Matthew Kassawara 4e1dc3235f [install] Update diagrams for Mitaka
Update diagrams for Mitaka including addition of
the Shared File System service and increasing
size to improve readability. Also update Block
Storage node description in overview to include
Shared File System service.

Change-Id: I4ed900f5c9d6b03cb14aceb1e73e4629d4ee33aa
Implements: bp installguide-mitaka
2016-04-27 08:03:05 -06:00

4 lines
41 KiB

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64.692913 C 34.015748 60.274635 37.59747 56.692913 42.015748 56.692913 Z" fill="#fdf5dd"/><path d="M 42.015748 56.692913 L 82.70866 56.692913 C 87.12694 56.692913 90.70866 60.274635 90.70866 64.692913 L 90.70866 77.03937 C 90.70866 81.45765 87.12694 85.03937 82.70866 85.03937 L 42.015748 85.03937 C 37.59747 85.03937 34.015748 81.45765 34.015748 77.03937 L 34.015748 64.692913 C 34.015748 60.274635 37.59747 56.692913 42.015748 56.692913 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(39.015748 59.86614)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="17.492941" y="9" textLength="11.707031">1-2</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="15.381613" y="20" textLength="15.9296875">CPU</tspan></text></g><path d="M 348.15748 28.346457 L 473.88976 28.346457 C 478.30804 28.346457 481.88976 31.928179 481.88976 36.346457 L 481.88976 167.74803 C 481.88976 172.16631 478.30804 175.74803 473.88976 175.74803 L 348.15748 175.74803 C 343.7392 175.74803 340.15748 172.16631 340.15748 167.74803 L 340.15748 36.346457 C 340.15748 31.928179 343.7392 28.346457 348.15748 28.346457 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1" stroke-dasharray="4,4"/><text transform="translate(345.15748 33.346457)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="12" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="4.4423132" y="13" textLength="58.335938">Block Stor</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="12" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="62.538016" y="13" textLength="64.751953">age Node 1</tspan></text><path d="M 36.346457 155.90551 L 162.07874 155.90551 C 166.49702 155.90551 170.07874 159.48723 170.07874 163.90551 L 170.07874 295.30708 C 170.07874 299.72536 166.49702 303.30708 162.07874 303.30708 L 36.346457 303.30708 C 31.928179 303.30708 28.346457 299.72536 28.346457 295.30708 L 28.346457 163.90551 C 28.346457 159.48723 31.928179 155.90551 36.346457 155.90551 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1" stroke-dasharray="4,4"/><text transform="translate(33.346457 160.90551)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="12" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="1.2225866" y="13" textLength="64.77539">Object Stor</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="12" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="65.757743" y="13" textLength="64.751953">age Node 1</tspan></text><path d="M 192.25197 155.90551 L 317.98425 155.90551 C 322.40253 155.90551 325.98425 159.48723 325.98425 163.90551 L 325.98425 295.30708 C 325.98425 299.72536 322.40253 303.30708 317.98425 303.30708 L 192.25197 303.30708 C 187.83369 303.30708 184.25197 299.72536 184.25197 295.30708 L 184.25197 163.90551 C 184.25197 159.48723 187.83369 155.90551 192.25197 155.90551 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1" 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d="M 37.562991 325.98425 L 78.255904 325.98425 C 82.67418 325.98425 86.255904 329.56597 86.255904 333.98425 L 86.255904 346.3307 C 86.255904 350.74898 82.67418 354.3307 78.255904 354.3307 L 37.562991 354.3307 C 33.144713 354.3307 29.562991 350.74898 29.562991 346.3307 L 29.562991 333.98425 C 29.562991 329.56597 33.144713 325.98425 37.562991 325.98425 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><path d="M 37.562991 368.50393 L 78.255904 368.50393 C 82.67418 368.50393 86.255904 372.08566 86.255904 376.50393 L 86.255904 388.8504 C 86.255904 393.26867 82.67418 396.8504 78.255904 396.8504 L 37.562991 396.8504 C 33.144713 396.8504 29.562991 393.26867 29.562991 388.8504 L 29.562991 376.50393 C 29.562991 372.08566 33.144713 368.50393 37.562991 368.50393 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1" stroke-dasharray="4,4"/><text transform="translate(90.92126 333.8189)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" 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164.40945 77.03937 C 164.40945 81.45765 160.82773 85.03937 156.40945 85.03937 L 115.716535 85.03937 C 111.29826 85.03937 107.716535 81.45765 107.716535 77.03937 L 107.716535 64.692913 C 107.716535 60.274635 111.29826 56.692913 115.716535 56.692913 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(112.716535 59.86614)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="14.479269" y="9" textLength="17.734375">8 GB</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="14.453878" y="20" textLength="17.785156">RAM</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 42.015748 99.2126 L 82.70866 99.2126 C 87.12694 99.2126 90.70866 102.79432 90.70866 107.2126 L 90.70866 119.559054 C 90.70866 123.97733 87.12694 127.559054 82.70866 127.559054 L 42.015748 127.559054 C 37.59747 127.559054 34.015748 123.97733 34.015748 119.559054 L 34.015748 107.2126 C 34.015748 102.79432 37.59747 99.2126 42.015748 99.2126 Z" fill="#fdf5dd"/><path d="M 42.015748 99.2126 L 82.70866 99.2126 C 87.12694 99.2126 90.70866 102.79432 90.70866 107.2126 L 90.70866 119.559054 C 90.70866 123.97733 87.12694 127.559054 82.70866 127.559054 L 42.015748 127.559054 C 37.59747 127.559054 34.015748 123.97733 34.015748 119.559054 L 34.015748 107.2126 C 34.015748 102.79432 37.59747 99.2126 42.015748 99.2126 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(39.015748 102.385826)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="9.912863" y="9" textLength="26.867188">100 GB</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="8.637472" y="20" textLength="15.878906">Stor</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="24.356222" y="20" textLength="13.699219">age</tspan></text></g><g 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127.559054 C 193.50298 127.559054 189.92126 123.97733 189.92126 119.559054 L 189.92126 107.2126 C 189.92126 102.79432 193.50298 99.2126 197.92126 99.2126 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(194.92126 102.385826)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="7.6296597" y="9" textLength="31.433594">100+ GB</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="8.637472" y="20" textLength="15.878906">Stor</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="24.356222" y="20" textLength="13.699219">age</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 353.82677 56.692913 L 394.51968 56.692913 C 398.93796 56.692913 402.51968 60.274635 402.51968 64.692913 L 402.51968 77.03937 C 402.51968 81.45765 398.93796 85.03937 394.51968 85.03937 L 353.82677 85.03937 C 349.4085 85.03937 345.82677 81.45765 345.82677 77.03937 L 345.82677 64.692913 C 345.82677 60.274635 349.4085 56.692913 353.82677 56.692913 Z" fill="#fdf5dd"/><path d="M 353.82677 56.692913 L 394.51968 56.692913 C 398.93796 56.692913 402.51968 60.274635 402.51968 64.692913 L 402.51968 77.03937 C 402.51968 81.45765 398.93796 85.03937 394.51968 85.03937 L 353.82677 85.03937 C 349.4085 85.03937 345.82677 81.45765 345.82677 77.03937 L 345.82677 64.692913 C 345.82677 60.274635 349.4085 56.692913 353.82677 56.692913 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(350.82677 59.86614)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="17.492941" y="9" textLength="11.707031">1-2</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="15.381613" y="20" textLength="15.9296875">CPU</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 427.52756 56.692913 L 468.22047 56.692913 C 472.63875 56.692913 476.22047 60.274635 476.22047 64.692913 L 476.22047 77.03937 C 476.22047 81.45765 472.63875 85.03937 468.22047 85.03937 L 427.52756 85.03937 C 423.10928 85.03937 419.52756 81.45765 419.52756 77.03937 L 419.52756 64.692913 C 419.52756 60.274635 423.10928 56.692913 427.52756 56.692913 Z" fill="#fdf5dd"/><path d="M 427.52756 56.692913 L 468.22047 56.692913 C 472.63875 56.692913 476.22047 60.274635 476.22047 64.692913 L 476.22047 77.03937 C 476.22047 81.45765 472.63875 85.03937 468.22047 85.03937 L 427.52756 85.03937 C 423.10928 85.03937 419.52756 81.45765 419.52756 77.03937 L 419.52756 64.692913 C 419.52756 60.274635 423.10928 56.692913 427.52756 56.692913 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(424.52756 59.86614)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="14.479269" y="9" textLength="17.734375">4 GB</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" 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transform="translate(112.716535 102.385826)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="21.063253" y="9" textLength="4.5664062">2</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="16.457785" y="20" textLength="13.777344">NIC</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 271.62205 99.2126 L 312.31496 99.2126 C 316.73324 99.2126 320.31496 102.79432 320.31496 107.2126 L 320.31496 119.559054 C 320.31496 123.97733 316.73324 127.559054 312.31496 127.559054 L 271.62205 127.559054 C 267.20377 127.559054 263.62205 123.97733 263.62205 119.559054 L 263.62205 107.2126 C 263.62205 102.79432 267.20377 99.2126 271.62205 99.2126 Z" fill="#fdf5dd"/><path d="M 271.62205 99.2126 L 312.31496 99.2126 C 316.73324 99.2126 320.31496 102.79432 320.31496 107.2126 L 320.31496 119.559054 C 320.31496 123.97733 316.73324 127.559054 312.31496 127.559054 L 271.62205 127.559054 C 267.20377 127.559054 263.62205 123.97733 263.62205 119.559054 L 263.62205 107.2126 C 263.62205 102.79432 267.20377 99.2126 271.62205 99.2126 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(268.62205 102.385826)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="21.063253" y="9" textLength="4.5664062">2</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="16.457785" y="20" textLength="13.777344">NIC</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 427.52756 99.2126 L 468.22047 99.2126 C 472.63875 99.2126 476.22047 102.79432 476.22047 107.2126 L 476.22047 119.559054 C 476.22047 123.97733 472.63875 127.559054 468.22047 127.559054 L 427.52756 127.559054 C 423.10928 127.559054 419.52756 123.97733 419.52756 119.559054 L 419.52756 107.2126 C 419.52756 102.79432 423.10928 99.2126 427.52756 99.2126 Z" fill="#fdf5dd"/><path d="M 427.52756 99.2126 L 468.22047 99.2126 C 472.63875 99.2126 476.22047 102.79432 476.22047 107.2126 L 476.22047 119.559054 C 476.22047 123.97733 472.63875 127.559054 468.22047 127.559054 L 427.52756 127.559054 C 423.10928 127.559054 419.52756 123.97733 419.52756 119.559054 L 419.52756 107.2126 C 419.52756 102.79432 423.10928 99.2126 427.52756 99.2126 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(424.52756 102.385826)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="21.063253" y="9" textLength="4.5664062">1</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="16.457785" y="20" textLength="13.777344">NIC</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 115.716535 226.77165 L 156.40945 226.77165 C 160.82773 226.77165 164.40945 230.35337 164.40945 234.77165 L 164.40945 247.11811 C 164.40945 251.53639 160.82773 255.11811 156.40945 255.11811 L 115.716535 255.11811 C 111.29826 255.11811 107.716535 251.53639 107.716535 247.11811 L 107.716535 234.77165 C 107.716535 230.35337 111.29826 226.77165 115.716535 226.77165 Z" fill="#fdf5dd"/><path d="M 115.716535 226.77165 L 156.40945 226.77165 C 160.82773 226.77165 164.40945 230.35337 164.40945 234.77165 L 164.40945 247.11811 C 164.40945 251.53639 160.82773 255.11811 156.40945 255.11811 L 115.716535 255.11811 C 111.29826 255.11811 107.716535 251.53639 107.716535 247.11811 L 107.716535 234.77165 C 107.716535 230.35337 111.29826 226.77165 115.716535 226.77165 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(112.716535 229.94488)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="21.063253" y="9" textLength="4.5664062">1</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="16.457785" y="20" textLength="13.777344">NIC</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 271.62205 184.25197 L 312.31496 184.25197 C 316.73324 184.25197 320.31496 187.83369 320.31496 192.25197 L 320.31496 204.59842 C 320.31496 209.0167 316.73324 212.59842 312.31496 212.59842 L 271.62205 212.59842 C 267.20377 212.59842 263.62205 209.0167 263.62205 204.59842 L 263.62205 192.25197 C 263.62205 187.83369 267.20377 184.25197 271.62205 184.25197 Z" fill="#fdf5dd"/><path d="M 271.62205 184.25197 L 312.31496 184.25197 C 316.73324 184.25197 320.31496 187.83369 320.31496 192.25197 L 320.31496 204.59842 C 320.31496 209.0167 316.73324 212.59842 312.31496 212.59842 L 271.62205 212.59842 C 267.20377 212.59842 263.62205 209.0167 263.62205 204.59842 L 263.62205 192.25197 C 263.62205 187.83369 267.20377 184.25197 271.62205 184.25197 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(268.62205 187.4252)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="12.196066" y="9" textLength="22.300781">4+ GB</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="14.453878" y="20" textLength="17.785156">RAM</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 197.92126 184.25197 L 238.61417 184.25197 C 243.03245 184.25197 246.61417 187.83369 246.61417 192.25197 L 246.61417 204.59842 C 246.61417 209.0167 243.03245 212.59842 238.61417 212.59842 L 197.92126 212.59842 C 193.50298 212.59842 189.92126 209.0167 189.92126 204.59842 L 189.92126 192.25197 C 189.92126 187.83369 193.50298 184.25197 197.92126 184.25197 Z" fill="#fdf5dd"/><path d="M 197.92126 184.25197 L 238.61417 184.25197 C 243.03245 184.25197 246.61417 187.83369 246.61417 192.25197 L 246.61417 204.59842 C 246.61417 209.0167 243.03245 212.59842 238.61417 212.59842 L 197.92126 212.59842 C 193.50298 212.59842 189.92126 209.0167 189.92126 204.59842 L 189.92126 192.25197 C 189.92126 187.83369 193.50298 184.25197 197.92126 184.25197 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(194.92126 187.4252)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="17.492941" y="9" textLength="11.707031">1-2</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="15.381613" y="20" textLength="15.9296875">CPU</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 271.62205 226.77165 L 312.31496 226.77165 C 316.73324 226.77165 320.31496 230.35337 320.31496 234.77165 L 320.31496 247.11811 C 320.31496 251.53639 316.73324 255.11811 312.31496 255.11811 L 271.62205 255.11811 C 267.20377 255.11811 263.62205 251.53639 263.62205 247.11811 L 263.62205 234.77165 C 263.62205 230.35337 267.20377 226.77165 271.62205 226.77165 Z" fill="#fdf5dd"/><path d="M 271.62205 226.77165 L 312.31496 226.77165 C 316.73324 226.77165 320.31496 230.35337 320.31496 234.77165 L 320.31496 247.11811 C 320.31496 251.53639 316.73324 255.11811 312.31496 255.11811 L 271.62205 255.11811 C 267.20377 255.11811 263.62205 251.53639 263.62205 247.11811 L 263.62205 234.77165 C 263.62205 230.35337 267.20377 226.77165 271.62205 226.77165 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(268.62205 229.94488)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="21.063253" y="9" textLength="4.5664062">1</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="16.457785" y="20" textLength="13.777344">NIC</tspan></text></g><path d="M 374.17323 113.385826 C 374.17323 113.385826 372.23726 127.63076 382.67716 136.06299 C 393.11706 144.49522 411.02362 143.149605 411.02362 143.149605" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2"/><path d="M 62.362204 240.94488 C 62.362204 240.94488 60.42624 255.18982 70.86614 263.62205 C 81.30604 272.05427 99.2126 270.70866 99.2126 270.70866" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2"/><path d="M 220.37918 255.11811 C 221.67179 258.11523 223.67854 261.12376 226.77165 263.62205 C 227.5501 264.25079 228.37005 264.82517 229.221 265.3498" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2"/><path d="M 62.362204 240.94488 C 62.362204 240.94488 60.42624 269.41085 70.86614 283.46457 C 81.30604 297.51828 99.2126 290.55118 99.2126 290.55118" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2"/><path d="M 218.45233 255.11811 C 219.14609 264.31817 221.1902 275.95107 226.77165 283.46457 C 227.382 284.28619 228.01786 285.03596 228.67418 285.71948" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2"/><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 42.015748 226.77165 L 82.70866 226.77165 C 87.12694 226.77165 90.70866 230.35337 90.70866 234.77165 L 90.70866 247.11811 C 90.70866 251.53639 87.12694 255.11811 82.70866 255.11811 L 42.015748 255.11811 C 37.59747 255.11811 34.015748 251.53639 34.015748 247.11811 L 34.015748 234.77165 C 34.015748 230.35337 37.59747 226.77165 42.015748 226.77165 Z" fill="#fdf5dd"/><path d="M 42.015748 226.77165 L 82.70866 226.77165 C 87.12694 226.77165 90.70866 230.35337 90.70866 234.77165 L 90.70866 247.11811 C 90.70866 251.53639 87.12694 255.11811 82.70866 255.11811 L 42.015748 255.11811 C 37.59747 255.11811 34.015748 251.53639 34.015748 247.11811 L 34.015748 234.77165 C 34.015748 230.35337 37.59747 226.77165 42.015748 226.77165 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(39.015748 229.94488)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="7.6296597" y="9" textLength="31.433594">100+ GB</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="8.637472" y="20" textLength="15.878906">Stor</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="24.356222" y="20" textLength="13.699219">age</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 197.92126 226.77165 L 238.61417 226.77165 C 243.03245 226.77165 246.61417 230.35337 246.61417 234.77165 L 246.61417 247.11811 C 246.61417 251.53639 243.03245 255.11811 238.61417 255.11811 L 197.92126 255.11811 C 193.50298 255.11811 189.92126 251.53639 189.92126 247.11811 L 189.92126 234.77165 C 189.92126 230.35337 193.50298 226.77165 197.92126 226.77165 Z" fill="#fdf5dd"/><path d="M 197.92126 226.77165 L 238.61417 226.77165 C 243.03245 226.77165 246.61417 230.35337 246.61417 234.77165 L 246.61417 247.11811 C 246.61417 251.53639 243.03245 255.11811 238.61417 255.11811 L 197.92126 255.11811 C 193.50298 255.11811 189.92126 251.53639 189.92126 247.11811 L 189.92126 234.77165 C 189.92126 230.35337 193.50298 226.77165 197.92126 226.77165 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(194.92126 229.94488)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="7.6296597" y="9" textLength="31.433594">100+ GB</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="8.637472" y="20" textLength="15.878906">Stor</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="24.356222" y="20" textLength="13.699219">age</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 389.76378 136.06299 L 432.28346 136.06299 C 436.1973 136.06299 439.37008 139.23578 439.37008 143.149605 L 439.37008 143.149605 C 439.37008 147.06343 436.1973 150.23622 432.28346 150.23622 L 389.76378 150.23622 C 385.84995 150.23622 382.67716 147.06343 382.67716 143.149605 L 382.67716 143.149605 C 382.67716 139.23578 385.84995 136.06299 389.76378 136.06299 Z" fill="#fdf5dd"/><path d="M 389.76378 136.06299 L 432.28346 136.06299 C 436.1973 136.06299 439.37008 139.23578 439.37008 143.149605 L 439.37008 143.149605 C 439.37008 147.06343 436.1973 150.23622 432.28346 150.23622 L 389.76378 150.23622 C 385.84995 150.23622 382.67716 147.06343 382.67716 143.149605 L 382.67716 143.149605 C 382.67716 139.23578 385.84995 136.06299 389.76378 136.06299 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(387.67716 137.649605)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="6.4363003" y="9" textLength="12.714844">/de</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="18.990988" y="9" textLength="21.265625">v/sdb</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 77.952755 263.62205 L 120.47244 263.62205 C 124.38627 263.62205 127.559054 266.79483 127.559054 270.70866 L 127.559054 270.70866 C 127.559054 274.62249 124.38627 277.79527 120.47244 277.79527 L 77.952755 277.79527 C 74.038927 277.79527 70.86614 274.62249 70.86614 270.70866 L 70.86614 270.70866 C 70.86614 266.79483 74.038927 263.62205 77.952755 263.62205 Z" fill="#fdf5dd"/><path d="M 77.952755 263.62205 L 120.47244 263.62205 C 124.38627 263.62205 127.559054 266.79483 127.559054 270.70866 L 127.559054 270.70866 C 127.559054 274.62249 124.38627 277.79527 120.47244 277.79527 L 77.952755 277.79527 C 74.038927 277.79527 70.86614 274.62249 70.86614 270.70866 L 70.86614 270.70866 C 70.86614 266.79483 74.038927 263.62205 77.952755 263.62205 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(75.86614 265.20866)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="6.4363003" y="9" textLength="12.714844">/de</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="18.990988" y="9" textLength="21.265625">v/sdb</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 77.952755 283.46457 L 120.47244 283.46457 C 124.38627 283.46457 127.559054 286.63735 127.559054 290.55118 L 127.559054 290.55118 C 127.559054 294.465 124.38627 297.6378 120.47244 297.6378 L 77.952755 297.6378 C 74.038927 297.6378 70.86614 294.465 70.86614 290.55118 L 70.86614 290.55118 C 70.86614 286.63735 74.038927 283.46457 77.952755 283.46457 Z" fill="#fdf5dd"/><path d="M 77.952755 283.46457 L 120.47244 283.46457 C 124.38627 283.46457 127.559054 286.63735 127.559054 290.55118 L 127.559054 290.55118 C 127.559054 294.465 124.38627 297.6378 120.47244 297.6378 L 77.952755 297.6378 C 74.038927 297.6378 70.86614 294.465 70.86614 290.55118 L 70.86614 290.55118 C 70.86614 286.63735 74.038927 283.46457 77.952755 283.46457 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(75.86614 285.05118)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="6.948019" y="9" textLength="12.714844">/de</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="19.502707" y="9" textLength="20.242188">v/sdc</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 233.85827 263.62205 L 276.37795 263.62205 C 280.29178 263.62205 283.46457 266.79483 283.46457 270.70866 L 283.46457 270.70866 C 283.46457 274.62249 280.29178 277.79527 276.37795 277.79527 L 233.85827 277.79527 C 229.94444 277.79527 226.77165 274.62249 226.77165 270.70866 L 226.77165 270.70866 C 226.77165 266.79483 229.94444 263.62205 233.85827 263.62205 Z" fill="#fdf5dd"/><path d="M 233.85827 263.62205 L 276.37795 263.62205 C 280.29178 263.62205 283.46457 266.79483 283.46457 270.70866 L 283.46457 270.70866 C 283.46457 274.62249 280.29178 277.79527 276.37795 277.79527 L 233.85827 277.79527 C 229.94444 277.79527 226.77165 274.62249 226.77165 270.70866 L 226.77165 270.70866 C 226.77165 266.79483 229.94444 263.62205 233.85827 263.62205 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(231.77165 265.20866)" fill="#536870"><tspan 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229.94444 283.46457 233.85827 283.46457 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(231.77165 285.05118)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="6.948019" y="9" textLength="12.714844">/de</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="19.502707" y="9" textLength="20.242188">v/sdc</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 42.015748 184.25197 L 82.70866 184.25197 C 87.12694 184.25197 90.70866 187.83369 90.70866 192.25197 L 90.70866 204.59842 C 90.70866 209.0167 87.12694 212.59842 82.70866 212.59842 L 42.015748 212.59842 C 37.59747 212.59842 34.015748 209.0167 34.015748 204.59842 L 34.015748 192.25197 C 34.015748 187.83369 37.59747 184.25197 42.015748 184.25197 Z" fill="#fdf5dd"/><path d="M 42.015748 184.25197 L 82.70866 184.25197 C 87.12694 184.25197 90.70866 187.83369 90.70866 192.25197 L 90.70866 204.59842 C 90.70866 209.0167 87.12694 212.59842 82.70866 212.59842 L 42.015748 212.59842 C 37.59747 212.59842 34.015748 209.0167 34.015748 204.59842 L 34.015748 192.25197 C 34.015748 187.83369 37.59747 184.25197 42.015748 184.25197 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(39.015748 187.4252)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="17.492941" y="9" textLength="11.707031">1-2</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="15.381613" y="20" textLength="15.9296875">CPU</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 115.716535 184.25197 L 156.40945 184.25197 C 160.82773 184.25197 164.40945 187.83369 164.40945 192.25197 L 164.40945 204.59842 C 164.40945 209.0167 160.82773 212.59842 156.40945 212.59842 L 115.716535 212.59842 C 111.29826 212.59842 107.716535 209.0167 107.716535 204.59842 L 107.716535 192.25197 C 107.716535 187.83369 111.29826 184.25197 115.716535 184.25197 Z" fill="#fdf5dd"/><path d="M 115.716535 184.25197 L 156.40945 184.25197 C 160.82773 184.25197 164.40945 187.83369 164.40945 192.25197 L 164.40945 204.59842 C 164.40945 209.0167 160.82773 212.59842 156.40945 212.59842 L 115.716535 212.59842 C 111.29826 212.59842 107.716535 209.0167 107.716535 204.59842 L 107.716535 192.25197 C 107.716535 187.83369 111.29826 184.25197 115.716535 184.25197 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(112.716535 187.4252)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="12.196066" y="9" textLength="22.300781">4+ GB</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="14.453878" y="20" textLength="17.785156">RAM</tspan></text></g><path d="M 374.17323 113.385826 C 374.17323 113.385826 372.23726 141.8518 382.67716 155.90551 C 383.2875 156.72713 383.92338 157.4769 384.5797 158.16042" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2"/><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 353.82677 99.2126 L 394.51968 99.2126 C 398.93796 99.2126 402.51968 102.79432 402.51968 107.2126 L 402.51968 119.559054 C 402.51968 123.97733 398.93796 127.559054 394.51968 127.559054 L 353.82677 127.559054 C 349.4085 127.559054 345.82677 123.97733 345.82677 119.559054 L 345.82677 107.2126 C 345.82677 102.79432 349.4085 99.2126 353.82677 99.2126 Z" fill="#fdf5dd"/><path d="M 353.82677 99.2126 L 394.51968 99.2126 C 398.93796 99.2126 402.51968 102.79432 402.51968 107.2126 L 402.51968 119.559054 C 402.51968 123.97733 398.93796 127.559054 394.51968 127.559054 L 353.82677 127.559054 C 349.4085 127.559054 345.82677 123.97733 345.82677 119.559054 L 345.82677 107.2126 C 345.82677 102.79432 349.4085 99.2126 353.82677 99.2126 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(350.82677 102.385826)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="7.6296597" y="9" textLength="31.433594">100+ GB</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="8.637472" y="20" textLength="15.878906">Stor</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="24.356222" y="20" textLength="13.699219">age</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 389.76378 155.90551 L 432.28346 155.90551 C 436.1973 155.90551 439.37008 159.0783 439.37008 162.992125 L 439.37008 162.992125 C 439.37008 166.90595 436.1973 170.07874 432.28346 170.07874 L 389.76378 170.07874 C 385.84995 170.07874 382.67716 166.90595 382.67716 162.992125 L 382.67716 162.992125 C 382.67716 159.0783 385.84995 155.90551 389.76378 155.90551 Z" fill="#fdf5dd"/><path d="M 389.76378 155.90551 L 432.28346 155.90551 C 436.1973 155.90551 439.37008 159.0783 439.37008 162.992125 L 439.37008 162.992125 C 439.37008 166.90595 436.1973 170.07874 432.28346 170.07874 L 389.76378 170.07874 C 385.84995 170.07874 382.67716 166.90595 382.67716 162.992125 L 382.67716 162.992125 C 382.67716 159.0783 385.84995 155.90551 389.76378 155.90551 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(387.67716 157.492125)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="6.948019" y="9" textLength="12.714844">/de</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="19.502707" y="9" textLength="20.242188">v/sdc</tspan></text></g></g></g></svg>