KATO Tomoyuki 35be00090d [config-ref] fix IP option at config tables
Change-Id: Ieae6add4a36e57b968f50b6293ae916648760f51
2016-10-13 17:57:07 +09:00

14 KiB

Description of common configuration options
Configuration option = Default value Description
allow_bulk = True (Boolean) Allow the usage of the bulk API
allow_pagination = False (Boolean) Allow the usage of the pagination
allow_sorting = False (Boolean) Allow the usage of the sorting
api_extensions_path = (String) The path for API extensions
api_handler = queue_producer (String) The handler that the API communicates with
api_paste_config = api-paste.ini (String) The API paste config file to use
auth_strategy = keystone (String) The type of authentication to use
bind_host = (IP) The host IP to bind to
bind_port = 9876 (Port number) The port to bind to
control_exchange = octavia (String) The default exchange under which topics are scoped. May be overridden by an exchange name specified in the transport_url option.
executor_thread_pool_size = 64 (Integer) Size of executor thread pool.
host = localhost (String) The hostname Octavia is running on
octavia_plugins = hot_plug_plugin (String) Name of the controller plugin to use
pagination_max_limit = -1 (String) The maximum number of items returned in a single response. The string 'infinite' or a negative integer value means 'no limit'
agent_server_ca = /etc/octavia/certs/client_ca.pem (String) The ca which signed the client certificates
agent_server_cert = /etc/octavia/certs/server.pem (String) The server certificate for the server to use
agent_server_network_dir = /etc/netns/amphora-haproxy/network/interfaces.d/ (String) The directory where new network interfaces are located
agent_server_network_file = None (String) The file where the network interfaces are located. Specifying this will override any value set for agent_server_network_dir.
amphora_id = None (String) The amphora ID.
password = None (String) Anchor password
url = http://localhost:9999/v1/sign/default (String) Anchor URL
username = None (String) Anchor username
barbican_auth = barbican_acl_auth (String) Name of the Barbican authentication method to use
ca_certificate = /etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem (String) Absolute path to the CA Certificate for signing. Defaults to env[OS_OCTAVIA_TLS_CA_CERT].
ca_private_key = /etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key (String) Absolute path to the Private Key for signing. Defaults to env[OS_OCTAVIA_TLS_CA_KEY].
ca_private_key_passphrase = None (String) Passphrase for the Private Key. Defaults to env[OS_OCTAVIA_CA_KEY_PASS] or None.
cert_generator = local_cert_generator (String) Name of the cert generator to use
cert_manager = barbican_cert_manager (String) Name of the cert manager to use
endpoint_type = publicURL (String) The endpoint_type to be used for barbican service.
region_name = None (String) Region in Identity service catalog to use for communication with the barbican service.
signing_digest = sha256 (String) Certificate signing digest. Defaults to env[OS_OCTAVIA_CA_SIGNING_DIGEST] or "sha256".
storage_path = /var/lib/octavia/certificates/ (String) Absolute path to the certificate storage directory. Defaults to env[OS_OCTAVIA_TLS_STORAGE].
amp_active_retries = 10 (Integer) Retry attempts to wait for Amphora to become active
amp_active_wait_sec = 10 (Integer) Seconds to wait between checks on whether an Amphora has become active
amp_boot_network_list = (List) List of networks to attach to the Amphorae. All networks defined in the list will be attached to each amphora.
amp_flavor_id = (String) Nova instance flavor id for the Amphora
amp_image_id = (String) DEPRECATED: Glance image id for the Amphora image to boot Superseded by amp_image_tag option.
amp_image_owner_id = (String) Restrict glance image selection to a specific owner ID. This is a recommended security setting.
amp_image_tag = (String) Glance image tag for the Amphora image to boot. Use this option to be able to update the image without reconfiguring Octavia. Ignored if amp_image_id is defined.
amp_network = (String) DEPRECATED: Network to attach to the Amphorae. Replaced by amp_boot_network_list.
amp_secgroup_list = (List) List of security groups to attach to the Amphora.
amp_ssh_access_allowed = True (Boolean) Determines whether or not to allow access to the Amphorae
amp_ssh_key_name = (String) SSH key name used to boot the Amphora
amphora_driver = amphora_noop_driver (String) Name of the amphora driver to use
cert_generator = local_cert_generator (String) Name of the cert generator to use
client_ca = /etc/octavia/certs/ca_01.pem (String) Client CA for the amphora agent to use
compute_driver = compute_noop_driver (String) Name of the compute driver to use
loadbalancer_topology = SINGLE (String) Load balancer topology configuration. SINGLE - One amphora per load balancer. ACTIVE_STANDBY - Two amphora per load balancer.
network_driver = network_noop_driver (String) Name of the network driver to use
user_data_config_drive = False (Boolean) If True, build cloud-init user-data that is passed to the config drive on Amphora boot instead of personality files. If False, utilize personality files.
ca_certificates_file = None (String) CA certificates file path
endpoint = None (String) A new endpoint to override the endpoint in the keystone catalog.
endpoint_type = publicURL (String) Endpoint interface in identity service to use
insecure = False (Boolean) Disable certificate validation on SSL connections
region_name = None (String) Region in Identity service catalog to use for communication with the OpenStack services.
service_name = None (String) The name of the glance service in the keystone catalog
base_cert_dir = /var/lib/octavia/certs (String) Base directory for cert storage.
base_path = /var/lib/octavia (String) Base directory for amphora files.
bind_host = (IP) The host IP to bind to
bind_port = 9443 (Port number) The port to bind to
client_cert = /etc/octavia/certs/client.pem (String) The client certificate to talk to the agent
connection_max_retries = 300 (Integer) Retry threshold for connecting to amphorae.
connection_retry_interval = 5 (Integer) Retry timeout between connection attempts in seconds.
haproxy_cmd = /usr/sbin/haproxy (String) The full path to haproxy
haproxy_stick_size = 10k (String) Size of the HAProxy stick table. Accepts k, m, g suffixes. Example: 10k
haproxy_template = None (String) Custom haproxy template.
respawn_count = 2 (Integer) The respawn count for haproxy's upstart script
respawn_interval = 2 (Integer) The respawn interval for haproxy's upstart script
rest_request_conn_timeout = 10 (Floating point) The time in seconds to wait for a REST API to connect.
rest_request_read_timeout = 60 (Floating point) The time in seconds to wait for a REST API response.
server_ca = /etc/octavia/certs/server_ca.pem (String) The ca which signed the server certificates
use_upstart = True (Boolean) If False, use sysvinit.
bind_ip = (IP) IP address the controller will listen on for heart beats
bind_port = 5555 (Port number) Port number the controller will listen onfor heart beats
controller_ip_port_list = (List) List of controller ip and port pairs for the heartbeat receivers. Example,
event_streamer_driver = noop_event_streamer (String) Specifies which driver to use for the event_streamer for syncing the octavia and neutron_lbaas dbs. If you don't need to sync the database or are running octavia in stand alone mode use the noop_event_streamer
failover_threads = 10 (Integer) Number of threads performing amphora failovers.
health_check_interval = 3 (Integer) Sleep time between health checks in seconds.
heartbeat_interval = 10 (Integer) Sleep time between sending heartbeats.
heartbeat_key = None (String) key used to validate amphora sendingthe message
heartbeat_timeout = 60 (Integer) Interval, in seconds, to wait before failing over an amphora.
sock_rlimit = 0 (Integer) sets the value of the heartbeat recv buffer
status_update_threads = 50 (Integer) Number of threads performing amphora status update.
amphora_expiry_age = 604800 (Integer) Amphora expiry age in seconds
cert_expiry_buffer = 1209600 (Integer) Seconds until certificate expiration
cert_interval = 3600 (Integer) Certificate check interval in seconds
cert_rotate_threads = 10 (Integer) Number of threads performing amphora certificate rotation
cleanup_interval = 30 (Integer) DB cleanup interval in seconds
load_balancer_expiry_age = 604800 (Integer) Load balancer expiry age in seconds
spare_amphora_pool_size = 0 (Integer) Number of spare amphorae
spare_check_interval = 30 (Integer) Spare check interval in seconds
vrrp_advert_int = 1 (Integer) Amphora role and priority advertisement interval in seconds.
vrrp_check_interval = 5 (Integer) VRRP health check script run interval in seconds.
vrrp_fail_count = 2 (Integer) Number of successive failures before transition to a fail state.
vrrp_garp_refresh_count = 2 (Integer) Number of gratuitous ARP announcements to make on each refresh interval.
vrrp_garp_refresh_interval = 5 (Integer) Time in seconds between gratuitous ARP announcements from the MASTER.
vrrp_success_count = 2 (Integer) Number of consecutive successes before transition to a success state.
lb_network_name = None (String) Name of amphora internal network
max_retries = 15 (Integer) The maximum attempts to retry an action with the networking service.
port_detach_timeout = 300 (Integer) Seconds to wait for a port to detach from an amphora.
retry_interval = 1 (Integer) Seconds to wait before retrying an action with the networking service.
ca_certificates_file = None (String) CA certificates file path
endpoint = None (String) A new endpoint to override the endpoint in the keystone catalog.
endpoint_type = publicURL (String) Endpoint interface in identity service to use
insecure = False (Boolean) Disable certificate validation on SSL connections
region_name = None (String) Region in Identity service catalog to use for communication with the OpenStack services.
service_name = None (String) The name of the neutron service in the keystone catalog
ca_certificates_file = None (String) CA certificates file path
enable_anti_affinity = False (Boolean) Flag to indicate if nova anti-affinity feature is turned on.
endpoint = None (String) A new endpoint to override the endpoint in the keystone catalog.
endpoint_type = publicURL (String) Endpoint interface in identity service to use
insecure = False (Boolean) Disable certificate validation on SSL connections
region_name = None (String) Region in Identity service catalog to use for communication with the OpenStack services.
service_name = None (String) The name of the nova service in the keystone catalog
enable_proxy_headers_parsing = False (Boolean) Whether the application is behind a proxy or not. This determines if the middleware should parse the headers or not.
max_request_body_size = 114688 (Integer) The maximum body size for each request, in bytes.
secure_proxy_ssl_header = X-Forwarded-Proto (String) DEPRECATED: The HTTP Header that will be used to determine what the original request protocol scheme was, even if it was hidden by a SSL termination proxy.
engine = serial (String) TaskFlow engine to use
max_workers = 5 (Integer) The maximum number of workers