This commit applies theme and styling to PDF generation using xelatex with customized styles. In openstackdocstheme, style is defined in pdftheme.sty, and conf.py makes use of the file as LaTeX package. Also, some rst files are modified to add PDF directives to adjust better UI in PDFs. Not all documents are our targets in this commit but feel free to add more here if anyone wants. - Current applied styles with openstackdocstheme : Dedicated title without a blank page : Put a logo image into suitable place. : No chapter/section number : Light gray background for code blocks : Font definition is in openstackdocstheme not in conf.py - rst modification : Table wrap adjustment (".. tabularcolumns::" directive) : Exclude "Search in this page" section (".. only:: html" directive) Change-Id: I2782e0a1f0258a6016559b16c8967cc52f48f734 Depends-On: I423675ff79827966e789df70b0f970ac2a10da50 Implements: blueprint build-pdf-from-rst-guides Co-Authored-By: Ian Y. Choi <ianyrchoi@gmail.com>
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Command-line client overview
OpenStackClient project provides a unified command-line client, which
enables you to access the project API through easy-to-use commands.
Also, most OpenStack project provides a command-line client for each
service. For example, the Compute service provides a nova
command-line client.
You can run the commands from the command line, or include the commands within scripts to automate tasks. If you provide OpenStack credentials, such as your user name and password, you can run these commands on any computer.
Internally, each command uses cURL command-line tools, which embed API requests. OpenStack APIs are RESTful APIs, and use the HTTP protocol. They include methods, URIs, media types, and response codes.
OpenStack APIs are open-source Python clients, and can run on Linux or Mac OS X systems. On some client commands, you can specify a debug parameter to show the underlying API request for the command. This is a good way to become familiar with the OpenStack API calls.
As a cloud end user, you can use the OpenStack Dashboard to provision your own resources within the limits set by administrators. You can modify the examples provided in this section to create other types and sizes of server instances.
Unified command-line client
You can use the unified openstack
(python-openstackclient) for the most of OpenStack
services. For more information, see OpenStackClient
Individual command-line clients
Unless the unified OpenStack Client (python-openstackclient) is used, the following table lists the command-line client for each OpenStack service with its package name and description.
Service | Client | Package | Description |
Application Catalog service | murano | python-muranoclient | Creates and manages applications. |
Bare Metal service | ironic | python-ironicclient | manages and provisions physical machines. |
Block Storage service | cinder | python-cinderclient | Creates and manages volumes. |
Clustering service | senlin | python-senlinclient | Creates and manages clustering services. |
Compute service | nova | python-novaclient | Creates and manages images, instances, and flavors. |
Container Infrastructure Management service | magnum | python-magnumclient | Creates and manages containers. |
Database service | trove | python-troveclient | Creates and manages databases. |
Deployment service | fuel | python-fuelclient | Plans deployments. |
DNS service | designate | python-designateclient | Creates and manages self service authoritative DNS. |
Image service | glance | python-glanceclient | Creates and manages images. |
Key Manager service | barbican | python-barbicanclient | Creates and manages keys. |
Monitoring | monasca | python-monascaclient | Monitoring solution. |
Networking service | neutron | python-neutronclient | Configures networks for guest servers. |
Object Storage service | swift | python-swiftclient | Gathers statistics, lists items, updates metadata, and uploads, downloads, and deletes files stored by the Object Storage service. Gains access to an Object Storage installation for ad hoc processing. |
Orchestration service | heat | python-heatclient | Launches stacks from templates, views details of running stacks including events and resources, and updates and deletes stacks. |
Rating service | cloudkitty | python-cloudkittyclient | Rating service. |
Shared File Systems service | manila | python-manilaclient | Creates and manages shared file systems. |
Telemetry service | ceilometer | python-ceilometerclient | Creates and collects measurements across OpenStack. |
Telemetry v3 | gnocchi | python-gnocchiclient | Creates and collects measurements across OpenStack. |
Workflow service | mistral | python-mistralclient | Workflow service for OpenStack cloud. |