XenServer has supported neutron network and its security group since Mitaka, but there is an essential requirment for XenServer Dom0. This patch is to add the explanations so people can follow. Change-Id: I98311a24ff890e61f5de93850b50245d2a6aa529 Closes-Bug: #1596507
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.. _compute_xen_api:
XenServer (and other XAPI based Xen variants)
This section describes XAPI managed hypervisors,
and how to use them with OpenStack.
A hypervisor that provides the fundamental isolation between
virtual machines. Xen is open source (GPLv2) and is managed by
`XenProject.org <http://www.xenproject.org>`_, a cross-industry
organization and a Linux Foundation Collaborative project.
Xen is a component of many different products and projects.
The hypervisor itself is very similar across all these projects,
but the way that it is managed can be different, which can cause
confusion if you're not clear which toolstack you are using.
Make sure you know what
`toolstack <http://wiki.xen.org/wiki/Choice_of_Toolstacks>`_
you want before you get started. If you want to use Xen with libvirt
in OpenStack Compute refer to :doc:`hypervisor-xen-libvirt`.
XAPI is one of the toolstacks that could control a Xen based hypervisor.
XAPI's role is similar to libvirt's in the KVM world.
The API provided by XAPI is called XenAPI.
To learn more about the provided interface, look at
`XenAPI Object Model Overview <http://docs.vmd.citrix.com/XenServer/
6.2.0/1.0/en_gb/sdk.html#object_model_overview>`_ for definitions
of XAPI specific terms such as SR, VDI, VIF and PIF.
OpenStack has a compute driver which talks to XAPI,
therefore all XAPI managed servers could be used with OpenStack.
XenAPI is the API provided by XAPI.
This name is also used by the python library that is a client for XAPI.
A set of packages to use XenAPI on existing distributions can be
built using the `xenserver/buildroot
<https://github.com/xenserver/buildroot>`_ project.
An Open Source virtualization platform that delivers all features
needed for any server and datacenter implementation including the
Xen hypervisor and XAPI for the management. For more information
and product downloads, visit `xenserver.org <http://xenserver.org/>`_.
XCP is not supported anymore. XCP project recommends all XCP users
to upgrade to the latest version of XenServer by visiting
`xenserver.org <http://xenserver.org/>`_.
Privileged and unprivileged domains
A Xen host runs a number of virtual machines, VMs, or domains
(the terms are synonymous on Xen). One of these is in charge of
running the rest of the system, and is known as domain 0, or
dom0. It is the first domain to boot after Xen, and owns the
storage and networking hardware, the device drivers, and the
primary control software. Any other VM is unprivileged, and is
known as a domU or guest. All customer VMs are unprivileged,
but you should note that on XenServer (and other XenAPI using
hypervisors), the OpenStack Compute service (``nova-compute``)
also runs in a domU. This gives a level of security isolation
between the privileged system software and the OpenStack software
(much of which is customer-facing).
This architecture is described in more detail later.
Paravirtualized versus hardware virtualized domains
A Xen virtual machine can be paravirtualized (PV) or hardware
virtualized (HVM). This refers to the interaction between Xen,
domain 0, and the guest VM's kernel. PV guests are aware of
the fact that they are virtualized and will co-operate with Xen
and domain 0; this gives them better performance
characteristics. HVM guests are not aware of their environment,
and the hardware has to pretend that they are running on an
unvirtualized machine. HVM guests do not need to modify the
guest operating system, which is essential when running Windows.
In OpenStack, customer VMs may run in either PV or HVM mode.
However, the OpenStack domU (that's the one running
``nova-compute``) must be running in PV mode.
XenAPI deployment architecture
A basic OpenStack deployment on a XAPI-managed server, assuming
that the network provider is nova-network, looks like this:
.. figure:: ../figures/xenserver_architecture.png
:width: 100%
Key things to note:
* The hypervisor: Xen
* Domain 0: runs XAPI and some small pieces from OpenStack,
the XAPI plug-ins.
* OpenStack VM: The ``Compute`` service runs in a paravirtualized
virtual machine, on the host under management.
Each host runs a local instance of ``Compute``.
It is also running an instance of nova-network.
* OpenStack Compute uses the XenAPI Python library to talk to XAPI, and
it uses the Management Network to reach from the OpenStack VM to Domain 0.
Some notes on the networking:
* The above diagram assumes FlatDHCP networking.
* There are three main OpenStack networks:
* Management network: RabbitMQ, MySQL, inter-host communication, and
compute-XAPI communication. Please note that the VM images are downloaded
by the XenAPI plug-ins, so make sure that the OpenStack Image service
is accessible through this network. It usually means binding those
services to the management interface.
* Tenant network: controlled by nova-network, this is used for tenant
* Public network: floating IPs, public API endpoints.
* The networks shown here must be connected to the corresponding physical
networks within the data center. In the simplest case, three individual
physical network cards could be used. It is also possible to use VLANs
to separate these networks. Please note, that the selected configuration
must be in line with the networking model selected for the cloud.
(In case of VLAN networking, the physical channels have to be able
to forward the tagged traffic.)
* If you are using Networking service, enable Linux bridge in ``Dom0`` which
is used for Compute service. ``nova-compute`` will create Linux bridges
for security group and ``neutron-openvswitch-agent`` in Compute node will
apply security group rules on these Linux bridges. To implement this,
you need to remove ``/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-bridge*`` in ``Dom0``.
Further reading
Here are some of the resources available to learn more about Xen:
* `Citrix XenServer official documentation
* `What is Xen? by XenProject.org
* `Xen Hypervisor project
* `Xapi project <http://www.xenproject.org/developers/teams/xapi.html>`_
* `Further XenServer and OpenStack information
Install XenServer
Before you can run OpenStack with XenServer, you must install the
hypervisor on `an appropriate server <http://docs.vmd.citrix.com/XenServer/
.. note::
Xen is a type 1 hypervisor: When your server starts, Xen is the first
software that runs. Consequently, you must install XenServer before you
install the operating system where you want to run OpenStack code. You then
install ``nova-compute`` into a dedicated virtual machine on the host.
Use the following link to download XenServer's installation media:
* http://xenserver.org/open-source-virtualization-download.html
When you install many servers, you might find it easier to perform
`PXE boot installations <http://docs.vmd.citrix.com/XenServer/6.2.0/
You can also package any post-installation changes that you want to
make to your XenServer by following the instructions of
`creating your own XenServer supplemental pack <http://docs.vmd.citrix.com/
.. important::
Make sure you use the EXT type of storage repository (SR).
Features that require access to VHD files (such as copy on write,
snapshot and migration) do not work when you use the LVM SR.
Storage repository (SR) is a XAPI-specific term relating to the physical
storage where virtual disks are stored.
On the XenServer installation screen, choose the
:guilabel:`XenDesktop Optimized` option. If you use an answer file, make
sure you use ``srtype="ext"`` in the ``installation`` tag of the answer file.
Post-installation steps
The following steps need to be completed after the hypervisor's installation:
#. For resize and migrate functionality, enable password-less
SSH authentication and set up the ``/images`` directory on dom0.
#. Install the XAPI plug-ins.
#. To support AMI type images, you must set up ``/boot/guest``
symlink/directory in dom0.
#. Create a paravirtualized virtual machine that can run ``nova-compute``.
#. Install and configure ``nova-compute`` in the above virtual machine.
Install XAPI plug-ins
When you use a XAPI managed hypervisor, you can install a Python script
(or any executable) on the host side, and execute that through XenAPI.
These scripts are called plug-ins. The OpenStack related XAPI plug-ins
live in OpenStack Compute's code repository. These plug-ins have to be
copied to dom0's filesystem, to the appropriate directory, where XAPI
can find them. It is important to ensure that the version of the plug-ins
are in line with the OpenStack Compute installation you are using.
The plugins should typically be copied from the Nova installation
running in the Compute's DomU, but if you want to download the latest
version the following procedure can be used.
**Manually installing the plug-ins**
#. Create temporary files/directories:
.. code-block:: console
$ NOVA_TARBALL=$(mktemp)
$ NOVA_SOURCES=$(mktemp -d)
#. Get the source from the openstack.org archives. The example assumes
the master branch is used, and the XenServer host is accessible as
xenserver. Match those parameters to your setup.
.. code-block:: console
$ NOVA_URL=https://tarballs.openstack.org/nova/nova-master.tar.gz
$ wget -qO "$NOVA_TARBALL" "$NOVA_URL"
$ tar xvf "$NOVA_TARBALL" -d "$NOVA_SOURCES"
#. Copy the plug-ins to the hypervisor:
.. code-block:: console
$ PLUGINPATH=$(find $NOVA_SOURCES -path '*/xapi.d/plugins' -type d -print)
$ tar -czf - -C "$PLUGINPATH" ./ |
> ssh root@xenserver tar -xozf - -C /etc/xapi.d/plugins
#. Remove temporary files/directories:</para>
.. code-block:: console
$ rm -rf "$NOVA_SOURCES"
Prepare for AMI type images
To support AMI type images in your OpenStack installation,
you must create the ``/boot/guest`` directory on dom0.
One of the OpenStack XAPI plugins will extract the kernel and
ramdisk from AKI and ARI images and put them to that directory.
OpenStack maintains the contents of this directory and its size
should not increase during normal operation. However, in case of power
failures or accidental shutdowns, some files might be left over.
To prevent these files from filling up dom0's filesystem, set up this
directory as a symlink that points to a subdirectory of the local SR.
Run these commands in dom0 to achieve this setup:
.. code-block:: console
# LOCAL_SR=$(xe sr-list name-label="Local storage" --minimal)
# LOCALPATH="/var/run/sr-mount/$LOCAL_SR/os-guest-kernels"
# mkdir -p "$LOCALPATH"
# ln -s "$LOCALPATH" /boot/guest
Modify dom0 for resize/migration support
To resize servers with XenServer you must:
* Establish a root trust between all hypervisor nodes of your deployment:
To do so, generate an ssh key-pair with the :command:`ssh-keygen`
command. Ensure that each of your dom0's ``authorized_keys`` file
(located in ``/root/.ssh/authorized_keys``) contains the public key
fingerprint (located in ``/root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub``).
* Provide a ``/images`` mount point to the dom0 for your hypervisor:
dom0 space is at a premium so creating a directory in dom0 is potentially
dangerous and likely to fail especially when you resize large servers.
The least you can do is to symlink ``/images`` to your local storage SR.
The following instructions work for an English-based installation
of XenServer and in the case of ext3-based SR (with which the resize
functionality is known to work correctly).
.. code-block:: console
# LOCAL_SR=$(xe sr-list name-label="Local storage" --minimal)
# IMG_DIR="/var/run/sr-mount/$LOCAL_SR/images"
# mkdir -p "$IMG_DIR"
# ln -s "$IMG_DIR" /images
XenAPI configuration reference
The following section discusses some commonly changed options when
using the XenAPI driver. The table below provides a complete reference
of all configuration options available for configuring XAPI with OpenStack.
The recommended way to use XAPI with OpenStack is through the XenAPI driver.
To enable the XenAPI driver, add the following configuration options to
``/etc/nova/nova.conf`` and restart ``OpenStack Compute``:
.. code-block:: ini
compute_driver = xenapi.XenAPIDriver
connection_url = http://your_xenapi_management_ip_address
connection_username = root
connection_password = your_password
These connection details are used by OpenStack Compute service to
contact your hypervisor and are the same details you use to connect
XenCenter, the XenServer management console, to your XenServer node.
.. note::
The ``connection_url`` is generally the management network IP
address of the XenServer.
The agent is a piece of software that runs on the instances, and
communicates with OpenStack. In case of the XenAPI driver, the
agent communicates with OpenStack through XenStore (see
`the Xen Project Wiki <http://wiki.xenproject.org/wiki/XenStore>`_
for more information on XenStore).
If you don't have the guest agent on your VMs, it takes a long time
for OpenStack Compute to detect that the VM has successfully started.
Generally a large timeout is required for Windows instances, but you may
want to adjust: ``agent_version_timeout`` within the ``[xenserver]`` section.
VNC proxy address
Assuming you are talking to XAPI through a management network, and
XenServer is on the address: specify the same address
for the vnc proxy address: ``vncserver_proxyclient_address=``
You can specify which Storage Repository to use with nova by editing the
following flag. To use the local-storage setup by the default installer:
.. code-block:: ini
sr_matching_filter = "other-config:i18n-key=local-storage"
Another alternative is to use the "default" storage
(for example if you have attached NFS or any other shared storage):
.. code-block:: ini
sr_matching_filter = "default-sr:true"
Image upload in ``tgz`` compressed format
To start uploading ``tgz`` compressed raw disk images to the Image service,
configure ``xenapi_image_upload_handler`` by replacing ``GlanceStore``
with ``VdiThroughDevStore``.
.. code-block:: ini
As opposed to:
.. code-block:: ini
XenAPI configuration reference
To customize the XenAPI driver, use the configuration option settings
documented in :ref:`nova-xen`.