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Meet the OpenStack personas

In order to share the knowledge about the target users, we have created these representations of our key audience segments based on qualitative and quantitative user research. The goals are to create more empathy for our customers and to better display the different types of customers performing different jobs.

We have identified five personas:

  • Arnie - Infrastructure Architect
  • Carlos - Cloud Operator
  • Doug - Domain Operator
  • Pei - Project Owner
  • Alan - App Developer

These personas are based on model companies and user ecosystems. Each persona takes part in different cloud adoption stages and can assume multiple roles within each company.

The personas

ux-personas/arnie-infrastructure-arch.rst ux-personas/carlos-cloud-ops.rst ux-personas/doug-domain-operator.rst ux-personas/pei-project-owner.rst ux-personas/alan-app-developer.rst

The model companies

We have identified three organizational models that best exemplify the roles that the personas assume depending on their ecosystems.


The institutions described in this document are fictitious and serve only as representations of different organizational models.

Nikishi University - research

At Nikishi university, each cloud user can potentially assume all personas' roles. Although typically each individual specializes in two or more of the roles. The Infrastructure Architect and the Cloud Operations roles could be assumed by a single individual. Similarly, the Domain Operations and Project Owner roles could be merged. This organizational model has a low staffing budget and is concerned with capital expenditure causing them to create their own implementation.

Nikishi University - Key Info
Adoption model Process and compliance Skill depth Number of users
Roll your own Minimal Deep 100 to 999 users

CNBB Securities - large enterprise

At CNBB Securities, the company's large organization chart represents each of the personas. Depending on the company's culture of collaboration, the personas could interact as if they were part of a single entity. However, usually the Cloud Operations and the Infrastructure Architect interact as service providers with the other personas. The personas within CNBB Securities look for a fast implementation and are responsible for the operations capital expenditure. The implementation has no customization and the organization usually outsources its support.

CNBB Securities - Key Info
Adoption model Process and compliance Skill depth Number of users
Distribution with professional services High Medium Over 10000 users

Rifkom - service provider

At Rifkom, employees provide services to external customers that do not want or have the internal resources. Rifkom customizes solutions and prioritizes a flexible approach to architecture. The highly skilled staff represents the largest expenditure for Rifkom. Only Infrastructure Architects and Cloud Operators work at Rifkom since the other personas are their customers at MOI. Customers usually interact with Rifkom employees through a ticket system.

Rifkom - Key Info
Adoption model Process and compliance Skill depth Number of users
Roll your own Medium to High (depends on customer) Deep 1000 to 9999 users

MOI - customer

At MOI, speed and convenience rule. Its staff encompasses the roles of App Developers, Project Owners, and Domain Operations. They do not perform any customization of the cloud and are willing to sacrifice functionality in order to save some costs. They interact with their cloud service provider, Rifkom, through a ticket system in case of problems with their cloud instance.

MOI - Key Info
Adoption model Process and compliance Skill depth Number of users
Professional services Medium Minimal No OpenStack users