Kevin Carter dbd28ef755 Adds the config_template to heat
The change modifies the heat template tasks such that it's now
using the config_template action plugin. This change will make so that
config files can be dynamically updated, by a deployer, at run time,
without requiring the need to modify the in tree templates or defaults.

Partially implements: blueprint tunable-openstack-configuration

Change-Id: I53bb46f19fd61a5b320dbf0650433c5dd93b98fe
2015-09-21 11:13:28 +00:00

180 lines
6.3 KiB

# Copyright 2014, Rackspace US, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# The variables file used by the playbooks in the Heat-api group.
# These don't have to be explicitly imported by vars_files: they are autopopulated.
# Defines that the role will be deployed on a host machine
is_metal: true
# Enable/Disable Ceilometer
heat_ceilometer_enabled: False
## Verbosity Options
debug: False
verbose: True
heat_fatal_deprecations: False
heat_clients_endpoint: internalURL
heat_clients_heat_endpoint: publicURL
## DB
heat_galera_user: heat
heat_galera_database: heat
## RabbitMQ info
heat_rabbitmq_userid: heat
heat_rabbitmq_vhost: /heat
## RPC
heat_rpc_backend: heat.openstack.common.rpc.impl_kombu
## Heat User / Group
heat_system_user_name: heat
heat_system_group_name: heat
heat_system_comment: heat system user
heat_system_shell: /bin/false
heat_system_home_folder: "/var/lib/{{ heat_system_user_name }}"
## Default domain
heat_project_domain_name: Default
heat_project_name: admin
heat_user_domain_name: Default
## Stack
heat_stack_domain_admin: stack_domain_admin
heat_stack_owner_name: heat_stack_owner
heat_stack_domain_description: Owns users and projects created by heat
heat_stack_user_domain_name: heat
heat_stack_admin_user_name: admin
heat_stack_admin_tenant_name: admin
heat_max_nested_stack_depth: 5
heat_deferred_auth_method: trusts
heat_trusts_delegated_roles: []
# osprofiler
heat_profiler_enabled: false
# heat_profiler_hmac_key is set in user_secrets.yml
heat_profiler_trace_sqlalchemy: false
## Auth
heat_service_project_name: "service"
heat_service_user_name: "heat"
heat_service_project_domain_name: "Default"
heat_service_user_domain_name: "Default"
## Keystone authentication middleware
heat_keystone_auth_plugin: password
## Heat api service type and data
heat_service_name: heat
heat_service_role_name: admin
heat_service_region: RegionOne
heat_service_description: "Heat Orchestration Service"
heat_service_port: 8004
heat_service_proto: http
heat_service_publicuri_proto: "{{ openstack_service_publicuri_proto | default(heat_service_proto) }}"
heat_service_adminuri_proto: "{{ openstack_service_adminuri_proto | default(heat_service_proto) }}"
heat_service_internaluri_proto: "{{ openstack_service_internaluri_proto | default(heat_service_proto) }}"
heat_service_type: orchestration
heat_service_publicuri: "{{ heat_service_publicuri_proto }}://{{ external_lb_vip_address }}:{{ heat_service_port }}"
heat_service_publicurl: "{{ heat_service_publicuri }}/v1/%(tenant_id)s"
heat_service_adminuri: "{{ heat_service_adminuri_proto }}://{{ internal_lb_vip_address }}:{{ heat_service_port }}"
heat_service_adminurl: "{{ heat_service_adminuri }}/v1/%(tenant_id)s"
heat_service_internaluri: "{{ heat_service_internaluri_proto }}://{{ internal_lb_vip_address }}:{{ heat_service_port }}"
heat_service_internalurl: "{{ heat_service_internaluri }}/v1/%(tenant_id)s"
heat_service_program_name: heat-api
## Heat api cfn service type and data
heat_cfn_service_name: heat-cfn
heat_cfn_service_description: "Heat CloudFormation Service"
heat_cfn_service_port: 8000
heat_cfn_service_proto: http
heat_cfn_service_publicuri_proto: "{{ openstack_service_publicuri_proto | default(heat_cfn_service_proto) }}"
heat_cfn_service_adminuri_proto: "{{ openstack_service_adminuri_proto | default(heat_cfn_service_proto) }}"
heat_cfn_service_internaluri_proto: "{{ openstack_service_internaluri_proto | default(heat_cfn_service_proto) }}"
heat_cfn_service_type: cloudformation
heat_cfn_service_publicuri: "{{ heat_cfn_service_publicuri_proto }}://{{ external_lb_vip_address }}:{{ heat_cfn_service_port }}"
heat_cfn_service_publicurl: "{{ heat_cfn_service_publicuri }}/v1"
heat_cfn_service_adminuri: "{{ heat_cfn_service_adminuri_proto }}://{{ internal_lb_vip_address }}:{{ heat_cfn_service_port }}"
heat_cfn_service_adminurl: "{{ heat_cfn_service_adminuri }}/v1"
heat_cfn_service_internaluri: "{{ heat_cfn_service_internaluri_proto }}://{{ internal_lb_vip_address }}:{{ heat_cfn_service_port }}"
heat_cfn_service_internalurl: "{{ heat_cfn_service_internaluri }}/v1"
heat_cfn_service_program_name: heat-api-cfn
## Heat wait and metadata server
heat_waitcondition_server_uri: "{{ heat_cfn_service_publicuri_proto }}://{{ external_lb_vip_address }}:{{ heat_cfn_service_port }}"
heat_waitcondition_server_url: "{{ heat_waitcondition_server_uri }}/v1/waitcondition"
heat_metadata_server_url: "{{ heat_cfn_service_publicuri_proto }}://{{ external_lb_vip_address }}:{{ heat_cfn_service_port }}"
## Heat cloudwatch
heat_cloudwatch_program_name: heat-api-cloudwatch
heat_engine_program_name: heat-engine
## Heat watch server
heat_watch_proto: http
heat_watch_port: 8003
heat_watch_server_uri: "{{ heat_watch_proto }}://{{ external_lb_vip_address }}:{{ heat_watch_port }}"
heat_watch_server_url: "{{ heat_watch_server_uri }}"
## Plugin dirs
- /usr/lib/heat
- /usr/local/lib/heat
## Policy vars
# Provide a list of access controls to update the default policy.json with. These changes will be merged
# with the access controls in the default policy.json. E.g.
# "cloudformation:ListStacks": "rule:deny_stack_user"
# "cloudformation:CreateStack": "rule:deny_stack_user"
- rsync
- libxslt1.1
- keystonemiddleware
- MySQL-python
- python-memcached
- pycrypto
- python-ceilometerclient
- python-cinderclient
- python-glanceclient
- python-heatclient
- python-keystoneclient
- python-neutronclient
- python-novaclient
- python-openstackclient
- python-swiftclient
- python-troveclient
- heat
## Service Names
- heat-api
- heat-api-cfn
- heat-api-cloudwatch
- heat-engine
## Tunable overrides
heat_heat_conf_overrides: {}
heat_api_paste_ini_overrides: {}
heat_default_yaml_overrides: {}
heat_aws_cloudwatch_alarm_yaml_overrides: {}
heat_aws_rds_dbinstance_yaml_overrides: {}
heat_policy_overrides: {}