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Share snapshots

The Shared File Systems service provides a snapshot mechanism to help users restore data by running the manila snapshot-create command.

To export a snapshot, create a share from it, then mount the new share to an instance. Copy files from the attached share into the archive.

To import a snapshot, create a new share with appropriate size, attach it to instance, and then copy a file from the archive to the attached file system.


You cannot delete a share while it has saved dependent snapshots.

Create a snapshot from the share:

$ manila snapshot-create Share1 --name Snapshot1 --description "Snapshot of Share1"
| Property    | Value                                |
| status      | creating                             |
| share_id    | aca648eb-8c03-4394-a5cc-755066b7eb66 |
| name        | Snapshot1                            |
| created_at  | 2015-09-25T05:27:38.862040           |
| share_proto | NFS                                  |
| id          | 962e8126-35c3-47bb-8c00-f0ee37f42ddd |
| size        | 1                                    |
| share_size  | 1                                    |
| description | Snapshot of Share1                   |

Update snapshot name or description if needed:

$ manila snapshot-rename Snapshot1 Snapshot_1 --description "Snapshot of Share1. Updated."

Check that status of a snapshot is available:

$ manila snapshot-show Snapshot1
| Property    | Value                                |
| status      | available                            |
| share_id    | aca648eb-8c03-4394-a5cc-755066b7eb66 |
| name        | Snapshot1                            |
| created_at  | 2015-09-25T05:27:38.000000           |
| share_proto | NFS                                  |
| id          | 962e8126-35c3-47bb-8c00-f0ee37f42ddd |
| size        | 1                                    |
| share_size  | 1                                    |
| description | Snapshot of Share1                   |

To restore your data from a snapshot, use manila create with key --snapshot-id. This creates a new share from an existing snapshot. Create a share from a snapshot and check whether it is available:

$ manila create nfs 1 --name Share2 --metadata source=snapshot --description "Share from a snapshot." --snapshot-id 962e8126-35c3-47bb-8c00-f0ee37f42ddd
| Property                    | Value                                |
| status                      | None                                 |
| share_type_name             | default                              |
| description                 | Share from a snapshot.               |
| availability_zone           | None                                 |
| share_network_id            | None                                 |
| export_locations            | []                                   |
| share_server_id             | None                                 |
| host                        | None                                 |
| snapshot_id                 | 962e8126-35c3-47bb-8c00-f0ee37f42ddd |
| is_public                   | False                                |
| task_state                  | None                                 |
| snapshot_support            | True                                 |
| id                          | b6b0617c-ea51-4450-848e-e7cff69238c7 |
| size                        | 1                                    |
| name                        | Share2                               |
| share_type                  | c0086582-30a6-4060-b096-a42ec9d66b86 |
| created_at                  | 2015-09-25T06:25:50.240417           |
| export_location             | None                                 |
| share_proto                 | NFS                                  |
| consistency_group_id        | None                                 |
| source_cgsnapshot_member_id | None                                 |
| project_id                  | 20787a7ba11946adad976463b57d8a2f     |
| metadata                    | {u'source': u'snapshot'}             |

$ manila show Share2
| Property                    | Value                                     |
| status                      | available                                 |
| share_type_name             | default                                   |
| description                 | Share from a snapshot.                    |
| availability_zone           | nova                                      |
| share_network_id            | 5c3cbabb-f4da-465f-bc7f-fadbe047b85a      |
| export_locations            ||
| share_server_id             | 41b7829d-7f6b-4c96-aea5-d106c2959961      |
| host                        | manila@generic1#GENERIC1                  |
| snapshot_id                 | 962e8126-35c3-47bb-8c00-f0ee37f42ddd      |
| is_public                   | False                                     |
| task_state                  | None                                      |
| snapshot_support            | True                                      |
| id                          | b6b0617c-ea51-4450-848e-e7cff69238c7      |
| size                        | 1                                         |
| name                        | Share2                                    |
| share_type                  | c0086582-30a6-4060-b096-a42ec9d66b86      |
| created_at                  | 2015-09-25T06:25:50.000000                |
| share_proto                 | NFS                                       |
| consistency_group_id        | None                                      |
| source_cgsnapshot_member_id | None                                      |
| project_id                  | 20787a7ba11946adad976463b57d8a2f          |
| metadata                    | {u'source': u'snapshot'}                  |

You can soft-delete a snapshot using manila snapshot-delete <snapshot_name_or_ID>. If a snapshot is in busy state, and during the delete an error_deleting status appeared, administrator can force-delete it or explicitly reset the state.

Use snapshot-reset-state [--state <state>] <snapshot> to update the state of a snapshot explicitly. A valid value of a status are available, error, creating, deleting, error_deleting. If no state is provided, the available state will be used.

Use manila snapshot-force-delete <snapshot> to force-delete a specified share snapshot in any state.