For more information about this automatic import see: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/i18n/reviewing-translation-import.html Change-Id: I46f64d01ab8acca8ef29b14c0e1e881d89627659
797 lines
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797 lines
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# suhartono <cloudsuhartono@gmail.com>, 2016. #zanata
# suhartono <cloudsuhartono@gmail.com>, 2017. #zanata
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OpenStack Documentation Team Release Notes 1.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-02-07 05:48+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-02-06 10:09+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: suhartono <cloudsuhartono@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Indonesian\n"
"Language: id\n"
"X-Generator: Zanata 3.7.3\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0\n"
msgid ""
"A revised Architecture Design Guide is currently under development, no "
"changes to the current guide."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah Architecture Design Guide yang direvisi saat ini sedang dalam "
"pengembangan, tidak ada perubahan untuk panduan saat ini."
msgid "API Guides"
msgstr "API Guides"
msgid "API guides"
msgstr "Panduan API"
msgid "Added BGP dynamic routing."
msgstr "Ditambahkan routing dinamis BGP."
msgid "Added DPDK for Open vSwitch."
msgstr "Ditambahkan DPDK untuk Open vSwitch."
msgid "Added Database service (trove) content."
msgstr "Tambah konten Database (harta)."
msgid "Added OSSNs 0063, 0066, 0068, 0069, 0073."
msgstr "Ditembahkan OSSNs 0063, 0066, 0068, 0069, 0073."
msgid "Added RBAC."
msgstr "Ditambahkan RBAC."
msgid ""
"Added Redis replication information and Rootwrap Daemon configuration "
"information to the Administrator Guide."
msgstr ""
"Ditambahkan informasi replikasi Redis dan informasi konfigurasi Rootwrap "
"Daemon ke Administrator Guide."
msgid "Added Shared File Systems (manila) content."
msgstr "Tambah konten Shared File Systems (manila)."
msgid "Added address scopes."
msgstr "Ditambahkan lingkup alamat (address scope)"
msgid ""
"Added build tools so that the Security Guide can be built both separately "
"and with the OSSN and TA sections."
msgstr ""
"Ditambahkan alat pembangunan sehingga Security Guide dapat dibangun dengan "
"bagian OSSN dan TA secara bersamaan ataupun secara terpisah."
msgid ""
"Added enterprise operations documentation including RabbitMQ troubleshooting "
"information, instructions to retrieve lost IP addresses, and procedures to "
"manage floating IP addresses between instances."
msgstr ""
"Ditambahkan dokumentasi operasi perusahaan termasuk informasi tip menatasi "
"masalah RabbitMQ, petunjuk untuk mengambil (retrieve) alamat IP yang hilang, "
"dan prosedur untuk mengelola alamat IP mengambang antar instance."
msgid ""
"Added information about creating project-specific Installation Tutorials."
msgstr ""
"Ditambahkan informasi tentang pembuatan Installation Tutorials untuk project-"
msgid "Added more tests to ``repeat_test`` scripts."
msgstr "Ditambahkan lebih banyak tes untuk skrip ``repeat_test``."
msgid ""
"Added new chapters in the draft `Training guides <http://docs.openstack.org/"
msgstr ""
"Ditambahkan bab baru dalam draft `Training guides <http://docs.openstack.org/"
msgid "Added personas content to the user experience section."
msgstr "Ditambahkan konten pribadi ke bagian pengalaman pengguna."
msgid "Added section regarding automated instance recovery."
msgstr "Ditambahkan bagian mengenai pemulihan instance otomatis."
msgid "Added senlin, monasca, and cloudkitty clients."
msgstr "Tambahkan senlin, monasca, dan klien cloudkitty."
msgid "Added service function chaining."
msgstr "Ditambahkan service function chaining (sfc)"
msgid "Added service subnets."
msgstr "Ditambahkan subnet layanan."
msgid "Added subnet pools."
msgstr "Ditambahkan kolam subnet"
msgid "Added the Shared File Systems chapter."
msgstr "Tambah bab ini Shared File Systems."
msgid ""
"Added the `Highly available Shared File Systems API <http://docs.openstack."
"org/ha-guide/storage-ha-file-systems.html>`_ section."
msgstr ""
"Ditambahkan bagian `Highly available Shared File Systems API <http://docs."
msgid ""
"Added the `MariaDB Galera cluster <http://docs.openstack.org/ha-guide/shared-"
"database.html>`_ installation, configuration, and management details."
msgstr ""
"Ditambahkan `MariaDB Galera cluster <http://docs.openstack.org/ha-guide/"
"shared-database.html>`_ rincian instalasi, konfigurasi, dan manajemen."
msgid ""
"Added the `Upstream Training Archives <http://docs.openstack.org/upstream-"
"training/upstream-archives.html>`_ (the list of past global and local "
"Upstream Training events)."
msgstr ""
"Ditambahkan `Upstream Training Archives <http://docs.openstack.org/upstream-"
"training/upstream-archives.html>`_ (daftar kejadian Upstream Training global "
"dan lokal masa lalu)."
msgid "Added the bug report links to each slide and the landing page."
msgstr "Ditambahkan link laporan bug untuk setiap slide dan halaman arahan."
msgid "Adds support for x86/i386 architecture."
msgstr "Menambahkan dukungan untuk arsitektur x86/i386."
msgid ""
"Approximately one third of the **Administrator Guide** chapters received a "
"thorough edit for style and consistency, following the contributor guide "
msgstr ""
"Sekitar sepertiga dari bab **Administrator Guide** menerima peneditan "
"menyeluruh untuk gaya dan konsistensi, mengikuti standar panduan kontributor."
msgid "Architecture Design Guide"
msgstr "Architecture Design Guide"
msgid "Architecture design guide"
msgstr "Panduan desain arsitektur"
msgid "Assorted updates and cleanups."
msgstr "Berbagai macam pembaharuan dan pembersihan."
msgid ""
"Besides updating the existing translated manuals, the internationalization "
"team added the following new manuals:"
msgstr ""
"Selain memperbarui manual yang diterjemahkan yang ada, tim "
"internasionalisasi menambahkan manual baru berikut:"
msgid ""
"Block storage (cinder) has a dedicated disk as opposed to being file mounted "
"as a loop device. This should improve performance and provide persistence "
"for cinder-volumes across reboots."
msgstr ""
"Block storage (cinder) memiliki disk dedikasi sebagai lawan dari menjadi "
"file yang di-mount sebagai perangkat loop. Disk dediksi ini harus "
"meningkatkan kinerja dan memberikan keeratan (persisten) untuk cinder-volume "
"di reboot."
msgid "Cluster setup speed is improving after addition of multiple features."
msgstr "Kecepatan penyiapan kluster membaik setelah penambahan beberapa fitur."
msgid "Collected the user experience content in a single section."
msgstr "Terkumpul konten pengalaman pengguna dalam satu bagian."
msgid "Command-Line Interface Reference"
msgstr "Command-Line Interface Reference"
msgid ""
"Command-Line Interface Reference abandons the `openstack` command reference "
"in favor of the reference in the OpenStackClient repository."
msgstr ""
"Command-Line Interface Reference meninggalkan referensi perintah `openstack` "
"yang mendukung referensi dalam repository OpenStackClient."
msgid "Completed RST conversion."
msgstr "Completed RST conversion."
msgid ""
"Completed `API Documentation <http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/api-wg/"
"guidelines/api-docs.html>`__ guidelines with the API Working Group."
msgstr ""
"Pedoman lengkap `API Documentation <http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/api-"
"wg/guidelines/api-docs.html>`__ dengan API Working Group."
msgid "Completely restructured the guide."
msgstr "Hasil restrukturisasi lengkap sebagai panduan."
msgid "Configuration Reference"
msgstr "Configuration Reference"
msgid ""
"Configuration Reference consolidates the common configurations such as "
"database connections and RPC messaging."
msgstr ""
"Configuration Reference mengkonsolidasikan konfigurasi umum seperti koneksi "
"database dan pesan RPC."
msgid "Configuration Reference supports the Application Catalog service."
msgstr "Configuration Reference mendukung layanan Application Catalog."
msgid "Contents"
msgstr "Contents"
msgid "Contributor guide"
msgstr "Panduan kontributor"
msgid ""
"Created `cookiecutter <http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/installguide-"
"cookiecutter/>`_ tool to ensure project specific guides have a consistent "
msgstr ""
"Dibuat alat `cookiecutter <http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/"
"installguide-cookiecutter/>`_ untuk memastikan panduan proyek spesifik yang "
"memiliki struktur yang konsisten."
msgid ""
"Created templates for writing API guides for projects teams available in "
"projects repositories."
msgstr ""
"Template yang dibuat untuk menulis panduan API tim proyek tersedia dalam "
"repositori proyek."
msgid "Documentation of some of the new features in Mitaka."
msgstr "Dokumentasi beberapa fitur baru di Mitaka."
msgid "Documentation team release notes"
msgstr "Dokumentasi catatan rilis tim"
msgid "Documented Message service (zaqar)."
msgstr "Layanan Documented Message (zaqar)."
msgid ""
"Documented that individual CLIs are deprecated in favor of the common "
"OpenStack client."
msgstr ""
"Didokumentasikan bahwa CLI individu usang dalam mendukung OpenStack client "
msgid ""
"Documented the `Pacemaker cluster manager <http://docs.openstack.org/ha-"
"guide/intro-ha-arch-pacemaker.html>`_ and Keepalived architecture details "
"and limitations."
msgstr ""
"Didokumentasikan `Pacemaker cluster manager <http://docs.openstack.org/ha-"
"guide/intro-ha-arch-pacemaker.html>`_ dan rincian arsitektur dan "
"keterbatasan Keepalived."
msgid ""
"Draft swagger files now built to http://developer.openstack.org/draft/"
msgstr ""
"Draft swagger file sekarang dibangun untuk http://developer.openstack.org/"
msgid "Enabled translation."
msgstr "Terjemahan diaktifkan"
msgid "German"
msgstr "Jerman"
msgid "Glossary reorganized to support ease of access for users."
msgstr ""
"Glossary diorganisasi kembali untuk mendukung kemudahan akses bagi pengguna."
msgid "High Availability Guide"
msgstr "High Availability Guide"
msgid "High availability guide"
msgstr "Panduan ketersediaan tinggi (high availability)"
msgid "Improved DNS resolution."
msgstr "Peningkatan resolusi DNS."
msgid "Improved SR-IOV."
msgstr "Ditingkatkan SR-IOV."
msgid ""
"Improved `Pacemaker/Corosync cluster <http://docs.openstack.org/ha-guide/"
"controller-ha-pacemaker.html>`_ installation and configuration details."
msgstr ""
"Peningkatan instalasi dan konfigurasi rincian `Pacemaker/Corosync cluster "
"<http://docs.openstack.org/ha-guide/controller-ha-pacemaker.html>`_ "
msgid "Improved address scopes."
msgstr "ditingkatkan cakupan alamat (address scope)"
msgid ""
"Improved and restructured `Upstream Training <http://docs.openstack.org/"
msgstr ""
"Perbaikan dan restrukturisasi `Upstream Training <http://docs.openstack.org/"
msgid "Improved high-availability for DHCP."
msgstr "Peningkatan high-availability untuk DHCP."
msgid "Improved security groups."
msgstr "Ditingkatkan kelompok keamanan (security group)."
msgid ""
"Improved the `RabbitMQ section <http://docs.openstack.org/ha-guide/shared-"
msgstr ""
"Peningkatan `RabbitMQ section <http://docs.openstack.org/ha-guide/shared-"
msgid "Improvements in networking related challenges."
msgstr "Perbaikan jaringan yang terkait dengan tantangan."
msgid "Improvements to the library scripts."
msgstr "Perbaikan skrip perpustakaan."
msgid "Indonesian"
msgstr "Indonesian"
msgid "Installation Guide"
msgstr "Installation Guide"
msgid "Installation guide"
msgstr "Petunjuk instal"
msgid "Internal changes"
msgstr "perubahan internal"
msgid "Italian"
msgstr "Italian"
msgid "Japanese"
msgstr "Jepang"
msgid ""
"KVM/Libvirt backends now use shared storage. Hard disks for the cluster are "
"diffs on top of the base disk. This uses less storage space."
msgstr ""
"Backend KVM/Libvirt sekarang menggunakan penyimpanan bersama. Hard disk "
"untuk cluster yang diffs di atas dasar disk. Ini menggunakan ruang "
"penyimpanan berkurang."
msgid "Korean"
msgstr "Korea"
msgid "Marked Identity API v2 as deprecated."
msgstr "Marked Identity API v2 as deprecated."
msgid ""
"Migrated content on configuring and customizing the Dashboard, previously "
"maintained in the Configuration Reference, to the Dashboard chapter of the "
"Administrator Guide."
msgstr ""
"Dimirgasikan konten tentang konfigurasi dan menyesuaikan Dashboard, dimana "
"sebelumnya dipelihara di Configuration Reference, sekarang ke bab Dashboard "
"dari Administrator Guide."
msgid ""
"Migrated examples from deprecated Identity service (keystone) direct driver "
"loading examples to stevedore."
msgstr ""
"Contoh dimigrasikan dari contoh pemuatan drive langsung layanan Identity "
"(keystone) yang telah usang ke stevedore (pemuat kuli pelabuhan)"
msgid "Mitaka release"
msgstr "Mitaka release"
msgid "Networking Guide"
msgstr "Networking Guide"
msgid "Networking guide"
msgstr "Panduan Networking"
msgid ""
"New content including documentation for LBaaS, DNS integration, and macvtap "
"ml2 driver."
msgstr ""
"Konten baru termasuk dokumentasi untuk LBaaS, integrasi DNS, dan macvtap ml2 "
msgid "New section on rate-limiting and API endpoint traffic."
msgstr "Bagian baru pada lalu lintas rate-limiting dan API endpoint."
msgid ""
"New, cleaner `developer.openstack.org <http://developer.openstack.org>`_ "
"landing page."
msgstr ""
"Baru, bersih halaman arahan `developer.openstack.org <http://developer."
"openstack.org>` _ ."
msgid "Newton release"
msgstr "Rilis Newton"
msgid "Newton support should be available shortly after the OpenStack release."
msgstr "Dukungan Newton harus segera tersedia setelah rilis OpenStack."
msgid "Newton support:"
msgstr "Dukungan Newton:"
msgid "Next release: Ocata release"
msgstr "Next release: Ocata release"
msgid "Operations Guide"
msgstr "Operations Guide"
msgid "Operations guide"
msgstr "Panduan operasi"
msgid ""
"PXE boot could also be used as a mechanism for provisioning KVM/VirtualBox "
"based workloads."
msgstr ""
"Boot PXE juga bisa digunakan sebagai mekanisme untuk penyediaan KVM/"
"VirtualBox berdasarkan beban kerja."
msgid ""
"PXE booting functionality is available as a pluggable driver in parallel "
"with KVM/VirtualBox."
msgstr ""
"Fungsi booting PXE tersedia sebagai pluggable driver secara paralel dengan "
msgid "PXE feature for training-labs:"
msgstr "Fitur PXE untuk training-labs (pelatihan-laboratorium):"
msgid ""
"Performance improvements by fixing race conditions occurring due to "
"virtualization overhead."
msgstr ""
"Peningkatan kinerja dengan memperbaiki terjadi kondisi bergegas karena "
"berlebihan (overhead) virtualisasi."
msgid "Performance improvements:"
msgstr "Perbaikan kinerja:"
msgid "Provide details for contacting the OpenStack HA community."
msgstr "Memberikan rincian untuk menghubungi komunitas OpenStack HA."
msgid "Published API Guide."
msgstr "Published API Guide (panduan API yang diterbitkan)"
msgid "Published Installation Tutorials for Mitaka and Liberty."
msgstr "Published Installation Tutorials for Mitaka and Liberty."
msgid "Published Installation Tutorials for Mitaka."
msgstr ""
"Published Installation Tutorials for Mitaka (tutorial instalasi untuk Mitaka "
"yang diterbitkan)."
msgid "Published Networking Guide."
msgstr "Published Networking Guide (panduan jaringan yang diterbitkan)"
msgid "Published Upstream Training."
msgstr "Published Upstream Training."
msgid ""
"Published project specific guides for Container Infrastructure Management "
"service (magnum), Messaging service (zaqar), Key Manager service (barbican), "
"and Bare Metal service (ironic)."
msgstr ""
"Diterbitkan panduan proyek tertentu untuk layanan Container Infrastructure "
"Management (magnum), layanan Messaging (zaqar), layanan Key Manager "
"(barbican), dan layanan Bare Metal (ironis)."
msgid "Published the Networking Guide."
msgstr "Diterbitkan Panduan Jaringan."
msgid "Published the Upstream Training."
msgstr "Diterbitkan Pelatihan Hulu."
msgid "Readability changes for links, images, and document format."
msgstr "Perubahan yang dapat dibaca untuk link, image, dan format dokumen."
msgid ""
"Released fairy-slipper, a migration tool for WADL to RST plus API reference "
msgstr ""
"Dirilis fairy-slipper, alat migrasi untuk WADL ke RST ditambah informasi "
"referensi API."
msgid "Removed Keepalived architecture as it is no longer advocated."
msgstr "Dihapus arsitektur Keepalived karena tidak lagi dianjurkan."
msgid ""
"Removed instructions to install DevStack and information on contributing to "
"OpenStack, which is documented on the DevStack project website and "
"Infrastructure Manual respectively."
msgstr ""
"Telah dihapus instruksi untuk menginstal DevStack dan informasi kontribusi "
"untuk OpenStack, dimana keduanya didokumentasikan di situs proyek DevStack "
"dan Infrastructure Manual masing-masing."
msgid "Removed tuskar client because of retirement."
msgstr "Dihapus klien Tuskar karena pensiun."
msgid "Renamed to Installation Tutorial."
msgstr "Berganti nama menjadi Installation Tutorial."
msgid ""
"Reorganised the **Admin User Guide** content together with the **Cloud Admin "
"Guide** content to create a new **Administrator Guide**."
msgstr ""
"Reorganises konten **Admin User Guide** bersama-sama dengan konten **Cloud "
"Admin Guide** untuk membuat **Administrator Guide** baru."
msgid ""
"Reorganized and rewrote the deployment examples using \"building blocks\" to "
"improve usability and understanding. After choosing either the Linux bridge "
"or Open vSwitch mechanism driver, the audience can deploy increasingly "
"complex architectures that build on prior simpler examples. Also reduced "
"duplication of content."
msgstr ""
"Organisasi ulang dan menulis ulang dimana contoh penyebaran menggunakan "
"\"building blocks\" untuk meningkatkan kegunaan dan pemahaman. Setelah "
"pemilihan salah satu Linux bridge atau Open vSwitch mechanism driver, "
"audience dapat meningkatkan pengerahan arsitektur kompleks yang membangun "
"contoh lebih sederhana dari sebelumnya. Juga mengurangi duplikasi konten."
msgid ""
"Reorganized the Administrator Guide Telemetry chapter to improve information "
msgstr ""
"Organisasi ulang bab Administrator Guide Telemetry untuk meningkatkan "
"arsitektur informasi."
msgid "Replaced Keystone CLI examples with OpenStack CLI examples."
msgstr "Diganti contoh Keystone CLI dengan contoh OpenStack CLI."
msgid "Replaced basic node and service installation instructions with links."
msgstr "Diganti basic node dan layanan instruksi instalasi dengan link."
msgid "Security Guide"
msgstr "Security Guide"
msgid "Simplified Chinese"
msgstr "Simplified Chinese"
msgid "Stability improvements:"
msgstr "perbaikan stabilitas:"
msgid "Test coverage:"
msgstr "Cakupan uji:"
msgid ""
"The **Admin User Guide** content has been removed from `OpenStack Docs "
"<http://docs.openstack.org>`_ since all files have been reorganised into the "
"**Administrator Guide**."
msgstr ""
"Konten **Admin User Guide** telah dihapus dari `OpenStack Docs <http://docs."
"openstack.org>` _ semenjak semua file telah direorganisasi ke dalam "
"**Administrator Guide**."
msgid ""
"The API reference documentation has been moved from the api-site repository "
"to project specific repositories. The collection of API docs is now "
"available on the `API Quick Start page <http://developer.openstack.org/api-"
msgstr ""
"Dokumentasi referensi API telah dipindahkan dari repositori api-site ke "
"repositori tertentu dari suatu proyek. Koleksi API docs sekarang tersedia di "
"`API Quick Start page <http://developer.openstack.org/api-guide/quick-start/"
msgid ""
"The Installation Guide has been renamed to Installation Tutorial, and now "
"includes Container Infrastructure Management service (magnum), Messaging "
"service (zaqar), Key Manager service (barbican), and Bare Metal service "
msgstr ""
"Installation Guide telah diubah namanya menjadi Installation Tutorial, dan "
"sekarang termasuk layanan Container Infrastructure Management (magnum), "
"layanan Messaging (zaqar), layanan Key Manager (barbican), dan layanan Bare "
"Metal (ironis)."
msgid ""
"The Installation Tutorial can now publish documentation from project "
"specific repositories."
msgstr ""
"Installation Tutorial sekarang dapat mempublikasikan dokumentasi dari "
"repositori proyek tertentu."
msgid ""
"The Operations Guide is now using RST as source format. This completes the "
"transition to RST, and the old DocBook tools have been retired."
msgstr ""
"Operations Guide sekarang menggunakan RST sebagai format sumber. Ini "
"melengkapi transisi ke RST, dan alat-alat DocBook lama yang telah pensiun."
msgid ""
"The `Compute API <http://developer.openstack.org/api-ref/compute/>`_ and "
"`DNS API <http://developer.openstack.org/api-ref/dns/>`__ sites offer great "
"examples of the new API reference, maintained by the project team rather "
"than a central docs team."
msgstr ""
"Situs `Compute API <http://developer.openstack.org/api-ref/compute/>`_ dan "
"`DNS API <http://developer.openstack.org/api-ref/dns/>`__ menawarkan contoh "
"bagus dari referensi API baru, dikelola oleh tim proyek daripada tim docs "
msgid ""
"The content of the separate repositories operations-guide and ha-guide has "
"been moved into the openstack-manuals repository. The operations-guide and "
"ha-guide repositories have been retired."
msgstr ""
"Isi dari repositori terpisah untuk operations-guide dan ha-guide telah "
"dipindahkan ke repositori OpenStack-manual. Repositori operations-guide dan "
"ha-guide telah pensiun."
msgid ""
"The documentation sites ``developer.openstack.org`` and ``docs.openstack."
"org`` are now set up with ``https`` and links to pages have been changed to "
"use ``https`` by default."
msgstr ""
"Situs dokumentasi ``developer.openstack.org`` dan ``docs.openstack.org`` "
"sekarang ditetapkan dengan ``https`` dan link ke halaman telah diubah untuk "
"menggunakan ``https`` secara default."
msgid ""
"These release notes cover all aspects of the work of the documentation team "
"with the exception of those repositories that have their own release notes "
"(currently openstackdocstheme and openstack-doc-tools). Thus this file "
"covers the content of the following repositories:"
msgstr ""
"Catatan rilis ini mencakup semua aspek pekerjaan dari tim dokumentasi dengan "
"pengecualian kedua repositori yang memiliki catatan rilis mereka sendiri "
"(saat openstackdocstheme dan OpenStack-doc-tools). Sehingga file ini "
"meliputi isi dari repositori berikut:"
msgid ""
"This delay is intentional, to let the distribution packages stabilize, and "
"to ensure all test cases and reliability checks meet certain criteria."
msgstr ""
"Penundaan ini disengaja, untuk membiarkan paket distribusi stabil, dan untuk "
"memastikan semua kasus uji (test case) dan pemeriksaan keandalan memenuhi "
"kriteria tertentu."
msgid "Tracking of release notes in the ``releasenotes`` directory."
msgstr "Tracking of release notes in the ``releasenotes`` directory."
msgid "Training Guides"
msgstr "Training Guides"
msgid "Training cluster should additionally have higher deployment rate."
msgstr ""
"Klaster pelatihan harus memiliki tambahan tingkat pengerahan yang lebih "
msgid "Training guides"
msgstr "Panduan pelatihan"
msgid "Training labs"
msgstr "Laboratorium pelatihan"
msgid ""
"Training labs landing page is published under `docs.openstack.org <http://"
msgstr ""
"Laboratorium pelatihan landing page diterbitkan di bawah `docs.openstack.org "
msgid "Translations"
msgstr "terjemahan"
msgid ""
"Troubleshooting chapters now have consistent formatting, which is a step "
"toward improved troubleshooting sections."
msgstr ""
"Cara mengatasi masalah bab ini menggunakan format yang konsisten, dimana "
"cara ini akan memperbaiki sektor pemecahan masalah."
msgid ""
"URL and file names changed to use only hyphens for consistency and search "
"engine optimization."
msgstr ""
"URL dan nama file diubah untuk menggunakan hanya tanda hubung (hyphen) "
"untuk konsistensi dan optimasi mesin pencari."
msgid ""
"Updated OpenStack command-line client commands to OpenStackClient commands."
msgstr ""
"Diperbaharui perintah klien command-line OpenStack ke perintah "
msgid "Updated command examples for accuracy and parity with latest versions."
msgstr ""
"Diperbaharui contoh perintah untuk ketepatan dan kesetaraan dengan versi "
msgid "Updated configuration for all services."
msgstr "Konfigurasi terupdate untuk semua layanan."
msgid ""
"Updated glossary terms for Nginx, SPICE, Data Loss Prevention (DLP), Trusted "
"Platform Module (TPM), Secure Boot, and other acronyms."
msgstr ""
"Diperbaharui istilah glossary untuk Nginx, SPICE, Data Loss Prevention "
"(DLP), Trusted Platform Module (TPM), Secure Boot, dan akronim lainnya."
msgid "Updated graphics advice."
msgstr "Diperbaharui saran grafis."
msgid ""
"Updated the `Contributor Guide <http://docs.openstack.org/contributor-guide/"
"api-guides.html>`__ to include specific API Guides information."
msgstr ""
"Diperbarui `Contributor Guide <http://docs.openstack.org/contributor-guide/"
"api-guides.html>`__ untuk memasukkan informasi API Guides tertentu."
msgid "Updated the user interface text guidelines."
msgstr "Diperbaharui pedoman teks antarmuka pengguna."
msgid ""
"Updates for supporting new operating systems. For example, Ubuntu 16.04."
msgstr "Pembaruan untuk mendukung sistem operasi baru. Misalnya, Ubuntu 16.04."
msgid "Updates to compliance section around audit phases and links."
msgstr ""
"Memperbaharui bagian kepatuhan (compliance) sekitar tahapan audit dan link."
msgid ""
"Updates to the CLI along with many improvements to address new features."
msgstr ""
"Update ke CLI bersama dengan banyak perbaikan untuk mengatasi fitur baru."
msgid "User Guides"
msgstr "User Guides"
msgid "User guides"
msgstr "Panduan pengguna"
msgid ""
"User interface test cases to check the availability of horizon have been "
msgstr ""
"Kasus pengujian antarmuka user untuk memeriksa ketersediaan horizon telah "
msgid "User visible changes"
msgstr "Perubahan pengguna terlihat"
msgid ""
"Users can download zip/tar files for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X platforms "
"for supported releases."
msgstr ""
"Pengguna dapat men-download file zip/tar untuk platform Windows, Linux dan "
"Mac OS X untuk rilis yang didukung."
msgid "Various stability improvements have been added in this release."
msgstr "Berbagai perbaikan stabilitas telah ditambahkan dalam rilis ini."
msgid "Virtual Machine Image Guide"
msgstr "Virtual Machine Image Guide"
msgid "Windows platform support has been updated and improved."
msgstr "Dukungan platform Windows telah diperbarui dan diperbaiki."
msgid ""
"`API Quick Start <http://developer.openstack.org/api-guide/compute/>`_ "
"converted to RST with theme styling to match."
msgstr ""
"`API Quick Start <http://developer.openstack.org/api-guide/compute/>` _ "
"dikonversi ke RST dengan tema styling untuk mencocokkan."
msgid ""
"`Compute API Guide <http://developer.openstack.org/api-guide/compute/>`_ now "
"built from nova source tree."
msgstr ""
"`Compute API Guide <http://developer.openstack.org/api-guide/compute/>` _ "
"sekarang dibangun dari nova source tree."
msgid "api-site"
msgstr "api-site"
msgid "openstack-manuals"
msgstr "openstack-manuals"
msgid "security-guide"
msgstr "security-guide"
msgid "training-guide"
msgstr "training-guide"
msgid "training-labs"
msgstr "training-labs"