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New RabbitMQ Pika driver implementation


This specification proposes a new RabbitMQ Pika driver implementation.

Problem description

Current RabbitMQ oslo.messaging driver uses Kombu client library. But new features support and bugfixes appear in Kombu more slower then in Pika. Now we have problems with RabbitMQ stable work in HA mode. And when we asked RabbitQM developers for help with bugfixing they said that it is possible but first of all, please update your environment to recommended library stack. It is main reason of developing this driver.

Also Pika supports modern RabbitMQ features, like direct reply and heartbeats. I guess It is preferred way to use this functionality instead developing it ourselves.

Proposed change

In this specification I propose to create fully new driver which:

  1. should be developed in optimal way regarding to all Pika client library new features and best practices;
  2. should be fully compatible with current driver interface;
  3. may change internals and does not guarantee compatibility with Kombu driver (means you can not use old Kombu driver for some set of services and new Pika driver for another services)
  4. support only current actual features without any deprecated features.

Features and it's design

During oslo.messaging driver investigation I separated a few main supported features:

  1. RPC - unreliable fast sending of the message to single remote server defined using target and getting reply. It has small timeout (a couple of seconds) therefore this message should be received by server and processed in real time (defined by timeout) or be skipped otherwise.
  2. CAST - unrelieble sending of the message to set of remote servers defined by target. This message should be received by server in real time (defined by timeout) or be skipped otherwise. If somehow service does not listen the topic or some connectivity problem occurs and we can not recover it fast - this server will never get the message.
  3. NOTIFY - reliable version of CAST - we can not loose the messages. if you send notification and send_notification method returns without any error - message should be stored and wait until remote server gets started and gets conectivity to our RabbitMQ brocker.

Eventlet compatibility

Pika has a few connection adapters For working with different frameworks. It does not have special adapter for eventlet. But It is possible to use 'BlockingConnection' adapter and eventlet monkey patching. It works pretty well. Only one problem I found - it tries to use 'select.epull' API which is not patched by current eventlet implementation. So I added code which removes 'pull' and 'epull' attributes from 'select' module if eventlet is patched. In this case Pika uses standard select api which is patched by eventlet correctly.


Pika has it's own heartbeats mechanism. 'BlockingConnection' adapter has method 'process_data_events' which listen in loop response from RabbitMQ. It should be executed after sending request or when consumers are registered. This method run loop:

(code snippet from https://github.com/pika/pika/blob/master/pika/adapters/blocking_connection.py#L410) :

while not is_done():

which sends heartbeats (inside process_timeout_method) according to configured heartbeat_timeout. So we have heartbeats working for all listeners with defined interval. For connections used for message publishing heartbeats will be sent only when connection is active - when you are executing publish method.


  1. Use old driver;
  2. Not develop fully new driver, try to just replace client library and keep logic of current driver

Impact on Existing APIs


Security impact


Performance Impact

Performance should become better because of more optimal implementation.

Configuration Impact

Configuration options should be added to setup Pika client library.

The next configuration possibilities are suggested:

Connection options (represents Pika functionality):

  • 'channel_max' (default - 0) - Maximum number of channels to allow,
  • 'frame_max' (default - 131072) - The maximum byte size for an AMQP frame,
  • 'heartbeat_interval' (default - 0) - How often to send heartbeats,
  • 'ssl' (default - False) - Enable SSL or not,
  • 'ssl_options' (default - None) - SSL options if ssl is enabled,
  • 'socket_timeout' (default - 0.25) - Socket timeout for Pika connections,

Connection pool options:

  • 'pool_max_size' (default - 10) - Maximum number of connections to keep queued,
  • 'pool_max_overflow' (default - 10) - Maximum number of connections to create above
  • 'pool_timeout' (default - 30) - Number of seconds to wait for available connection,
  • 'pool_recycle' (default - None) - Lifetime of a connection (since creation) in seconds or None for no recycling. Expired connections are closed on acquire,
  • 'pool_stale' (default - None) - Threshold at which inactive (since release) connections are considered stale in seconds or None for no staleness. Stale connections are closed on acquire

Reconnection policy options:

  • 'connection_retry_attempts' (default - 3) - Reconnecting retry count in case of connectivity problem,
  • 'connection_retry_delay' (default - 0.1) - Reconnecting retry delay in case of connectivity problem,
  • 'rejected_message_retry_attempts' (default - 3) - Resend rejected messages retry count,
  • 'rejected_message_retry_delay' (default - 0.1) - Resend rejected messages retry delay

RPC options:

  • 'rpc_queue_expiration' (default - 60) - Time to live for rpc queues without consumers in seconds,
  • 'default_rpc_exchange' (default - "openstack_rpc") - Exchange name for sending RPC messages,
  • 'rpc_reply_exchange' (default - "openstack_rpc_reply") - Exchange name for receiving RPC replies.

Notification options:

  • 'notification_persistence' (default - False) - Persist notification messages,
  • 'default_notification_exchange' (default - "openstack_notification") -Exchange name for sending notifications.

Developer Impact

Devstack should be adapted to be able to setup gate test environment with new driver.

Testing Impact

Functional tests should be adapted (without changing test logic).



dukhlov, yosh-m

Primary assignee:



Target Milestone for completion: mitaka

Work Items

  • Design and implement rpc functionality (send and listen driver methods) based on Pika library functionality
  • Design and implement notify functionality (send_notification and listen_notifications driver methods) based on Pika library functionality
  • Adapt functional tests
  • Adapt devstack to be able to setup environment with new Pika driver




Deployment guide may slightly differ because of some new config options added (e.g. additional ports allocated for each pipeline).

It worth noting that during stabilization period both drivers the old and the new one will stay in repos. After stabilization is over the old driver will be deprecated over a standard deprecation path.



Anticipated API Stabilization

The new driver should successfully run with adapted devstack. Adapted oslo.messaging functional tests should successfully pass in devstack-gate.

Documentation Impact

Detailed doc strings should be written


pika library


  1. https://github.com/dukhlov/oslo.messaging/blob/master/oslo_messaging/_drivers/impl_pika.py
  2. https://review.openstack.org/#/c/226348/


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