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Connect From Config

In order to work with an OpenStack cloud you first need to create a ~openstack.connection.Connection to it using your credentials. A ~openstack.connection.Connection can be created in 3 ways, using the class itself (see connect), a file, or environment variables as illustrated below. The SDK uses os-client-config to handle the configuration.

Create Connection From A File

Default Location

To create a connection from a file you need a YAML file to contain the configuration.


To use a configuration file called clouds.yaml in one of the default locations:

  • Current Directory
  • ~/.config/openstack
  • /etc/openstack

call :py~openstack.connection.from_config. The from_config function takes three optional arguments:

  • cloud_name allows you to specify a cloud from your clouds.yaml file.
  • cloud_config allows you to pass in an existing openstack.config.loader.OpenStackConfig` object.
  • options allows you to specify a namespace object with options to be added to the cloud config.





To enable logging, set debug=True in the options object.

User Defined Location

To use a configuration file in a user defined location set the environment variable OS_CLIENT_CONFIG_FILE to the absolute path of a file.:

export OS_CLIENT_CONFIG_FILE=/path/to/my/config/my-clouds.yaml

and call :py~openstack.connection.from_config with the cloud_name of the cloud configuration to use, .


Now that you can create a connection, continue with the user_guides for an OpenStack service.