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oslo.messaging greenio executor


Add a new oslo.messaging executor which adds a new capability to the eventlet executor - the ability to dispatch requests to asyncio coroutines running on greenio's greenlet based asyncio event loop.

Problem description

We're attempting to take baby-steps towards moving completely from eventlet to asyncio/trollius.

Any OpenStack service code is run in response to various I/O events like REST API requests, RPC calls, notifications received, periodic timers, etc. We eventually want the asyncio event loop to be what schedules code to run in response to these events. Right now, it is eventlet doing that.

Now, because we're using eventlet, the code that is run in response to these events looks like synchronous code that makes a bunch of synchronous calls. For example, the code might do some_sync_op() and that will cause a context switch to a different greenthread (within the same native thread) where we might handle another I/O event (like a REST API request) while we're waiting for some_sync_op() to return:

def foo(self):
    result = some_sync_op()  # this may yield to another greenlet
    return do_stuff(result)

Eventlet's infamous monkey patching is what make this magic happen.

When we switch to asyncio's event loop, all of this code needs to be ported to asyncio's explicitly asynchronous approach. We might do:

def foo(self):
    result = yield from some_async_op(...)
    return do_stuff(result)


def foo(self):
    fut = Future()
    result = yield from fut
    return do_stuff(result)

Porting from eventlet's implicit async approach to asyncio's explicit async API will be seriously time consuming and we need to be able to do it piece-by-piece.

The problem this spec addresses is how to allow a single oslo.messaging RPC endpoint method to be ported to asyncio's explicit async approach.

Proposed change

The plan is:

  1. Stick with eventlet; everything gets monkey patched as normal.
  2. We register the greenio event loop with asyncio - this means that e.g. when you schedule an asyncio coroutine, greenio runs it in a greenlet using eventlet's event loop.
  3. oslo.messaging will need a new variant of eventlet executor which knows how to dispatch an asyncio coroutine. It's important that even with a coroutine endpoint method, we send the reply from a greenthread so that the dispatch greenthread doesn't get blocked if the incoming.reply() call causes a greenlet context switch.
  4. When all of ceilometer has been ported over to asyncio coroutines, we can stop monkey patching, stop using greenio and switch to the asyncio event loop
  5. When we make this change, we'll want a completely native asyncio oslo.messaging executor. Unless the oslo.messaging drivers support asyncio themselves, that executor will probably need a separate native thread to poll for messages and send replies.

This spec specifically proposes the addition of a 'greenio' executor which would do something roughly like this:

while True:
    incoming = self.listener.poll()
    method = dispatcher.get_endpoint_method(incoming)
    if asyncio.iscoroutinefunc(method):
        fut = asyncio.Task(method())
        fut.add_done_callback(lambda fut: incoming.reply(fut.result()))

If the endpoint method is just a normal python function, we dispatch it in a new greenthread just like the current eventlet executor does.

If the endpoint method is an asyncio coroutine, we schedule that through the greenio event loop which means the coroutine runs in a greenlet. When the coroutine completes, a callback is invoked in another greenlet to send the reply back to the client.


The alternative is to add an asyncio executor which can only schedule asyncio coroutines to the asyncio eventloop. This would mean all code in a service would need to be ported and eventlet replaced with asyncio in one atomic change. That would be bonkers.

Impact on Existing APIs

Two changes to the public oslo.messaging API:

  1. The get_rpc_server() and get_notification_listener() will now accept executor='greenio'.
  2. RPC server or notification listener endpoint methods can now be asyncio coroutines (i.e. methods annotated with @async.coroutine that use constructs like 'yield from' or asyncio.Task()).

Security impact


Performance Impact

In theory, there could be differences in the performance of endpoint methods ported to be asyncio coroutines but we have no idea yet.

Configuration Impact


Developer Impact

Developers will need to understand the difference between implicitly async code relying on eventlet's monkey patching versus explicitly async code using asyncio constructs. This will be a far-ranging change for OpenStack, but this blueprint is only about one small feature in oslo.messaging which will enable this work to begin.



Primary assignee:


Other contributors:

markmc flaper87


Target Milestone for completion:


Work Items

  1. greenio needs to be added to openstack/requirements. See Review Criteria for the requirements repo. In particular, the availability of greenio in distros and greenio's commitment to API stability are worth considering.
  2. Add a greenio executor.
  3. Include examples of asyncio coroutine endpoint methods in the docs.
  4. Include greenio based unit tests which dispatch both types of endpoint methods with both RPC servers and notification listeners. Basing these tests the rabbit and/or fake drivers probably makes sense.



Ceilometer is likely to be the first service to use this executor.



Anticipated API Stabilization

The API should be stable from introduction.

Documentation Impact

oslo.messaging developer docs needs some small additions.


  • This introduces a dependency on trollius and greenio.


Victor's excellent docs on asyncio and trollius:

https://docs.python.org/3/library/asyncio.html http://trollius.readthedocs.org/

Victor's proposed asyncio executor:


The case for adopting asyncio in OpenStack:


Victor's current status on trollius in OpenStack:


A blog post on the subject from Victor:


Summary of the discussion at the Paris Juno Sprint which lead to this design:


A previous email I wrote about an asyncio executor:


The mock-up of an asyncio executor Mark wrote (and never tested):


Mark's blog post on async I/O and Python:


greenio - greelets support for asyncio:



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