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Description of iLO configuration options
Configuration option = Default value Description
ca_file = None (String) CA certificate file to validate iLO.
clean_priority_clear_secure_boot_keys = 0 (Integer) Priority for clear_secure_boot_keys clean step. This step is not enabled by default. It can be enabled to clear all secure boot keys enrolled with iLO.
clean_priority_erase_devices = None (Integer) DEPRECATED: Priority for erase devices clean step. If unset, it defaults to 10. If set to 0, the step will be disabled and will not run during cleaning. This configuration option is duplicated by [deploy] erase_devices_priority, please use that instead.
clean_priority_reset_bios_to_default = 10 (Integer) Priority for reset_bios_to_default clean step.
clean_priority_reset_ilo = 0 (Integer) Priority for reset_ilo clean step.
clean_priority_reset_ilo_credential = 30 (Integer) Priority for reset_ilo_credential clean step. This step requires "ilo_change_password" parameter to be updated in nodes's driver_info with the new password.
clean_priority_reset_secure_boot_keys_to_default = 20 (Integer) Priority for reset_secure_boot_keys clean step. This step will reset the secure boot keys to manufacturing defaults.
client_port = 443 (Port number) Port to be used for iLO operations
client_timeout = 60 (Integer) Timeout (in seconds) for iLO operations
default_boot_mode = auto (String) Default boot mode to be used in provisioning when "boot_mode" capability is not provided in the "properties/capabilities" of the node. The default is "auto" for backward compatibility. When "auto" is specified, default boot mode will be selected based on boot mode settings on the system.
power_retry = 6 (Integer) Number of times a power operation needs to be retried
power_wait = 2 (Integer) Amount of time in seconds to wait in between power operations
swift_ilo_container = ironic_ilo_container (String) The Swift iLO container to store data.
swift_object_expiry_timeout = 900 (Integer) Amount of time in seconds for Swift objects to auto-expire.
use_web_server_for_images = False (Boolean) Set this to True to use http web server to host floppy images and generated boot ISO. This requires http_root and http_url to be configured in the [deploy] section of the config file. If this is set to False, then Ironic will use Swift to host the floppy images and generated boot_iso.