This commit was bulk generated and pushed by the OpenDev sysadmins as a part of the Git hosting and code review systems migration detailed in these mailing list posts: http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2019-March/003603.html http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2019-April/004920.html Attempts have been made to correct repository namespaces and hostnames based on simple pattern matching, but it's possible some were updated incorrectly or missed entirely. Please reach out to us via the contact information listed at https://opendev.org/ with any questions you may have.
openstack.nose_plugin - Nose plugin for openstack style test output
openstack.nose_plugin provides a nose plugin that allow's nosetests output to mimic the output of openstack's run_tests.py.
pip install openstack.nose_plugin
The following options are available:
- --with-openstack Enable plugin Openstack: Nova style output
- --openstack-red=OPENSTACK_RED
Colorize run times greater than value red. [NOSE_OPENSTACK_RED] or 1.0
- --openstack-yellow=OPENSTACK_YELLOW
Colorize run times greater than value yellow. [NOSE_OPENSTACK_RED] or 0.25
- --openstack-show-elapsed
Show the elaped runtime of tests. [NOSE_OPENSTACK_SHOW_ELAPSED]
--openstack-color Colorize output. [NOSE_OPENSTACK_COLOR] --openstack-nocolor Disable colorize output. [NOSE_OPENSTACK_COLOR] --openstack-num-slow=OPENSTACK_NUM_SLOW Number top slowest tests to report. [NOSE_OPENSTACK_NUM_SLOW]