Jesse Pretorius e8abf19647 Fix sources-branch-updater and add docs
Problems resolved:

- Errors relating to 'etc' folders which did not exist in the
  target repositories have been eliminated.

- Some repositories were not being excluded from evaluation
  for file/template updates. All appropriate exclusions are
  now implemented.

- If an OSA role repository did not have the required folder
  to copy rootwrap files into, the copy would fail and the
  rootwrap files therefore be left out of the patch.

- When executed on Mac OS X, python2 is not found.

- Documentation is added to describe how to use the script
  to handle periodic SHA bumps.

Change-Id: I628cd2c3156d118c17ca2f90d4ccf0bc5a080bbf
2018-01-15 12:29:19 +00:00

309 lines
12 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Copyright 2015, Rackspace US, Inc.
# Copyright 2017, SUSE LINUX GmbH.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
###### HOOKS ########
# The following hooks can be defined in the user scripts. All hooks accept the
# following parameters:
# 1: repository name
# 2: OpenStack service branch
# 3: OSA branch
# 4: repository address
#osa_pre_sync_hook: Actions to be performed before copying updated files to OSA OpenStack services repositories
osa_pre_sync_hook() { true; }
#osa_post_sync_hook: Actions to be performed after copying updated files to OSA OpenStack services repositories
osa_post_sync_hook() { true; }
###### HELPER FUNCTIONS ######
osa_helper_cleanup_files() {
[[ $# > 0 ]] && rm -rf "${@}"
osa_helper_clone_os_package() {
local repo_name="${1}"
local os_branch="${2}"
local os_branch_sha"${3}"
local repo_address="${4}"
local os_repo_tmp_path="/tmp/os_${repo_name}"
osa_helper_cleanup_files ${os_repo_tmp_path}
# Do a shallow clone of the OpenStack repo to work with
if git clone --quiet --depth=10 --branch ${os_branch} --no-checkout --single-branch ${repo_address} ${os_repo_tmp_path}; then
pushd ${os_repo_tmp_path} > /dev/null
git checkout --quiet ${os_branch_sha}
popd > /dev/null
return 0
return 1
osa_helper_clone_osa_role() {
local repo_name="${1}"
local osa_branch="${2}"
local osa_repo_address="${3:-${repo_name}}"
local osa_repo_tmp_path="/tmp/osa_${repo_name}"
osa_helper_cleanup_files ${osa_repo_tmp_path}
# Do a shallow clone of the OSA repo to work with
if git clone --quiet --depth=10 --branch ${osa_branch} --single-branch ${osa_repo_address} ${osa_repo_tmp_path}; then
pushd ${osa_repo_tmp_path} > /dev/null
git checkout --quiet origin/${osa_branch}
popd > /dev/null
return 0
return 1
####### MAIN FUNCTIONS #######
# Updates SHAs for OSA roles and OpenStack repo packages.
sync_roles_and_packages() {
local repo_name repo_address branch_data branch_sha branch_entry osa_repo_tmp_path os_repo_tmp_path
local os_branch="${1}"; shift
local osa_branch="${1}"; shift
local service_file="${1}"; shift
local openstack_service_list="$@"
local osa_repo_address="${repo_name}"
# Iterate through the service file
for repo in $(grep 'git_repo\:' ${service_file}); do
# Set the repo name
repo_name=$(echo "${repo}" | sed 's/_git_repo\:.*//g')
local osa_repo_tmp_path="/tmp/osa_${repo_name}"
local os_repo_tmp_path="/tmp/os_${repo_name}"
echo -e "\nInspecting ${repo}..."
# Set the repo address
repo_address=$(echo ${repo} | awk '{print $2}')
# Get the branch data
branch_data=$(git ls-remote ${repo_address} | grep "${os_branch}$")
# If there is no branch data, move to the next role
[ -z "${branch_data}" ] && continue
# Set the branch sha for the head of the branch
branch_sha=$(echo "${branch_data}" | awk '{print $1}')
# Set the branch entry
branch_entry="${branch_sha} # HEAD of \"$os_branch\" as of $(date +%d.%m.%Y)"
# Write the branch entry into the repo_packages file
sed -i.bak "s|${repo_name}_git_install_branch:.*|${repo_name}_git_install_branch: $branch_entry|" ${service_file}
# If the repo is not in the specified list, then move to the next role
! [[ "${openstack_service_list}" =~ "${repo_name}" ]] && continue
if osa_helper_clone_os_package ${repo_name} ${os_branch} ${branch_sha} ${repo_address}; then
if osa_helper_clone_osa_role ${repo_name} ${osa_branch}; then
# pre-sync user hook
osa_pre_sync_hook ${repo_name} ${os_branch} ${osa_branch} ${repo_address}
# We have implemented tooling to dynamically fetch the
# api-paste and other static/template files from these
# repositories, so skip trying to update their templates
# and static files.
local static_file_repo_skip_list=( ceilometer gnocchi keystone )
# Check if this repo is in the static file skip list
local skip_this_repo="no"
for skip_list_item in "${static_file_repo_skip_list[@]}"; do
if [[ "${repo_name}" == "${skip_list_item}" ]]; then
if [[ "${skip_this_repo}" != "yes" ]] && [[ -e "${os_repo_tmp_path}/etc" ]]; then
# Update the policy files
find ${os_repo_tmp_path}/etc -name "policy.json" -exec \
cp {} "${osa_repo_tmp_path}/templates/policy.json.j2" \;
# Tweak the paste files for any hmac key entries
find ${os_repo_tmp_path}/etc -name "*[_-]paste.ini" -exec \
sed -i.bak "s|hmac_keys = SECRET_KEY|hmac_keys = {{ ${repo_name}_profiler_hmac_key }}|" {} \;
# Tweak the barbican paste file to support keystone auth
if [[ "${repo_name}" == "barbican" ]]; then
find ${os_repo_tmp_path}/etc -name "*[_-]paste.ini" -exec \
sed -i.bak "s|\/v1\: barbican-api-keystone|\/v1\: {{ (barbican_keystone_auth \| bool) \| ternary('barbican-api-keystone', 'barbican_api') }}|" {} \;
# Tweak the gnocchi paste file to support keystone auth
if [[ "${repo_name}" == "gnocchi" ]]; then
find ${os_repo_tmp_path}/etc -name "*[_-]paste.ini" -exec \
sed -i.bak "s|pipeline = gnocchi+noauth|pipeline = {{ (gnocchi_keystone_auth \| bool) \| ternary('gnocchi+auth', 'gnocchi+noauth') }}|" {} \;
# Update the paste files
find ${os_repo_tmp_path}/etc -name "*[_-]paste.ini" -exec \
bash -c "name=\"{}\"; cp \${name} \"${osa_repo_tmp_path}/templates/\$(basename \${name}).j2\"" \;
# Update the yaml files for Heat
if [[ "${repo_name}" == "heat" ]]; then
find ${os_repo_tmp_path}/etc -name "*.yaml" -exec \
bash -c "name=\"{}\"; cp \${name} \"${osa_repo_tmp_path}/templates/\$(echo \${name} | rev | cut -sd / -f -2 | rev).j2\"" \;
# We have to check for rootwrap files in *all* service repositories
# as we have no dynamic way of fetching them at this stage.
if [[ -e "${os_repo_tmp_path}/etc" ]]; then
# Tweak the rootwrap conf filters_path (for neutron only)
if [[ "${repo_name}" == "neutron" ]]; then
find ${os_repo_tmp_path}/etc -name "rootwrap.conf" -exec \
sed -i.bak "s|filters_path=/etc/neutron|filters_path={{ ${repo_name}_conf_dir }}|" {} \;
# Tweak the rootwrap conf exec_dirs
find ${os_repo_tmp_path}/etc -name "rootwrap.conf" -exec \
sed -i.bak "s|exec_dirs=|exec_dirs={{ ${repo_name}_bin }},|" {} \;
# Update the rootwrap conf files
find ${os_repo_tmp_path}/etc -name "rootwrap.conf" -exec \
cp {} "${osa_repo_tmp_path}/templates/rootwrap.conf.j2" \;
# Update the rootwrap filters
mkdir -p ${osa_repo_tmp_path}/files/rootwrap.d
find ${os_repo_tmp_path}/etc -name "*.filters" -exec \
bash -c "name=\"{}\"; cp \${name} \"${osa_repo_tmp_path}/files/rootwrap.d/\$(basename \${name})\"" \;
# post-sync user hook
osa_post_sync_hook ${repo_name} ${os_branch} ${osa_branch} ${repo_address}
osa_helper_cleanup_files ${osa_repo_tmp_path} ${os_repo_tmp_path}
echo -e "Processed $repo_name @ $branch_entry\n"
unset IFS
# Updates global requirement pins for pip, setuptools and wheel
update_pip_options() {
PIP_CURRENT_OPTIONS=$(./scripts/ -p pip setuptools wheel -l horizontal)
for pin in ${PIP_CURRENT_OPTIONS}; do
sed -i.bak "s|^$(echo ${pin} | cut -f1 -d=).*|${pin}|" global-requirement-pins.txt
echo "Updated global requirement pins"
# Updates ansible-role-requirements file SHAs
update_ansible_role_requirements() {
local role_name role_version osa_repo_tmp_path role_git_sources current_source_dir
local osa_branch=${1}
local pre_release=${2}
local force_master=${3}
current_source_dir="$(cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd)"
# Update the ansible-role-requirements.yml file
if [ "${osa_branch}" != "master" ] || \
[ "${pre_release}" == "true" ] || \
[ "${force_master}" == "true" ]; then
echo "Updating ansible-role-requirements.yml"
if [ "${pre_release}" == "true" ]; then
role_git_sources=$(awk '/src: .*/ {print $2}' ansible-role-requirements.yml)
role_git_sources=$(awk '/src: .*\/openstack\// {print $2}' ansible-role-requirements.yml)
# Loop through each of the role git sources, only looking for openstack roles
for role_src in ${role_git_sources}; do
# Determine the role's name
role_name=$(sed 's/^[ \t-]*//' ansible-role-requirements.yml | awk '/src: / || /name: / {print $2}' | grep -B1 "${role_src}" | head -n 1)
echo "... updating ${role_name}"
# If the role_src is NOT from, try to get a tag first unless we are working on master
if [[ ${role_src} != *""* ]] && [[ "${force_master}" != "true" ]]; then
role_version=$(git ls-remote --tags ${role_src} | awk '{print $2}' | grep -v '{}' | cut -d/ -f 3 | sort -n | tail -n 1)
# Grab the latest SHA that matches the specified branch
if [[ -z "${role_version}" ]]; then
role_version=$(git ls-remote ${role_src} | grep "${osa_branch}$" | awk '{print $1}')
# For OSA roles, get the release notes
if [[ ${role_src} == *""* ]]; then
local osa_repo_tmp_path="/tmp/osa_${role_name}"
osa_helper_clone_osa_role $role_name $osa_branch $role_src
# If there are releasenotes to copy, then copy them
if $(ls -1 ${osa_repo_tmp_path}/releasenotes/notes/*.yaml > /dev/null 2>&1); then
rsync -aq ${osa_repo_tmp_path}/releasenotes/notes/*.yaml releasenotes/notes/
osa_helper_cleanup_files $osa_repo_tmp_path
# Now use the information we have to update the ansible-role-requirements file
"$current_source_dir/" -f ansible-role-requirements.yml -n "${role_name}" -v "${role_version}"
unset role_version
echo "Completed updating ansible-role-requirements.yml"
echo "Skipping the ansible-role-requirements.yml update as we're working on the master branch"
update_release_version() {
local osa_branch=${1}
local service_file=${2}
# Update the release version in group_vars/all/all.yml
# We don't want to be doing this for the master branch and we only want
# to do it once, so we key off of a specific repo source file name.
if [[ "${osa_branch}" != "master" ]] && [[ "${service_file}" == "playbooks/defaults/repo_packages/openstack_services.yml" ]]; then
echo "Updating the release version..."
currentversion=$(awk '/openstack_release:/ {print $2}' group_vars/all/all.yml)
# Extract the required version info
major_version=$( echo ${currentversion} | cut -d. -f1 )
minor_version=$( echo ${currentversion} | cut -d. -f2 )
patch_version=$( echo ${currentversion} | cut -d. -f3 )
# increment the patch version
patch_version=$(( patch_version + 1 ))
sed -i .bak "s/${currentversion}/${major_version}.${minor_version}.${patch_version}/" group_vars/all/all.yml
echo "Skipping the release version update as we're working on the master branch"