Maria Zlatkova b94d0b58d4 [user-guide] Changes underscore to hyphen in RST files
Adds the following changes:

- Renames all the RST files in the user-guide folder to use
  hyphens instead of underscores;
- Adds redirects to the renamed files to .htaccess.

Change-Id: Ic5f1a90421add35d001363cd39bada0b56a04d7f
Implements: blueprint consistency-file-rename
2016-08-10 18:00:13 +03:00

14 KiB


To use the information in this section, you must be familiar with OpenStack Compute.

Set environment variables

To set up environmental variables and authenticate against Compute API endpoints, see sdk_authenticate.

Get OpenStack credentials (API v2)

This example uses the get_nova_credentials_v2 method:

def get_nova_credentials_v2():
    d = {}
    d['version'] = '2'
    d['username'] = os.environ['OS_USERNAME']
    d['api_key'] = os.environ['OS_PASSWORD']
    d['auth_url'] = os.environ['OS_AUTH_URL']
    d['project_id'] = os.environ['OS_TENANT_NAME']
    return d

This code resides in the file, which all samples import.

Use the get_nova_credentials_v2() method to populate and get a dictionary:

credentials = get_nova_credentials_v2()

List servers (API v2)

The following program lists servers by using the Compute API v2.

  1. Import the following modules:

    from credentials import get_nova_credentials_v2
    from novaclient.client import Client
  2. Get Nova credentials. See Get OpenStack credentials (API v2) <get-openstack-credentials>.

  3. Instantiate the nova_client client object by using the credentials dictionary object:

    nova_client = Client(**credentials)
  4. List servers by calling servers.list on nova_client object:


List server code listing example

#!/usr/bin/env python
from credentials import get_nova_credentials_v2
from novaclient.client import Client

credentials = get_nova_credentials_v2()
nova_client = Client(**credentials)


Create server (API v2)

The following program creates a server (VM) by using the Compute API v2.

  1. Import the following modules:

    import time
    from credentials import get_nova_credentials_v2
    from novaclient.client import Client
  2. Get OpenStack credentials. See Get OpenStack credentials (API v2) <get-openstack-credentials>.

  3. Instantiate the nova_client client object by using the credentials dictionary object:

    nova_client = Client(**credentials)
  4. Get the flavor and image to use to create a server. This code uses the cirros image, the m1.tiny flavor, and the private network:

    image = nova_client.images.find(name="cirros")
    flavor = nova_client.flavors.find(name="m1.tiny")
    net = nova_client.networks.find(label="private")
  5. To create the server, use the network, image, and flavor:

    nics = [{'net-id':}]
    instance = nova_client.servers.create(name="vm2", image=image,
    flavor=flavor, key_name="keypair-1", nics=nics)
  6. Run the "Sleep for five seconds" command, and determine whether the server/vm was created by calling nova_client.servers.list():

    print("Sleeping for 5s after create command")
    print("List of VMs")

Create server code listing example

#!/usr/bin/env python
import time
from credentials import get_nova_credentials_v2
from novaclient.client import Client

    credentials = get_nova_credentials_v2()
    nova_client = Client(**credentials)

    image = nova_client.images.find(name="cirros")
    flavor = nova_client.flavors.find(name="m1.tiny")
    net = nova_client.networks.find(label="private")
    nics = [{'net-id':}]
    instance = nova_client.servers.create(name="vm2", image=image,
                                      flavor=flavor, key_name="keypair-1", nics=nics)
    print("Sleeping for 5s after create command")
    print("List of VMs")
    print("Execution Completed")

Delete server (API v2)

The following program deletes a server (VM) by using the Compute API v2.

  1. Import the following modules:

    import time
    from credentials import get_nova_credentials_v2
    from novaclient.client import Client
  2. Get Nova credentials. See Get OpenStack credentials (API v2) <get-openstack-credentials>.

  3. Instantiate the nova_client client object by using the credentials dictionary object:

    nova_client = Client(**credentials)
  4. Determine whether the vm1 server exists:

    1. List servers: servers_list.
    2. Iterate over servers_list and compare name with vm1.
    3. If true, set the variable name server_exists to True and break from the for loop:
    servers_list = nova_client.servers.list()
    server_del = "vm1"
    server_exists = False
    for s in servers_list:
        if == server_del:
            print("This server %s exists" % server_del)
            server_exists = True
  5. If the server exists, run the delete method of the nova_client.servers object:


Delete server code example

#!/usr/bin/env python
from credentials import get_nova_credentials_v2
from novaclient.client import Client

credentials = get_nova_credentials_v2()
nova_client = Client(**credentials)

servers_list = nova_client.servers.list()
server_del = "vm1"
server_exists = False

for s in servers_list:
    if == server_del:
        print("This server %s exists" % server_del)
        server_exists = True
if not server_exists:
    print("server %s does not exist" % server_del)
    print("deleting server..........")
    print("server %s deleted" % server_del)

Update server (API v2)

The following program updates the name of a server (VM) by using the Compute API v2.

  1. Import the following modules:

    from credentials import get_nova_credentials_v2
    from novaclient.client import Client
    from utils import print_server

    print_server is a method defined in and prints the server details as shown in the code listing below:

    def print_server(server):
        print("server id: %s" %
        print("server name: %s" %
        print("server image: %s" % server.image)
        print("server flavor: %s" % server.flavor)
        print("server key name: %s" % server.key_name)
        print("user_id: %s" % server.user_id)
  2. Get OpenStack Credentials. See Get OpenStack credentials (API v2) <get-openstack-credentials>.

  3. Instantiate the nova_client client object by using the credentials dictionary object:

    nova_client = Client(**credentials)
  4. Get the server instance using server_id and print the details by calling print_server method:

    server_id = '99889c8d-113f-4a7e-970c-77f1916bfe14'
    server = nova_client.servers.get(server_id)
    n =
  5. Call server.update on the server object with the new value for name variable:

    server.update(name = n + '1')
  6. Get the updated instance of the server:

    server_updated = nova_client.servers.get(server_id)
  7. Call print_server again to check the update server details:


Update server code listing example

#!/usr/bin/env python

from credentials import get_nova_credentials_v2
from novaclient.client import Client
from utils import print_server

credentials = get_nova_credentials_v2()
nova_client = Client(**credentials)

# Change the server_id specific to your environment

server_id = '99889c8d-113f-4a7e-970c-77f1916bfe14'
server = nova_client.servers.get(server_id)
n =

server.update(name=n +'1')
server_updated = nova_client.servers.get(server_id)

List flavors (API v2)

The following program lists flavors and their details by using the Compute API v2.

  1. Import the following modules:

    from credentials import get_nova_credentials_v2
    from novaclient.client import Client
    from utils import print_flavors

    The print_flavors method is defined in and prints the flavor details:

    def print_flavors(flavor_list):
        for flavor in flavor_list:
           print("flavor id : %s" %
           print("flavor name : %s" %
  2. Get OpenStack credentials. Get OpenStack credentials (API v2) <get-openstack-credentials>.

  3. Instantiate the nova_client client object by using the credentials dictionary object:

    nova_client = Client(**credentials)
  4. List flavors by calling list() on nova_client.flavors object:

    flavors_list =  nova_client.flavors.list()
  5. Print the flavor details, id and name by calling print_flavors:


List flavors code listing example

#!/usr/bin/env python

from credentials import get_nova_credentials_v2
from novaclient.client import Client
from utils import print_flavors

credentials = get_nova_credentials_v2()
nova_client = Client(**credentials)

flavors_list = nova_client.flavors.list()

List floating IPs (API v2)

The following program lists the floating IPs and their details by using the Compute API v2.

  1. Import the following modules:

    from credentials import get_nova_credentials_v2
    from novaclient.client import Client
    from utils import print_values_ip

    The print_values_ip method is defined in and prints the floating_ip object details:

    def print_values_ip(ip_list):
        ip_dict_lisl = []
        for ip in ip_list:
            print("fixed_ip : %s" % ip.fixed_ip)
            print("id : %s" %
            print("instance_id : %s" % ip.instance_id)
            print("ip : %s" % ip.ip)
            print("pool : %s" % ip.pool)
  2. Get OpenStack credentials. See Get OpenStack credentials (API v2) <get-openstack-credentials>.

  3. Instantiate the nova_client client object by using the credentials dictionary object:

    nova_client = Client(**credentials)
  4. List floating IPs by calling list() on nova_client.floating_ips object:

    ip_list = nova_client.floating_ips.list()
  5. Print the floating IP object details by calling print_values_ip:


List floating IPs code listing example

#!/usr/bin/env python

from credentials import get_nova_credentials_v2
from novaclient.client import Client
from utils import print_values_ip

credentials = get_nova_credentials_v2()
nova_client = Client(**credentials)
ip_list = nova_client.floating_ips.list()

List hosts (API v2)

The following program lists the hosts by using the Compute API v2.

  1. Import the following modules:

    from credentials import get_nova_credentials_v2
    from novaclient.client import Client
    from utils import print_hosts

    The print_hosts method is defined in and prints the host object details:

    def print_hosts(host_list):
        for host in host_list:
           print("host_name : %s" % host.host_name)
           print("service : %s" % host.service)
           print("zone : %s" %
  2. Get OpenStack credentials. See Get OpenStack credentials (API v2) <get-openstack-credentials>.

  3. Instantiate the nova_client client object by using the credentials dictionary object:

    nova_client = Client(**credentials)
  4. List hosts by calling list() on nova_client.hosts object:

    host_list = nova_client.hosts.list()
  5. Print the host object details by calling print_hosts(host_list):


List hosts code listing example

#!/usr/bin/env python

from credentials import get_nova_credentials_v2
from novaclient.client import Client
from utils import print_hosts

credentials = get_nova_credentials_v2()
nova_client = Client(**credentials)
host_list = nova_client.hosts.list()
