The new sphinx version introduces some changes that break build: * Warns if code cannot be parsed for highlighting. Fix the code so that it can be parsed, this includes uncommenting "..." lines. Note that not every config file is an ini-file. Also, the parser seems to have bugs and cannot parse all files. Fix mysql ini file and enable the parameter, see http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/innodb-parameters.html#sysvar_innodb_file_per_table * :option: works only with declared options, replace useage with simple ``. This change only handles a few files, more to come later. Change-Id: I7c7335e514581622dd562ee355f62d6ae1beaa18
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Configure the database with dbconfig-common
Many of the OpenStack services need to be configured to access a
database. These are configured through a DSN (Database Source Name)
directive as follows:
.. code-block:: ini
connection = mysql+pymysql://keystone:0dec658e3f14a7d@localhost/keystonedb
This ``connection`` directive will be handled by the ``dbconfig-common``
package, which provides a standard Debian interface. It enables you to
configure Debian database parameters. It includes localized prompts for
many languages and it supports the following database backends: SQLite,
MySQL, and PostgreSQL.
By default, the ``dbconfig-common`` package configures the OpenStack
services to use SQLite. So if you use debconf in non-interactive mode
and without pre-seeding, the OpenStack services that you install will
use SQLite.
By default, ``dbconfig-common`` does not provide access to database servers
over a network. If you want the ``dbconfig-common`` package to prompt for
remote database servers that are accessed over a network and not through
a UNIX socket file, reconfigure it, as follows:
.. code-block:: console
# apt-get install dbconfig-common && dpkg-reconfigure dbconfig-common
These screens appear when you re-configure the ``dbconfig-common`` package:
.. image:: ../figures/debconf-screenshots/dbconfig-common_keep_admin_pass.png
.. image:: ../figures/debconf-screenshots/dbconfig-common_used_for_remote_db.png
Unlike other debconf prompts, you cannot pre-seed the responses for the
``dbconfig-common`` prompts by using ``debconf-set-selections``. Instead,
you must create a file in :file:`/etc/dbconfig-common`. For example, you
might create a keystone configuration file for ``dbconfig-common`` that is
located in :file:`/etc/dbconfig-common/keystone.conf`, as follows:
.. code-block:: ini
After you create this file, run this command:
.. code-block:: console
# apt-get install keystone
The Identity service is installed with MySQL as the database back end,
``keystonedb`` as database name, and the localhost socket file. The
corresponding DSN (Database Source Name) will then be:
.. code-block:: ini
connection = mysql+pymysql://keystone:PASSWORD@localhost/keystonedb
The ``dbconfig-common`` package will configure MySQL for these access
rights, and create the database for you. Since OpenStack 2014.1.1, all
OpenStack packages in Debian are performing the following MySQL query
after database creation (if you decide to use MySQL as a back-end):
.. code-block:: mysql
ALTER DATABASE keystone CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci
So, if using Debian, you wont need to care about database creation,
access rights and character sets. All that is handled for you by the
As an example, here are screenshots from the ``cinder-common`` package:
.. image:: ../figures/debconf-screenshots/dbconfig-common_1_configure-with-dbconfig-yes-no.png
.. image:: ../figures/debconf-screenshots/dbconfig-common_2_db-types.png
.. image:: ../figures/debconf-screenshots/dbconfig-common_3_connection_method.png
.. image:: ../figures/debconf-screenshots/dbconfig-common_4_mysql_root_password.png
.. image:: ../figures/debconf-screenshots/dbconfig-common_5_mysql_app_password.png
.. image:: ../figures/debconf-screenshots/dbconfig-common_6_mysql_app_password_confirm.png
By default in Debian, you can access the MySQL server from either
localhost through the socket file or To access it over the
network, you must edit the :file:`/etc/mysql/my.cnf` file, and the
``mysql.user`` table. To do so, Debian provides a helper script in the
``openstack-deploy`` package. To use it, install the package:
.. code-block:: console
# apt-get install openstack-deploy
and run the helper script:
.. code-block:: console
# /usr/share/openstack-deploy/mysql-remote-root
Alternatively, if you do not want to install this package, run this
script to enable remote root access:
.. code-block:: bash
set -e
SQL="mysql --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf -Dmysql -e"
ROOT_PASS=`${SQL} "SELECT Password FROM user WHERE User='root' LIMIT 1;" \
| tail -n 1`
${SQL} "REPLACE INTO user SET host='%', user='root',\
password='${ROOT_PASS}', Select_priv='Y', Insert_priv='Y',\
Update_priv='Y', Delete_priv='Y', Create_priv='Y', Drop_priv='Y',\
Reload_priv='Y', Shutdown_priv='Y', Process_priv='Y', File_priv='Y',\
Grant_priv='Y', References_priv='Y', Index_priv='Y', Alter_priv='Y',\
Super_priv='Y', Show_db_priv='Y', Create_tmp_table_priv='Y',\
Lock_tables_priv='Y', Execute_priv='Y', Repl_slave_priv='Y',\
Repl_client_priv='Y', Create_view_priv='Y', Show_view_priv='Y',\
Create_routine_priv='Y', Alter_routine_priv='Y', Create_user_priv='Y',\
Event_priv='Y', Trigger_priv='Y' "
sed -i 's|^bind-address[ \t]*=.*|bind-address =|' /etc/mysql/my.cnf
/etc/init.d/mysql restart
You must enable remote access before you install OpenStack services on
multiple nodes.