Update the instructions to indicate which guides are no longer maintained by the docs team and how those docs are handled instead. Explain the data input to the www-generator.py tool Update the release instructions to explain how to update the templated portion of the site. Change-Id: I08bb228a6807bfcee0a6ab72ddaf229b455c9d1d Signed-off-by: Doug Hellmann <doug@doughellmann.com>
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.. _project-install-guide:
Installation tutorials and guides
Pike and later
Each official OpenStack project should maintain an installation guide
following the layout described in the `documentation migration
spec`_. When the guide is available, update
``openstack-manuals/www/project-data/latest.yaml`` to include
information about the project and ensure that the
``has_install_guide`` flag is set to ``true`` to ensure that the guide
is listed along with the guides from other projects.
.. _documentation migration spec: http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/docs-specs/specs/pike/os-manuals-migration.html
Newton and Ocata
For the Newton release, a new method of publishing installation tutorials
and guides is being implemented. This will allow each big tent project to
create their own installation guide, based on a standard template,
in their own repository. These guides are then centrally published to
`docs.openstack.org <https://docs.openstack.org>`_.
.. warning::
These instructions are superseded by the `documentation migration
spec`_. New installation guides should be created using the layout
defined in the spec, rather than the following instructions.
For updates on the progress of this project, see the `Install Guide wiki
page <https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Documentation/InstallGuideWorkItems>`_.
If you would like to help out, `attend a meeting
Set up project specific installation guides:
#. Install ``cookiecutter``:
.. code-block:: console
# pip install cookiecutter
#. Run the Install Guide cookiecutter in the top-level directory of your
projects repository to create a skeleton for the install guide of your
.. code-block:: console
$ cookiecutter https://git.openstack.org/openstack/installguide-cookiecutter.git
You will be prompted to answer the following questions to complete the
.. list-table::
:header-rows: 1
* - Parameter
- Explanation
- Example
* - directory_name
- The name of the install guide directory inside the project repository.
This should be, ``install-guide``.
- install-guide
* - service
- The service name what the project implements.
- Compute, Telemetry Alarming, or Root Cause Analysis
* - codename
- The name how the different components of the project are refering to the project
- nova, aodh, or vitrage as in nova-conductor or vitrage-api
A directory will be created with the name that was defined in
``directory_name`` (usually ``install-guide``) with the skeleton
of the install guide.
#. Create a ``tox.ini`` environment for ``install-guide`` in your project
repository, using this content:
.. code-block:: ini
commands = sphinx-build -a -E -W -d install-guide/build/doctrees -b html install-guide/source install-guide/build/html
#. Add the python package ``openstackdocstheme`` to the
``test-requirements.txt`` file. Copy the exact requirement line from the
`global file
.. code-block:: none
openstackdocstheme>=1.5.0 # Apache-2.0
#. Add your installation content, and test the build locally with ``tox``:
.. code-block:: console
$ tox -e install-guide
The local build will be generated in the ``install-guide/build/html``
#. Commit the changes to your project repository for review.
After these changes have merged, you can set up the jobs for building.
#. Clone the ``project-config`` repo:
.. code-block:: console
$ git clone https://git.openstack.org/openstack-infra/project-config
#. In ``jenkins/jobs/projects.yaml``, add ``install-guide-jobs`` within the
entry for your project:
.. code-block:: yaml
- project:
name: heat
- install-guide-jobs:
service: orchestration
Here ``service`` is the service name of the project, like orchestration
for heat.
This defines the jobs using the JJB ``install-guide-jobs`` job-template.
#. In ``zuul/layout.yaml``, locate the entry for your project and add the
``install-guide-jobs`` template:
.. code-block:: yaml
- name: openstack/heat
- name: install-guide-jobs
This schedules the Install Guide jobs.
#. Commit the changes to the infra repository for review.
To create or update the master index file, create or update the
``www/project-install-guide/RELEASE/index.html`` file and the
``doc/install-guide/source/additional-services.rst`` at the
``openstack-manuals`` repository.
For draft (unreleased) version, replace ``RELEASE`` with ``draft``.