The charts changes are required for deployment of various clouds based on Tungsten Fabric SDN. Right now it's tested for Airship-in-a-bottle. The code cannot be tested currently in OpenStack Helm project because of absence of tests and platform for that. This patchset doesn't have Heat-related changes, they'll be added later. Change-Id: I73f2ced2b09dbb93146334b59fe4571fa13dbfb0 Depends-On: https://review.opendev.org/#/c/734635/
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Deployment with Tungsten Fabric
Tungsten Fabric is the multicloud and multistack network solution which you can use for your OpenStack as a network plugin. This document decribes how you can deploy a single node Open Stack based on Tungsten Fabric using openstack helm for development purpose.
Prepare host
First you have to set up OpenStack and Linux versions and install needed packages
sudo apt update -y
sudo apt install -y resolvconf
cd ~/openstack-helm
Install OpenStack packages
Install k8s Minikube
Setup DNS for use cluster DNS
dns_cluster_ip=`kubectl get svc kube-dns -n kube-system --no-headers -o custom-columns=":spec.clusterIP"`
echo "nameserver ${dns_cluster_ip}" | sudo tee -a /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head > /dev/null
sudo dpkg-reconfigure --force resolvconf
sudo systemctl restart resolvconf
Setup env for apply values_overrides
Setup OpenStack client
Setup Ingress
Setup MariaDB
Setup Memcached
Setup RabbitMQ
Setup NFS
Setup Keystone
Setup Heat
Setup Glance
Prepare host and openstack helm for tf
./tools/deployment/component/compute-kit/tungsten-fabric.sh prepare
Setup libvirt
Setup Neutron and Nova
Setup Tungsten Fabric
./tools/deployment/component/compute-kit/tungsten-fabric.sh deploy