-Convert architecture overview to RST. -Convert basic_environment to RST. -Add associated figures. Change-Id: I5dbc8bd79a4745cd49454000e807c50ec441cee4 Implements: blueprint installguide-liberty
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161.5748 L 192.25197 161.5748 C 187.83369 161.5748 184.25197 157.99308 184.25197 153.5748 L 184.25197 64.692913 C 184.25197 60.274635 187.83369 56.692913 192.25197 56.692913 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(189.25197 61.692913)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="12" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="22.090751" y="13" textLength="87.55078"> Network Node</tspan></text><path d="M 348.15748 56.692913 L 473.88976 56.692913 C 478.30804 56.692913 481.88976 60.274635 481.88976 64.692913 L 481.88976 153.5748 C 481.88976 157.99308 478.30804 161.5748 473.88976 161.5748 L 348.15748 161.5748 C 343.7392 161.5748 340.15748 157.99308 340.15748 153.5748 L 340.15748 64.692913 C 340.15748 60.274635 343.7392 56.692913 348.15748 56.692913 Z" fill="#fdf5dd"/><path d="M 348.15748 56.692913 L 473.88976 56.692913 C 478.30804 56.692913 481.88976 60.274635 481.88976 64.692913 L 481.88976 153.5748 C 481.88976 157.99308 478.30804 161.5748 473.88976 161.5748 L 348.15748 161.5748 C 343.7392 161.5748 340.15748 157.99308 340.15748 153.5748 L 340.15748 64.692913 C 340.15748 60.274635 343.7392 56.692913 348.15748 56.692913 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(345.15748 61.692913)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="12" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="17.198173" y="13" textLength="97.33594">Compute Node 1</tspan></text><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 42.015748 85.03937 L 82.70866 85.03937 C 87.12694 85.03937 90.70866 88.62109 90.70866 93.03937 L 90.70866 105.385826 C 90.70866 109.804104 87.12694 113.385826 82.70866 113.385826 L 42.015748 113.385826 C 37.59747 113.385826 34.015748 109.804104 34.015748 105.385826 L 34.015748 93.03937 C 34.015748 88.62109 37.59747 85.03937 42.015748 85.03937 Z" fill="#eae3cc"/><path d="M 42.015748 85.03937 L 82.70866 85.03937 C 87.12694 85.03937 90.70866 88.62109 90.70866 93.03937 L 90.70866 105.385826 C 90.70866 109.804104 87.12694 113.385826 82.70866 113.385826 L 42.015748 113.385826 C 37.59747 113.385826 34.015748 109.804104 34.015748 105.385826 L 34.015748 93.03937 C 34.015748 88.62109 37.59747 85.03937 42.015748 85.03937 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(39.015748 88.2126)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="17.492941" y="9" textLength="11.707031">1-2</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="15.381613" y="20" textLength="15.9296875">CPU</tspan></text></g><path d="M 36.346457 170.07874 L 162.07874 170.07874 C 166.49702 170.07874 170.07874 173.66046 170.07874 178.07874 L 170.07874 289.6378 C 170.07874 294.05607 166.49702 297.6378 162.07874 297.6378 L 36.346457 297.6378 C 31.928179 297.6378 28.346457 294.05607 28.346457 289.6378 L 28.346457 178.07874 C 28.346457 173.66046 31.928179 170.07874 36.346457 170.07874 Z" fill="#fdf5dd"/><path d="M 36.346457 170.07874 L 162.07874 170.07874 C 166.49702 170.07874 170.07874 173.66046 170.07874 178.07874 L 170.07874 289.6378 C 170.07874 294.05607 166.49702 297.6378 162.07874 297.6378 L 36.346457 297.6378 C 31.928179 297.6378 28.346457 294.05607 28.346457 289.6378 L 28.346457 178.07874 C 28.346457 173.66046 31.928179 170.07874 36.346457 170.07874 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1" stroke-dasharray="4,4"/><text transform="translate(33.346457 175.07874)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="12" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="4.4423132" y="13" textLength="58.335938">Block Stor</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="12" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="62.538016" y="13" textLength="64.751953">age Node 1</tspan></text><path d="M 192.25197 170.07874 L 317.98425 170.07874 C 322.40253 170.07874 325.98425 173.66046 325.98425 178.07874 L 325.98425 309.48031 C 325.98425 313.8986 322.40253 317.48031 317.98425 317.48031 L 192.25197 317.48031 C 187.83369 317.48031 184.25197 313.8986 184.25197 309.48031 L 184.25197 178.07874 C 184.25197 173.66046 187.83369 170.07874 192.25197 170.07874 Z" fill="#fdf5dd"/><path d="M 192.25197 170.07874 L 317.98425 170.07874 C 322.40253 170.07874 325.98425 173.66046 325.98425 178.07874 L 325.98425 309.48031 C 325.98425 313.8986 322.40253 317.48031 317.98425 317.48031 L 192.25197 317.48031 C 187.83369 317.48031 184.25197 313.8986 184.25197 309.48031 L 184.25197 178.07874 C 184.25197 173.66046 187.83369 170.07874 192.25197 170.07874 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1" stroke-dasharray="4,4"/><text transform="translate(189.25197 175.07874)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="12" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="1.2225866" y="13" textLength="64.77539">Object Stor</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="12" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="65.757743" y="13" textLength="64.751953">age Node 1</tspan></text><path d="M 348.15748 170.07874 L 473.88976 170.07874 C 478.30804 170.07874 481.88976 173.66046 481.88976 178.07874 L 481.88976 309.48031 C 481.88976 313.8986 478.30804 317.48031 473.88976 317.48031 L 348.15748 317.48031 C 343.7392 317.48031 340.15748 313.8986 340.15748 309.48031 L 340.15748 178.07874 C 340.15748 173.66046 343.7392 170.07874 348.15748 170.07874 Z" fill="#fdf5dd"/><path d="M 348.15748 170.07874 L 473.88976 170.07874 C 478.30804 170.07874 481.88976 173.66046 481.88976 178.07874 L 481.88976 309.48031 C 481.88976 313.8986 478.30804 317.48031 473.88976 317.48031 L 348.15748 317.48031 C 343.7392 317.48031 340.15748 313.8986 340.15748 309.48031 L 340.15748 178.07874 C 340.15748 173.66046 343.7392 170.07874 348.15748 170.07874 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1" stroke-dasharray="4,4"/><text transform="translate(345.15748 175.07874)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="12" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="1.2225866" y="13" textLength="64.77539">Object Stor</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="12" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="65.757743" y="13" textLength="64.751953">age Node 2</tspan></text><text transform="translate(46.519685 7.007874)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="16" font-weight="500" x=".16796875" y="17" textLength="81">Minimal Ar</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="16" font-weight="500" x="80.847656" y="17" textLength="65.726562">chitectur</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="16" font-weight="500" x="146.25391" y="17" textLength="117.71875">e Example - Har</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="16" font-weight="500" x="263.65234" y="17" textLength="37.679688">dwar</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="16" font-weight="500" x="301.01172" y="17" textLength="62.203125">e Requir</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="16" font-weight="500" x="362.89453" y="17" textLength="55.9375">ements</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="16" font-weight="500" x="87.246094" y="39" textLength="220.60938">OpenStack Networking (neutr</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="16" font-weight="500" x="307.53516" y="39" textLength="24.21875">on)</tspan></text><path d="M 37.562991 340.15748 L 78.255904 340.15748 C 82.67418 340.15748 86.255904 343.7392 86.255904 348.15748 L 86.255904 360.50393 C 86.255904 364.92221 82.67418 368.50393 78.255904 368.50393 L 37.562991 368.50393 C 33.144713 368.50393 29.562991 364.92221 29.562991 360.50393 L 29.562991 348.15748 C 29.562991 343.7392 33.144713 340.15748 37.562991 340.15748 Z" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><path d="M 37.562991 382.67716 L 78.255904 382.67716 C 82.67418 382.67716 86.255904 386.25889 86.255904 390.67716 L 86.255904 403.02362 C 86.255904 407.4419 82.67418 411.02362 78.255904 411.02362 L 37.562991 411.02362 C 33.144713 411.02362 29.562991 407.4419 29.562991 403.02362 L 29.562991 390.67716 C 29.562991 386.25889 33.144713 382.67716 37.562991 382.67716 Z" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1" stroke-dasharray="4,4"/><text transform="translate(90.92126 347.99212)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="10" font-weight="500" x=".4375" y="11" textLength="16.430664">Cor</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="10" font-weight="500" x="16.667969" y="11" textLength="61.89453">e component</tspan></text><text transform="translate(91.42126 390.5118)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="10" font-weight="500" x=".23583984" y="11" textLength="96.52832">Optional component</tspan></text><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 115.716535 85.03937 L 156.40945 85.03937 C 160.82773 85.03937 164.40945 88.62109 164.40945 93.03937 L 164.40945 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243.03245 113.385826 238.61417 113.385826 L 197.92126 113.385826 C 193.50298 113.385826 189.92126 109.804104 189.92126 105.385826 L 189.92126 93.03937 C 189.92126 88.62109 193.50298 85.03937 197.92126 85.03937 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(194.92126 88.2126)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="17.492941" y="9" textLength="11.707031">1-2</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="15.381613" y="20" textLength="15.9296875">CPU</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 271.62205 85.03937 L 312.31496 85.03937 C 316.73324 85.03937 320.31496 88.62109 320.31496 93.03937 L 320.31496 105.385826 C 320.31496 109.804104 316.73324 113.385826 312.31496 113.385826 L 271.62205 113.385826 C 267.20377 113.385826 263.62205 109.804104 263.62205 105.385826 L 263.62205 93.03937 C 263.62205 88.62109 267.20377 85.03937 271.62205 85.03937 Z" fill="#eae3cc"/><path d="M 271.62205 85.03937 L 312.31496 85.03937 C 316.73324 85.03937 320.31496 88.62109 320.31496 93.03937 L 320.31496 105.385826 C 320.31496 109.804104 316.73324 113.385826 312.31496 113.385826 L 271.62205 113.385826 C 267.20377 113.385826 263.62205 109.804104 263.62205 105.385826 L 263.62205 93.03937 C 263.62205 88.62109 267.20377 85.03937 271.62205 85.03937 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(268.62205 88.2126)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="14.479269" y="9" textLength="17.734375">2 GB</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="14.453878" y="20" textLength="17.785156">RAM</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 197.92126 127.559054 L 238.61417 127.559054 C 243.03245 127.559054 246.61417 131.14078 246.61417 135.559054 L 246.61417 147.90551 C 246.61417 152.32379 243.03245 155.90551 238.61417 155.90551 L 197.92126 155.90551 C 193.50298 155.90551 189.92126 152.32379 189.92126 147.90551 L 189.92126 135.559054 C 189.92126 131.14078 193.50298 127.559054 197.92126 127.559054 Z" fill="#eae3cc"/><path d="M 197.92126 127.559054 L 238.61417 127.559054 C 243.03245 127.559054 246.61417 131.14078 246.61417 135.559054 L 246.61417 147.90551 C 246.61417 152.32379 243.03245 155.90551 238.61417 155.90551 L 197.92126 155.90551 C 193.50298 155.90551 189.92126 152.32379 189.92126 147.90551 L 189.92126 135.559054 C 189.92126 131.14078 193.50298 127.559054 197.92126 127.559054 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(194.92126 130.73228)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="12.196066" y="9" textLength="22.300781">50 GB</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="8.637472" y="20" textLength="15.878906">Stor</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="24.356222" y="20" textLength="13.699219">age</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 353.82677 85.03937 L 394.51968 85.03937 C 398.93796 85.03937 402.51968 88.62109 402.51968 93.03937 L 402.51968 105.385826 C 402.51968 109.804104 398.93796 113.385826 394.51968 113.385826 L 353.82677 113.385826 C 349.4085 113.385826 345.82677 109.804104 345.82677 105.385826 L 345.82677 93.03937 C 345.82677 88.62109 349.4085 85.03937 353.82677 85.03937 Z" fill="#eae3cc"/><path d="M 353.82677 85.03937 L 394.51968 85.03937 C 398.93796 85.03937 402.51968 88.62109 402.51968 93.03937 L 402.51968 105.385826 C 402.51968 109.804104 398.93796 113.385826 394.51968 113.385826 L 353.82677 113.385826 C 349.4085 113.385826 345.82677 109.804104 345.82677 105.385826 L 345.82677 93.03937 C 345.82677 88.62109 349.4085 85.03937 353.82677 85.03937 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(350.82677 88.2126)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="15.209738" y="9" textLength="16.2734375">2-4+</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="15.381613" y="20" textLength="15.9296875">CPU</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 427.52756 85.03937 L 468.22047 85.03937 C 472.63875 85.03937 476.22047 88.62109 476.22047 93.03937 L 476.22047 105.385826 C 476.22047 109.804104 472.63875 113.385826 468.22047 113.385826 L 427.52756 113.385826 C 423.10928 113.385826 419.52756 109.804104 419.52756 105.385826 L 419.52756 93.03937 C 419.52756 88.62109 423.10928 85.03937 427.52756 85.03937 Z" fill="#eae3cc"/><path d="M 427.52756 85.03937 L 468.22047 85.03937 C 472.63875 85.03937 476.22047 88.62109 476.22047 93.03937 L 476.22047 105.385826 C 476.22047 109.804104 472.63875 113.385826 468.22047 113.385826 L 427.52756 113.385826 C 423.10928 113.385826 419.52756 109.804104 419.52756 105.385826 L 419.52756 93.03937 C 419.52756 88.62109 423.10928 85.03937 427.52756 85.03937 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(424.52756 88.2126)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="12.196066" y="9" textLength="22.300781">8+ GB</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="14.453878" y="20" textLength="17.785156">RAM</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 353.82677 127.559054 L 394.51968 127.559054 C 398.93796 127.559054 402.51968 131.14078 402.51968 135.559054 L 402.51968 147.90551 C 402.51968 152.32379 398.93796 155.90551 394.51968 155.90551 L 353.82677 155.90551 C 349.4085 155.90551 345.82677 152.32379 345.82677 147.90551 L 345.82677 135.559054 C 345.82677 131.14078 349.4085 127.559054 353.82677 127.559054 Z" fill="#eae3cc"/><path d="M 353.82677 127.559054 L 394.51968 127.559054 C 398.93796 127.559054 402.51968 131.14078 402.51968 135.559054 L 402.51968 147.90551 C 402.51968 152.32379 398.93796 155.90551 394.51968 155.90551 L 353.82677 155.90551 C 349.4085 155.90551 345.82677 152.32379 345.82677 147.90551 L 345.82677 135.559054 C 345.82677 131.14078 349.4085 127.559054 353.82677 127.559054 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(350.82677 130.73228)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="7.6296597" y="9" textLength="31.433594">100+ GB</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="8.637472" y="20" textLength="15.878906">Stor</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="24.356222" y="20" textLength="13.699219">age</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 42.015748 198.4252 L 82.70866 198.4252 C 87.12694 198.4252 90.70866 202.00692 90.70866 206.4252 L 90.70866 218.77165 C 90.70866 223.18993 87.12694 226.77165 82.70866 226.77165 L 42.015748 226.77165 C 37.59747 226.77165 34.015748 223.18993 34.015748 218.77165 L 34.015748 206.4252 C 34.015748 202.00692 37.59747 198.4252 42.015748 198.4252 Z" fill="#eae3cc"/><path d="M 42.015748 198.4252 L 82.70866 198.4252 C 87.12694 198.4252 90.70866 202.00692 90.70866 206.4252 L 90.70866 218.77165 C 90.70866 223.18993 87.12694 226.77165 82.70866 226.77165 L 42.015748 226.77165 C 37.59747 226.77165 34.015748 223.18993 34.015748 218.77165 L 34.015748 206.4252 C 34.015748 202.00692 37.59747 198.4252 42.015748 198.4252 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(39.015748 201.59842)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="17.492941" y="9" textLength="11.707031">1-2</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="15.381613" y="20" textLength="15.9296875">CPU</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 115.716535 198.4252 L 156.40945 198.4252 C 160.82773 198.4252 164.40945 202.00692 164.40945 206.4252 L 164.40945 218.77165 C 164.40945 223.18993 160.82773 226.77165 156.40945 226.77165 L 115.716535 226.77165 C 111.29826 226.77165 107.716535 223.18993 107.716535 218.77165 L 107.716535 206.4252 C 107.716535 202.00692 111.29826 198.4252 115.716535 198.4252 Z" fill="#eae3cc"/><path d="M 115.716535 198.4252 L 156.40945 198.4252 C 160.82773 198.4252 164.40945 202.00692 164.40945 206.4252 L 164.40945 218.77165 C 164.40945 223.18993 160.82773 226.77165 156.40945 226.77165 L 115.716535 226.77165 C 111.29826 226.77165 107.716535 223.18993 107.716535 218.77165 L 107.716535 206.4252 C 107.716535 202.00692 111.29826 198.4252 115.716535 198.4252 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(112.716535 201.59842)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="14.479269" y="9" textLength="17.734375">2 GB</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="14.453878" y="20" textLength="17.785156">RAM</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 115.716535 127.559054 L 156.40945 127.559054 C 160.82773 127.559054 164.40945 131.14078 164.40945 135.559054 L 164.40945 147.90551 C 164.40945 152.32379 160.82773 155.90551 156.40945 155.90551 L 115.716535 155.90551 C 111.29826 155.90551 107.716535 152.32379 107.716535 147.90551 L 107.716535 135.559054 C 107.716535 131.14078 111.29826 127.559054 115.716535 127.559054 Z" fill="#eae3cc"/><path d="M 115.716535 127.559054 L 156.40945 127.559054 C 160.82773 127.559054 164.40945 131.14078 164.40945 135.559054 L 164.40945 147.90551 C 164.40945 152.32379 160.82773 155.90551 156.40945 155.90551 L 115.716535 155.90551 C 111.29826 155.90551 107.716535 152.32379 107.716535 147.90551 L 107.716535 135.559054 C 107.716535 131.14078 111.29826 127.559054 115.716535 127.559054 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(112.716535 130.73228)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="21.063253" y="9" textLength="4.5664062">1</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="16.457785" y="20" textLength="13.777344">NIC</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 271.62205 127.559054 L 312.31496 127.559054 C 316.73324 127.559054 320.31496 131.14078 320.31496 135.559054 L 320.31496 147.90551 C 320.31496 152.32379 316.73324 155.90551 312.31496 155.90551 L 271.62205 155.90551 C 267.20377 155.90551 263.62205 152.32379 263.62205 147.90551 L 263.62205 135.559054 C 263.62205 131.14078 267.20377 127.559054 271.62205 127.559054 Z" fill="#eae3cc"/><path d="M 271.62205 127.559054 L 312.31496 127.559054 C 316.73324 127.559054 320.31496 131.14078 320.31496 135.559054 L 320.31496 147.90551 C 320.31496 152.32379 316.73324 155.90551 312.31496 155.90551 L 271.62205 155.90551 C 267.20377 155.90551 263.62205 152.32379 263.62205 147.90551 L 263.62205 135.559054 C 263.62205 131.14078 267.20377 127.559054 271.62205 127.559054 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(268.62205 130.73228)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="21.063253" y="9" textLength="4.5664062">3</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="16.457785" y="20" textLength="13.777344">NIC</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 427.52756 127.559054 L 468.22047 127.559054 C 472.63875 127.559054 476.22047 131.14078 476.22047 135.559054 L 476.22047 147.90551 C 476.22047 152.32379 472.63875 155.90551 468.22047 155.90551 L 427.52756 155.90551 C 423.10928 155.90551 419.52756 152.32379 419.52756 147.90551 L 419.52756 135.559054 C 419.52756 131.14078 423.10928 127.559054 427.52756 127.559054 Z" fill="#eae3cc"/><path d="M 427.52756 127.559054 L 468.22047 127.559054 C 472.63875 127.559054 476.22047 131.14078 476.22047 135.559054 L 476.22047 147.90551 C 476.22047 152.32379 472.63875 155.90551 468.22047 155.90551 L 427.52756 155.90551 C 423.10928 155.90551 419.52756 152.32379 419.52756 147.90551 L 419.52756 135.559054 C 419.52756 131.14078 423.10928 127.559054 427.52756 127.559054 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(424.52756 130.73228)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="21.063253" y="9" textLength="4.5664062">2</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="16.457785" y="20" textLength="13.777344">NIC</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 115.716535 240.94488 L 156.40945 240.94488 C 160.82773 240.94488 164.40945 244.5266 164.40945 248.94488 L 164.40945 261.29134 C 164.40945 265.70962 160.82773 269.29134 156.40945 269.29134 L 115.716535 269.29134 C 111.29826 269.29134 107.716535 265.70962 107.716535 261.29134 L 107.716535 248.94488 C 107.716535 244.5266 111.29826 240.94488 115.716535 240.94488 Z" fill="#eae3cc"/><path d="M 115.716535 240.94488 L 156.40945 240.94488 C 160.82773 240.94488 164.40945 244.5266 164.40945 248.94488 L 164.40945 261.29134 C 164.40945 265.70962 160.82773 269.29134 156.40945 269.29134 L 115.716535 269.29134 C 111.29826 269.29134 107.716535 265.70962 107.716535 261.29134 L 107.716535 248.94488 C 107.716535 244.5266 111.29826 240.94488 115.716535 240.94488 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(112.716535 244.11811)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="21.063253" y="9" textLength="4.5664062">1</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="16.457785" y="20" textLength="13.777344">NIC</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 271.62205 240.94488 L 312.31496 240.94488 C 316.73324 240.94488 320.31496 244.5266 320.31496 248.94488 L 320.31496 261.29134 C 320.31496 265.70962 316.73324 269.29134 312.31496 269.29134 L 271.62205 269.29134 C 267.20377 269.29134 263.62205 265.70962 263.62205 261.29134 L 263.62205 248.94488 C 263.62205 244.5266 267.20377 240.94488 271.62205 240.94488 Z" fill="#eae3cc"/><path d="M 271.62205 240.94488 L 312.31496 240.94488 C 316.73324 240.94488 320.31496 244.5266 320.31496 248.94488 L 320.31496 261.29134 C 320.31496 265.70962 316.73324 269.29134 312.31496 269.29134 L 271.62205 269.29134 C 267.20377 269.29134 263.62205 265.70962 263.62205 261.29134 L 263.62205 248.94488 C 263.62205 244.5266 267.20377 240.94488 271.62205 240.94488 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(268.62205 244.11811)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="21.063253" y="9" textLength="4.5664062">1</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="16.457785" y="20" textLength="13.777344">NIC</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 427.52756 198.4252 L 468.22047 198.4252 C 472.63875 198.4252 476.22047 202.00692 476.22047 206.4252 L 476.22047 218.77165 C 476.22047 223.18993 472.63875 226.77165 468.22047 226.77165 L 427.52756 226.77165 C 423.10928 226.77165 419.52756 223.18993 419.52756 218.77165 L 419.52756 206.4252 C 419.52756 202.00692 423.10928 198.4252 427.52756 198.4252 Z" fill="#eae3cc"/><path d="M 427.52756 198.4252 L 468.22047 198.4252 C 472.63875 198.4252 476.22047 202.00692 476.22047 206.4252 L 476.22047 218.77165 C 476.22047 223.18993 472.63875 226.77165 468.22047 226.77165 L 427.52756 226.77165 C 423.10928 226.77165 419.52756 223.18993 419.52756 218.77165 L 419.52756 206.4252 C 419.52756 202.00692 423.10928 198.4252 427.52756 198.4252 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(424.52756 201.59842)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="12.196066" y="9" textLength="22.300781">4+ GB</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="14.453878" y="20" textLength="17.785156">RAM</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 353.82677 198.4252 L 394.51968 198.4252 C 398.93796 198.4252 402.51968 202.00692 402.51968 206.4252 L 402.51968 218.77165 C 402.51968 223.18993 398.93796 226.77165 394.51968 226.77165 L 353.82677 226.77165 C 349.4085 226.77165 345.82677 223.18993 345.82677 218.77165 L 345.82677 206.4252 C 345.82677 202.00692 349.4085 198.4252 353.82677 198.4252 Z" fill="#eae3cc"/><path d="M 353.82677 198.4252 L 394.51968 198.4252 C 398.93796 198.4252 402.51968 202.00692 402.51968 206.4252 L 402.51968 218.77165 C 402.51968 223.18993 398.93796 226.77165 394.51968 226.77165 L 353.82677 226.77165 C 349.4085 226.77165 345.82677 223.18993 345.82677 218.77165 L 345.82677 206.4252 C 345.82677 202.00692 349.4085 198.4252 353.82677 198.4252 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(350.82677 201.59842)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="17.492941" y="9" textLength="11.707031">1-2</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="15.381613" y="20" textLength="15.9296875">CPU</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 427.52756 240.94488 L 468.22047 240.94488 C 472.63875 240.94488 476.22047 244.5266 476.22047 248.94488 L 476.22047 261.29134 C 476.22047 265.70962 472.63875 269.29134 468.22047 269.29134 L 427.52756 269.29134 C 423.10928 269.29134 419.52756 265.70962 419.52756 261.29134 L 419.52756 248.94488 C 419.52756 244.5266 423.10928 240.94488 427.52756 240.94488 Z" fill="#eae3cc"/><path d="M 427.52756 240.94488 L 468.22047 240.94488 C 472.63875 240.94488 476.22047 244.5266 476.22047 248.94488 L 476.22047 261.29134 C 476.22047 265.70962 472.63875 269.29134 468.22047 269.29134 L 427.52756 269.29134 C 423.10928 269.29134 419.52756 265.70962 419.52756 261.29134 L 419.52756 248.94488 C 419.52756 244.5266 423.10928 240.94488 427.52756 240.94488 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(424.52756 244.11811)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="21.063253" y="9" textLength="4.5664062">1</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="16.457785" y="20" textLength="13.777344">NIC</tspan></text></g><path d="M 62.362204 255.11811 C 62.362204 255.11811 60.42624 269.36305 70.86614 277.79527 C 81.30604 286.2275 99.2126 284.88189 99.2126 284.88189" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2"/><path d="M 218.26772 255.11811 C 218.26772 255.11811 216.33175 269.36305 226.77165 277.79527 C 237.21155 286.2275 255.11811 284.88189 255.11811 284.88189" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2"/><path d="M 376.2847 269.29134 C 377.5773 272.28846 379.58405 275.29699 382.67716 277.79527 C 383.4556 278.42402 384.27556 278.9984 385.12651 279.52302" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2"/><path d="M 218.26772 255.11811 C 218.26772 255.11811 216.33175 283.58408 226.77165 297.6378 C 237.21155 311.6915 255.11811 304.7244 255.11811 304.7244" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2"/><path d="M 374.35784 269.29134 C 375.0516 278.4914 377.0957 290.1243 382.67716 297.6378 C 383.2875 298.45941 383.92338 299.20919 384.5797 299.8927" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2"/><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 42.015748 240.94488 L 82.70866 240.94488 C 87.12694 240.94488 90.70866 244.5266 90.70866 248.94488 L 90.70866 261.29134 C 90.70866 265.70962 87.12694 269.29134 82.70866 269.29134 L 42.015748 269.29134 C 37.59747 269.29134 34.015748 265.70962 34.015748 261.29134 L 34.015748 248.94488 C 34.015748 244.5266 37.59747 240.94488 42.015748 240.94488 Z" fill="#eae3cc"/><path d="M 42.015748 240.94488 L 82.70866 240.94488 C 87.12694 240.94488 90.70866 244.5266 90.70866 248.94488 L 90.70866 261.29134 C 90.70866 265.70962 87.12694 269.29134 82.70866 269.29134 L 42.015748 269.29134 C 37.59747 269.29134 34.015748 265.70962 34.015748 261.29134 L 34.015748 248.94488 C 34.015748 244.5266 37.59747 240.94488 42.015748 240.94488 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(39.015748 244.11811)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="7.6296597" y="9" textLength="31.433594">100+ GB</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="8.637472" y="20" textLength="15.878906">Stor</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="24.356222" y="20" textLength="13.699219">age</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 197.92126 240.94488 L 238.61417 240.94488 C 243.03245 240.94488 246.61417 244.5266 246.61417 248.94488 L 246.61417 261.29134 C 246.61417 265.70962 243.03245 269.29134 238.61417 269.29134 L 197.92126 269.29134 C 193.50298 269.29134 189.92126 265.70962 189.92126 261.29134 L 189.92126 248.94488 C 189.92126 244.5266 193.50298 240.94488 197.92126 240.94488 Z" fill="#eae3cc"/><path d="M 197.92126 240.94488 L 238.61417 240.94488 C 243.03245 240.94488 246.61417 244.5266 246.61417 248.94488 L 246.61417 261.29134 C 246.61417 265.70962 243.03245 269.29134 238.61417 269.29134 L 197.92126 269.29134 C 193.50298 269.29134 189.92126 265.70962 189.92126 261.29134 L 189.92126 248.94488 C 189.92126 244.5266 193.50298 240.94488 197.92126 240.94488 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(194.92126 244.11811)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="7.6296597" y="9" textLength="31.433594">100+ GB</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="8.637472" y="20" textLength="15.878906">Stor</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="24.356222" y="20" textLength="13.699219">age</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 353.82677 240.94488 L 394.51968 240.94488 C 398.93796 240.94488 402.51968 244.5266 402.51968 248.94488 L 402.51968 261.29134 C 402.51968 265.70962 398.93796 269.29134 394.51968 269.29134 L 353.82677 269.29134 C 349.4085 269.29134 345.82677 265.70962 345.82677 261.29134 L 345.82677 248.94488 C 345.82677 244.5266 349.4085 240.94488 353.82677 240.94488 Z" fill="#eae3cc"/><path d="M 353.82677 240.94488 L 394.51968 240.94488 C 398.93796 240.94488 402.51968 244.5266 402.51968 248.94488 L 402.51968 261.29134 C 402.51968 265.70962 398.93796 269.29134 394.51968 269.29134 L 353.82677 269.29134 C 349.4085 269.29134 345.82677 265.70962 345.82677 261.29134 L 345.82677 248.94488 C 345.82677 244.5266 349.4085 240.94488 353.82677 240.94488 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(350.82677 244.11811)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="7.6296597" y="9" textLength="31.433594">100+ GB</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="8.637472" y="20" textLength="15.878906">Stor</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="24.356222" y="20" textLength="13.699219">age</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 77.952755 277.79527 L 120.47244 277.79527 C 124.38627 277.79527 127.559054 280.96806 127.559054 284.88189 L 127.559054 284.88189 C 127.559054 288.79572 124.38627 291.9685 120.47244 291.9685 L 77.952755 291.9685 C 74.038927 291.9685 70.86614 288.79572 70.86614 284.88189 L 70.86614 284.88189 C 70.86614 280.96806 74.038927 277.79527 77.952755 277.79527 Z" fill="#eae3cc"/><path d="M 77.952755 277.79527 L 120.47244 277.79527 C 124.38627 277.79527 127.559054 280.96806 127.559054 284.88189 L 127.559054 284.88189 C 127.559054 288.79572 124.38627 291.9685 120.47244 291.9685 L 77.952755 291.9685 C 74.038927 291.9685 70.86614 288.79572 70.86614 284.88189 L 70.86614 284.88189 C 70.86614 280.96806 74.038927 277.79527 77.952755 277.79527 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(75.86614 279.38189)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="6.4363003" y="9" textLength="12.714844">/de</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="18.990988" y="9" textLength="21.265625">v/sdb</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 233.85827 277.79527 L 276.37795 277.79527 C 280.29178 277.79527 283.46457 280.96806 283.46457 284.88189 L 283.46457 284.88189 C 283.46457 288.79572 280.29178 291.9685 276.37795 291.9685 L 233.85827 291.9685 C 229.94444 291.9685 226.77165 288.79572 226.77165 284.88189 L 226.77165 284.88189 C 226.77165 280.96806 229.94444 277.79527 233.85827 277.79527 Z" fill="#eae3cc"/><path d="M 233.85827 277.79527 L 276.37795 277.79527 C 280.29178 277.79527 283.46457 280.96806 283.46457 284.88189 L 283.46457 284.88189 C 283.46457 288.79572 280.29178 291.9685 276.37795 291.9685 L 233.85827 291.9685 C 229.94444 291.9685 226.77165 288.79572 226.77165 284.88189 L 226.77165 284.88189 C 226.77165 280.96806 229.94444 277.79527 233.85827 277.79527 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(231.77165 279.38189)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="6.4363003" y="9" textLength="12.714844">/de</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="18.990988" y="9" textLength="21.265625">v/sdb</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 233.85827 297.6378 L 276.37795 297.6378 C 280.29178 297.6378 283.46457 300.81058 283.46457 304.7244 L 283.46457 304.7244 C 283.46457 308.63824 280.29178 311.81102 276.37795 311.81102 L 233.85827 311.81102 C 229.94444 311.81102 226.77165 308.63824 226.77165 304.7244 L 226.77165 304.7244 C 226.77165 300.81058 229.94444 297.6378 233.85827 297.6378 Z" fill="#eae3cc"/><path d="M 233.85827 297.6378 L 276.37795 297.6378 C 280.29178 297.6378 283.46457 300.81058 283.46457 304.7244 L 283.46457 304.7244 C 283.46457 308.63824 280.29178 311.81102 276.37795 311.81102 L 233.85827 311.81102 C 229.94444 311.81102 226.77165 308.63824 226.77165 304.7244 L 226.77165 304.7244 C 226.77165 300.81058 229.94444 297.6378 233.85827 297.6378 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(231.77165 299.2244)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="6.948019" y="9" textLength="12.714844">/de</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="19.502707" y="9" textLength="20.242188">v/sdc</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 389.76378 277.79527 L 432.28346 277.79527 C 436.1973 277.79527 439.37008 280.96806 439.37008 284.88189 L 439.37008 284.88189 C 439.37008 288.79572 436.1973 291.9685 432.28346 291.9685 L 389.76378 291.9685 C 385.84995 291.9685 382.67716 288.79572 382.67716 284.88189 L 382.67716 284.88189 C 382.67716 280.96806 385.84995 277.79527 389.76378 277.79527 Z" fill="#eae3cc"/><path d="M 389.76378 277.79527 L 432.28346 277.79527 C 436.1973 277.79527 439.37008 280.96806 439.37008 284.88189 L 439.37008 284.88189 C 439.37008 288.79572 436.1973 291.9685 432.28346 291.9685 L 389.76378 291.9685 C 385.84995 291.9685 382.67716 288.79572 382.67716 284.88189 L 382.67716 284.88189 C 382.67716 280.96806 385.84995 277.79527 389.76378 277.79527 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(387.67716 279.38189)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="6.4363003" y="9" textLength="12.714844">/de</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="18.990988" y="9" textLength="21.265625">v/sdb</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 389.76378 297.6378 L 432.28346 297.6378 C 436.1973 297.6378 439.37008 300.81058 439.37008 304.7244 L 439.37008 304.7244 C 439.37008 308.63824 436.1973 311.81102 432.28346 311.81102 L 389.76378 311.81102 C 385.84995 311.81102 382.67716 308.63824 382.67716 304.7244 L 382.67716 304.7244 C 382.67716 300.81058 385.84995 297.6378 389.76378 297.6378 Z" fill="#eae3cc"/><path d="M 389.76378 297.6378 L 432.28346 297.6378 C 436.1973 297.6378 439.37008 300.81058 439.37008 304.7244 L 439.37008 304.7244 C 439.37008 308.63824 436.1973 311.81102 432.28346 311.81102 L 389.76378 311.81102 C 385.84995 311.81102 382.67716 308.63824 382.67716 304.7244 L 382.67716 304.7244 C 382.67716 300.81058 385.84995 297.6378 389.76378 297.6378 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(387.67716 299.2244)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="6.948019" y="9" textLength="12.714844">/de</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="19.502707" y="9" textLength="20.242188">v/sdc</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 197.92126 198.4252 L 238.61417 198.4252 C 243.03245 198.4252 246.61417 202.00692 246.61417 206.4252 L 246.61417 218.77165 C 246.61417 223.18993 243.03245 226.77165 238.61417 226.77165 L 197.92126 226.77165 C 193.50298 226.77165 189.92126 223.18993 189.92126 218.77165 L 189.92126 206.4252 C 189.92126 202.00692 193.50298 198.4252 197.92126 198.4252 Z" fill="#eae3cc"/><path d="M 197.92126 198.4252 L 238.61417 198.4252 C 243.03245 198.4252 246.61417 202.00692 246.61417 206.4252 L 246.61417 218.77165 C 246.61417 223.18993 243.03245 226.77165 238.61417 226.77165 L 197.92126 226.77165 C 193.50298 226.77165 189.92126 223.18993 189.92126 218.77165 L 189.92126 206.4252 C 189.92126 202.00692 193.50298 198.4252 197.92126 198.4252 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(194.92126 201.59842)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="17.492941" y="9" textLength="11.707031">1-2</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="15.381613" y="20" textLength="15.9296875">CPU</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 271.62205 198.4252 L 312.31496 198.4252 C 316.73324 198.4252 320.31496 202.00692 320.31496 206.4252 L 320.31496 218.77165 C 320.31496 223.18993 316.73324 226.77165 312.31496 226.77165 L 271.62205 226.77165 C 267.20377 226.77165 263.62205 223.18993 263.62205 218.77165 L 263.62205 206.4252 C 263.62205 202.00692 267.20377 198.4252 271.62205 198.4252 Z" fill="#eae3cc"/><path d="M 271.62205 198.4252 L 312.31496 198.4252 C 316.73324 198.4252 320.31496 202.00692 320.31496 206.4252 L 320.31496 218.77165 C 320.31496 223.18993 316.73324 226.77165 312.31496 226.77165 L 271.62205 226.77165 C 267.20377 226.77165 263.62205 223.18993 263.62205 218.77165 L 263.62205 206.4252 C 263.62205 202.00692 267.20377 198.4252 271.62205 198.4252 Z" stroke="#536870" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(268.62205 201.59842)" fill="#536870"><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="12.196066" y="9" textLength="22.300781">4+ GB</tspan><tspan font-family="Open Sans" font-size="8" font-weight="bold" fill="#536870" x="14.453878" y="20" textLength="17.785156">RAM</tspan></text></g></g></g></svg>