3.1 KiB
Automatically generate configuration tables to document OpenStack.
Dependencies: python-git (at least version 0.3.2 RC1), oslo.config
Setting up your environment
Note: This tool is best run in a fresh VM environment, as running it requires installing the dependencies of the particular OpenStack product you are working with. Installing all of that on your normal machine could leave you with a bunch of cruft!
First install git and python-pip,
$ sudo apt-get install git python-pip
next, install oslo.config and GitPython
$ sudo pip install oslo.config "GitPython>=0.3.2.RC1"
then, checkout the repository you are working with:
$ git clone https://github.com/openstack/nova.git
(this guide makes reference to a /repos directory, so you should record the directory you are using and replace as appropriate below)
and the tool itself:
$ git clone https://github.com/openstack/openstack-manuals.git
and finally, the dependencies for the product you are working with:
$ sudo pip install -r nova/requirements.txt
Now you are ready to use the tool.
Using the tool
This tool is divided into three parts:
Extraction of flags names eg
$ ./autohelp.py --action create -i flagmappings/nova.flagmappings -o names --path /repos/nova
Grouping of flags
This is currently done manually, by using the flag name file and placing a category after a space.
$ head flagmappings/glance.flagmappings
admin\_password registry
admin\_role api
admin\_tenant\_name registry
admin\_user registry
- Creation of docbook-formatted configuration table files
$ ./autohelp.py --action create -i flagmappings/nova.flagmappings -o docbook --path /repos/nova
A worked example - updating the docs for H2
update automatically generated tables - from scratch
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install git python-pip python-dev
$ sudo pip install git-review GitPython
$ git clone git://github.com/openstack/openstack-manuals.git
$ cd openstack-manuals/
$ git review -d 35726
$ cd tools/autogenerate-config-docs/
Now, cloning and installing requirements for nova, glance, quantum
$ for i in nova glance quantum; do git clone git://github.com/openstack/$i.git; done
$ for i in nova glance quantum; do sudo pip install -r $i/requirements.txt; done
This missed some requirements for nova, which were fixed by:
$ sudo pip install python-glanceclient websockify pyasn1 python-cinderclient error_util
$ sudo apt-get install python-ldap python-lxml
Making the flag names update
./autohelp.py -vvv --action update -i flagmappings/nova.flagmappings -o names --path ~/nova | more
At this point, seach through flagmappings/nova.flagmappings.new for anything labelled Unknown and fix, once that is done use:
./autohelp.py -vvv --action create -i flagmappings/nova.flagmappings -o docbook --path ~/nova
to generate the XML files and move those into the appropriate part ofthe git repo