
981 B

All-in-One with nova-network

The defaults in the aio-nova.rb and the environments/vagrant-aio-nova.json should work without any changes.

Note: Default operating system is Ubuntu. If you would like CentOS, set env var REPO_OS=centos7

Device interface

The device interface must be is specified by name in the multi-nova.rb file. There are is one place to change, look for <put your interface device name here>. This is for an extra network adapter to your network, this is good practise for the more advance setups.

  • For Windows 7, open the Control Panel, Network and Internet, Network Connections. Look in the Connectivity column for a row with "Internet access", and use the "Device Name". For example, 'Intel(R) Centrino(R) Advanced-N 6205'.
  • For Mac, this works from some: 'en0: Wi-Fi (AirPort)', but there is an issue with VirtualBox and the Airport. You should look into using an Ethernet adaptor and something like: 'en3: Ethernet'
  • For Linux, ...TODO...