Kentaro Sasaki 554f1a3608 No "python-keystone-auth-token" available in RDO install guide
Fix the install package in RDO install guide.
This has been changed from python-keystone-auth-token
to python-keystoneclient.

Change-Id: If0dd22e42a5acf297dfbcdd1e2fb43770e3021d0
Closes-Bug: #1515606
2015-11-12 23:31:24 +09:00

7.7 KiB

Install and configure the controller node

This section describes how to install and configure the proxy service that handles requests for the account, container, and object services operating on the storage nodes. For simplicity, this guide installs and configures the proxy service on the controller node. However, you can run the proxy service on any node with network connectivity to the storage nodes. Additionally, you can install and configure the proxy service on multiple nodes to increase performance and redundancy. For more information, see the Deployment Guide.


The proxy service relies on an authentication and authorization mechanism such as the Identity service. However, unlike other services, it also offers an internal mechanism that allows it to operate without any other OpenStack services. However, for simplicity, this guide references the Identity service in keystone. Before you configure the Object Storage service, you must create service credentials and an API endpoint.


The Object Storage service does not use an SQL database on the controller node. Instead, it uses distributed SQLite databases on each storage node.

  1. Source the admin credentials to gain access to admin-only CLI commands:

    $ source
  2. To create the Identity service credentials, complete these steps:

    • Create the swift user:

      $ openstack user create --domain default --password-prompt swift
      User Password:
      Repeat User Password:
      | Field     | Value                            |
      | domain_id | default                          |
      | enabled   | True                             |
      | id        | d535e5cbd2b74ac7bfb97db9cced3ed6 |
      | name      | swift                            |
    • Add the admin role to the swift user:

      $ openstack role add --project service --user swift admin


      This command provides no output.

    • Create the swift service entity:

      $ openstack service create --name swift \
        --description "OpenStack Object Storage" object-store
      | Field       | Value                            |
      | description | OpenStack Object Storage         |
      | enabled     | True                             |
      | id          | 75ef509da2c340499d454ae96a2c5c34 |
      | name        | swift                            |
      | type        | object-store                     |
  3. Create the Object Storage service API endpoints:

    $ openstack endpoint create --region RegionOne \
      object-store public http://controller:8080/v1/AUTH_%\(tenant_id\)s
    | Field        | Value                                        |
    | enabled      | True                                         |
    | id           | 12bfd36f26694c97813f665707114e0d             |
    | interface    | public                                       |
    | region       | RegionOne                                    |
    | region_id    | RegionOne                                    |
    | service_id   | 75ef509da2c340499d454ae96a2c5c34             |
    | service_name | swift                                        |
    | service_type | object-store                                 |
    | url          | http://controller:8080/v1/AUTH_%(tenant_id)s |
    $ openstack endpoint create --region RegionOne \
      object-store internal http://controller:8080/v1/AUTH_%\(tenant_id\)s
    | Field        | Value                                        |
    | enabled      | True                                         |
    | id           | 7a36bee6733a4b5590d74d3080ee6789             |
    | interface    | internal                                     |
    | region       | RegionOne                                    |
    | region_id    | RegionOne                                    |
    | service_id   | 75ef509da2c340499d454ae96a2c5c34             |
    | service_name | swift                                        |
    | service_type | object-store                                 |
    | url          | http://controller:8080/v1/AUTH_%(tenant_id)s |
    $ openstack endpoint create --region RegionOne \
      object-store admin http://controller:8080/v1
    | Field        | Value                            |
    | enabled      | True                             |
    | id           | ebb72cd6851d4defabc0b9d71cdca69b |
    | interface    | admin                            |
    | region       | RegionOne                        |
    | region_id    | RegionOne                        |
    | service_id   | 75ef509da2c340499d454ae96a2c5c34 |
    | service_name | swift                            |
    | service_type | object-store                     |
    | url          | http://controller:8080/v1        |

Install and configure components

  1. Install the packages:

    ubuntu or debian

    # apt-get install swift swift-proxy python-swiftclient \
      python-keystoneclient python-keystonemiddleware \


    # yum install openstack-swift-proxy python-swiftclient \
      python-keystoneclient python-keystonemiddleware \


    # zypper install openstack-swift-proxy python-swiftclient \
      python-keystoneclient python-keystonemiddleware \
      python-xml memcached


    Complete OpenStack environments already include some of these packages.

ubuntu or debian

  1. Create the /etc/swift directory.

  2. Obtain the proxy service configuration file from the Object Storage source repository:

    # curl -o /etc/swift/proxy-server.conf


  1. Obtain the proxy service configuration file from the Object Storage source repository:

    # curl -o /etc/swift/proxy-server.conf


