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Application Catalog service command-line client
The murano client is the command-line interface (CLI) for the Application Catalog service API and its extensions.
This chapter documents murano
version 0.11.1
For help on a specific murano
command, enter:
$ murano help COMMAND
murano usage
usage: murano [--version] [-d] [-v] [--cert-file OS_CERT] [--key-file OS_KEY]
[--ca-file OS_CACERT] [--api-timeout API_TIMEOUT]
[--os-tenant-id OS_TENANT_ID] [--os-tenant-name OS_TENANT_NAME]
[--os-region-name OS_REGION_NAME]
[--os-auth-token OS_AUTH_TOKEN] [--os-no-client-auth]
[--murano-url MURANO_URL] [--glance-url GLANCE_URL]
[--glare-url GLARE_URL]
[--murano-api-version MURANO_API_VERSION]
[--os-service-type OS_SERVICE_TYPE]
[--os-endpoint-type OS_ENDPOINT_TYPE] [--include-password]
[--murano-repo-url MURANO_REPO_URL]
[--murano-packages-service {murano,glance,glare}] [--insecure]
[--os-cacert <ca-certificate>] [--os-cert <certificate>]
[--os-key <key>] [--timeout <seconds>]
[--os-auth-url OS_AUTH_URL] [--os-domain-id OS_DOMAIN_ID]
[--os-domain-name OS_DOMAIN_NAME]
[--os-project-id OS_PROJECT_ID]
[--os-project-name OS_PROJECT_NAME]
[--os-project-domain-id OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_ID]
[--os-project-domain-name OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME]
[--os-trust-id OS_TRUST_ID] [--os-user-id OS_USER_ID]
[--os-username OS_USERNAME]
[--os-user-domain-id OS_USER_DOMAIN_ID]
[--os-user-domain-name OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME]
[--os-password OS_PASSWORD]
<subcommand> ...
List applications, added to specified environment.
Import a bundle.
Save a bundle.
Create a category.
Delete a category.
List all available categories.
Display category details.
Display class schema
List deployments for an environment.
Add application to the environment template.
Create a new template, cloned from template.
Create an environment template.
Create a new environment from template.
Delete application from the environment template.
Delete an environment template.
List the environments templates.
Display environment template details.
Update an environment template.
Call action `ACTION` in environment `ID`.
Get result of `TASK` in environment `ID`.
Edit environment's object model.
Create an environment.
Delete an environment.
Start deployment of a murano environment session.
List the environments.
Rename an environment.
Creates a new configuration session for environment ID.
Display environment details.
Create an application package.
Delete a package.
Download a package to a filename or stdout.
Import a package.
List available packages.
Save a package.
Display details for a package.
Update an existing package.
Call static method `METHOD` of the class `CLASS` with `ARGUMENTS`.
Prints all of the commands and options to stdout.
Display help about this program or one of its subcommands.
murano optional arguments
Show program's version number and exit.
-d, --debug
Defaults to
. -v, --verbose
Print more verbose output.
--cert-file OS_CERT
. --key-file OS_KEY
. --ca-file OS_CACERT
. --api-timeout API_TIMEOUT
Number of seconds to wait for an API response, defaults to system socket timeout.
--os-tenant-id OS_TENANT_ID
Defaults to
. --os-tenant-name OS_TENANT_NAME
Defaults to
. --os-region-name OS_REGION_NAME
Defaults to
. --os-auth-token OS_AUTH_TOKEN
Defaults to
. --os-no-client-auth
Do not contact keystone for a token. Defaults to
. --murano-url MURANO_URL
Defaults to
. --glance-url GLANCE_URL
Defaults to
. --glare-url GLARE_URL
Defaults to
. --murano-api-version MURANO_API_VERSION
Defaults to
or 1. --os-service-type OS_SERVICE_TYPE
Defaults to
. --os-endpoint-type OS_ENDPOINT_TYPE
Defaults to
. --include-password
Send os-username and os-password to murano.
--murano-repo-url MURANO_REPO_URL
Defaults to
or --murano-packages-service {murano,glance,glare}
Specifies if murano-api ("murano") or Glance Artifact Repository ("glare") should be used to store murano packages. Defaults to
or to "murano" --insecure
Explicitly allow client to perform "insecure" TLS (https) requests. The server's certificate will not be verified against any certificate authorities. This option should be used with caution.
--os-cacert <ca-certificate>
Specify a CA bundle file to use in verifying a TLS (https) server certificate. Defaults to
. --os-cert <certificate>
Defaults to
. --os-key <key>
Defaults to
. --timeout <seconds>
Set request timeout (in seconds).
--os-auth-url OS_AUTH_URL
Authentication URL
--os-domain-id OS_DOMAIN_ID
Domain ID to scope to
--os-domain-name OS_DOMAIN_NAME
Domain name to scope to
--os-project-id OS_PROJECT_ID
Project ID to scope to
--os-project-name OS_PROJECT_NAME
Project name to scope to
--os-project-domain-id OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_ID
Domain ID containing project
--os-project-domain-name OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME
Domain name containing project
--os-trust-id OS_TRUST_ID
Trust ID
--os-user-id OS_USER_ID
User ID
--os-username OS_USERNAME, --os-user_name OS_USERNAME
--os-user-domain-id OS_USER_DOMAIN_ID
User's domain id
--os-user-domain-name OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME
User's domain name
--os-password OS_PASSWORD
User's password
murano app-show
usage: murano app-show [-p <PATH>] <ID>
List applications, added to specified environment.
Positional arguments:
Environment ID to show applications from.
Optional arguments:
-p <PATH>, --path <PATH>
Level of detalization to show. Leave empty to browse all applications in the environment.
murano bundle-import
usage: murano bundle-import [--is-public] [--exists-action {a,s,u}]
<FILE> [<FILE> ...]
Import a bundle. `FILE` can be either a path to a zip file, URL, or name from repo. If `FILE` is a local file, treat names of packages in a bundle as file names, relative to location of the bundle file. Requirements are first searched in the same directory.
Positional arguments:
Bundle URL, bundle name, or path to the bundle file.
Optional arguments:
Make packages available to users from other tenants.
--exists-action {a,s,u}
Default action when a package already exists.
murano bundle-save
usage: murano bundle-save [-p <PATH>] [--no-images] <BUNDLE>
Save a bundle. This will download a bundle of packages with all dependencies to specified path. If path doesn't exist it will be created.
Positional arguments:
Bundle URL, bundle name, or path to the bundle file.
Optional arguments:
-p <PATH>, --path <PATH>
Path to the directory to store packages. If not set will use current directory.
If set will skip images downloading.
murano category-create
usage: murano category-create <CATEGORY_NAME>
Create a category.
Positional arguments:
Category name.
murano category-delete
usage: murano category-delete <ID> [<ID> ...]
Delete a category.
Positional arguments:
ID of a category(ies) to delete.
murano category-list
usage: murano category-list
List all available categories.
murano category-show
usage: murano category-show <ID>
Display category details.
Positional arguments:
ID of a category(s) to show.
murano class-schema
usage: murano class-schema [--package-name PACKAGE_NAME]
[--class-version CLASS_VERSION]
Display class schema
Positional arguments:
Class FQN
Method name
Optional arguments:
--package-name PACKAGE_NAME
FQN of the package where the class is located
--class-version CLASS_VERSION
Class version or version range (version spec)
murano deployment-list
usage: murano deployment-list <ID>
List deployments for an environment.
Positional arguments:
Environment ID for which to list deployments.
murano env-template-add-app
usage: murano env-template-add-app <ENV_TEMPLATE_ID> <FILE>
Add application to the environment template.
Positional arguments:
Environment template ID.
Path to the template.
murano env-template-clone
usage: murano env-template-clone <ID> <ENV_TEMPLATE_NAME>
Create a new template, cloned from template.
Positional arguments:
Environment template ID.
New environment template name.
murano env-template-create
usage: murano env-template-create [--is-public] <ENV_TEMPLATE_NAME>
Create an environment template.
Positional arguments:
Environment template name.
Optional arguments:
Make the template available for users from other tenants.
murano env-template-create-env
usage: murano env-template-create-env <ID> <ENV_NAME>
Create a new environment from template.
Positional arguments:
Environment template ID.
New environment name.
murano env-template-del-app
usage: murano env-template-del-app <ENV_TEMPLATE_ID> <ENV_TEMPLATE_APP_ID>
Delete application from the environment template.
Positional arguments:
Environment template ID.
Application ID.
murano env-template-delete
usage: murano env-template-delete <ID> [<ID> ...]
Delete an environment template.
Positional arguments:
ID of environment(s) template to delete.
murano env-template-list
usage: murano env-template-list
List the environments templates.
murano env-template-show
usage: murano env-template-show <ID>
Display environment template details.
Positional arguments:
Environment template ID.
murano env-template-update
usage: murano env-template-update <ID> <ENV_TEMPLATE_NAME>
Update an environment template.
Positional arguments:
Environment template ID.
Environment template name.
murano environment-action-call
usage: murano environment-action-call --action-id <ACTION>
[--arguments [<KEY=VALUE> [<KEY=VALUE> ...]]]
Call action `ACTION` in environment `ID`. Returns id of an asynchronous task, that executes the action. Actions can only be called on a `deployed` environment. To view actions available in a given environment use `environment-show` command.
Positional arguments:
ID of Environment to call action against.
Optional arguments:
--action-id <ACTION>
ID of action to run.
--arguments [<KEY=VALUE> [<KEY=VALUE> ...]]
Action arguments.
murano environment-action-get-result
usage: murano environment-action-get-result --task-id <TASK> <ID>
Get result of `TASK` in environment `ID`.
Positional arguments:
ID of Environment where task is being executed.
Optional arguments:
--task-id <TASK>
ID of action to run.
murano environment-apps-edit
usage: murano environment-apps-edit --session-id <SESSION_ID> <ID> [FILE]
Edit environment's object model. `FILE` is path to a file, that contains jsonpatch, that describes changes to be made to environment's object-model. [ { "op": "add", "path": "/-", "value": { ... your-app object model here ... } }, { "op": "replace", "path": "/0/?/name", "value": "new_name" }, ] NOTE: Values '===id1===', '===id2===', etc. in the resulting object-model will be substituted with uuids. For more info on jsonpatch see RFC 6902
Positional arguments:
ID of Environment to edit.
File to read jsonpatch from (defaults to stdin).
Optional arguments:
--session-id <SESSION_ID>
Id of a config session.
murano environment-create
usage: murano environment-create [--join-net-id <NET_ID>]
[--join-subnet-id <SUBNET_ID>]
[--region <REGION_NAME>]
Create an environment.
Positional arguments:
Environment name.
Optional arguments:
--join-net-id <NET_ID>
Network id to join.
--join-subnet-id <SUBNET_ID>
Subnetwork id to join.
--region <REGION_NAME>
Name of the target OpenStack region.
murano environment-delete
usage: murano environment-delete [--abandon] <NAME or ID> [<NAME or ID> ...]
Delete an environment.
Positional arguments:
<NAME or ID>
Id or name of environment(s) to delete.
Optional arguments:
If set will abandon environment without deleting any of its resources.
murano environment-deploy
usage: murano environment-deploy --session-id <SESSION> <ID>
Start deployment of a murano environment session.
Positional arguments:
ID of Environment to deploy.
Optional arguments:
--session-id <SESSION>
ID of configuration session to deploy.
murano environment-list
usage: murano environment-list [--all-tenants]
List the environments.
Optional arguments:
Allows to list environments from all tenants (admin only).
murano environment-rename
usage: murano environment-rename <NAME or ID> <ENVIRONMENT_NAME>
Rename an environment.
Positional arguments:
<NAME or ID>
Environment ID or name.
A name to which the environment will be renamed.
murano environment-session-create
usage: murano environment-session-create <ID>
Creates a new configuration session for environment ID.
Positional arguments:
ID of Environment to add session to.
murano environment-show
usage: murano environment-show [--session-id <SESSION_ID>] [--only-apps]
<NAME or ID>
Display environment details.
Positional arguments:
<NAME or ID>
Environment ID or name.
Optional arguments:
--session-id <SESSION_ID>
Id of a config session.
Only print apps of the environment (useful for automation).
murano package-create
usage: murano package-create [-t <HEAT_TEMPLATE>] [-c <CLASSES_DIRECTORY>]
[-f <full-name>] [-a <AUTHOR>]
[--tags [<TAG1 TAG2> [<TAG1 TAG2> ...]]]
[-u <UI_DEFINITION>] [--type TYPE] [-l <LOGO>]
Create an application package.
Optional arguments:
Path to the Heat template to import as an Application Definition.
Path to the directory containing application classes.
Path to the directory containing application resources.
Display name of the Application in Catalog.
-f <full-name>, --full-name <full-name>
Fully-qualified name of the Application in Catalog.
-a <AUTHOR>, --author <AUTHOR>
Name of the publisher.
--tags [<TAG1 TAG2> [<TAG1 TAG2> ...]]
A list of keywords connected to the application.
-d <DESCRIPTION>, --description <DESCRIPTION>
Detailed description for the Application in Catalog.
The name of the output file archive to save locally.
Dynamic UI form definition.
--type TYPE
Package type. Possible values: Application or Library.
-l <LOGO>, --logo <LOGO>
Path to the package logo.
murano package-delete
usage: murano package-delete <ID> [<ID> ...]
Delete a package.
Positional arguments:
Package ID to delete.
murano package-download
usage: murano package-download <ID> [file]
Download a package to a filename or stdout.
Positional arguments:
Package ID to download.
Filename to save package to. If it is not specified and there is no stdout redirection the package won't be saved.
murano package-import
usage: murano package-import [-c [<CATEGORY> [<CATEGORY> ...]]] [--is-public]
[--package-version PACKAGE_VERSION]
[--exists-action {a,s,u}]
[--dep-exists-action {a,s,u}]
<FILE> [<FILE> ...]
Import a package. `FILE` can be either a path to a zip file, url or a
FQPN. You can use `--
` to separate `FILE`s from other
arguments. Categories have to be separated with a space and have to be
already present in murano.
Positional arguments:
URL of the murano zip package, FQPN, or path to zip package.
Optional arguments:
-c [<CATEGORY> [<CATEGORY> ...]], --categories [<CATEGORY> [<CATEGORY> ...]]
Category list to attach.
Make the package available for users from other tenants.
--package-version PACKAGE_VERSION
Version of the package to use from repository (ignored when importing with multiple packages).
--exists-action {a,s,u}
Default action when a package already exists: (s)kip, (u)pdate, (a)bort.
--dep-exists-action {a,s,u}
Default action when a dependency package already exists: (s)kip, (u)pdate, (a)bort.
murano package-list
usage: murano package-list [--limit LIMIT] [--include-disabled] [--owned]
[--search <SEARCH_KEYS>] [--name <PACKAGE_NAME>]
[--type <PACKAGE_TYPE>]
[--category <PACKAGE_CATEGORY>]
[--class_name <PACKAGE_CLASS_NAME>]
[--tag <PACKAGE_TAG>]
List available packages.
Optional arguments:
--limit LIMIT
--search <SEARCH_KEYS>
Show packages, that match search keys fuzzily
Show packages, whose name match parameter exactly
Show packages, whose fully qualified name match parameter exactly
Show packages, whose type match parameter exactly
Show packages, whose categories include parameter
--class_name <PACKAGE_CLASS_NAME>
Show packages, whose class name match parameter exactly
Show packages, whose tags include parameter
murano package-save
usage: murano package-save [-p <PATH>] [--package-version PACKAGE_VERSION]
Save a package. This will download package(s) with all dependencies to specified path. If path doesn't exist it will be created.
Positional arguments:
Package URL or name.
Optional arguments:
-p <PATH>, --path <PATH>
Path to the directory to store package. If not set will use current directory.
--package-version PACKAGE_VERSION
Version of the package to use from repository (ignored when saving with multiple packages).
If set will skip images downloading.
murano package-show
usage: murano package-show <ID>
Display details for a package.
Positional arguments:
Package ID to show.
murano package-update
usage: murano package-update [--is-public {true|false}]
[--enabled {true|false}] [--name NAME]
[--description DESCRIPTION]
[--tags [<TAG> [<TAG> ...]]]
Update an existing package.
Positional arguments:
Package ID to update.
Optional arguments:
--is-public {true|false}
Make package available to users from other tenants.
--enabled {true|false}
Make package active and available for deployments.
--name NAME
New name for the package.
--description DESCRIPTION
New package description.
--tags [<TAG> [<TAG> ...]]
A list of keywords connected to the application.
murano static-action-call
usage: murano static-action-call [--arguments [<KEY=VALUE> [<KEY=VALUE> ...]]]
[--package-name <PACKAGE>]
[--class-version CLASS_VERSION]
Call static method `METHOD` of the class `CLASS` with `ARGUMENTS`. Returns the result of the method execution. `PACKAGE` and `CLASS_VERSION` can be specified optionally to find class in a particular package and to look for the specific version of a class respectively.
Positional arguments:
FQN of the class with static method
Static method to run
Optional arguments:
--arguments [<KEY=VALUE> [<KEY=VALUE> ...]]
Method arguments. No arguments by default
--package-name <PACKAGE>
Optional FQN of the package to look for the class in
--class-version CLASS_VERSION
Optional version of the class, otherwise version =0 is used