venkatamahesh 3966cb4f1e Revert "[user-guide] Add an empty line between input and output"
This reverts commit 0196e7f51e75d3e5ed33ffe3424e182e5fa64e99.

Change-Id: Ide1f74efd96b8e690f7e0e7e1d3d121f9ae10d44
2016-01-13 15:55:43 +00:00

10 KiB

Create and access a database

Assume that you have installed the Database service and populated your data store with images for the type and versions of databases that you want, and that you can create and access a database.

This example shows you how to create and access a MySQL 5.5 database.

Create and access a database

  1. Determine which flavor to use for your database

    When you create a database instance, you must specify a nova flavor. The flavor indicates various characteristics of the instance, such as RAM, root volume size, and so on. The default nova flavors are not sufficient to create database instances. You might need to create or obtain some new nova flavors that work for databases.

    The first step is to list flavors by using the nova flavor-list command.

    Here are the default flavors, although you may have additional custom flavors in your environment:

    $ nova flavor-list
    | ID  | Name      | Memory_MB | Disk | Ephemeral | Swap | VCPUs | RXTX_Factor | Is_Public |
    | 1   | m1.tiny   | 512       | 1    | 0         |      | 1     | 1.0         | True      |
    | 2   | m1.small  | 2048      | 20   | 0         |      | 1     | 1.0         | True      |
    | 3   | m1.medium | 4096      | 40   | 0         |      | 2     | 1.0         | True      |
    | 4   | m1.large  | 8192      | 80   | 0         |      | 4     | 1.0         | True      |
    | 5   | m1.xlarge | 16384     | 160  | 0         |      | 8     | 1.0         | True      |

    Now take a look at the minimum requirements for various database instances:

    Database RAM (MB) Disk (GB) VCPUs
    MySQL 512 5 1
    Cassandra 2048 5 1
    MongoDB 1024 5 1
    Redis 512 5 1
    • If you have a custom flavor that meets the needs of the database that you want to create, proceed to Step 2 <create-database-instance> and use that flavor.
    • If your environment does not have a suitable flavor, an administrative user must create a custom flavor by using the nova flavor-create command.

    MySQL example. This example creates a flavor that you can use with a MySQL database. This example has the following attributes:

    • Flavor name: mysql_minimum
    • Flavor ID: You must use an ID that is not already in use. In this example, IDs 1 through 5 are in use, so use ID 6.
    • RAM: 512
    • Root volume size in GB: 5
    • Virtual CPUs: 1
    $ nova flavor-create mysql-minimum 6 512 5 1
    | ID | Name          | Memory_MB | Disk | Ephemeral | Swap | VCPUs | RXTX_Factor | Is_Public |
    | 6  | mysql-minimum | 512       | 5    | 0         |      | 1     | 1.0         | True      |
  2. Create a database instance

    This example creates a database instance with the following characteristics:

    • Name of the instance: mysql_instance_1
    • Database flavor: 6

    In addition, this command specifies these options for the instance:

    • A volume size of 5 (5 GB).
    • The myDB database.
    • The database is based on the mysql data store and the mysql-5.5 datastore_version.
    • The userA user with the password password.
    $ trove create mysql_instance_1 6 --size 5 --databases myDB \
        --users userA:password --datastore_version mysql-5.5 \
        --datastore mysql
    |      Property     |                                                                                                  Value                                                                                                  |
    |      created      |                                                                                           2014-05-29T21:26:21                                                                                           |
    |     datastore     |                                                                              {u'version': u'mysql-5.5', u'type': u'mysql'}                                                                              |
    | datastore_version |                                                                                                mysql-5.5                                                                                                |
    |       flavor      | {u'id': u'6', u'links': [{u'href': u'https://controller:8779/v1.0/46d0bc4fc32e4b9e8520f8fc62199f58/flavors/6', u'rel': u'self'}, {u'href': u'https://controller:8779/flavors/6', u'rel': u'bookmark'}]} |
    |         id        |                                                                                   5599dad6-731e-44df-bb60-488da3da9cfe                                                                                  |
    |        name       |                                                                                             mysql_instance_1                                                                                            |
    |       status      |                                                                                                  BUILD                                                                                                  |
    |      updated      |                                                                                           2014-05-29T21:26:21                                                                                           |
    |       volume      |                                                                                               {u'size': 5}                                                                                              |
  3. Get the IP address of the database instance

    First, use the trove list command to list all instances and their IDs:

    $ trove list
    |                  id                  |       name       | datastore | datastore_version | status | flavor_id | size |
    | 5599dad6-731e-44df-bb60-488da3da9cfe | mysql_instance_1 |   mysql   |     mysql-5.5     | BUILD  |     6     |  5   |

    This command returns the instance ID of your new instance.

    You can now pass in the instance ID with the trove show command to get the IP address of the instance. In this example, replace INSTANCE_ID with 5599dad6-731e-44df-bb60-488da3da9cfe.

    $ trove show INSTANCE_ID
    |      Property     |                Value                 |
    |      created      |         2014-05-29T21:26:21          |
    |     datastore     |                mysql                 |
    | datastore_version |              mysql-5.5               |
    |       flavor      |                  6                   |
    |         id        | 5599dad6-731e-44df-bb60-488da3da9cfe |
    |         ip        |                |
    |        name       |           mysql_instance_1           |
    |       status      |                BUILD                 |
    |      updated      |         2014-05-29T21:26:54          |
    |       volume      |                  5                   |

    This command returns the IP address of the database instance.

  4. Access the new database

    You can now access the new database you just created (myDB) by using typical database access commands. In this MySQL example, replace IP_ADDRESS with

    $ mysql -u userA -ppassword -h IP_ADDRESS myDB