njirap f8619791c7 [config-ref] Log files sections for all projects
Change-Id: Ifd38a299ca423d29eaa1bc46513a4bbb639350d7
Closes-Bug: #1523257
2016-02-19 13:21:23 +03:00

23 lines
729 B

Dashboard log files
The dashboard is served to users through the Apache HTTP Server(httpd).
As a result, dashboard-related logs appear in files in the
``/var/log/httpd`` or ``/var/log/apache2`` directory on the system
where the dashboard is hosted. The following table describes these files:
.. list-table:: Dashboard and httpd log files
:header-rows: 1
* - Log file
- Description
* - ``access_log``
- Logs all attempts to access the web server.
* - ``error_log``
- Logs all unsuccessful attempts to access the web server,
along with the reason that each attempt failed.
* - ``/var/log/horizon/horizon.log``
- Log of certain user interactions