target hosts can contain the following network bridges:
- LXC internal ``lxcbr0``:
- This bridge is **required**, but LXC configures it automatically.
- Provides external (typically internet) connectivity to containers.
- This bridge does not directly attach to any physical or logical
interfaces on the host because iptables handles connectivity. It
attaches to ``eth0`` in each container, but the container network
interface is configurable in ``openstack_user_config.yml`` in the
``provider_networks`` dictionary.
- Container management ``br-mgmt``:
- This bridge is **required**.
- Provides management of and communication among infrastructure and
OpenStack services.
- Manually creates and attaches to a physical or logical interface,
typically a ``bond0`` VLAN subinterface. Also attaches to ``eth1``
in each container. The container network interface
is configurable in ``openstack_user_config.yml``.
- Storage ``br-storage``:
- This bridge is *optional*, but recommended.
- Provides segregated access to Block Storage devices between
Compute and Block Storage hosts.
- Manually creates and attaches to a physical or logical interface,
typically a ``bond0`` VLAN subinterface. Also attaches to ``eth2``
in each associated container. The container network
interface is configurable in ``openstack_user_config.yml``.
- OpenStack Networking tunnel ``br-vxlan``:
- This bridge is **required**.
- Provides infrastructure for VXLAN tunnel networks.
- Manually creates and attaches to a physical or logical interface,
typically a ``bond1`` VLAN subinterface. Also attaches to
``eth10`` in each associated container. The
container network interface is configurable in
- OpenStack Networking provider ``br-vlan``:
- This bridge is **required**.
- Provides infrastructure for VLAN networks.
- Manually creates and attaches to a physical or logical interface,
typically ``bond1``. Attaches to ``eth11`` for vlan type networks
in each associated container. It does not contain an IP address because
it only handles layer 2 connectivity. The
container network interface is configurable in
- This interface supports flat networks with additional
bridge configuration. More details are available here:
Network diagrams
The following image shows how all of the interfaces and bridges interconnect
to provide network connectivity to the OpenStack deployment:
.. image:: figures/networkarch-container-external.png
OpenStack-Ansible deploys the compute service on the physical host rather than
in a container. The following image shows how to use bridges for
network connectivity:
.. image:: figures/networkarch-bare-external.png
The following image shows how the neutron agents work with the bridges
``br-vlan`` and ``br-vxlan``. OpenStack Networking (neutron) is
configured to use a DHCP agent, L3 agent, and Linux Bridge agent within a
``networking-agents`` container. The image shows how DHCP agents provide
information (IP addresses and DNS servers) to the instances, and how
routing works on the image:
.. image:: figures/networking-neutronagents.png
The following image shows how virtual machines connect to the ``br-vlan`` and
``br-vxlan`` bridges and send traffic to the network outside the host:
.. image:: figures/networking-compute.png
.. include:: navigation.txt

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Network configuration
================= Production environment
Configuring hosts ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
This example allows you to use your own parameters for the deployment.
If you followed the previously proposed design, the following table shows
bridges that are to be configured on hosts.
With the information available on the design guide page, you are now +-------------+-----------------------+-------------------------------------+
able to make the decisions to build your own OpenStack. There | Bridge name | Best configured on | With a static IP |
are two examples given here: reference architecture (recommended) and +=============+=======================+=====================================+
single host architecture (simple). | br-mgmt | On every node | Always |
.. toctree:: | | On every storage node | When component is deployed on metal |
+ br-storage +-----------------------+-------------------------------------+
targethosts-networkrefarch.rst | | On every compute node | Always |
targethosts-networkexample.rst +-------------+-----------------------+-------------------------------------+
| | On every network node | When component is deployed on metal |
+ br-vxlan +-----------------------+-------------------------------------+
| | On every compute node | Always |
| | On every network node | Never |
+ br-vlan +-----------------------+-------------------------------------+
| | On every compute node | Never |
-------------- Example for 3 controller nodes and 2 compute nodes
.. include:: navigation.txt * VLANs:
* Host management: Untagged/Native
* Container management: 10
* Tunnels: 30
* Storage: 20
* Networks:
* Host management:
* Container management:
* Tunnel:
* Storage:
* Addresses for the controller nodes:
* Host management: -
* Host management gateway:
* DNS servers:
* Container management: -
* Tunnel: no IP (because IP exist in the containers, when the components
are not deployed directly on metal)
* Storage: no IP (because IP exist in the containers, when the components
are not deployed directly on metal)
* Addresses for the compute nodes:
* Host management: -
* Host management gateway:
* DNS servers:
* Container management: -
* Tunnel: -
* Storage: -
.. TODO Update this section. Should this information be moved to the overview
chapter / network architecture section?
Modifying the network interfaces file
After establishing initial host management network connectivity using
the ``bond0`` interface, modify the ``/etc/network/interfaces`` file.
An example is provided on this `Link to Production Environment`_ based
on the production environment described in `host layout for production
.. _host layout for production environment: overview-host-layout.html#production-environment
.. _Link to Production Environment: app-targethosts-networkexample.html#production-environment
Test environment
This example uses the following parameters to configure networking on a
single target host. See `Figure 3.2`_ for a visual representation of these
parameters in the architecture.
* VLANs:
* Host management: Untagged/Native
* Container management: 10
* Tunnels: 30
* Storage: 20
* Networks:
* Host management:
* Container management:
* Tunnel:
* Storage:
* Addresses:
* Host management:
* Host management gateway:
* DNS servers:
* Container management:
* Tunnel:
* Storage:
.. _Figure 3.2: targethosts-networkconfig.html#fig_hosts-target-network-containerexample
**Figure 3.2. Target host for infrastructure, networking, compute, and
storage services**
.. image:: figures/networkarch-container-external-example.png
Modifying the network interfaces file
After establishing initial host management network connectivity using
the ``bond0`` interface, modify the ``/etc/network/interfaces`` file.
An example is provided below on this `link to Test Environment`_ based
on the test environment described in `host layout for testing
.. _Link to Test Environment: app-targethosts-networkexample.html#test-environment
.. _host layout for testing environment: overview-host-layout.html#test-environment

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Simple architecture: A single target host
This example uses the following parameters to configure networking on a
single target host. See `Figure 3.2`_ for a visual representation of these
parameters in the architecture.
- VLANs:
- Host management: Untagged/Native
- Container management: 10
- Tunnels: 30
- Storage: 20
- Host management:
- Container management:
- Tunnel:
- Storage:
- Host management:
- Host management gateway:
- DNS servers:
- Container management:
- Tunnel:
- Storage:
.. _Figure 3.2: targethosts-networkexample.html#fig_hosts-target-network-containerexample
**Figure 3.2. Target host for infrastructure, networking, compute, and
storage services**
.. image:: figures/networkarch-container-external-example.png
Modifying the network interfaces file
After establishing the initial host management network connectivity using
the ``bond0`` interface, modify the ``/etc/network/interfaces`` file as
described in this procedure.
Contents of the ``/etc/network/interfaces`` file:
#. Physical interfaces:
.. code-block:: yaml
# Physical interface 1
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet manual
bond-master bond0
bond-primary eth0
# Physical interface 2
auto eth1
iface eth1 inet manual
bond-master bond1
bond-primary eth1
# Physical interface 3
auto eth2
iface eth2 inet manual
bond-master bond0
# Physical interface 4
auto eth3
iface eth3 inet manual
bond-master bond1
#. Bonding interfaces:
.. code-block:: yaml
# Bond interface 0 (physical interfaces 1 and 3)
auto bond0
iface bond0 inet static
bond-slaves eth0 eth2
bond-mode active-backup
bond-miimon 100
bond-downdelay 200
bond-updelay 200
# Bond interface 1 (physical interfaces 2 and 4)
auto bond1
iface bond1 inet manual
bond-slaves eth1 eth3
bond-mode active-backup
bond-miimon 100
bond-downdelay 250
bond-updelay 250
#. Logical (VLAN) interfaces:
.. code-block:: yaml
# Container management VLAN interface
iface bond0.10 inet manual
vlan-raw-device bond0
# OpenStack Networking VXLAN (tunnel/overlay) VLAN interface
iface bond1.30 inet manual
vlan-raw-device bond1
# Storage network VLAN interface (optional)
iface bond0.20 inet manual
vlan-raw-device bond0
#. Bridge devices:
.. code-block:: yaml
# Container management bridge
auto br-mgmt
iface br-mgmt inet static
bridge_stp off
bridge_waitport 0
bridge_fd 0
# Bridge port references tagged interface
bridge_ports bond0.10
# OpenStack Networking VXLAN (tunnel/overlay) bridge
auto br-vxlan
iface br-vxlan inet static
bridge_stp off
bridge_waitport 0
bridge_fd 0
# Bridge port references tagged interface
bridge_ports bond1.30
# OpenStack Networking VLAN bridge
auto br-vlan
iface br-vlan inet manual
bridge_stp off
bridge_waitport 0
bridge_fd 0
# Bridge port references untagged interface
bridge_ports bond1
# Storage bridge
auto br-storage
iface br-storage inet static
bridge_stp off
bridge_waitport 0
bridge_fd 0
# Bridge port reference tagged interface
bridge_ports bond0.20
.. include:: navigation.txt

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Reference architecture
This example allows you to use your own parameters for the deployment.
The following is a table of the bridges that are be configured on hosts, if
you followed the previously proposed design.
| Bridge name | Best configured on | With a static IP |
| br-mgmt | On every node | Always |
| | On every storage node | When component is deployed on metal |
+ br-storage +-----------------------+-------------------------------------+
| | On every compute node | Always |
| | On every network node | When component is deployed on metal |
+ br-vxlan +-----------------------+-------------------------------------+
| | On every compute node | Always |
| | On every network node | Never |
+ br-vlan +-----------------------+-------------------------------------+
| | On every compute node | Never |
Modifying the network interfaces file
After establishing initial host management network connectivity using
the ``bond0`` interface, modify the ``/etc/network/interfaces`` file as
described in the following procedure.
**Procedure 4.1. Modifying the network interfaces file**
#. Physical interfaces:
.. code-block:: yaml
# Physical interface 1
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet manual
bond-master bond0
bond-primary eth0
# Physical interface 2
auto eth1
iface eth1 inet manual
bond-master bond1
bond-primary eth1
# Physical interface 3
auto eth2
iface eth2 inet manual
bond-master bond0
# Physical interface 4
auto eth3
iface eth3 inet manual
bond-master bond1
#. Bonding interfaces:
.. code-block:: yaml
# Bond interface 0 (physical interfaces 1 and 3)
auto bond0
iface bond0 inet static
bond-slaves eth0 eth2
bond-mode active-backup
bond-miimon 100
bond-downdelay 200
bond-updelay 200
dns-nameservers HOST_DNS_SERVERS
# Bond interface 1 (physical interfaces 2 and 4)
auto bond1
iface bond1 inet manual
bond-slaves eth1 eth3
bond-mode active-backup
bond-miimon 100
bond-downdelay 250
bond-updelay 250
If not already complete, replace ``HOST_IP_ADDRESS``,
with the appropriate configuration for the host management network.
#. Logical (VLAN) interfaces:
.. code-block:: yaml
# Container management VLAN interface
iface bond0.CONTAINER_MGMT_VLAN_ID inet manual
vlan-raw-device bond0
# OpenStack Networking VXLAN (tunnel/overlay) VLAN interface
iface bond1.TUNNEL_VLAN_ID inet manual
vlan-raw-device bond1
# Storage network VLAN interface (optional)
iface bond0.STORAGE_VLAN_ID inet manual
vlan-raw-device bond0
Replace ``*_VLAN_ID`` with the appropriate configuration for the
#. Bridge devices:
.. code-block:: yaml
# Container management bridge
auto br-mgmt
iface br-mgmt inet static
bridge_stp off
bridge_waitport 0
bridge_fd 0
# Bridge port references tagged interface
bridge_ports bond0.CONTAINER_MGMT_VLAN_ID
# OpenStack Networking VXLAN (tunnel/overlay) bridge
auto br-vxlan
iface br-vxlan inet static
bridge_stp off
bridge_waitport 0
bridge_fd 0
# Bridge port references tagged interface
bridge_ports bond1.TUNNEL_VLAN_ID
# OpenStack Networking VLAN bridge
auto br-vlan
iface br-vlan inet manual
bridge_stp off
bridge_waitport 0
bridge_fd 0
# Bridge port references untagged interface
bridge_ports bond1
# Storage bridge (optional)
auto br-storage
iface br-storage inet static
bridge_stp off
bridge_waitport 0
bridge_fd 0
# Bridge port reference tagged interface
bridge_ports bond0.STORAGE_VLAN_ID
Replace ``*_VLAN_ID``, ``*_BRIDGE_IP_ADDRESS``, and
appropriate configuration for the environment.
Example for 3 controller nodes and 2 compute nodes
- VLANs:
- Host management: Untagged/Native
- Container management: 10
- Tunnels: 30
- Storage: 20
- Networks:
- Host management:
- Container management:
- Tunnel:
- Storage:
- Addresses for the controller nodes:
- Host management: -
- Host management gateway:
- DNS servers:
- Container management: -
- Tunnel: no IP (because IP exist in the containers, when the components
aren't deployed directly on metal)
- Storage: no IP (because IP exist in the containers, when the components
aren't deployed directly on metal)
- Addresses for the compute nodes:
- Host management: -
- Host management gateway:
- DNS servers:
- Container management: -
- Tunnel: -
- Storage: -
.. include:: navigation.txt

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@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
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========================== ==========================
Preparing the target hosts Preparing the target hosts
========================== ==========================
@ -17,7 +15,9 @@ to access the internet or suitable local repositories.
We recommend adding the Secure Shell (SSH) server packages to the We recommend adding the Secure Shell (SSH) server packages to the
installation on target hosts without local (console) access. installation on target hosts without local (console) access.
We also recommend setting your locale to en_US.UTF-8. Other locales may .. note::
We also recommend setting your locale to `en_US.UTF-8`. Other locales may
work, but they are not tested or supported. work, but they are not tested or supported.
Configuring the operating system Configuring the operating system
@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ Configuring the operating system
#. Reboot the host to activate the changes and use new kernel. #. Reboot the host to activate the changes and use new kernel.
Deploying SSH keys Deploying Secure Shell (SSH) keys
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Ansible uses SSH for connectivity between the deployment and target hosts. Ansible uses SSH for connectivity between the deployment and target hosts.
@ -67,7 +67,9 @@ practices, refer to `GitHub's documentation on generating SSH keys`_.
.. _GitHub's documentation on generating SSH keys: https://help.github.com/articles/generating-ssh-keys/ .. _GitHub's documentation on generating SSH keys: https://help.github.com/articles/generating-ssh-keys/
.. warning:: OpenStack-Ansible deployments expect the presence of a .. warning::
OpenStack-Ansible deployments expect the presence of a
``/root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub`` file on the deployment host. ``/root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub`` file on the deployment host.
The contents of this file is inserted into an The contents of this file is inserted into an
``authorized_keys`` file for the containers, which is a ``authorized_keys`` file for the containers, which is a
@ -76,8 +78,8 @@ practices, refer to `GitHub's documentation on generating SSH keys`_.
``lxc_container_ssh_key`` variable to the public key for ``lxc_container_ssh_key`` variable to the public key for
the container. the container.
Configuring LVM Configuring storage
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
`Logical Volume Manager (LVM)`_ allows a single device to be split into `Logical Volume Manager (LVM)`_ allows a single device to be split into
multiple logical volumes which appear as a physical storage device to the multiple logical volumes which appear as a physical storage device to the
@ -92,7 +94,7 @@ their data storage.
configuration, edit the generated configuration file as needed. configuration, edit the generated configuration file as needed.
#. To use the optional Block Storage (cinder) service, create an LVM #. To use the optional Block Storage (cinder) service, create an LVM
volume group named ``cinder-volumes`` on the Block Storage host. A volume group named ``cinder-volume`` on the Block Storage host. A
metadata size of 2048 must be specified during physical volume metadata size of 2048 must be specified during physical volume
creation. For example: creation. For example:
@ -107,7 +109,3 @@ their data storage.
default. default.
.. _Logical Volume Manager (LVM): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logical_Volume_Manager_(Linux) .. _Logical Volume Manager (LVM): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logical_Volume_Manager_(Linux)
.. include:: navigation.txt

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Target hosts
======================= .. figure:: figures/installation-workflow-targethosts.png
Chapter 3. Target hosts :width: 100%
.. toctree:: .. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
targethosts-prepare.rst targethosts-prepare.rst
targethosts-networkconfig.rst targethosts-networkconfig.rst
**Figure 3.1. Installation workflow** On each target host, perform the following tasks:
.. image:: figures/workflow-targethosts.png * Name the target hosts
* Install the operating system
We recommend at least five target hosts to contain the * Generate and set up security measures
OpenStack environment and supporting infrastructure for the OSA * Update the operating system and install additional software packages
installation process. On each target host, perform the following tasks: * Create LVM volume groups
* Configure networking devices
- Naming target hosts
- Install the operating system
- Generate and set up security measures
- Update the operating system and install additional software packages
- Create LVM volume groups
- Configure networking devices
.. include:: navigation.txt