docs: Add overview of supported services to README

Change-Id: I401f58a65555aa397c14e2795e11d3e76047ba63
Signed-off-by: Stephen Finucane <>
This commit is contained in:
Stephen Finucane 2022-11-21 19:00:14 +00:00
parent 62f64754f1
commit b1f15919e1

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@ -145,6 +145,163 @@ environment by running ``openstack.config.loader``. For example:
More information at
Supported services
The following services are currently supported. A full list of all available
OpenStack service can be found in the `Project Navigator`__.
.. __:
.. note::
Support here does not guarantee full-support for all APIs. It simply means
some aspect of the project is supported.
.. list-table:: Supported services
:widths: 15 25 10 40
:header-rows: 1
* - Service
- Description
- Cloud Layer
- Proxy & Resource Layer
* - **Compute**
* - Nova
- Compute
- ✔
- ✔ (``openstack.compute``)
* - **Hardware Lifecycle**
* - Ironic
- Bare metal provisioning
- ✔
- ✔ (``openstack.baremetal``, ``openstack.baremetal_introspection``)
* - Cyborg
- Lifecycle management of accelerators
- ✔
- ✔ (``openstack.accelerator``)
* - **Storage**
* - Cinder
- Block storage
- ✔
- ✔ (``openstack.block_storage``)
* - Swift
- Object store
- ✔
- ✔ (``openstack.object_store``)
* - Cinder
- Shared filesystems
- ✔
- ✔ (``openstack.share_file_system``)
* - **Networking**
* - Neutron
- Networking
- ✔
- ✔ (````)
* - Octavia
- Load balancing
- ✔
- ✔ (``openstack.load_balancer``)
* - Designate
- ✔
- ✔ (``openstack.dns``)
* - **Shared services**
* - Keystone
- Identity
- ✔
- ✔ (``openstack.identity``)
* - Placement
- Placement
- ✔
- ✔ (``openstack.placement``)
* - Glance
- Image storage
- ✔
- ✔ (``openstack.image``)
* - Barbican
- Key management
- ✔
- ✔ (``openstack.key_manager``)
* - **Workload provisioning**
* - Magnum
- Container orchestration engine provisioning
- ✔
- ✘
* - **Orchestration**
* - Heat
- Orchestration
- ✔
- ✔ (``openstack.orchestration``)
* - Senlin
- Clustering
- ✔
- ✔ (``openstack.clustering``)
* - Mistral
- Workflow
- ✔
- ✔ (``openstack.workflow``)
* - Zaqar
- Messaging
- ✔
- ✔ (``openstack.message``)
* - **Application lifecycle**
* - Masakari
- Instances high availability service
- ✔
- ✔ (``openstack.instance_ha``)