Andreas Jaeger 25d1b7d617 Remove DocBook XML files for Install Guide
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2015-08-19 16:35:31 +02:00

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541.92126 212.59842 C 546.33953 212.59842 549.92126 216.18015 549.92126 220.59842 L 549.92126 349.16535 C 549.92126 353.58363 546.33953 357.16535 541.92126 357.16535 L 461.5433 357.16535 C 457.12503 357.16535 453.5433 353.58363 453.5433 349.16535 L 453.5433 220.59842 C 453.5433 216.18015 457.12503 212.59842 461.5433 212.59842 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1" stroke-dasharray="4,4"/><text transform="translate(458.5433 217.59842)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="12" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="22.71046" y="13" textLength="44.07422"> Object </tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="12" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="1.08643703" y="30" textLength="23.81836">Stor</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="12" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="24.664562" y="30" textLength="60.626953">age Nodes</tspan></text><text transform="translate(97.692913 7.007874)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="16" font-weight="500" x=".46484375" y="17" textLength="81">Minimal Ar</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="16" font-weight="500" x="81.14453" y="17" textLength="65.726562">chitectur</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="16" font-weight="500" x="146.55078" y="17" textLength="197.98438">e Example - Service Layout</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="16" font-weight="500" x="50.246094" y="39" textLength="220.60938">OpenStack Networking (neutr</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="16" font-weight="500" x="270.53516" y="39" textLength="24.21875">on)</tspan></text><path d="M 36.346457 382.67716 L 77.03937 382.67716 C 81.45765 382.67716 85.03937 386.25889 85.03937 390.67716 L 85.03937 403.02362 C 85.03937 407.4419 81.45765 411.02362 77.03937 411.02362 L 36.346457 411.02362 C 31.928179 411.02362 28.346457 407.4419 28.346457 403.02362 L 28.346457 390.67716 C 28.346457 386.25889 31.928179 382.67716 36.346457 382.67716 Z" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><path d="M 36.346457 425.19685 L 77.03937 425.19685 C 81.45765 425.19685 85.03937 428.77857 85.03937 433.19685 L 85.03937 445.5433 C 85.03937 449.96158 81.45765 453.5433 77.03937 453.5433 L 36.346457 453.5433 C 31.928179 453.5433 28.346457 449.96158 28.346457 445.5433 L 28.346457 433.19685 C 28.346457 428.77857 31.928179 425.19685 36.346457 425.19685 Z" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1" stroke-dasharray="4,4"/><text transform="translate(89.704724 390.5118)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="10" font-weight="500" x=".4375" y="11" textLength="16.430664">Cor</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="10" font-weight="500" x="16.667969" y="11" textLength="61.89453">e component</tspan></text><text transform="translate(90.204724 433.0315)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="10" font-weight="500" x=".23583984" 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Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="6.9044504" y="9" textLength="61.23047">Message Queue</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 27.84252 187.08661 L 96.88189 187.08661 C 101.30017 187.08661 104.88189 190.66834 104.88189 195.08661 L 104.88189 207.43307 C 104.88189 211.85135 101.30017 215.43307 96.88189 215.43307 L 27.84252 215.43307 C 23.424242 215.43307 19.84252 211.85135 19.84252 207.43307 L 19.84252 195.08661 C 19.84252 190.66834 23.424242 187.08661 27.84252 187.08661 Z" fill="#eae3cc"/><path d="M 27.84252 187.08661 L 96.88189 187.08661 C 101.30017 187.08661 104.88189 190.66834 104.88189 195.08661 L 104.88189 207.43307 C 104.88189 211.85135 101.30017 215.43307 96.88189 215.43307 L 27.84252 215.43307 C 23.424242 215.43307 19.84252 211.85135 19.84252 207.43307 L 19.84252 195.08661 C 19.84252 190.66834 23.424242 187.08661 27.84252 187.08661 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text 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309.48031 C 104.88189 313.8986 101.30017 317.48031 96.88189 317.48031 L 27.84252 317.48031 C 23.424242 317.48031 19.84252 313.8986 19.84252 309.48031 L 19.84252 297.13386 C 19.84252 292.71558 23.424242 289.13386 27.84252 289.13386 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(24.84252 292.30708)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="14.908357" y="9" textLength="45.222656">Networking</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="11.87906" y="20" textLength="51.28125">Management</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 129.88976 85.03937 L 198.92913 85.03937 C 203.34741 85.03937 206.92913 88.62109 206.92913 93.03937 L 206.92913 105.385826 C 206.92913 109.804104 203.34741 113.385826 198.92913 113.385826 L 129.88976 113.385826 C 125.471485 113.385826 121.88976 109.804104 121.88976 105.385826 L 121.88976 93.03937 C 121.88976 88.62109 125.471485 85.03937 129.88976 85.03937 Z" fill="#eae3cc"/><path d="M 129.88976 85.03937 L 198.92913 85.03937 C 203.34741 85.03937 206.92913 88.62109 206.92913 93.03937 L 206.92913 105.385826 C 206.92913 109.804104 203.34741 113.385826 198.92913 113.385826 L 129.88976 113.385826 C 125.471485 113.385826 121.88976 109.804104 121.88976 105.385826 L 121.88976 93.03937 C 121.88976 88.62109 125.471485 85.03937 129.88976 85.03937 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1" stroke-dasharray="4,4"/><text transform="translate(126.88976 88.2126)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="11.304841" y="9" textLength="38.890625">Block Stor</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="50.03531" y="9" textLength="13.699219">age</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="11.87906" y="20" textLength="51.28125">Management</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 27.84252 153.070865 L 96.88189 153.070865 C 101.30017 153.070865 104.88189 156.65259 104.88189 161.07087 L 104.88189 173.41732 C 104.88189 177.8356 101.30017 181.41732 96.88189 181.41732 L 27.84252 181.41732 C 23.424242 181.41732 19.84252 177.8356 19.84252 173.41732 L 19.84252 161.07087 C 19.84252 156.65259 23.424242 153.070865 27.84252 153.070865 Z" fill="#eae3cc"/><path d="M 27.84252 153.070865 L 96.88189 153.070865 C 101.30017 153.070865 104.88189 156.65259 104.88189 161.07087 L 104.88189 173.41732 C 104.88189 177.8356 101.30017 181.41732 96.88189 181.41732 L 27.84252 181.41732 C 23.424242 181.41732 19.84252 177.8356 19.84252 173.41732 L 19.84252 161.07087 C 19.84252 156.65259 23.424242 153.070865 27.84252 153.070865 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(24.84252 156.24409)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="10.240388" y="9" textLength="56.63672">Network Time </tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="23.750154" y="20" textLength="27.539062">Service</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 129.88976 119.05512 L 198.92913 119.05512 C 203.34741 119.05512 206.92913 122.63684 206.92913 127.05512 L 206.92913 139.40157 C 206.92913 143.81985 203.34741 147.40157 198.92913 147.40157 L 129.88976 147.40157 C 125.471485 147.40157 121.88976 143.81985 121.88976 139.40157 L 121.88976 127.05512 C 121.88976 122.63684 125.471485 119.05512 129.88976 119.05512 Z" fill="#eae3cc"/><path d="M 129.88976 119.05512 L 198.92913 119.05512 C 203.34741 119.05512 206.92913 122.63684 206.92913 127.05512 L 206.92913 139.40157 C 206.92913 143.81985 203.34741 147.40157 198.92913 147.40157 L 129.88976 147.40157 C 125.471485 147.40157 121.88976 143.81985 121.88976 139.40157 L 121.88976 127.05512 C 121.88976 122.63684 125.471485 119.05512 129.88976 119.05512 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1" stroke-dasharray="4,4"/><text transform="translate(126.88976 127.728346)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="10.7482004" y="9" textLength="9.746094">Or</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="20.334138" y="9" textLength="24.136719">chestr</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="44.3107" y="9" textLength="19.980469">ation</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 129.88976 187.08661 L 198.92913 187.08661 C 203.34741 187.08661 206.92913 190.66834 206.92913 195.08661 L 206.92913 207.43307 C 206.92913 211.85135 203.34741 215.43307 198.92913 215.43307 L 129.88976 215.43307 C 125.471485 215.43307 121.88976 211.85135 121.88976 207.43307 L 121.88976 195.08661 C 121.88976 190.66834 125.471485 187.08661 129.88976 187.08661 Z" fill="#eae3cc"/><path d="M 129.88976 187.08661 L 198.92913 187.08661 C 203.34741 187.08661 206.92913 190.66834 206.92913 195.08661 L 206.92913 207.43307 C 206.92913 211.85135 203.34741 215.43307 198.92913 215.43307 L 129.88976 215.43307 C 125.471485 215.43307 121.88976 211.85135 121.88976 207.43307 L 121.88976 195.08661 C 121.88976 190.66834 125.471485 187.08661 129.88976 187.08661 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1" stroke-dasharray="4,4"/><text transform="translate(126.88976 190.25984)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="18.240388" y="9" textLength="4.5273438">T</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="22.209138" y="9" textLength="34.589844">elemetry</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="11.87906" y="20" textLength="51.28125">Management</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 129.88976 153.070865 L 198.92913 153.070865 C 203.34741 153.070865 206.92913 156.65259 206.92913 161.07087 L 206.92913 173.41732 C 206.92913 177.8356 203.34741 181.41732 198.92913 181.41732 L 129.88976 181.41732 C 125.471485 181.41732 121.88976 177.8356 121.88976 173.41732 L 121.88976 161.07087 C 121.88976 156.65259 125.471485 153.070865 129.88976 153.070865 Z" fill="#eae3cc"/><path d="M 129.88976 153.070865 L 198.92913 153.070865 C 203.34741 153.070865 206.92913 156.65259 206.92913 161.07087 L 206.92913 173.41732 C 206.92913 177.8356 203.34741 181.41732 198.92913 181.41732 L 129.88976 181.41732 C 125.471485 181.41732 121.88976 177.8356 121.88976 173.41732 L 121.88976 161.07087 C 121.88976 156.65259 125.471485 153.070865 129.88976 153.070865 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1" stroke-dasharray="4,4"/><text transform="translate(126.88976 156.24409)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="9.1583567" y="9" textLength="43.183594">Object Stor</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="52.181794" y="9" textLength="13.699219">age</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="11.894685" y="20" textLength="8.3710938">Pr</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="20.105622" y="20" textLength="4.8867188">o</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="24.832185" y="20" textLength="38.3125">xy Service</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 129.88976 255.11811 L 198.92913 255.11811 C 203.34741 255.11811 206.92913 258.69983 206.92913 263.11811 L 206.92913 275.46457 C 206.92913 279.88284 203.34741 283.46457 198.92913 283.46457 L 129.88976 283.46457 C 125.471485 283.46457 121.88976 279.88284 121.88976 275.46457 L 121.88976 263.11811 C 121.88976 258.69983 125.471485 255.11811 129.88976 255.11811 Z" fill="#eae3cc"/><path d="M 129.88976 255.11811 L 198.92913 255.11811 C 203.34741 255.11811 206.92913 258.69983 206.92913 263.11811 L 206.92913 275.46457 C 206.92913 279.88284 203.34741 283.46457 198.92913 283.46457 L 129.88976 283.46457 C 125.471485 283.46457 121.88976 279.88284 121.88976 275.46457 L 121.88976 263.11811 C 121.88976 258.69983 125.471485 255.11811 129.88976 255.11811 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1" stroke-dasharray="4,4"/><text transform="translate(126.88976 263.79134)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="4.4982004" y="9" textLength="66.04297">Database Service</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 129.88976 289.13386 L 198.92913 289.13386 C 203.34741 289.13386 206.92913 292.71558 206.92913 297.13386 L 206.92913 309.48031 C 206.92913 313.8986 203.34741 317.48031 198.92913 317.48031 L 129.88976 317.48031 C 125.471485 317.48031 121.88976 313.8986 121.88976 309.48031 L 121.88976 297.13386 C 121.88976 292.71558 125.471485 289.13386 129.88976 289.13386 Z" fill="#eae3cc"/><path d="M 129.88976 289.13386 L 198.92913 289.13386 C 203.34741 289.13386 206.92913 292.71558 206.92913 297.13386 L 206.92913 309.48031 C 206.92913 313.8986 203.34741 317.48031 198.92913 317.48031 L 129.88976 317.48031 C 125.471485 317.48031 121.88976 313.8986 121.88976 309.48031 L 121.88976 297.13386 C 121.88976 292.71558 125.471485 289.13386 129.88976 289.13386 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1" stroke-dasharray="4,4"/><text transform="translate(126.88976 292.30708)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="6.724763" y="9" textLength="28.746094">Data Pr</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="35.3107" y="9" textLength="33.003906">ocessing</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="23.750154" y="20" textLength="27.539062">Service</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 240.44094 99.2126 L 309.48031 99.2126 C 313.8986 99.2126 317.48031 102.79432 317.48031 107.2126 L 317.48031 119.559054 C 317.48031 123.97733 313.8986 127.559054 309.48031 127.559054 L 240.44094 127.559054 C 236.02267 127.559054 232.44094 123.97733 232.44094 119.559054 L 232.44094 107.2126 C 232.44094 102.79432 236.02267 99.2126 240.44094 99.2126 Z" fill="#eae3cc"/><path d="M 240.44094 99.2126 L 309.48031 99.2126 C 313.8986 99.2126 317.48031 102.79432 317.48031 107.2126 L 317.48031 119.559054 C 317.48031 123.97733 313.8986 127.559054 309.48031 127.559054 L 240.44094 127.559054 C 236.02267 127.559054 232.44094 123.97733 232.44094 119.559054 L 232.44094 107.2126 C 232.44094 102.79432 236.02267 99.2126 240.44094 99.2126 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(237.44094 107.885826)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="11.181794" y="9" textLength="52.67578">Open vSwitch</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 240.44094 167.24409 L 309.48031 167.24409 C 313.8986 167.24409 317.48031 170.82582 317.48031 175.24409 L 317.48031 187.59055 C 317.48031 192.00883 313.8986 195.59055 309.48031 195.59055 L 240.44094 195.59055 C 236.02267 195.59055 232.44094 192.00883 232.44094 187.59055 L 232.44094 175.24409 C 232.44094 170.82582 236.02267 167.24409 240.44094 167.24409 Z" fill="#eae3cc"/><path d="M 240.44094 167.24409 L 309.48031 167.24409 C 313.8986 167.24409 317.48031 170.82582 317.48031 175.24409 L 317.48031 187.59055 C 317.48031 192.00883 313.8986 195.59055 309.48031 195.59055 L 240.44094 195.59055 C 236.02267 195.59055 232.44094 192.00883 232.44094 187.59055 L 232.44094 175.24409 C 232.44094 170.82582 236.02267 167.24409 240.44094 167.24409 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(237.44094 171.41732)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="14.908357" y="9" textLength="45.222656">Networking</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="7" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="3.690339" y="18" textLength="67.65869">Open vSwitch Agent</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 240.44094 201.25984 L 309.48031 201.25984 C 313.8986 201.25984 317.48031 204.84156 317.48031 209.25984 L 317.48031 221.6063 C 317.48031 226.02458 313.8986 229.6063 309.48031 229.6063 L 240.44094 229.6063 C 236.02267 229.6063 232.44094 226.02458 232.44094 221.6063 L 232.44094 209.25984 C 232.44094 204.84156 236.02267 201.25984 240.44094 201.25984 Z" fill="#eae3cc"/><path d="M 240.44094 201.25984 L 309.48031 201.25984 C 313.8986 201.25984 317.48031 204.84156 317.48031 209.25984 L 317.48031 221.6063 C 317.48031 226.02458 313.8986 229.6063 309.48031 229.6063 L 240.44094 229.6063 C 236.02267 229.6063 232.44094 226.02458 232.44094 221.6063 L 232.44094 209.25984 C 232.44094 204.84156 236.02267 201.25984 240.44094 201.25984 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(237.44094 204.43307)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="14.908357" y="9" textLength="45.222656">Networking</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="20.744294" y="20" textLength="33.550781">L3 Agent</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 240.44094 235.27559 L 309.48031 235.27559 C 313.8986 235.27559 317.48031 238.85731 317.48031 243.27559 L 317.48031 255.62205 C 317.48031 260.04032 313.8986 263.62205 309.48031 263.62205 L 240.44094 263.62205 C 236.02267 263.62205 232.44094 260.04032 232.44094 255.62205 L 232.44094 243.27559 C 232.44094 238.85731 236.02267 235.27559 240.44094 235.27559 Z" fill="#eae3cc"/><path d="M 240.44094 235.27559 L 309.48031 235.27559 C 313.8986 235.27559 317.48031 238.85731 317.48031 243.27559 L 317.48031 255.62205 C 317.48031 260.04032 313.8986 263.62205 309.48031 263.62205 L 240.44094 263.62205 C 236.02267 263.62205 232.44094 260.04032 232.44094 255.62205 L 232.44094 243.27559 C 232.44094 238.85731 236.02267 235.27559 240.44094 235.27559 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(237.44094 238.44882)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="14.908357" y="9" textLength="45.222656">Networking</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="14.259919" y="20" textLength="46.51953">DHCP Agent</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 240.44094 133.228346 L 309.48031 133.228346 C 313.8986 133.228346 317.48031 136.81007 317.48031 141.228346 L 317.48031 153.5748 C 317.48031 157.99308 313.8986 161.5748 309.48031 161.5748 L 240.44094 161.5748 C 236.02267 161.5748 232.44094 157.99308 232.44094 153.5748 L 232.44094 141.228346 C 232.44094 136.81007 236.02267 133.228346 240.44094 133.228346 Z" fill="#eae3cc"/><path d="M 240.44094 133.228346 L 309.48031 133.228346 C 313.8986 133.228346 317.48031 136.81007 317.48031 141.228346 L 317.48031 153.5748 C 317.48031 157.99308 313.8986 161.5748 309.48031 161.5748 L 240.44094 161.5748 C 236.02267 161.5748 232.44094 157.99308 232.44094 153.5748 L 232.44094 141.228346 C 232.44094 136.81007 236.02267 133.228346 240.44094 133.228346 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(237.44094 136.40157)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="14.908357" y="9" textLength="45.222656">Networking</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="15.056794" y="20" textLength="44.92578">ML2 Plug-in</tspan></text></g><path d="M 348.15748 56.692913 L 428.53543 56.692913 C 432.9537 56.692913 436.53543 60.274635 436.53543 64.692913 L 436.53543 295.30708 C 436.53543 299.72536 432.9537 303.30708 428.53543 303.30708 L 348.15748 303.30708 C 343.7392 303.30708 340.15748 299.72536 340.15748 295.30708 L 340.15748 64.692913 C 340.15748 60.274635 343.7392 56.692913 348.15748 56.692913 Z" fill="#fdf5dd"/><path d="M 348.15748 56.692913 L 428.53543 56.692913 C 432.9537 56.692913 436.53543 60.274635 436.53543 64.692913 L 436.53543 295.30708 C 436.53543 299.72536 432.9537 303.30708 428.53543 303.30708 L 348.15748 303.30708 C 343.7392 303.30708 340.15748 299.72536 340.15748 295.30708 L 340.15748 64.692913 C 340.15748 60.274635 343.7392 56.692913 348.15748 56.692913 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(345.15748 61.692913)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="12" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="15.063976" y="13" textLength="59.367188"> Compute </tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="12" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="24.708507" y="30" textLength="36.960938">Nodes</tspan></text><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 353.82677 133.228346 L 422.86614 133.228346 C 427.28442 133.228346 430.86614 136.81007 430.86614 141.228346 L 430.86614 153.5748 C 430.86614 157.99308 427.28442 161.5748 422.86614 161.5748 L 353.82677 161.5748 C 349.4085 161.5748 345.82677 157.99308 345.82677 153.5748 L 345.82677 141.228346 C 345.82677 136.81007 349.4085 133.228346 353.82677 133.228346 Z" fill="#eae3cc"/><path d="M 353.82677 133.228346 L 422.86614 133.228346 C 427.28442 133.228346 430.86614 136.81007 430.86614 141.228346 L 430.86614 153.5748 C 430.86614 157.99308 427.28442 161.5748 422.86614 161.5748 L 353.82677 161.5748 C 349.4085 161.5748 345.82677 157.99308 345.82677 153.5748 L 345.82677 141.228346 C 345.82677 136.81007 349.4085 133.228346 353.82677 133.228346 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(350.82677 141.90157)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="11.181794" y="9" textLength="52.67578">Open vSwitch</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 353.82677 99.2126 L 422.86614 99.2126 C 427.28442 99.2126 430.86614 102.79432 430.86614 107.2126 L 430.86614 119.559054 C 430.86614 123.97733 427.28442 127.559054 422.86614 127.559054 L 353.82677 127.559054 C 349.4085 127.559054 345.82677 123.97733 345.82677 119.559054 L 345.82677 107.2126 C 345.82677 102.79432 349.4085 99.2126 353.82677 99.2126 Z" fill="#eae3cc"/><path d="M 353.82677 99.2126 L 422.86614 99.2126 C 427.28442 99.2126 430.86614 102.79432 430.86614 107.2126 L 430.86614 119.559054 C 430.86614 123.97733 427.28442 127.559054 422.86614 127.559054 L 353.82677 127.559054 C 349.4085 127.559054 345.82677 123.97733 345.82677 119.559054 L 345.82677 107.2126 C 345.82677 102.79432 349.4085 99.2126 353.82677 99.2126 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(350.82677 107.885826)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="6.7032785" y="9" textLength="61.632812">KVM Hypervisor</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 353.82677 167.24409 L 422.86614 167.24409 C 427.28442 167.24409 430.86614 170.82582 430.86614 175.24409 L 430.86614 187.59055 C 430.86614 192.00883 427.28442 195.59055 422.86614 195.59055 L 353.82677 195.59055 C 349.4085 195.59055 345.82677 192.00883 345.82677 187.59055 L 345.82677 175.24409 C 345.82677 170.82582 349.4085 167.24409 353.82677 167.24409 Z" fill="#eae3cc"/><path d="M 353.82677 167.24409 L 422.86614 167.24409 C 427.28442 167.24409 430.86614 170.82582 430.86614 175.24409 L 430.86614 187.59055 C 430.86614 192.00883 427.28442 195.59055 422.86614 195.59055 L 353.82677 195.59055 C 349.4085 195.59055 345.82677 192.00883 345.82677 187.59055 L 345.82677 175.24409 C 345.82677 170.82582 349.4085 167.24409 353.82677 167.24409 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(350.82677 175.91732)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="19.808747" y="9" textLength="35.421875">Compute</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 353.82677 235.27559 L 422.86614 235.27559 C 427.28442 235.27559 430.86614 238.85731 430.86614 243.27559 L 430.86614 255.62205 C 430.86614 260.04032 427.28442 263.62205 422.86614 263.62205 L 353.82677 263.62205 C 349.4085 263.62205 345.82677 260.04032 345.82677 255.62205 L 345.82677 243.27559 C 345.82677 238.85731 349.4085 235.27559 353.82677 235.27559 Z" fill="#eae3cc"/><path d="M 353.82677 235.27559 L 422.86614 235.27559 C 427.28442 235.27559 430.86614 238.85731 430.86614 243.27559 L 430.86614 255.62205 C 430.86614 260.04032 427.28442 263.62205 422.86614 263.62205 L 353.82677 263.62205 C 349.4085 263.62205 345.82677 260.04032 345.82677 255.62205 L 345.82677 243.27559 C 345.82677 238.85731 349.4085 235.27559 353.82677 235.27559 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(350.82677 239.44882)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="14.908357" y="9" textLength="45.222656">Networking</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="7" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="3.690339" y="18" textLength="67.65869">Open vSwitch Agent</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 353.82677 269.29134 L 422.86614 269.29134 C 427.28442 269.29134 430.86614 272.87306 430.86614 277.29134 L 430.86614 289.6378 C 430.86614 294.05607 427.28442 297.6378 422.86614 297.6378 L 353.82677 297.6378 C 349.4085 297.6378 345.82677 294.05607 345.82677 289.6378 L 345.82677 277.29134 C 345.82677 272.87306 349.4085 269.29134 353.82677 269.29134 Z" fill="#eae3cc"/><path d="M 353.82677 269.29134 L 422.86614 269.29134 C 427.28442 269.29134 430.86614 272.87306 430.86614 277.29134 L 430.86614 289.6378 C 430.86614 294.05607 427.28442 297.6378 422.86614 297.6378 L 353.82677 297.6378 C 349.4085 297.6378 345.82677 294.05607 345.82677 289.6378 L 345.82677 277.29134 C 345.82677 272.87306 349.4085 269.29134 353.82677 269.29134 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1" stroke-dasharray="4,4"/><text transform="translate(350.82677 272.46457)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="18.240388" y="9" textLength="4.5273438">T</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="22.209138" y="9" textLength="34.589844">elemetry</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="26.234529" y="20" textLength="22.570312">Agent</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 129.88976 221.10236 L 198.92913 221.10236 C 203.34741 221.10236 206.92913 224.68408 206.92913 229.10236 L 206.92913 241.44882 C 206.92913 245.8671 203.34741 249.44882 198.92913 249.44882 L 129.88976 249.44882 C 125.471485 249.44882 121.88976 245.8671 121.88976 241.44882 L 121.88976 229.10236 C 121.88976 224.68408 125.471485 221.10236 129.88976 221.10236 Z" fill="#eae3cc"/><path d="M 129.88976 221.10236 L 198.92913 221.10236 C 203.34741 221.10236 206.92913 224.68408 206.92913 229.10236 L 206.92913 241.44882 C 206.92913 245.8671 203.34741 249.44882 198.92913 249.44882 L 129.88976 249.44882 C 125.471485 249.44882 121.88976 245.8671 121.88976 241.44882 L 121.88976 229.10236 C 121.88976 224.68408 125.471485 221.10236 129.88976 221.10236 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1" stroke-dasharray="4,4"/><text transform="translate(126.88976 224.27559)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="18.240388" y="9" textLength="4.5273438">T</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="22.209138" y="9" textLength="34.589844">elemetry</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="21.752107" y="20" textLength="31.535156">Agent(s)</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 353.82677 201.25984 L 422.86614 201.25984 C 427.28442 201.25984 430.86614 204.84156 430.86614 209.25984 L 430.86614 221.6063 C 430.86614 226.02458 427.28442 229.6063 422.86614 229.6063 L 353.82677 229.6063 C 349.4085 229.6063 345.82677 226.02458 345.82677 221.6063 L 345.82677 209.25984 C 345.82677 204.84156 349.4085 201.25984 353.82677 201.25984 Z" fill="#eae3cc"/><path d="M 353.82677 201.25984 L 422.86614 201.25984 C 427.28442 201.25984 430.86614 204.84156 430.86614 209.25984 L 430.86614 221.6063 C 430.86614 226.02458 427.28442 229.6063 422.86614 229.6063 L 353.82677 229.6063 C 349.4085 229.6063 345.82677 226.02458 345.82677 221.6063 L 345.82677 209.25984 C 345.82677 204.84156 349.4085 201.25984 353.82677 201.25984 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(350.82677 204.43307)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="14.908357" y="9" textLength="45.222656">Networking</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="15.056794" y="20" textLength="44.92578">ML2 Plug-in</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 27.84252 323.1496 L 96.88189 323.1496 C 101.30017 323.1496 104.88189 326.73133 104.88189 331.1496 L 104.88189 343.49606 C 104.88189 347.91434 101.30017 351.49606 96.88189 351.49606 L 27.84252 351.49606 C 23.424242 351.49606 19.84252 347.91434 19.84252 343.49606 L 19.84252 331.1496 C 19.84252 326.73133 23.424242 323.1496 27.84252 323.1496 Z" fill="#eae3cc"/><path d="M 27.84252 323.1496 L 96.88189 323.1496 C 101.30017 323.1496 104.88189 326.73133 104.88189 331.1496 L 104.88189 343.49606 C 104.88189 347.91434 101.30017 351.49606 96.88189 351.49606 L 27.84252 351.49606 C 23.424242 351.49606 19.84252 347.91434 19.84252 343.49606 L 19.84252 331.1496 C 19.84252 326.73133 23.424242 323.1496 27.84252 323.1496 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(24.84252 326.32283)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="14.908357" y="9" textLength="45.222656">Networking</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="15.056794" y="20" textLength="44.92578">ML2 Plug-in</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 467.2126 255.11811 L 536.25197 255.11811 C 540.67024 255.11811 544.25197 258.69983 544.25197 263.11811 L 544.25197 275.46457 C 544.25197 279.88284 540.67024 283.46457 536.25197 283.46457 L 467.2126 283.46457 C 462.79432 283.46457 459.2126 279.88284 459.2126 275.46457 L 459.2126 263.11811 C 459.2126 258.69983 462.79432 255.11811 467.2126 255.11811 Z" fill="#eae3cc"/><path d="M 467.2126 255.11811 L 536.25197 255.11811 C 540.67024 255.11811 544.25197 258.69983 544.25197 263.11811 L 544.25197 275.46457 C 544.25197 279.88284 540.67024 283.46457 536.25197 283.46457 L 467.2126 283.46457 C 462.79432 283.46457 459.2126 279.88284 459.2126 275.46457 L 459.2126 263.11811 C 459.2126 258.69983 462.79432 255.11811 467.2126 255.11811 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(464.2126 258.29134)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="9.1583567" y="9" textLength="43.183594">Object Stor</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="52.181794" y="9" textLength="13.699219">age</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="7.0118723" y="20" textLength="61.015625">Account Service</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 467.2126 289.13386 L 536.25197 289.13386 C 540.67024 289.13386 544.25197 292.71558 544.25197 297.13386 L 544.25197 309.48031 C 544.25197 313.8986 540.67024 317.48031 536.25197 317.48031 L 467.2126 317.48031 C 462.79432 317.48031 459.2126 313.8986 459.2126 309.48031 L 459.2126 297.13386 C 459.2126 292.71558 462.79432 289.13386 467.2126 289.13386 Z" fill="#eae3cc"/><path d="M 467.2126 289.13386 L 536.25197 289.13386 C 540.67024 289.13386 544.25197 292.71558 544.25197 297.13386 L 544.25197 309.48031 C 544.25197 313.8986 540.67024 317.48031 536.25197 317.48031 L 467.2126 317.48031 C 462.79432 317.48031 459.2126 313.8986 459.2126 309.48031 L 459.2126 297.13386 C 459.2126 292.71558 462.79432 289.13386 467.2126 289.13386 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(464.2126 292.30708)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="9.1583567" y="9" textLength="43.183594">Object Stor</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="52.181794" y="9" textLength="13.699219">age</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="3.617341" y="20" textLength="67.804688">Container Service</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 467.2126 323.1496 L 536.25197 323.1496 C 540.67024 323.1496 544.25197 326.73133 544.25197 331.1496 L 544.25197 343.49606 C 544.25197 347.91434 540.67024 351.49606 536.25197 351.49606 L 467.2126 351.49606 C 462.79432 351.49606 459.2126 347.91434 459.2126 343.49606 L 459.2126 331.1496 C 459.2126 326.73133 462.79432 323.1496 467.2126 323.1496 Z" fill="#eae3cc"/><path d="M 467.2126 323.1496 L 536.25197 323.1496 C 540.67024 323.1496 544.25197 326.73133 544.25197 331.1496 L 544.25197 343.49606 C 544.25197 347.91434 540.67024 351.49606 536.25197 351.49606 L 467.2126 351.49606 C 462.79432 351.49606 459.2126 347.91434 459.2126 343.49606 L 459.2126 331.1496 C 459.2126 326.73133 462.79432 323.1496 467.2126 323.1496 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(464.2126 326.32283)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="9.1583567" y="9" textLength="43.183594">Object Stor</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="52.181794" y="9" textLength="13.699219">age</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="10.09781" y="20" textLength="54.84375">Object Service</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 467.2126 133.228346 L 536.25197 133.228346 C 540.67024 133.228346 544.25197 136.81007 544.25197 141.228346 L 544.25197 153.5748 C 544.25197 157.99308 540.67024 161.5748 536.25197 161.5748 L 467.2126 161.5748 C 462.79432 161.5748 459.2126 157.99308 459.2126 153.5748 L 459.2126 141.228346 C 459.2126 136.81007 462.79432 133.228346 467.2126 133.228346 Z" fill="#eae3cc"/><path d="M 467.2126 133.228346 L 536.25197 133.228346 C 540.67024 133.228346 544.25197 136.81007 544.25197 141.228346 L 544.25197 153.5748 C 544.25197 157.99308 540.67024 161.5748 536.25197 161.5748 L 467.2126 161.5748 C 462.79432 161.5748 459.2126 157.99308 459.2126 153.5748 L 459.2126 141.228346 C 459.2126 136.81007 462.79432 133.228346 467.2126 133.228346 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(464.2126 136.40157)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="11.304841" y="9" textLength="38.890625">Block Stor</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="50.03531" y="9" textLength="13.699219">age</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="8.0763254" y="20" textLength="4.9765625">V</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="12.892732" y="20" textLength="54.070312">olume Service</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 467.2126 167.24409 L 536.25197 167.24409 C 540.67024 167.24409 544.25197 170.82582 544.25197 175.24409 L 544.25197 187.59055 C 544.25197 192.00883 540.67024 195.59055 536.25197 195.59055 L 467.2126 195.59055 C 462.79432 195.59055 459.2126 192.00883 459.2126 187.59055 L 459.2126 175.24409 C 459.2126 170.82582 462.79432 167.24409 467.2126 167.24409 Z" fill="#eae3cc"/><path d="M 467.2126 167.24409 L 536.25197 167.24409 C 540.67024 167.24409 544.25197 170.82582 544.25197 175.24409 L 544.25197 187.59055 C 544.25197 192.00883 540.67024 195.59055 536.25197 195.59055 L 467.2126 195.59055 C 462.79432 195.59055 459.2126 192.00883 459.2126 187.59055 L 459.2126 175.24409 C 459.2126 170.82582 462.79432 167.24409 467.2126 167.24409 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1" stroke-dasharray="4,4"/><text transform="translate(464.2126 170.41732)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="18.240388" y="9" textLength="4.5273438">T</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="22.209138" y="9" textLength="34.589844">elemetry</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="26.234529" y="20" textLength="22.570312">Agent</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 467.2126 99.2126 L 536.25197 99.2126 C 540.67024 99.2126 544.25197 102.79432 544.25197 107.2126 L 544.25197 119.559054 C 544.25197 123.97733 540.67024 127.559054 536.25197 127.559054 L 467.2126 127.559054 C 462.79432 127.559054 459.2126 123.97733 459.2126 119.559054 L 459.2126 107.2126 C 459.2126 102.79432 462.79432 99.2126 467.2126 99.2126 Z" fill="#eae3cc"/><path d="M 467.2126 99.2126 L 536.25197 99.2126 C 540.67024 99.2126 544.25197 102.79432 544.25197 107.2126 L 544.25197 119.559054 C 544.25197 123.97733 540.67024 127.559054 536.25197 127.559054 L 467.2126 127.559054 C 462.79432 127.559054 459.2126 123.97733 459.2126 119.559054 L 459.2126 107.2126 C 459.2126 102.79432 462.79432 99.2126 467.2126 99.2126 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(464.2126 102.385826)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="15.16031" y="9" textLength="25.144531">iSCSI T</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="39.664216" y="9" textLength="8.0898438">ar</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="47.675935" y="9" textLength="12.203125">get</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="23.750154" y="20" textLength="27.539062">Service</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 240.44094 269.29134 L 309.48031 269.29134 C 313.8986 269.29134 317.48031 272.87306 317.48031 277.29134 L 317.48031 289.6378 C 317.48031 294.05607 313.8986 297.6378 309.48031 297.6378 L 240.44094 297.6378 C 236.02267 297.6378 232.44094 294.05607 232.44094 289.6378 L 232.44094 277.29134 C 232.44094 272.87306 236.02267 269.29134 240.44094 269.29134 Z" fill="#eae3cc"/><path d="M 240.44094 269.29134 L 309.48031 269.29134 C 313.8986 269.29134 317.48031 272.87306 317.48031 277.29134 L 317.48031 289.6378 C 317.48031 294.05607 313.8986 297.6378 309.48031 297.6378 L 240.44094 297.6378 C 236.02267 297.6378 232.44094 294.05607 232.44094 289.6378 L 232.44094 277.29134 C 232.44094 272.87306 236.02267 269.29134 240.44094 269.29134 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(237.44094 272.46457)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="14.908357" y="9" textLength="45.222656">Networking</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="6.601716" y="20" textLength="61.835938">Metadata Agent</tspan></text></g></g></g></svg>