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The Pacemaker architecture
What is a cluster manager?
At its core, a cluster is a distributed finite state machine capable
of co-ordinating the startup and recovery of inter-related services
across a set of machines.
Even a distributed or replicated application that is able to survive failures
on one or more machines can benefit from a cluster manager because a cluster
manager has the following capabilities:
#. Awareness of other applications in the stack
While SYS-V init replacements like systemd can provide
deterministic recovery of a complex stack of services, the
recovery is limited to one machine and lacks the context of what
is happening on other machines. This context is crucial to
determine the difference between a local failure, and clean startup
and recovery after a total site failure.
#. Awareness of instances on other machines
Services like RabbitMQ and Galera have complicated boot-up
sequences that require co-ordination, and often serialization, of
startup operations across all machines in the cluster. This is
especially true after a site-wide failure or shutdown where you must
first determine the last machine to be active.
#. A shared implementation and calculation of `quorum
It is very important that all members of the system share the same
view of who their peers are and whether or not they are in the
majority. Failure to do this leads very quickly to an internal
`split-brain <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Split-brain_(computing)>`_
state. This is where different parts of the system are pulling in
different and incompatible directions.
#. Data integrity through fencing (a non-responsive process does not
imply it is not doing anything)
A single application does not have sufficient context to know the
difference between failure of a machine and failure of the
application on a machine. The usual practice is to assume the
machine is dead and continue working, however this is highly risky. A
rogue process or machine could still be responding to requests and
generally causing havoc. The safer approach is to make use of
remotely accessible power switches and/or network switches and SAN
controllers to fence (isolate) the machine before continuing.
#. Automated recovery of failed instances
While the application can still run after the failure of several
instances, it may not have sufficient capacity to serve the
required volume of requests. A cluster can automatically recover
failed instances to prevent additional load induced failures.
For these reasons, we highly recommend the use of a cluster manager like
`Pacemaker <http://clusterlabs.org>`_.
Deployment flavors
It is possible to deploy three different flavors of the Pacemaker
architecture. The two extremes are ``Collapsed`` (where every
component runs on every node) and ``Segregated`` (where every
component runs in its own 3+ node cluster).
Regardless of which flavor you choose, we recommend that
clusters contain at least three nodes so that you can take advantage of
`quorum <quorum_>`_.
Quorum becomes important when a failure causes the cluster to split in
two or more partitions. In this situation, you want the majority members of
the system to ensure the minority are truly dead (through fencing) and continue
to host resources. For a two-node cluster, no side has the majority and
you can end up in a situation where both sides fence each other, or
both sides are running the same services. This can lead to data corruption.
Clusters with an even number of hosts suffer from similar issues. A
single network failure could easily cause a N:N split where neither
side retains a majority. For this reason, we recommend an odd number
of cluster members when scaling up.
You can have up to 16 cluster members (this is currently limited by
the ability of corosync to scale higher). In extreme cases, 32 and
even up to 64 nodes could be possible. However, this is not well tested.
In a collapsed configuration, there is a single cluster of 3 or more
nodes on which every component is running.
This scenario has the advantage of requiring far fewer, if more
powerful, machines. Additionally, being part of a single cluster
allows you to accurately model the ordering dependencies between
This scenario can be visualized as below.
.. image:: /figures/Cluster-deployment-collapsed.png
:width: 100%
You would choose this option if you prefer to have fewer but more
powerful boxes.
This is the most common option and the one we document here.
In this configuration, each service runs in a dedicated cluster of
3 or more nodes.
The benefits of this approach are the physical isolation between
components and the ability to add capacity to specific components.
You would choose this option if you prefer to have more but
less powerful boxes.
This scenario can be visualized as below, where each box below
represents a cluster of three or more guests.
.. image:: /figures/Cluster-deployment-segregated.png
:width: 100%
It is also possible to follow a segregated approach for one or more
components that are expected to be a bottleneck and use a collapsed
approach for the remainder.
Proxy server
Almost all services in this stack benefit from being proxied.
Using a proxy server provides the following capabilities:
#. Load distribution
Many services can act in an active/active capacity, however, they
usually require an external mechanism for distributing requests to
one of the available instances. The proxy server can serve this
#. API isolation
By sending all API access through the proxy, you can clearly
identify service interdependencies. You can also move them to
locations other than ``localhost`` to increase capacity if the
need arises.
#. Simplified process for adding/removing of nodes
Since all API access is directed to the proxy, adding or removing
nodes has no impact on the configuration of other services. This
can be very useful in upgrade scenarios where an entirely new set
of machines can be configured and tested in isolation before
telling the proxy to direct traffic there instead.
#. Enhanced failure detection
The proxy can be configured as a secondary mechanism for detecting
service failures. It can even be configured to look for nodes in
a degraded state (such as being too far behind in the
replication) and take them out of circulation.
The following components are currently unable to benefit from the use
of a proxy server:
* RabbitMQ
* Memcached
* MongoDB
We recommend HAProxy as the load balancer, however, there are many alternative
load balancing solutions in the marketplace.
Generally, we use round-robin to distribute load amongst instances of
active/active services. Alternatively, Galera uses ``stack-table`` options
to ensure that incoming connection to virtual IP (VIP) are directed to only one
of the available back ends. This helps avoid lock contention and prevent
deadlocks, although Galera can run active/active. Used in combination with
the ``httpchk`` option, this ensure only nodes that are in sync with their
peers are allowed to handle requests.