Gauvain Pocentek cce63f68aa [config-ref] Tables update
Change-Id: Ia766f93b9ce5b1560ebe37da65bd70be61a0fdd1
2016-03-19 08:34:45 +01:00

1.8 KiB

Description of Ganesha configuration options
Configuration option = Default value Description
ganesha_config_dir = /etc/ganesha (String) Directory where Ganesha config files are stored.
ganesha_config_path = $ganesha_config_dir/ganesha.conf (String) Path to main Ganesha config file.
ganesha_db_path = $state_path/manila-ganesha.db (String) Location of Ganesha database file. (Ganesha module only.)
ganesha_export_dir = $ganesha_config_dir/export.d (String) Path to directory containing Ganesha export configuration. (Ganesha module only.)
ganesha_export_template_dir = /etc/manila/ganesha-export-templ.d (String) Path to directory containing Ganesha export block templates. (Ganesha module only.)
ganesha_nfs_export_options = maxread = 65536, prefread = 65536 (String) Options to use when exporting a share using ganesha NFS server. Note that these defaults can be overridden when a share is created by passing metadata with key name export_options. Also note the complete set of default ganesha export options is specified in ganesha_utils. (GPFS only.)
ganesha_service_name = ganesha.nfsd (String) Name of the ganesha nfs service.